Der Artikel enthält das Abstract ausschließlich in englischer Sprache.
The focus of the paper is the analysis of translators’ identities as expressed in Polish-to-English and English-to-Polish translations understood in terms of informed choices from spaces of meanings. The first part of the paper deals with the relation of approximate correspondences between thought and reality on the one hand, and between thought, image, linguistic system and cultural emotional type on the other. The concept of semantic approximation in communication, introduced in Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (2010, 2012) is shown to be conditioned by cognitive categorization problems of the language user, as well as a conscious choice of the syntactic structure and meanings in discourse. The conscious choices from meaning spaces are motivated by the translator’s subjective intentions, as well as constraints imposed by the Target Language systems (displaced equivalence patterns), limitation on the translator’s linguistic repertory and by Source Culture and Target Culture models and conventions. In the second part the study an interpretation is proposed of semantic and cultural SL and TL similarities, meaning displacement and reconceptualization in monolingual and intercultural communication and translation to account for the translator’s linguistic and cultural identity dynamics, with a varying emotional message. It is illustrated by examples of Polish-to-English and English-to-Polish translations.
L'article contient uniquement le résumé en anglais.
Artykuł podejmuje kwestię porównana pojęć i założeń w kognitywnych podejściach do języka we współczesnym Językoznawstwie Kognitywnym reprezentowanym w teoriach Ronalda Langackera, George’a Lakoffa Charles Fillmore’a z jednej strony a generatywnym modelem Noama Chomsky’ego, szczególnie w Programie Minimalizmu. Zagadnienie zaprezentowane odnoszą sią do pojęcia modelowania oraz umiejscowienia poziomu znaczenia w modelach, funkcji intencjonalności w filozofii i teorii języka, natury języka i zdolności językowych oraz prezentują odmienne interpretacje tematyki właściwej dla badań językoznawczych. Status języka publicznego (społecznego) i pozycja znaczenia w takim uwarunkowaniu oraz problemy metodologiczne, które z tego wynikają konkludują dyskusję. Tematem dalszego opisu jest odniesienie się do implikacji dotyczących modeli akwizycji języka oraz dalszych różnic w metodologii badań. We wnioskach wskazane są obszary, w których modele generatywne Chomsky’ego oraz modele postulowane w Językoznawstwie Kognitywnym wykazują znaczne rozbieżności oraz takie, w których implikacje wynikające z nich wydają się zbieżne.
The paper focuses on a comparison of the concepts of language and language studies as presented in contemporary cognitivism and expounded by Ronald Langacker, George Lakoff and Charles Fillmore in their versions of Cognitive Grammar on the one hand and by Noam Chomsky in his Minimalism Program on the other. The theoretical concepts and hypotheses that are discussed relate to the concept of modelling and the locus of linguistic meaning, place of intentionality in the philosophy of language and linguistic theory, the nature of language and cognitive abilities as well as the proper theme of linguistic inquiry. The status of public (shared) language and the position of meaning and semantic theories in linguistic description are dealt with in the next part. Problems evolving from those diverse views on language such as verifiability on the one hand and the methodological constraint on the other conclude the discussion. Referred to are also the generative as opposed to cognitive models of language acquisition and, consequently, diverse methodologies as used by scholars of these persuasions. Conclusions show those aspects of Chomsky’s generativism and Cognitive Linguistics that seem incompatible and those that can be perceived as converging.
The paper focuses on the dynamics of online exchanges in English and Polish posts related to the Greek political and economic crisis in 2015 and European Union membership. It introduces and defines the concepts of emotion and conflict, and discusses quantitative and qualitative methods and tools used to analyse corpus materials of Polish and English online communication, primarily in terms of the Interconnectivity Index and emotion valence as perceived by the users as well as the degree of their emotional arousal. The data reveal significant differences in the conflict dynamics profiles between the two groups of commentators, more interactional, and interactant face-saving discourse strategies in English, manifested by means of self-mockery and jocular style, significantly less frequent resort to verbal abuse and vulgar language on the one hand, and a more aggressive, confrontative and mutually hostile attitude, with instances of verbal abuse types recorded in the Polish data. An attempt to interpret the results in terms of cultural dimensions and characteristics concludes the paper.