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tom 12
nr 4
The aim of the study was to determine the concentration of pyrantel residues in the liver of rats in different time points after oral administration of pyrantel embonate as well as combined administration of the Bi 58 Nowy preparation (38% of dimethoate) and pyrantel embonate. The experiment was conducted in two stages involving different doses of compounds and modes of exposure. At the first stage, the animals were administered pyrantel embonate with a stomach tube at a dose of 1000 mg/kg b.w. twice in a two-week interval, i.e. on day 14 and 28, and the Bi 58 Nowy preparation with drinking water at a dose of 15.48 mg/kg b.w. for 28 days. At the second stage, the rats received pyrantel embonate at a dose of 400 mg/kg b.w. with a stomach tube for 3 consecutive days, whereas the Bi 58 Nowy preparation was administered at a dose of 38.7 mg/kg b.w. also with a stomach tube for 5 consecutive days. In the rats doubly administered with pyrantel embonate, its residues were present until day 14, whereas when the drug was administered for 3 consecutive days they were present until day 7 of the experiment. The maximum concentration of pyrantel embonate was found in the liver after the 3rd hour, whereas a considerable decrease occurred between the 3rd and the 12th hour. The combined administration of pyrantel embonate and the Bi 58 Nowy preparation caused a significant decrease in the concentration of pyrantel residues in the liver 3 and 6 hours after exposure, as compared to the rats receiving the drug alone.
tom 25
Badano zmiany stężenia pozostałości insektycydów fosforoorganicznych w wątrobie i mózgu szczurów po intoksykacji pojedyńczej fenitrotionem, foschlorem oraz ołowiem z fenitrotionem i ołowiem z foschlorem. Octan ołowiu(II) podany w dawce 250 mg/kg m.c. przed fenitrotionem zarówno w sposób jednorazowy, jak i frakcjonowany (przez 5 dni po 50 mg/kg m.c.) spowodował trwający przez cały okres doświadczenia wzrost stężenia pozostałości tego insektycydu w badanych tkankach zwierząt w porównaniu z zatruwanymi wyłącznie fenitrotio­nem. Po dawce frakcjonowanej Pb(II) wzrost pozostałości fenitrotionu był większy. W wątrobie i mózgu szczurów, którym przed foschlorem podano, Pb(II) w niektórych okresach eksperymen­tu stwierdzano obniżony poziom pozostałości zastosowanego insektycydu w porównaniu ze zwierzętami zatruwanymi wyłącznie foschlorem. Zastosowanie ołowiu w dawce frakcjonowanej przed foschlorem w większym stopniu wpłynęło na obniżenie pozostałości tego insektycydu w badanych tkankach w porównaniu z zatruwanymi jednorazową dawką ołowiu i foschlorem.
The concentration changes of phospho-organic insecticides in livers and brains of rats after a single intoxication with fenitrothion, foschlor as well as with combinations of lead and fenitrothion and foschlor, were examined. The lead acetate (II) provided in 250 mg/kg (body weight) prior to fenitrothion application both in a single dosage and fractionated for 5 days at 50 mg/kg a day (body weight) resulted in the increased concentration of this insecticide. The level of fenitrotion was stable throughout the period of examination in the analysed animal tissue when compared with intoxication with fenitrothion individually. The increase in residue was even larger after the fractionated dosage of Pb (II). In the liver and brain of rats intoxicated with Pb(II) prior to intoxication with foschlor, a decreased level of the applied insecticide residue was observed during some periods of the experiment. The lead application in the fractionated dosage prior to intoxication with foschlor resulted in the lowering the insecticide residue level to a larger degree in the examined tissue when compared with the rats intoxicated with a single dosage of lead and foschlor.
This study presents the results of research concerning the effect of single and combined application of pyrantel tartrate and dimethoate on selected antioxidative enzymes: catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), in rat erythrocytes. Pyrantel tartrate was applied twice, at a dose of 85 mg/kg bw at a two week interval, i.e. on day 14 and 28 of the experiment, orally, in a water solution with a stomach tube. Dimethoate was administered with drinking water for 28 days at a dose of 25 mg/kg bw/day. It was found that pyrantel tartrate caused only small changes in the activity of the antioxidative enzymes under analysis. Subchronic exposure of rats to dimethoate caused a significant increase in the activity of CAT, SOD and GPx in erythrocytes, indicating the existence of strong oxidative stress. In combined intoxication, no significant effects of administering pyrantel tartrate on the activity of CAT, SOD and GPx was found in animals poisoned with dimethoate. The profile of changes was similar to that observed in rats exposed only to the organophosphorus insecticide. This may indicate a lack of interaction between the compounds used in the experiment.
tom 52
nr 2
The effect of an administration of Bi 58 Nowy (38% dimethoate) and/or pyrantel embonate on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in erythrocytes and on malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in rat liver homogenates was investigated. Bi 58 Nowy was administered for 4 weeks with drinking water at a dose of 15.48 mg/kg b.w. (1/25 LD₅₀). Pyrantel embonate was given with a stomach probe at a dose of 1 000 mg/kg b.w., twice at two-week interval, i.e. on days 14 and 28. It was found that a 4-week exposure of rats to Bi 58 Nowy resulted, especially during the first hours after exposure, in an increase in SOD and CAT activity in erythrocytes and MDA content in rat liver homogenates, as compared to the control group. This may indicate that oxidative stress has appeared. The profile of changes in the examined parameters in combined intoxication was similar to those that were observed after the administration of only Bi 58 Nowy, but the changes were more pronounced.
The study was aimed at determining the dimethoate residues in the liver and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in blood of rats exposed to dimethoate (individual intoxication), and dimethoate and pyrantel embonate (simultaneous intoxication). The experiment was carried out in two stages where various doses of preparations and exposure manners were used. In the first stage of the experiment, dimethoate (1/25 LD50) was administered to animals per os for 28 days, and pyrantel embonate (1/2 LD50) twice, i.e. on the day 14th and 28lh. In the second stage, dimethoate was administered for 5 days (1/10 LD50), and pyrantel embonate (1/5 LD50) on day 3, 4 and 5 from the beginning of dimethoate intoxication. The short presence of the dimethoate residues in the liver of the animals examined was found until the 2"d day after 28-day intoxication (1/25 LD50) and until 14th day after 5-day intoxication (1/10 LD50), however, a distinct decrease in this insecticide residues in the liver of (analysed groups of) rats occurred between the 3rd hour and the 2nd day after exposure. Dimethoate in both applied doses significantly reduced AChE activity in blood. After application of the higher dose, the inhibition of AChE was more pronounced, and the return of its activity to physiological values lasted considerably longer. Co-administration of pyrantel embonate and dimethoate, slightly influenced changes of the parameters analysed, which have been dependent not only on a dose and manner of pyrantel application but also on time which lapsed from exposure.
Średnia zawartość Cd, Pb i Hg stwierdzana w wątrobie kurcząt brojlerów pochodzących z wybranych rejonów województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego wynosiła odpowiednio: 0,016; 0,025; 0,0101 mg/kg tkanki. Odnotowane stężenia metali (Cd, Pb, Hg) w wątrobie badanych kurcząt byty dużo niższe od obowiązujących dopuszczalnych ustawowo limitów pierwiastków szkodliwych dla zdrowia w produktach pochodzenia zwierzęcego.
Concentrations of toxic metals (Cd, Pb, Hg) in the liver of broiler chickens from selected areas of the Warmia and Mazury province are reported. The mean level of Cd, Pb and Hg in chicken liver was 0.016 mg Cd/kg, 0.025 mg Pb/kg and 0.0101 mg Hg/kg, respectively. The highest concentration of Cd and Pb was noted in the liver of birds from the Lubawa region (respectively: 0.031 mg Cd/kg and 0.036 mg Pb/kg), while highest Hg level was found in the Ilawa region (0.0209 mg Hg/kg). The lowest content of the elements was found in the liver of chickens from Giżycko region, 0.009 mg Cd/kg and 0.015 mg Pb/kg. Concentration of Hg was below the method sensitivity limit. It has been shown that the content of the toxic metals in the livers of broiler chickens farm-bred in the analysed localities of Warmia and Mazury province was well within the relevant Polish standards and is completely acceptable from the hygienic and toxicological point of view.
Content available Toxicity of salinomycin and narasin in turkeys
Coccidiosis continues to be one of the most serious diseases in poultry breeding, causing major economic losses in this industry. Many trials are conducted to prevent and control this disease. However, only a few medications are approved for use in the prevention and treatment of coccidiosis. Ionophore coccidiostats (e.g. salinomycin and narasin) act by altering the transmembrane movement of monovalent or divalent ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Rb+, Cs+), resulting in altered ionic gradients and disturbed physiological processes in coccidia. In broiler and turkey breeding, these agents are used for nearly the whole fattening period. Ionophore coccidiostats have a narrow safety margin. Their toxicity is probably due to a disturbed ion balance or to oxidative damage. Although ionophore coccidiostats are considered to be relatively safe for target animals, there are numerous reports of poisoning cases caused by these medications in birds. This paper summarizes the current state of knowledge on the toxicity of salinomycin and narasin in turkeys. It reviews the data concerning the symptoms, mortality rate and possible causes of poisoning with these agents. Moreover, the paper discusses the legal regulations regarding the use of these drugs in poultry.
Kokcydioza jest nadal uznawana za jedną z najważniejszych chorób w hodowli drobiu, stanowiąc główną przyczynę strat ekonomicznych w przemyśle drobiarskim. Podejmuje się wiele działań na rzecz zapobiegania i kontroli tej choroby. Do profilaktyki i terapii kokcydiozy zatwierdzono tylko kilka leków. Mechanizm działania kokcydiostatyków jonoforowych (np. salinomycyny i narazyny) jest związany z zakłóceniem transbłonowego transportu monowalentnych i dwuwalentnych jonów (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Rb+, Cs+), prowadzącym do zmiany gradientu jonowego i wtórnego zaburzenia procesów fizjologicznych u kokcydiów. U brojlerów i indyków leki te podawane są przez prawie cały okres tuczu. Kokcydiostatyki jonoforowe mają wąski margines bezpieczeństwa. Ich toksyczność jest związana z zaburzeniem równowagi jonowej lub uszkodzeniami oksydacyjnymi. Chociaż kokcydiostatyki jonoforowe są uznawane za stosunkowo bezpieczne dla zwierząt docelowych, w literaturze można znaleźć liczne doniesienia na temat zatruć tymi lekami u ptaków. W artykule przedstawiano bieżący stan wiedzy na temat toksyczności salinomycyny i narazyny u indyków, a także dane dotyczące objawów, upadków i możliwych przyczyn zatruć wywołanych tymi lekami. Omawiano również regulacje prawne w zakresie ich stosowania.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczeń zawartości jonów kadmu, miedzi i cynku w wątrobie i nerkach szczurów po intoksykacji pojedynczej oraz mieszanej selenem i kadmem. Wymienione pierwiastki w zastosowanych dawkach powodowały u szczurów niewielkiego stopnia zaburzenia w metabolizmie miedzi i cynku. Zmianie ulegał również poziom kadmu w badanych tkankach, zwłaszcza w grupach o mieszanej intoksykacji. U szczurów narażonych wyłącznie na wybrane eksperymentalnie dawki selenu poziom kadmu był nieznacznie obniżony w stosunku do grupy kontrolnej. Charakter i natężenie występujących zmian w stężeniu badanych jonów był związany z wielkością zastosowanej dawki, sposobem intoksykacji oraz okresem czasu jaki upłynął od zatrucia. Prawdopodobnie zmiany te mogły być uzależnione również od stopnia wchłaniania jelitowego podanego kadmu i selenu, współzawodnictwa w stosunku do białek i enzymów, a także rozmieszczenia pierwiastków w tkankach pod wpływem użytych toksykantów.
The paper presents the results of studies on the content of cadmium, copper and zinc ions in liver and kidneys of rats after a single intoxication and an intoxication with a mixture of selenium and cadmium. The applied doses of these elements caused some disturbances in copper and zinc metabolism of rats. Cadmium levels in the analysed tissues also changed, especially in the groups subjected to mixed intoxication. In rats exposed to experimentally selected selenium doses only, cadmium levels were slightly lower than in the control group. Character and intensity of changes observed in the concentration of the discussed ions was related to the dose used, method of rat intoxication, and time lapse since the animal poisoning. Most probably these changes were also dependent on the degree of cadmium and selenium assimilation from the food tract, competition with proteins and enzymes, and distribution of the elements in the tissue under the effect of toxicants.
The study was undertaken to examine the effect of single and combined administration of dimethoate (an OP insecticide) and pyrantel embonate (an anthelmintic agent) on the concentration of reduced glutathione (GSH) and the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR) in rats. Dimethoate (Group I) was administered to rats at a dose of 1/10 LD₅₀ for 5 consecutive days and pyrantel embonate (Group II) at a dose of 1/5 LD₅₀ for 3 consecutive days. The animals of group III were given both of the mentioned above compounds in the same manner as group I and II, but pyrantel embonate was applied on day 3, 4, and 5 from the beginning of dimethoate intoxication. Material from 6 rats randomly selected from each group was obtained after 3, 6 and 12 hours and 2, 7 and 14 days following the last applied dose of the compounds under study. It was found that application of pyrantel embonate caused only slight changes in the analysed parameters i.e. GSH, GPx and GR. Dimethoate administration caused disturbances in the antioxidative system manifested as a decrease in GSH concentration in the liver (max. - 37.7% after 6 hours) and an increase of GPx and GR activities in erythrocytes (max. - 21.7% and 29.6% after 3 hours, respectively), compared to the control group. The profile of changes after combined intoxication was similar, but their intensity was higher compared to the group of animals exposed to dimethoate only. Based on current studies, it was concluded that both dimethoate and pyrantel embonate at the applied doses showed a pro-oxidative activity.
The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of administration of chlorpyrifos and/or enrofloxacin on the activity of chosen antioxidative enzymes i.e.: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in erythrocytes of rats. Chlorpyrifos was administered by stomach tube during 28 days at a dose of 3 mg/kg bw (0.02 LD50), and enrofloxacin was administered by stomach tube at a dose of 5 mg/kg bw during 3 subsequent days. It was stated that administration of enrofloxacin at applied dose did not cause any major changes in the activity of investigated antioxidative enzymes. The four-week exposure of rats to chlorpyrifos caused noticeable decrease in SOD and CAT activity in erythrocytes of rats at the beginning of the experiment (up to 24th hour) in comparison with the control group. The activity of GPx during all periods of the experiment was increased. In the group of animals in which both chlorpyrifos and enrofloxacin were applied, the profile of changes in activity of examined enzymes was similar to that one, which was observed after administration of chlorpyrifos exclusively, what may indicate lack of co-action between compounds used in the experiment.
This paper presents the results of an experiment aimed to determine the activity of selected antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), conducted on 24 Hy-Line Brown layers raised in a battery cage system. The hens were divided into two groups, non-infested and infested with Dermanyssus gallinae. It was found that the exposure to the infestation significantly increased SOD and GPx activity and decreased CAT activity. Changes in the activity of the investigated enzymes may indicate the occurrence of oxidative stress in consequence of long-term infestation with the parasite.
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