The topic literature of the success in research and R&D projects, their success factors, or success criteria is not very extensive. Although a few items on this topic can be found, they often do not distinguish between types of projects in the research area between research projects and R&D projects. The aim of the paper is to present the success factors and success criteria of research and R&D projects and their importance for these types of projects. In order to achieve the aim of the study, the following research methods were used: a literature review and a survey analysis using correlations. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 organizations in Poland that run research and R&D projects. Based on the conducted quantitative research, the importance of individual success factors and success criteria of research projects and R&D projects was determined. The research results show that the importance of success factors and criteria for research and R&D projects varies.
The aim of the article is to present the results of research on the success of research projects. Based on the conducted quantitative research, the importance of individual success factors and success criteria of research projects were determined, taking into account the opinions of various stakeholders thereby a sustainable approach. The research results indicate the high importance of most of the success factors and the success criteria of research projects pointed out in the literature and those in turn are important for project management and supports decision-making.
Projects conducted by public cultural institutions are mostly events whose aim is cultural education of their recipients. The characteristic features of such projects include defined date and budget, participation of artists and partners. Thus, they require adequate management methods, among others, risk management as one of the factors contributing to project success. The subject literature shows that there is little research in this area. One of the authors of this article conducted a study whose subject was the risk management method using Scrum, tailor-made to cultural projects. The original method was implemented in five cultural institutions and later applied in selected projects. While executing the projects, project team members identified risk connected with the project tasks. Analysing the study results, the latest literature on risk management as well as internal documents, the authors proposed, on the one hand, a risk register adequate to cultural institutions and based on the ATOM methodology, and on the other hand, a universal risk list for cultural projects.
Projekty realizowane przez publiczne instytucje kultury to najczęściej wydarzenia, których celem jest edukacja kulturowa odbiorców. Charakteryzują się one określonym terminem i budżetem oraz udziałem artystów i partnerów. Dlatego wymagają zastosowania adekwatnych metod zarządzania, w tym zarządzania ryzykiem, jako jednego z czynników ich pomyślnej realizacji. Analiza literatury pokazuje, że istnieje niewiele badań na ten temat. Dopasowana do projektów kulturalnych metoda zarządzania ryzykiem z wykorzystaniem podejścia scrum była przedmiotem badań jednej z autorek tekstu. Polegały one na wdrożeniu autorskiego modelu zarządzania w pięciu instytucjach kultury, a następnie zastosowaniu go w wybranych projektach. Podczas realizacji projektów członkowie zespołów identyfikowali ryzyka związane z zadaniami w tych projektach. Na podstawie wyników badań, najnowszej literatury dotyczącej zarządzania ryzykiem oraz dokumentów wewnętrznych autorki opracowały zarówno adekwatną dla instytucji kultury strukturę rejestru ryzyka, opartą na metodzie ATOM, jak i uniwersalną listę ryzyk towarzyszących projektom kulturalnym.
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