This paper analyzes the phonetical phenomenon of jejeo for the western Andalusian variety of European Spanish. Jejeo means that /s/ and /θ/ in syllable initial position are neutralized in favor of an aspirated sound [h]. While the relevant literature indicates that the phenomenon is barely occurring, mainly between rural, elderly or lower educated speakers, it can be shown in the first corpora of this contribution that urban Andalusians with university degrees also realize jejeo orally in determined co- and contexts. In another corpus it is demonstrated that speakers who have a tendency to practice jejeo in oral use can also practice the phenomenon phonographically when communicating digitally, here exemplified with the digital messaging platform WhatsApp. Hence hypervernacularization is not assumed in the context of Jejeo for the Jerezano speech community.
Der Beitrag analysiert metalinguistisches Wissen von Jerezano-Sprecherinnen über die Variation in der südwestlichen andalusischen Dialektzone. Anhand der paradigmatischen Ideen der Perzeptiven Varietätenlinguistik werden metalinguistische Repräsentationen hinsichtlich einer phonischen Norm im südwestlichen Andalusien untersucht, die vom nationalen Standard des europäischen Spanisch abweichen könnte. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine klare Trennung zwischen einer Ceceo (Jerez und ländliches Cádiz) und einer Seseo-Zone (Sevilla-Stadt und Cádiz-Stadt). Damit glauben die Sprecherinnen, dass es keine vom europäischen Standard abweichende Regionalnorm in ihrer lokalen Sprechergemeinschaft bestünde, die auf dem Seseo Sevillas basiere.
The article deals with the metalinguistic knowledge of Jerezano speakers about the variation within the Southwestern Andalusian dialectal zone, applying the perceptual dialectology. In particular, we investigate the metalinguistic knowledge about a possible phonic norm in Southwestern Andalusia that presumably diverges from the national standard of Peninsular Spanish. Methodologically, we focus on metalinguistic representations: the results show a clear division between a ceceante (Jerez and rural Cádiz) and another seseante zone (Seville capital and Cádiz capital). With it, the speakers themselves believe in a non-existence of a Sevillian norm based on seseo for the local speech community.
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