The main objective of the study was to define factors which influence the purchase intention involving organic food among Croatian consumers. In order to create a theoretical base, this research adopted the theory of planned behavior. The model examines the impact of several independent variables on the intention to purchase organic foods. The study was conducted on a sample of 331 respondents in the territory of Republic of Croatia. Research results indicate that consumer attitudes towards organic food, subjective norms, perceived financial situation, health awareness and knowledge about organic food have a significant impact on the intention involving the purchase of organic food, with subjective norms, attitudes and health awareness being the best predictors of the purchase intention. On the other hand, the relationship between the perceived availability of organic food and the intention to buy organic food was statistically significant. Considering the demographic characteristics of respondents and their correlation with the purchase intention, marital status, age and household income were found to significantly affect the intention to buy organic food, while other demographic variables had no significant impact on the purchase intention. Therefore, the respondents who are married, between 46 and 55 years old and with household incomes of more than 16,000 kuna show a greater intention to buy organic food in comparison with other respondents. The research results have important implications for marketing practice, primarily for advertising.
Osnovni cilj rada jest identificirati čimbenike namjere kupovine ekološke hrane hrvatskih potrošača. U radu se koristila teorija planiranoga ponašanja. Model ispituje utjecaj nekoliko nezavisnih varijabli na namjeru kupovine ekoloških prehrambenih proizvoda. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 331 ispitanika na području Republike Hrvatske. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da stavovi potrošača prema ekološkoj hrani, subjektivne norme, percipirana financijska situacija, svijest o zdravlju i znanje o ekološkoj hrani značajno utječu na namjeru da ju kupuju. Pritom su subjektivne norme, stavovi te svijest o zdravlju najbolji prediktori namjere takve kupovine. S druge strane, veza između percipirane dostupnosti ekološke hrane i namjere da se ona kupuje statistički je značajna. Razmatranjem demografskih karakteristika ispitanika i njihove povezanosti s namjerom kupovine, utvrđeno je da bračni status, životna dob i prihodi kućanstva značajno utječu na namjeru kupovine ekološke hrane, za razliku od ostalih demografskih varijabli kod kojih nema značajnijeg utjecaja. Tako ispitanici u braku, u dobi od 46 do 55 godina, te oni s primanjima kućanstva većim od 16 000 kuna pokazuju veću namjeru kupovine te hrane u odnosu na ostale ispitanike. Rezultati istraživanja također imaju značajne implikacije za marketinšku praksu, prije svega za oglašavanje.
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