The artistic discourse through a text message in the verbal expression accumulates the cultural and social information, displays time, social structure, the relationship of people. The interpretation of the artistic discourse allows us to combine the process of mastering of the language units, thematic layers of vocabulary and concepts with the formation of linguocultural competences of the students. Under the cross-cultural communication refers to the ability of the students to live in conditions of globalization, to conduct the dialogue linguocultural between civilizations, cultures and peoples, based on mutual understanding and respect, build bridges between cultures and to protect identity. An important feature of the artistic discourse is the emotional component, because the function of this kind of discourse is to create a sensory image, figurative and aesthetic transformation of reality and all these by means of the language. Emotional vocabulary is only one of the important elements of creating the contents of artistic discourse. The application provides the expressiveness of the characters and the emotional richness of the text. On the other hand, the value of a literary text is generated in the process of reading, is a product of interactive activities of the text and the reader. One of the important tasks of foreign literature and the interpretation of the text is to teach the students to dive into ethno-cultural space of artistic discourse, read and interpret the signs of the nomination. Special potential has psychological prose. In Germany, one of the most expressive representatives of this direction is Gabriela Vomann, Member of the «Group 47», a literary Association, which thirty years determined to the directions of the development of the progressive literature in Germany, Austria, Switzerland. Gabriela Vomann works in the genre of short stories and by her own admission, finds material for creativity in her own life experiences and her own worries. She wrote about feeling: loneliness, the collapse of hopes, fragility and illusiveness of happiness, indifference and pride, fear of the future – all that include the human life. Her works are at low volume, difficult to interpret and require attention to the artistic details. The story of Gabriela Vomann «Eva`s Visit» is one the short psychological stories where the reader gets right in the middle of the action. Strictly speaking, the action, as such, is omitted. This is a short night diary entries of the heroine of the story. Neither her name nor age, profession and instructions are not mentioned in the open space of the text. The author has created the problem, deeply analytical narrative environment, where the primary is the motif of the human exclusion of people from one another, emotional stress on a superficial level of text and figure of silence, the graphical expression of which is the dash. Therefore, the formation of cross-cultural competence through artistic discourse and in the process of interpretation of the text is identifying among plurality interpretations, contents, design, author and his ideas. The author’s intention and the aesthetic component of artistic text contribute the active formation of the views of the students about the national-specific differences between cultures through their own subjective evaluation.
German experts believe that primary school plays great role in further progress of a person, his career and fate. Teacher training in Germany is in a state of transformation. German and Ukrainian systems of training of primary school teachers have many aspects, but also a lot of differences. In both countries teachers are not only interested in professional training in specific subjects, but also should know how to communicate with people who clearly and convincingly express opinions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the professional training of teachers of primary schools in Germany in order Ukrainian education could take the best in the industry, to ensure optimal conditions for primary school teachers. A prerequisite to enter university in Germany is graduation of a host institution with a certain number of points in core subjects. The criteria to select students are exceptional professional and personal qualities. Most programmes of teacher training are divided into two phases: the first – theoretical study at university, and the second, practical – at school. A complex of disciplines includes teaching, methods of teaching in primary schools, and professional training. Future teachers attend parallel seminars that accompany the practice phase. Number of subjects, their combination, curriculum and training program depend on the type of school where a young specialist wants to work in future, and in what federal land he studies. Training is modular system that clearly structures the course of educational process, facilitates the formation of individual student curriculum and allows him to control his personal results. The modules consist of lectures, seminars, workshops, consultations and projects. Afterpassingthefirststateexam, thestudenthas no righttoworkinschoolanddoesnotreceive a diploma, and should find a placefor a referendariat – a two-yearinternshipbefore his secondstateexam. ThisisthemaindifferenceinthepreparationofteachersatanylevelofteachertraininginUkraine – receive a diplomaonlyafterpracticalworkinschool. The authors conclude that Ukraine and Germany have common goals for solving the problem of teacher training in German and European levels.
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