The aim of this article is to examine the difficulties faced by any analysis of lexical meaning. This study concerns the French noun journal and the diversity of interpretative effects. Magdalena Perz investigates different approaches adopted by linguists - notion of lexical facets, dense metonymy when analysing semantic complexity of certain words. The problems of word senses and word sense description are vividly discussed, yet there are still many questions, such as relations between linguistics forms and extralinguistic reality to be answered in this field of research. The major problem arising from polysemy is the precise distinction between polysemy, metonymy and various theoretical tools developed in the field of lexical semantics.
L'objectif de cet article est d'examiner les difficultés auxquelles se heurte toute étude d'une unité polysémique. A travers l'exemple du nom français journal, l'auteure analyse la diversité de ses effets interprétatifs. L'article présente différentes solutions adoptées par les linguistes telles que : notion de facette sémantique, celle de métonymie dense et de métonymie intégrée pour traiter le contenu sémantique de mots complexes. Les problèmes soulevés par la polysémie sont nombreuses et de nature différente. Elles sont sont vivement discutées, mais il y a encore beaucoup de questions à régler en la matière, comme celles liées au sens et la réalité extralinguistique. L'une des difficultées à affronter est la distinction précise entre la polysémie et les emplois d'ordre métonymique.
The purpose of the present article is to discuss, through adjectival uses, a number of difficulties that affect the synonymy relation. The article reviews various approaches to synonymy and contain a theoretical and applicative dimension. The notion of the object class (G. Gross, W. Banyś) is used to describe the semantics of adjectives in order to disambiguate them. The linguistic approach taken here to describe synonymous units is that synonymy is relation between words in use. A contextual approach to synonymy can overcome the shortcomings of classical dictionaries of synonyms.
L’objectif de cet article est de discuter, par le biais des emplois adjectivaux, quelques aspects qui alimentent les discussions sur la notion de synonymie. L'étude des faits de synonymie comporte une dimension théorique et une dimension applicative. Dans un premier temps, l'auteure fait quelques considérations sur le concept de la synonymie lui-même afin de rapprocher les diverses facettes de cette notion. Les analyses sont illustrées à partir des emplois adjectivaux- fixe et stable que l'auteure a retenus, d’une part, par leur polysémie significative, et d’autre part en raison de leur synonymie approximative en langue. Pour décrire le contenu sémantique des adjectifs, l'auteure fait recours à l'approche en termes des classes d'objets - les approches linguistiques dont G. Gross et W. Banyś ont donné un aperçu global. Enfin, quelques difficultés qui émergent des analyses effectuées sont discutées.
Das Volume enthält keine Abstracts in deutscher Sprache.
This study seeks to approach the problem of correspondences between adjectives in the context of translation. On the basis of the French adjective clair, e analyzed as a case of study, the author demonstrates that these items could have a few interpretations in French and in Polish. Such multiple interpretations raised by polysemy can be a problem for the description of these items in lexicographical publications, as well as for translation. Correspondences between adjectives are rarely bi-univocal in two languages and this study gives some insights into the possibilities of using these terms in both languages. Differences between the senses are often highly subtle and contextually determined, so the author makes use of the theory of classes of objects. This kind of complex description allows to find the correct equivalent in another language and to make explicit the relations of equivalence between the two languages.
L'article contient uniquement les résumés en anglais.
This paper raises and discusses the relation of antonymy in adjectives. Antonymy is considered to play an important role in organizing mental lexicon. This relation defined often in logical terms stands for paradigmatic relation, as presented in WordNet. However, the category of antonymous adjectives can depend on more than just the semantic qualities of a word. It is often highly context dependent. Adjectives have different interpretation depending on the noun they modify - it is no surprising that they produce different antonyms in different contexts. On the basis of few examples of investigations of antonymy, this paper argues that antonymy is not only a paradigmatic but also a syntagmatic relation. The paradigmatic-syntagmatic distinction is not always relevant to all antonymous adjectives.
The purpose of this paper is to approach the problem of disambiguation of one type of polysemic units, that is adjectives in the context of translation. On the basis of the French adjective piquant analyzed as a case of study, following the object oriented method, the author demonstrates that this item could have a few equivalents in other languages. The selection of an appropriate linguistic equivalent depends on the context in which a particular unit appears. Such multiple possible interpretations pose a major problem for the description of the polysemic terms in lexicographical publications, as well as for automatic translation technology. To exactly pinpoint all the available senses and equivalents, the author makes use of the theory of classes of objects.
Polisemia przymiotników, jak i innych jednostek językowych stanowi wyzwanie dla tłumaczenia, szczególnie dla tłumaczenia automatycznego. Aby system był w stanie wykryć odpowiedni ekwi-walent w języku docelowym, niezbędny jest opis formalny, biorący pod uwagę wszystkie użycia danej jednostki. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje analizę francuskiego przymiotnika piquant i jego klasyfikację w oparciu klasy obiektowe. Wyszczególniając tyle znaczeń danego leksemu, ile typów klas obiektowych, do których tenże przymiotnik jest stosowany, możemy odnaleźć jego odpowiedni ekwiwalent w języku docelowym, a w konsekwencji podać jego poprawne tłumaczenie.
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