Cognitive development in adolescence and selected manifestations of prospective actionFuture time perspective (FTP) is one of the most habitual manifestations of prospect action. It plays an important role in establishing life plans and projects. An individual with a vast time perspective can more easily articulate far-reaching goals as well as obtain resources to achieve them. Additionally, undertaken present actions often have immediate as well as long-term effects and the ability to anticipate them is important. Both aspects are necessary for life success. The goal of this study was to validate the two following hypotheses. The first stipulates that a developed future time perspective (PPC) is related to the ability to consider future consequences (CFC). The second hypothesis states that the development of formal operatory thought favours the formation of both aforementioned characteristics. A total of 127 students from 5 fi rst-year secondary school classes participated in the survey in which each completed a FTP test and the CFC Scale. The presented CFC Scale was adapted to serve the purpose of this study. The results verify that PPC and CFC are strongly correlated (0.73). Furthermore, the level of formal thinking (measured by the Test of Formal Operations) has a signifi cant meaning for FTP (F(2, 124) = 52.73; p<0.001) as well as for the trends of behaviour assessment of future consequences (F(2, 124) = 47.61; p<0.001).
The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of homosexual men connected with the formation of their sexual orientation in adolescence. A comparative study of 27 young adult homosexual men and 28 heterosexual men of similar age used a categorised interview questionnaire consisting of two parts: the first with questions regarding sexual dreams, fantasies and erotic encounters; the second with questions on family and social circumstances. The study yielded an abundance of interesting data on the psychological circumstances of homosexual men during the formation of sexual orientation and its awareness as well as differences and similarities in that area between homosexual and heterosexual men. For instance, it revealed experience patterns concerning the formation of sexual identity and personal attitudes toward one’s sexual orientation characteristic of homosexual persons. The study verified the main hypothesis that mental-internal experiences precede behavioural-external ones both in homosexual and heterosexual persons.
Introduction: The high level of self-regulation skills and effective coping skills are beneficial for development of adolescents. These can serve a protective function against getting involved in negative risk, which is common during adolescent period. Method: The aim of the research was establishing the relation between self-regulation, coping with stress and risk behaviours among adolescent girls. 285 girls aged 14 to 19 years have taken part in it. Correlation and mediation analysis have been carried out. Results: As expected, positive correlations have occurred between self-regulation and engagement coping strategies while negative with helplessness. Better self-regulation skills and more frequent use of engagement coping strategies were connected with a lower involvement in negative risk behaviours. Some coping strategies can act as mediators between self-regulation and risk behaviours. Conclusions: The development of the self-regulation and adaptive coping skills can restraint the teenage girls engagement in unfavourable and negative risk.
Wprowadzenie: Wysokie umiejętności samoregulacyjne oraz efektywnego radzenia sobie ze stresem są bardzo korzystne dla rozwoju dorastających. Mogą pełnić funkcję ochronną przed angażowaniem się w negatywne ryzyko, tak powszechne w okresie adolescencji. Metoda: Celem badań było sprawdzenie związków łączących samoregulację, sposoby radzenia sobie ze stresem i zachowania ryzykowne u dorastających dziewcząt. Wzięło w nich udział 285 dziewcząt w wieku od 14 do 19 lat. Przeprowadzono analizy korelacyjne oraz analizę mediacji. Wyniki: Zgodnie z przewidywaniami odnotowano pozytywne korelacje między samoregulacją a „zaangażowanymi” strategiami radzenia sobie ze stresem, a negatywne z reagowaniem bezradnością. Lepsze umiejętności samoregulacyjne i częstsze stosowanie strategii „zaangażowanych” w odpowiedzi na stres były związane z rzadszym angażowaniem się w zachowania ryzykowne negatywne. Niektóre strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem mogą pełnić funkcje mediatorów zależności między samoregulacją a zachowaniami ryzykownymi. Wnioski: Rozwijanie umiejętności samoregulacji i adaptacyjnego radzenia sobie ze stresem może ograniczyć angażowanie się nastolatek w niekorzystne, negatywne ryzyko.
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The article is an invitation to discuss the role and tasks of the psychologist in the modern school. It advances the thesis that the primary role of the psychologist is to co-create the school environment and the educational process. Being a co-creator is the essence of the presented model of the psychologist’s work in the school system. The model covers psychological activities defined as monitoring promotion prevention, and intervention. It identifies the need to continually expand the possibilities of psychological influences and to create an autonomous vision of their realization. Adopting and performing this role in the way described in the model seems to be crucial to building the professional identity of the educational psychologist—and a well-defined and clarified professional identity is the basic regulator of a person’s functioning in his/her professional role.
The research focused on identifying differences in the sense of self-efficacy and self-regulation of stress among 470 students from Polish and Spanish universities and on determining the differences between students starting and finishing their studies. The following tests were used in the study: General Self-Efficacy Scale, COPE Inventory and Self-Regulatory Formative Questionnaire. Statistical analysis confirmed the correctness of the 6 hypotheses. The obtained results showed that the level of self-efficacy and self-regulation and the choice of coping strategies are related to gender, nationality, age, and multiple attitudes to a stressful situation. Moreover, other confirmed hypotheses show the conclusions that self-efficacy is higher in the group of men than in the group of women. On the other hand, women have higher self-regulatory skills and are more likely than men to choose favourable stress regulation methods. In contrast, the hypotheses about cross-cultural differences show that Spanish students have better self-regulatory skills and choose adaptive coping strategies, while Polish students use non-adaptive strategies.