Purpose: To present the results of surgical treatment concerning pressure ulcers. Materials and methods: All patients underwent surgical treatment at the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic from 1997 to 2016. One operator performed the procedures. A total of 28 pressure ulcers were operated (25 patients). The clinical material consisted of 15 pressure ulcers located in the lower back area, six pressure ulcers located in the ischial area, three pressure ulcers located in the trochanteric area and four pressure ulcers located in the heel area. Results: One conducted the result evaluation based on the criteria of complications proposed by Seiler. In case of all surgically treated patients, pressure ulcers appeared after 2-5 weeks after the surgery. One patient experienced hematoma below the slide piece. One could observe seroma in case of 5 patients. In this situation, it was required to apply a local postoperative puncture. Four patients experienced marginal skin necrosis (2 of them required resection of dead skin edges in operating block conditions which were later re-stitched using “side to side” technique). During the 3-year follow-up, there was no recurrence of operated pressure ulcers. Conclusions: Deep septic pressure ulcers, according to the division introduced by Seiler, connected with bone infection require the application of muscular-skin pieces. This procedure is aimed at improving local tissue blood supply. Proper preoperative preparation of the patient, careful planning of the surgery and suitable postoperative treatment of the patient are as significant as the surgery itself.
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W artykule omówiono niektóre problemy związane z poruszaniem się kajakiem po wodach stojących i płynących. Opisując zachowanie kajaka w tych warunkach, odniesiono się do podstawowych pojęć mechaniki klasycznej. Manewr promowania posłużył jako przykład wykorzystania nurtu rzeki do efektywnego przemieszczania się na wodzie płynącej. Z kolei problemy stateczności kajaka stanowią podstawę do ukazania potrzeby stosowania zasad statyki do opisu równowagi kajaka oraz zrozumienia współoddziaływania kajaka z otoczeniem. Niniejsze opracowanie pomoże zrozumieć, jak sprawnie, a co najważniejsze, bezpiecznie i bez niepotrzebnego wysiłku, poruszać się kajakiem i podziwiać otaczające nas piękno natury.
In this article we talk about some problems associated with moving by a canoe on standing and flowing water. Describing the behavior of the canoe in this conditions we depend on the basic concepts of classical mechanics. Maneuver of ferry gliding was used as an example how to exploit the river current to move successfully on flowing water. On the other way canoe stability problems are the base to show the need of usage the principles of statics to describe canoe equilibrium and understanding interaction of canoe with the environment. This study will help you understand how to efficiently and, what is the most important, safely and without unnecessary effort move by the canoe and admire the beauty which surrounds us.