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Production of steel and cast iron in metallurgical units generates fly ashes. These fly ashes represent dangerous waste, which is not recycled in metallurgical plants and which is only dumped to disposal sites. This procedure is financially highly disadvantageous for producers. One of possibilities of partial processing consists in retrogressive recycling in charge of primary metallurgical units. The paper presents some operational results of compressed fly ashes from steelmaking plants and foundries. Operation tests were realised for verification of behaviour and efficiency of processing. They were focused on behaviour of fly ashes in the course of production of steel and cast iron and on their influence on technological process. The obtained results were verified by comparison with results of heats, into which no fly ashes were added.
W procesie produkcji stali i żeliwa w agregatach metalurgicznych powstają pyły unoszone wraz z gazami poreakcyjnymi. Te pyły stanowią niebezpieczny odpad, który nie jest w zakładach metalurgicznych recyklingowany lecz często jest tylko deponowany. Taka procedura jest dla producenta finansowo bardzo niewygodna. Jedną z możliwości częściowego przetwarzania jest powrotny recykling do wsadu podstawowych agregatów metalurgicznych. Przedstawiono niektóre wyniki recyklingu prasowanych pyłów stalowniczych i odlewniczych. W celu sprawdzenia możliwości wykorzystania tych pyłów przeprowadzono badania, które miały na celu wyjaśnienie zachowania się pyłu przy produkcji stali i żeliwa oraz ich wpływ na proces technologiczny. Wyniki uzyskane w tych badaniach były porównane z wynikami wytopów, przy których pyły do wsadu nie były dodawane.
W artykule opisano wyniki badań wpływu zarastania otworu wylewu kadzi pośredniej oraz wylewu zanurzeniowego do krystalizatora urządzenia COS na czystość stali. W próbkach metalu pobranych z pieca kadziowego, kadzi pośredniej COS i z krystalizatora, dokonano ilościowej oceny czystości metalurgicznej wraz z mikroanalizą niektórych wtrąceń. Ustalono wpływ dodatków wapnia na charakter wtrąceń niemetalicznych oraz przedyskutowano wpływ absorpcji cząstek na ścianach wylewu na czystość stali.
Results of testing the effect of clogging tundish nozzle holes and submerged nozzle of continuous casting mould on steel purity are described. In samples of ladle, tundish and cc mould quantiative evaluation of steel purity and microanalysis of some inclusions was carried out. The effect of calcium addition on non - metalic inclusions was determined and effect of particle adsorption in nozzle walls on steel purity was discussed.
Content available remote A View on Rough Set Concept Approximations
The concept of approximation is one of the most fundamental in rough set theory. In this work we examine this basic notion as well as its extensions and modifications. The goal is to construct a parameterized approximation mechanism making it possible to develop multi-stage multi-level concept hierarchies that are capable of maintaining acceptable level of imprecision from input to output.
Content available remote Corrosion tests of refractory materials
The paper is devoted to corrosion tests of various types of refractory materials at the interface with liquid steel and slag. Two evaluation procedures were created for the corrosion test, which consist of various experimental methods - for example: visual evaluation, microanalysis of structure, X-rays phase analysis and fluorescence spectrometry. The first type of corrosion test is aimed on tundish nozzle, which was put to the test in the steel. The second type of corrosion test is aimed on lining in the pouring ladle, which was put to the test in the slag. From, the results it is evident which of the used methods are proper for the evaluation of refractory materials under different conditions.
Niniejsza praca poświęcona jest badaniom korozyjnosci różnego typu materiałów ogniotrwałych na granicy faz pomiędzy stałą ciekłą i żużlem. Opracowano dwie procedury badań korozyjności, które obejmują różne metody doświadczalne - na przykład: ocenę wzrokową, mikroanalizę struktury, rentgenowską analizę fazową oraz spektrometrię fluorescencyjną. Pierwszy rodzaj badań korozyjnosci dotyczy wylewu kadzi pośredniej, który został poddany badaniom w stali. Drugi rodzaj prób korozyjnych służy do badania wyłożenia kadzi odlewniczej, które zostało poddane badaniom w żużlu. Na podstawie wyników stwierdzono, którą z zastosowanych metod należy zastosować do oceny materiałów ogniotrwałych w różnych warunkach.
Introduction and objective. Epidemiological assessment of maxillofacial fractures carried out by a given specialized centre may constitute valuable material for comparison with other regions of Poland and the European Union. This material could help standardize the present methods of treating craniofacial skeleton dislocations, and plan appropriate financial resources both for specialized treatment of such fractures and fractures that require multidisciplinary care. Moreover, the frequency of complicated maxillofacial fractures leading to residual disability and circumstances in which fracture occurred may be useful for the Social Security authorities. Materials and methods. This study is a continuation of research on maxillofacial traumatology carried by the Maxillofacial Department of the Medical University in Wrocław, Lower Silesia. Since 1956, a statistical review of maxillofacial fractures has been kept in 5 or 10-year periods. Statistical analysis of this kind is useful in indentifying the frequency of the phenomenon, taking suitable treatment precautions, verifying treatment methods, and analyzing costs and losses incurred as a result of absence at work. Sociological aspect of such studies includes indicating sources of socially adverse phenomena, i.e. violence or alcohol abuse. The studies were based on clinical documentation of 937 patients, where dependencies between chosen parameters were identified. As a basic statistical analysis of variable interdependence the χ2 test of independence was applied. Conclusions. Lately, there have been more maxillofacial fractures resulting from civilization changes. Simultaneously, there are new treatment methods and significant progress has been made regarding materials that are used in these treatments.
Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania są wyniki mikroanalizy niejednorodności rozmieszczenia metali nieżelaznych wzdłuż granic ziaren w stali niskowęglowej. Metale te. podobnie jak fosfor i siarka, wiele stanowią niepożądane domieszki i negatywnie wpływają na wiele własności stali. Wyniki analizy chemicznej dla próbek w stanie lanym, stali wytopionej w warunkach laboratoryjnych, poddano obróbce statystycznej. Wyznaczono wartości współczynnika segregacji oraz tzw. efektywnego współczynnika podziału dla poszczególnych pierwiastków.
The paper presents results of microanalysis of heterogeneity of non-ferrous metals distribution along the grain boundary in low carbon steel. These metals like phosphorus and sulphur are unwanted impurities which have a negative effect on steel properties. Results of chemical analysis for as cast samples of steelmaking under laboratory conditions were statistically treated. There were determined segregation indexes and calculated effective distribution coefficients for individual elements.
Znaczenie filtracji ciekłych metali filtrami ceramicznymi. Wielkości hydrauliczne przy przepływie cieczy przez filtr. Równanie Bernoulliego i jego zastosowanie w opisie filtracji ciekłych metali. Zjawiska fizyczne związane z przepływem cieczy przez kapilarę. Prawo Hagena-Poiseuilla i Darcy’ego. Charakterystyka przepływu laminarnego i turbulentnego. Bezwymiarowe kryteria charakteryzujące przepływ ciekłych metali przez filtr ceramiczny i podstawowe mechanizmy filtracji ciekłych metali.
Importance of metal melts filtration by ceramic filters. Hydraulic conditions at melt flow through filter. Bernouilli equation and its use for description of metal melts filtration. Physical regularities of melt flow in capillary. Hagen-Poiseuille law and Darcy’s law. Characteristics of laminar flow. Attributes of turbulent flow. Dimensionless criteria characterized melt flow through ceramic filter. Principal mechanisms of metal melts filtration.
W artykule zamieszczono wyniki filtracji ciekłej stali w warunkach laboratoryjnych i przemysłowych ceramicznymi filtrami sitkowymi. Wykazano zdecydowany wpływ powierzchni filtracyjnej filtra na skuteczność procesu filtrowania stali: zmniejszenie zawartości w stali domieszek szkodliwych (tlenu, azotu, siarki) oraz wtrąceń niemetalicznych. Badania procesu filtracji stali, przeprowadzone w warunkach przemysłowych, potwierdziły pozytywny wpływ tego procesu na poprawę czystości metalurgicznej stali.
Results of liquid steel filtration by ceramic strainers under conditions of laboratory and industrial tests are presented. A considerable effect of strainer filtration surface on effectiveness of steel filtration was shown: reduction of harmful impurities (oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur) and non-metallic inclusions. Industrial tests of steel filtration confirmed the beneficial effect on improvement of steel purity.
Content available remote Numerical model for the calculation of the temperature field of a concast billet
Solidification and cooling of a continuously cast steel billet is a very complicated problem of transient heat and mass transfer. The solving of such a problem is impossible without numerical model of the temperature field, not only of the concasting itself, while it is being processed through the caster but of the mold as well. This process is described by the Fourier-Kirchhoff equation. An original 3-D numerical off-line model of the temperature field of a caster has been developed. It has graphical input and output - automatic generation of the net and plotting of temperature fields in the form of color iso-therms and iso-zones, and temperature-time curves for any point of the system being investigated. This numerical model is capable of simulating the temperature field of a caster as a whole, or any of its parts. Experimental research and data acquisition have to be conducted simultaneously with the numerical computation - not only to confront it with the actual numerical model, but also to make it more accurate throughout the process. After computation, it is possible to obtain the temperatures at each - node of the network, and at each time of the process. The utilization of the numerical model of solidification and cooling of a concasting plays an indispensable role in practice. The potential change of technology - on the basis of computation - is constantly guided by the effort to optimize, i.e. to maximize the quality of the process.
Krzepnięcie i chłodzenie wlewków ciągłych o przekroju kwadratowym stanowi bardzo złożony problem, jeżeli chodzi o wymianę ciepła i przenikanie masy. Rozwiązanie takiego problemu jest niemożliwe bez posiadania numerycznego modelu obliczania rozkładu temperatury nie tylko w trakcie procesu odlewania ciągłego, gdy pasmo stali przechodzi przez urządzenie do odlewania, ale również w samym krystalizatorze. Ten proces opisuje równanie Fouriera-Kirchkoffa. Opracowano autorski trójwymiarowy model numeryczny do obliczania w trybie off-line rozkładu temperatury w urządzeniu do odlewania. Posiada on graficzne wejście i wyjście - automatyczne tworzenie sieci i nanoszenie rozkładów temperatury w postaci kolorowych izoterm i izostref oraz tworzenie krzywych zależności temperatury od czasu dla każdego punktu badanego układu. Ten model numeryczny może symulować rozkład temperatury urządzenia do odlewania w całości lub dla dowolnej jego części. Wraz z obliczeniami numerycznymi należy jednocześnie przeprowadzić badania eksperymentalne oraz pobieranie danych - nie tylko po to, aby je skonfrontować z rzeczywistym modelem numerycznym, ale również w celu zapewnienia większej dokładności obliczeń w trakcie całego procesu. Po wykonaniu obliczeń możliwe jest uzyskanie temperatur dla każdego węzła sieci w dowolnym momencie procesu. Zastosowanie modelu numerycznego krzepnięcia i chłodzenia wlewków ciągłych w praktyce staje się niezbędne. Potencjalna zmiana technologii - na podstawie obliczeń - nieustannie wiąże się z działaniami mającymi na celu zoptymalizowanie, t j. zmaksymalizowanie jakości procesu.
Dioxins are released into the environment as by-products of technological processes, i.a. in the chemical industry, pulp and paper industry, metallurgical industry, textile industry and dyeing industry. Dioxins are a group of compounds recognized by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as carcinogens of Group A since 01/06/1997. The carcinogenic action has been demonstrated on animals. Despite stringent obligations arising from the provisions of The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants on reducing POPs emissions to the environment (including dioxins) emission of these substances is still significant. These compounds often enter the food chain in random or intentional way and accumulate in organisms in the top of the food chain. This leads to the poisoning of the organism and appearance of clinical symptoms. According to the real hazard of poisoning the people, especially employed in the chemical industry, who are exposed to dioxins, research to determine the impact of these xenobiotics on various tissues and organs as well as to develop of effective pharmacological prevention is constantly conducted. Despite of the wide spectrum of the assessment of dioxins biological effects among humans and animals, there are only a few publications evaluating the impact of dioxins on the bone tissue. The main components of the fully functional bone are calcium phosphates and magnesium phosphates. From the proper saturation of bone matrix with salts of these chemical elements (mineralization) depends the hardness and elasticity of the bone. The young bone mineralization is controlled by a group of proteins, from which the most important is osteonectin, osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase. Many xenobiotics, including dioxins, have a negative influence on the biosynthesis of these proteins. The measurement of calcium and magnesium concentration in bone is one of the methods for assessing bone destruction. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodobenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in rats on calcium and magnesium levels in bone tissue of their offspring. Moreover the aim of this study was to check whether the administration of the dioxin receptor antagonists – tocopherol and acetylsalicylic acid – can reduce negative effects of dioxin action. Study was performed on 2-day newborns of Buffalo strain rats. Lower levels of calcium and magnesium was found both in cranial vault bones and the knee from newborns of mothers exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. It was shown that administration of mothers exposed to 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin tocopherol or acetylsalicylic acid prevent decreases in calcium and magnesium concentrations in the bone tissue of the offspring.
The paper presents results of influence of thinner additions into the steelmaking slag on steel desulphurization in the ladle. Comparison of effectivity of two developed briquetted thinners based on Al2O3 with the thinner in common used at the steelworks Třinecké železárny, a.s. was made.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu dodatków upłynniacza żużla na odsiarczanie stali w kadzi stalowniczej. Przeprowadzono porównanie skuteczności dwóch rodzajów badanego, brykietowanego upłynniacza żużla na bazie Al2O3 z upłynniaczem powszechnie stosowanym w stalowni Třinecké železárny, a.s.
Introduction and objective. Despite the restrictive legal regulations related to the reduction of dioxins emission, their concentration in the environment is still too high. Mainly, this is related to the illegal utilisation of electronic equipment and combustion of wastes, and also to intensified activity and maintenance of ships, especially in developing countries. The most important remaining source in Europe is the metal industry. Studies on the mechanism of impact of dioxins are still being carried out. This review points at new possibilities for limiting the molecular mechanisms of dioxins activity, inter alia, through the application of high doses of tocopherol and acetylsalicylic acid while treating dioxins intoxication. Brief description of the state of knowledge. Apart from the knowledge of dioxins affinity to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), the multi-stage radical-form actions and the pro-inflammatory mechanism associated with cyclooxygenase-II enzyme (COX-2) are under intense investigation at the moment. Due to the high affinity of dioxins to animals adipose tissue and their ability to accumulate in it, they can enter the food chain. Furthermore, high dioxin doses can cause poisoning manifested as advanced clinical symptoms, whereas in smaller doses, when cumulated, can cause metabolic changes which are often difficult to associate with their presence. Recently, some serious food contaminations by dioxins have been demonstrated. Sea fish and products from contaminated aqueducts still constitute potential sources of dioxins pollution. Conclusion. According to recent studies, dioxins are present in different concentrations in the environment and cause specific and long-time effects. These effects could be limited by the use of tocopherol and acetylsalicylic acid. Key
Purpose: The paper focuses on evaluation of slag regime by the help of synthetic slags based on Al2O3. The comparion of influence of synthetic slags on the production of two chosen grades of steels focused on evaluation of effectivity of created refining slag during treatment in the secondary metallurgy was the objective of plant experiments. Design/methodology/approach:During evaluation of slag regime in the ladle, steel samples for assessment of desulphurization degree were taken under the plant conditions. Slag samples were also taken for evaluation of chosen parameters: basicity, content of easily reducible oxides, proportion of CaO/Al2O3 and Mannesmann’s index. The temperature and oxygen activity in steel was continuously measured too. Findings: From plant experiments, it was found out that during using of two different types of synthetic slags during production of steel grades St52-3 and S34MnV similar values of desulphurization degree were achieved. Chosen parameters of ladle slag were monitored and it was demonstrated that the developed synthetic slag B reaches the results comparable with the standard used synthetic slag A. Research limitations/implications: Plant experiments were made under conditions of VÍTKOVICE HEAVY MACHINERY a.s. plant Obtained results are limited by the testing during production of two different steel grades St52-3, S34MnV and by the specific technology of production formed by EAF→LF→VD/VCD. Practical implications: The research results made it possible to realize the optimalization of slag regime under the plant conditions of VÍTKOVICE HEAVY MACHINERY a.s. plant. It was proved that developed synthetic slag B from the company JAP TRADING s.r.o. can adequately replace the common synthetic slag A. Originality/value:Results mentioned in this paper are intended for steel producers and they represent basic information about possibilities of slag regime optimalization in the ladle.
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