Artykuł stanowi propozycję ogólnej odpowiedzi na pytanie: „Czym jest gra?”. Udzielono jej na drodze analizy fenomenologicznej – przez wskazanie apriorycznych elementów doświadczenia gry. Praca bierze pod uwagę polisemiczność terminu „gra” w ludologii i dowodzi, że jego desygnaty w różnych znaczeniach łączy analogia proporcjonalności. W ten sposób określono ontyczną tożsamość zjawiska gry. Następnie pokazano, jak można wykorzystywać metodę analogii do budowania szczegółowych definicji tego zjawiska.
The article is a proposition of a general answer to the question “What is a game?” It has been answered through a phenomenological analysis – by the indication of the a priori elements of game experience. The paper analyses the multiple meanings of the term “game” in the context of ludology and shows that designates of the term in its numerous meanings are proportionally analogous. This way the ontic identity of the phenomenon of the game has been specified. It has also been shown how the method of analogy can be used to build detailed definitions of the phenomenon.
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The article introduces a general definition of strategies and describes some of its ontological assumptions. The work shows that all strategies have some common structures that include the aims and means of carrying out a particular strategy, the context it takes into account and the relations between them and the principles of effectiveness and efficiency. Special attention is devoted to the assumption of rationality in strategies and their similarities to games. In this context the article explains some applications of game theory in strategies.
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