W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych odporności ceramicznej warstwy ochronnej Al2O3 na szoki termiczne. Celem badań było określenie przydatności natryskiwanej plazmowo ceramicznej warstwy ochronnej na pokrycia denka tłoka.
Simulation test results of Al2O3 ceramic protective layer resistance upon thermal shocks have been presented in this paper. The aim of the tests was to determine the usability of plasma sprayed protective ceramic layer for covering the bottom of the piston.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań 500 samochodów użytkowych w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa użytkowania w ruchu drogowym. W badaniach wstępnych wykorzystano metodykę obowiązkowych okresowych badań kontrolnych. Badania prowadzono na stanowiskach kontrolnych oraz podczas prób drogowych. Dla samochodów wyposażonych w układy ABS pracowano specjalną metodykę badania. W przypadku stwierdzenia nieodpowiedniego stanu technicznego przeprowadzono dodatkowe badania w celu określenia przyczyn niesprawności. Ponad 280 pojazdów z grupy którą poddano kontroli było niesprawne.
This paper presents the results of examinations of 500 duty vehicles. Tests were carried out in scope of securing safety in road traffic. The methodology of compulsory periodical inspections was applied during initial tests. Vehicles were examined on typical control stands and in road tests. A special methodology for road tests for heavy duty vehicles with anti-lock systems was elaborated. Additional checks were carried out in cases when the results of basic tests were dissatisfying. Above 280 vehicles of the total number of examined vehicles were faulty.
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badan wpływu stanu technicznego silnika na poziom emisji zanieczyszczeń dla pojazdów o różnych rozwiązaniach konstrukcyjnych i różnym przebiegu.
This paper presents the results of the measurements the influence of the engine technical condition on traffic emission from different vehicles.
The results of investigation of 1,9 TDI engine (285 Nm, 85 kW, type AJM without any modification) equipped with injection units supplied conventional diesel fuel (ON) or B100 fuel (RME) have been presented in article. Investigations have been realized at the engine speed of 2000 rpm and variable load within the range of 0 to 275 Nm. The pressure, temperature and heat release velocity runs have been subjected to analysis. Particular attention has been paid to the release of the heat used for the effective work and internal energy increase of the working medium (enthalpy) during combustion inside the engine cylinder versus the crank angle for both investigated fuels. It was found among the others that mentioned fuels differ in the heat release, heat velocity and the maximal combustion temperature, which for the B100 fuel is bigger than for the conventional diesel fuel. Bigger combustion dynamics of tested biofuel (compared with standard diesel fuel) results higher concentrations of Nitrogen Oxides NOx in exhaust gases. The easiest way is of course the use of the later start of fuel injection biofuels and/or increase the exhaust gas recirculation EGR. These treatments, however, result in a worsening of the energy performance of the engine. It was concluded also that the combustion of RME works properly at higher engine loads. Then reduce the negative difference between the combustion of biofuel (RME) and standard Diesel fuel.
The experimental study was conducted to investigate the effects of different opening ranges of waste gate of a turbocharged medium displacement spark ignition engine on improving work parameters such as exhaust emission, torque characteristics and fuel consumption. The object of the experimental tests was an engine with modified intake and exhaust manifolds. The intake and exhaust manifold modification included only implementation of turbocharger with the variable geometry turbine. The values of boost pressure were controlled by the system with waste gate valves with a changeable characteristic and a control valve. Work parameters of waste-gate valves have been selected experimentally. Boost pressure had to be reduced to 1.3 and to 1.5 bar in the range of medium values of throttle opening. The system with waste-gate allowed to increase significantly the torque value at low engine speed range as well as to reduce the boost pressure at high engine speed range for throttle opening values above 50%. In total range engine work, emission of particular exhaust gas components did not exceed the values of the emission suitable for normally aspirated engine. It provided the stable engine 's running in all conditions including variable engine speed and in the whole range of throttle opening angle with restricted fuel consumption. The application of changeable characteristics in the waste gate valve which reduces the charging pressure by controlling characteristics variable of the valve depending on the engine work parameters was controlled by electronic system. The controlled system allows improving parameters of engine performance in wide range of engine's rotation speed.
The article presents the results of studies and investigations concerning some aspects of exhaust emission and methods of assessment of its influence on the environment. Some issues related to the modelling of emission level and costs of environmental protection have been discussed. The results of investigations concerning vehicle durability have been presented in the context of the need to meet more restrictive emission standards.
W artykule przedstawiono rezultaty studiów i badań dotyczących niektórych aspektów emisji spalin oraz metod oceny ich wpływy na środowisko. Omówiono niektóre problemy związane z modelowaniem poziomu emisji oraz kosztów ochrony środowiska. Przedstawiono rezultaty badań trwałości samochodów w kontekście spełniania wymagań bardziej restrykcyjnych standardów emisji spalin.
W pracy omówiono niektóre aspekty metodyki badań poszczególnych układów i zespołów pojazdów mających bezpośredni wpływ na bezpieczeństwo w ruchu drogowym. Porównano metodykę badań stosowaną w stacjach kontroli pojazdów z metodyką okreśoną stosowanymi aktami prawnymi. Przeanalizowano wpływ wyposażenia stacji, przyjętej metodyki i techniki badań na prawidłowość oceny stanu technicznego pojazdów.
Some aspects of examination methodology of particular vehicle systems and units that can have direct impact on driving safety have been discussed in the paper.Examination methodology applied in diagnostics stations has been compared to methodology defined by legal regulations. The influence of diagnostics equipment, applied examination methodology and technology on the correctness of technical evalution of a vehicle has beeb analysed as well.
Obiektem badań był silnik ze zmodyfikowanymi układami dolotowym i wylotowym. Modyfikacja układów dolotowego i wylotowego polegała na dostosowaniu ich do zamontowania turbosprężarek oraz czujników pomiarowych. Zastosowanie systemu doładowania z turbosprężarkami w silniku o zapłonie iskrowym pozwoliło na zwiększenie elastyczności momentu obrotowego.
The object of the experimental tests was an engine with modified intake end exhaust manifolds. The intake and exhaust manifold modification including only implementation of turbochargers and sensors was done for experimental purposes. The application of turbochargers system as modification of naturally aspirated spark ignition engine allows to improve torque flexibility rate.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu stanu technicznego silnika na poziom emisji zanieczyszczeń dla pojazdów o różnych rozwiązaniach konstrukcyjnych i różnym przebiegu. W artykule przedstawiono typowe uszkodzenia występujących we współczesnych pojazdach samochodowych oraz analizę możliwości ich diagnozowania.
This paper presents the results of the measurements the influence of the engine technical condition on traffic emission from different vehicles and analysis of typical faults occurring in contemporary automotive vehicle and possibility of damage detection.
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The object of the experimental tests was an engine with modified intake end exhaust manifolds. The intake and exhaust manifold modification including only implementation of turbochargers and sensors was done for experimental purposes. The application of two turbochargers system as modification of naturally aspirated spark ignition engine allows to improve torque flexibility rate. There is a possibility to apply the charging system with two turbochargers, with boost pressure control system, in already existing, naturally aspirated engine without decreasing compression ratio and modifying engine’s control system. The application of changeable characteristics of the waste gate valve allows to improv parameters of engine performance in wide range of engine’s rotation speed.
Obiektem badań był silnik ze zmodyfikowanymi układami dolotowym i wylotowym. Modyfikacja układów dolotowego i wylotowego polegała na dostosowaniu ich do zamontowania turbosprężarek oraz czujników pomiarowych. Zastosowanie systemu doładowania dwiema turbosprężarkami pozwoliło na zwiększenie elastyczności momentu obrotowego. Zadowalające rezultaty uzyskano po zamontowaniu układu z dwiema sprężarkami z układem sterowania ciśnieniem doładowania w silniku wolnossącym, bez zmiany stopnia sprężania i modyfikacji układu sterowania. Zastosowano zespół zaworów obejściowych o zmiennej charakterystyce co pozwoliło na poprawę parametrów pracy silnika w szerokim zakresie prędkości obrotowych.
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The purpose of the investigation was the application of two chargers systems in spark ignition engine and determining chargers' work parameters depending on throttle opening and engine's rotation speed. The system with small turbocharger or electrically driven charger and larger variable geometry turbocharger in parallel and series connection was examined. The engine used during the investigation was 1300 ccm displacement SI engine with modified intake and exhaust manifolds. Intake and exhaust manifold modification including only the implementation of chargers and sensors was done for experimental purposes. Specific values of maximum boost pressure were obtained by introducing a waste gate valve system with appropriate characteristics. The application of two chargers system as modification of naturally aspirated spark ignition engine allows to improve the torque flexibility rate.
Celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie możliwości zastosowania systemu doładowania z dwiema sprężarkami w silniku o zapłonie iskrowym oraz określenie parametrów pracy w zależności od obciążenia, stopnia otwarcia przepustnicy i prędkości obrotowej. Badano system doładowania z główną turbosprężarką z turbina ze zmienną geometrią oraz dodatkową małą sprężarką. Jako mniejszą sprężarkę zastosowano turbosprężarkę ze stałą geometrią oraz sprężarkę napędzaną elektrycznie. Do badań zastosowano silnik o pojemności skokowej 1300 cm[^3] ze zmodyfikowanymi układami dolotowym i wylotowym. Ciśnienie doładowania było regulowane systemem z zaworami obejściowymi o dobranej charakterystyce. Zastosowanie systemu doładowania z dwiema sprężarkami pozwoliło na poprawę przebiegi momentu obrotowego w szerokim zakresie prędkości obrotowej.
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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy przydatności stosowanych metod do oceny oddziaływania transportu samochodowego na środowisko przyrodnicze w aspekcie oceny ogólnych kosztów transportu. Przedstawiono problemy z właściwą oceną systemów transportowych wynikające z niedokładności stosowanych metod badawczych.
Analyse in article were introduced the practical methods to option the on natural environment the motor in aspect of opinion of general haulages. The problems were introduced with proper opinion of forwarding systems consequential with inaccuracy of practical investigative methods.
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań rodzaju i ilości odpadów powstających w czasie obsługi samochodów. Przeanalizowano proces powstawania odpadów w przedsiębiorstwie komunikacji miejskiej.
Findings of the research on the kind and amounts of waste coming into existence were introduced in the time of the operation of cars at work. They analyses process of coming into existence of waste in the enterprise of the public transport.
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań emisji pyłów, które powstają w czasie użytkowania samochodów z uwzględnieniem różnych czynników eksploatacyjnych. Przeprowadzono badania dla 3 odcinków autostrady oraz 3 odcinków miejskich, dla których określono wagę opadu pyłu.
Findings of tests of dusts were introduced to the use of cars with taking all sorts exploitation authorities into consideration at work during. Examinations were carried out for 3 stretches of the motorway and 3 urban segments, which the weight of the fall of dust was defined for.
The article presents the results of investigations concerning the relations between the technical state of cars and the exhaust gasses emission for different groups of vehicles. First, the measurements of the test group of4000 different vehicles have been made. Those measurements have been elaborated in order to define typical damages of vehicles. The percentage of faulty vehicles and the type of faults was estimated. The damages of vehicles have been carried out using typical diagnostic methods, electrical value measurements and exhaust gasses analysis. Those measurements also provided information about the number of vehicles with high level of gas emission. The results of investigations were compared to the requirements of each model of a given year. Next, the measurements of the test group of 1000 vehicles have been made in accordance with ECE Regulations and the methodology of periodical car inspection. Those measurements also gave information about the level of emission from each vehicle. The results of investigations were compared to the requirements of each model of a given year and the percentage of high polluting vehicles has been presented. The vehicles have been divided into different exhaust emission legislation classes. Next, the relation between the number of faulty vehicles and the level of exhaust emission for the first and the second group of vehicles has been elaborated and presented. The results of investigations and analysis show the number of faulty vehicles and its influence on the level of emission.
Damages of car engine pistons are one of the most expensive failures regarding final consequences and possibilities of engine repair. There have been many research works carried out so far regarding the materials, manufacturing techniques, geometrical shapes and reliability of engine pistons. Notwithstanding all these studies, there is a huge number of piston damage cases. This work is concerned with causes of piston damages and possibilities of early detections. Damaged piston of petrol and diesel engines in passenger and light duty cars have been analyzed. A compendium of case studies of damaged piston causes has been presented. The analysis of different types of damage mechanisms such as thermal and mechanical fatigue, seizure due to insufficient clearances, poor lubrication, overheating and damages due to abnormal combustion have been presented in this work. Faults of electronic control system, engine management malfunction, ignition-timing faults were recognized as the most frequent initial causes of piston damages. Possibilities of early diagnostics of particular causes of damages have been elaborated and presented in the context of total costs of repairs.
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W artykule przedstawiono porównanie metod szacowania emisji spalin przez samochody w ruchu drogowym. Zaprezentowano najbardziej popularne w krajach Unii Europejskiej metody, tj. Copert (Computer programme to calculate emissions from road transport) i HBEFA (Handbook of emission factors for road traffic). Programy umożliwiają obliczenie poziomu emisji zanieczyszczeń pochodzących z transportu drogowego, w zależności od liczby pojazdów, ich rodzaju, konstrukcji silnika, jego pojemności itp.
This paper presents the comparison of methodology of the traffic emission calculation. The paper presents the most popular in the European Union methods of the traffic emission calculation i.e.Copert (Computer programme to calculate emissions from road transport) and HBEFA (Handbook of emission factors for road traffic). Copert and HBEFA methodology can be applied for the calculation of traffic emission from road transport depending on the number of vehicles, the type of vehicles, the engine construction, the capacity etc.
The total emission level is heavily dependent on the number of vehicles. Additionally, the type of vehicles and their age structures are very important. The structure of vehicles also depends on the type of the road. The article presents the results of calculations of the pollutants emission from the road transport. Total emission was calculated with combination of the investigation results i.e. the type of vehicles and their age structures for different types of roads. The investigations have been made for different classes of roads with different types of vehicles. The traffic line has been recorded in the same length of time. On the basis of analysis of the recorded traffic line, the number and the type of vehicles have been estimated. The classification of vehicles have been made according to the level of emission i.e. passenger cars, light duty vehicles, heavy duty vehicles, busses and others, taking into consideration the age structures of vehicles. The level of total traffic emission has been calculated on the basis of results. There has been used the Copert programme methodology. The results of the calculations have been made with combination of the type of road, the speed of vehicles, the type of vehicles and their age structure, are presented.
Poziom emisji zanieczyszczeń zależy przede wszystkim od liczby pojazdów poruszających się po drodze. Dodatkowo istotne są struktury rodzajowa oraz wiekowa pojazdów. Struktura pojazdów zależy natomiast w dużym stopniu od rodzaju drogi. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń poziomu emisji wybranych składników spalin emitowanych w ruchu drogowym. Obliczenia zostały przeprowadzone z uwzględnieniem wyników badań struktur rodzajowej i wiekowej pojazdów dla różnych typów dróg. Badania strumienia pojazdów wykonano na drogach różnej kategorii, przy różnej strukturze pojazdów. Rejestrowano strumień pojazdów w określonych odcinkach czasowych. Na podstawie analizy obrazu zarejestrowanego strumienia określono liczbę i rodzaj pojazdów. Pojazdy podzielono na kategorie według poziomu emisji, tj. samochody osobowe, samochody dostawcze, ciężarowe, autobusy i inne, uwzględniając strukturę wiekową. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników oszacowano poziom emisji szkodliwych składników spalin. Obliczenia zostały wykonane za pomocą metodyki przyjętej w programie Copert. Przedstawiono wyniki szacunkowego poziomu emisji spalin w zależności rodzaju drogi, prędkości jazdy, struktur wiekowej i rodzajowej pojazdów.
The article presents the results of investigations of the influence of vehicle age on traffic exhaust emission. The measurements of the test group of 500 different vehicles have been made in accordance with ECE Regulations and the methodology of periodical car inspection. Those measurements provided Information about the level of emission from each vehicle and allowed to identify high polluting vehicles. The percentage of faulty vehicles and the type of faults were estimated. Next, the percentage of high polluting vehicles has been estimated. The results of investigations were compared to the requirements of each model of a given year. The percentage of high polluting vehicles for each model of a given year has been presented. The vehicles have been divided into different exhaust emission legislation classes. The percentage of high polluting vehicles for each exhaust emission legislation class has been elaborated. Next, the relation between exhaust emission and the vehicle age has been made and presented. The pro bability ofexceeding the standardized exhaust emission for each model of a given year of vehicles has been calculated. The calculations included the exhaust emission such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. The likelihood of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons emission violations have been estimated applying logit analysis. The calculations have been made in two cases, for manufactures and national emission standards. The results of investigations and analysis show that vehicle age plays a significant role in determining exhaust emission test results.
This article presents the results of investigations regarding the use of on-board diagnostic systems to assess the technical state of automotive vehicles, and the possibilities of early fault detecting. The examinations were carried out in order to establishifit is possible to evaluate the level of compatibility between diagnostic test units and on-board diagnostic systems in over three hundred models of vehicles which were produced by different manufactures. The investigations concerning the influence of examination conditions, the type of faults and the vehicle age upon the results and reliability of diagnostic tests were carried out. The suitability of fault codes which were recorded in the memory of diagnostic system while the vehicle was operating have been determined as far as the recognition of the type of faults is concerned. Additionally, the examinations of engine on a test stand were carried out as well. Sensitivity of diagnostic systems was tested regarding the changes of work parameters of the engine. The faults of engine were deliberately provoked and were examined at the early stage by on-board diagnostic systems. The test results show that there is a necessity of elaborating new diagnosing methods enabling to find damages regarding safety in road traffic.
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