Every specialist text carries traces of the institutionalized context in which it is created. The context is based on the socially sanctioned communicative relationship, on the strength of which discourse partners enter into a so-called communicative contract. A text is then a verbal realization of contractual obligations, strictly standardized at the level of genre. Hence, information about the status of the discourse partners and the nature of their contractual (communicative) obligations is essential for accurate interpretation of a text. This, in turn, places double responsibility on the translator, who is obliged not only to transfer the discourse object into the target language, but also to “present” the sender of the original to the recipient of the translate in such a way as to render their status and discourse characteristics. Failing that, the translator will not succeed in reconstructing the original discourse contract, and hence attaining functional coherence of the translation. The aim of this article is to examine whether, and to what extent, translators have managed to present communicating subjects of Polish hospital discharge summary to the French recipient.
Every translation is a second-order discourse, based on a first-order discourse, whose form is the result of negotiation between the discursive polysystems of the source and target cultures. Its dual role, representing the source-language discourse in the target culture as well as meeting the intended expectations of the target text receiver, inevitably entails the intervention of the translator as a second-order communicating subject, as will be illustrated using a French translation of a building design.
In this article the author presents a selection of results of studies of verbal comicality in Rabelaise and as it is translated by T. Boy-Żeleński. The results were obtained through the use of the method of comparison of laughter-creating mechanisms of comic sequences in LD and LA, based on the theory of connotations as developed by C. Kerbrat-Orecchioni.
The purpose of this article is to make contrastive analysis of different forms of single-family and multi-family housing construction in Poland and France. Assuming that each specialist area has created its conceptual field, which is reflected in the corresponding terminological field, the author tries to find out whether and to what extent conceptual and terminological fields related to housing construction in Poland and France coincide, and to what extent they differ. And how far conceptual differences correspond to terminological differences, if any, and what they arise from.
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu analizę kontrastywną różnych form budownictwa mieszkaniowego jednorodzinnego i wielorodzinnego w Polsce i we Francji. Wychodząc z założenia, że każda dziedzina specjalistyczna wytworzyła swoje pole pojęciowe, którego wyrazem jest odpowiadające mu pole terminologiczne, autorka stara się sprawdzić, czy i na ile pola pojęciowe i terminologiczne związane z budownictwem mieszkaniowym w Polsce i we Francji pokrywają się, a na ile różnią. I na ile ewentualnym różnicom terminologicznym odpowiadają różnice pojęciowe i z czego one wynikają.
Le présent article a pour vocation de comparer différentes formes d’habitat individuel et collectif en Pologne et en France du point de vue notionnel et terminologique. L’auteur se propose d’analyser les similitudes et les divergences entre les champs notionnels et terminologiques liés à l’habitat dans les deux pays concernés afin de voir si d’éventuels écarts terminologiques se doublent de ceux notionnels.
The aim of this paper is to present problems translating real estate terms into French. The author analyses translations of real estate with regard to the translator’s terminological precision and its impact on the retention of the basic functions of the original.
This paper is an attempt to describe a building design as a hypertext genre. It represents a single– or multi-volume document that has to be submitted when applying for a planning permission issued by an appropriate administrative authority, usu. by Building Surveyors. Its broad thematic scope provides the best proof of its multidisciplinary character – indeed, it bears witness to the complexity of investment process which has to result eventually in the completion of a new building. Building designs consist of texts featuring various genres that belong to different discourse types – apart from administrative ones, they involve texts dealing with architecture, urban architecture, structural engineering, interior fit-outs, electrical and heating facilities, sanitary fittings. Law regulations precise the exact content of a building design, which heavily depends on the putative function of a building, its degree of complexity and environmental setting. A building design thus turns out to be a multilayered genre whose composition is related to extra linguistic factors (design location and its function). It exhibits features typical of hypertext genres: non-sequentiality (non-linearity), component independence of hyperstructure, polyphony (many authors), primacy of global coherence and interactivity. All the characteristics make it difficult to apply traditional models of describing linear texts to building designs, thus proving that the dividing line between text and hypertext genres is independent of the media boundary.