Próbki mięsa z mięśni piersiowych i mięśni udowych kurcząt broilerów paskalizowano ciśnieniem 200-400 MP a i przechowywano w warunkach chłodniczych do czasu wystąpienia objawów zepsucia. W określonych odstępach czasu próbki poddawano badaniom mikrobiologicznym, fizykochemicznym i sensorycznym. Ciśnienie 400 MPa obniżało ogólną liczbę drobnoustrojów (OLD) o 2 cykle logarytmiczne. Zmiany cech sensorycznych mięsa przebiegały szybciej, niż zmiany mikrobiologiczne.
Samples of chicken meat (leg and breast muscles) were vacuum-packed in PA/PE foil and subjected to hydrostatic pressure treatment at 200-400 MPa for 15 min at room temperature and then stored at 4°C until spoilage symptoms were visible. In predetermined time intervals the samples were subjected to microbiological, sensoric and physicochemical tests. The results obtained for raw and heat-treated pressurized meat samples were compared with those of control samples. The treatment with 400 MPa pressure reduced the total microbial count by 2 logarithmic cycles and extended the microbiological stability up to 13-14 days. The control samples were spoiled within 7 days. The UHP treatment had no effect on pH of the meat. The changes of sensoric quality of the meat were more rapid than the microbiological changes. All the samples were unsuitable for consumption after a 7-day storage in refrigerator.
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