Przebadano 55 próbek wody w kierunku wykrywania bakterii z rodzaju Campylobacter. W1/3 próbek wody z Wisły wykryto ten rodzaj bakterii. Stwierdzono ich obecność również w wodzie po różnych etapach uzdatniania.
The presence of bacteria of Campylobacter genus was investigated in 55 samples of surface water taken from Vistula river nearby Warsaw, and from different stages of water processing plants in Central and Northern waterworks. For this purpose the membrane filters technique in microaerophilic conditions and differential medium with the antibiotics addition were used. Bacteria of Campylobacter genus were detected in 36% samples of surface waters and positive correlation with the contamination with coli of fecal type bacteria was found. The presence of Campylobacter was also found in water intakes in Central and Northern waterworks and in water samples taken from sediment trap after fast filters and coagulation in Central waterworks. No Campylobacter type bacteria were found in chlorinated water containing of free chlorine in concentration of 0.66 mg Cl2/l.