In this article, different scientific fields are approached, and their common elements are compared. One field is philosophy, in particular the Socratic method, which from the ancient Greek remained as a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions. It is a method of pedagogy which poses a number of questions not only to draw individual answers, but also to encourage fundamental insight into the main questions of mankind. People who wanted to reform pedagogy (seeing the child as a fully-fl edged human being) have a similar individual approach. It is also the case within the reasoning of the anthropocentric theory of language according to which the brain of a human being is not seen as a tabula rasa, but as an element that, indeed, has all the possibilities to develop from the very beginning of its existence.
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There are different defi nition of language. F. Grucza shows that the ontological meaning of language is not the function or the utterances, but the language – “idiolect” – that every human being has got in his brain. Therefore language is knowledge and the ability to make use of it. In this article it is shown that there is a similar case with the term culture. As language is a part of culture, every human being has his/her “idioculture”. This is, apart from the language, the behaviour, experiences and attitude of a person. From this point of view the term interculturality has to be analysed in a different way, namely as a possible process. The author speaks about the (inter)cultural potential of culture and art products – learning from another culture is not an automatic process, but has to be conducted by a teacher who knows how to make use of the (inter)cultural potential.
W literaturze znajdziemy różne defi nicje języka. F. Grucza pokazuje, że ontologiczne znaczenie języka nie jest ani funkcją, ani wyrażeniem, tylko „idiolektem”, który każdy ma w swoim mózgu. Język więc jest wiedzą i umiejętnością posługiwania się tą wiedzą. W artykule pokazywano, że podobno można patrzeć na wyraz „kultura”. Kulturą jest, poza językiem, zachowanie, doświadczenie i poglądy każdej osoby – jej „idiokultura”. Z tego punktu widzenia interkulturowość musi być analizowana inaczej, mianowicie jako proces. Autor mówi o (inter)kulturowym potencjale produktów kultury i sztuki – uczenie się od innej kultury nie jest procesem automatycznym, ale powinno być prowadzone przez nauczyciela, który wie, jak wykorzystać ten (inter)kulturowy potencjał.
Starting with questions about the definition of the language spoken in Austria, the author arrives at the anthropocentric theory of human languages with the basic concept of idiolect and polylect. From this point of view the differences in language use between Austria and Germany can not only be described, but also interpreted as differences between certain groups of idiolects. The fact that terms that are typical for Austria are used in the translation offices in the European Union should already have led to a larger German-Austrian word list which could be used by translators and interpreters. The latter already work with the help of certain Austrian dictionaries within the field of languages for special purposes, e.g. of law and administration. Furthermore, such dictionaries ought to be used more frequently by language teachers, especially in the translation departments, where the students already could become aware of the fact that German belongs to the group of pluricentric languages.
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The definition of culture is as difficult as the definition of language. From the perspective of the anthropocentric theory of human languages one sees these two concepts in a different light. We have to analyze culture because sometimes the interpreter finds out that linguistic problems are cultural problems. To be aware of the cultural background of a speaker (to translate) is as important as the awareness of one’s own culture.
Several Austrians have already worked and published on the Austrian variety of German. Of course, definitions of Germanisms/Teutonisms (= the lexemes/expressions/phrases typical for the Federal Republic of Germany) also occur in these considerations, but they have never been summarised in a corresponding dictionary. For a Germanisms dictionary, which could strengthen the Germans’ awareness of which national variants are typical/characteristic for their country, one would have to create a transnational cooperative concept – and such a concept will be presented in this paper. In addition, this Germanisms-Duden would also be of great use to (Polish) learners and teachers of German as a foreign language, as a necessary addition to their pluricentric knowledge and as a reference work.
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