Aim/purpose – Energy is traditionally produced using fossil fuels as raw materials, which impacts the environment negatively. Due to the scarcity of fossil fuel supplies, rising prices of energy carriers, and global trends, consumers are turning to renewable energy sources (RES) for home heating. The aim of this study was to determine whether the choice of house heating system using different sources than fossil fuels is driven by any additional components of single-family house users’ purchasing decisions besides cost. Based on research results, the prospects for further transformation of thermal energy in single-family housing in Poland towards RES were determined. Design/methodology/approach – The research on the inhabitants of single-family houses was conducted in December 2022 in Poland. The research method used was a survey using the CATI and CAWI techniques. 600 respondents filled out the questionnaire. The results were statistically analyzed. A non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test (non-parametric ANOVA) and a post-hoc test were used. The distributions’ normality and the variances’ homogeneity were measured using Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Brownian–Forsythe tests. Calculations were performed using Statistica software. Findings – The choice of heating energy source in single-family houses, taking CO2 emissions into account, is not dictated by income level. Instead, it is determined by the number of people in the household. More numerous households opt for a zero-emission heat source. Households using emission-based heating energy sources are significantly more driven by the cost of using heating appliances; their purchase price, reliability, and product quality are more important than those using zero-emission methods. The partial use of renewable energy source solutions promotes further investment in emission-free heat sources. Research implications/limitations – The analysis illustrates the state of thermal transformation in single-family houses during the energy transition process at the national level. A limitation of the research is that it samples only one EU country struggling with too high CO2 emissions compared to other countries. Originality/value/contribution – A unique approach used in this study is to address the variation in incentives for renewable energy purchasing decisions, considering CO2 emissions. This aspect, although noticeable to some extent, is not directly taken into account by users who do not have the tools to assess their CO2 emissions. However, the proposed research approach showed that the CO2 emission level of a heating system is a factor differentiating some aspects of the decision-making process of system users. In particular, it showed what elements of the decision are essential in households that have not yet taken any action towards energy transformation.
Cel: złożoność relacji międzyorganizacyjnych wyraża się w liczbie, poziomie oraz zmienności ich cech. Koncentrując się na dwóch podstawowych cechach relacji – zaufaniu i zaangażowaniu – artykuł rozpoznaje, jak zmieniają się one w poszczególnych fazach cyklu życia związku. Metodologia: wykorzystując wyniki systematycznego przeglądu literatury na temat cech IOR, za cel przyjęto jakościową weryfikację zmienności zaufania oraz zaangażowania na przestrzeni czasu. Następnie uzyskane wyniki zostały poddane ilościowemu testowaniu w badaniach przeprowadzonych na próbie 786 twórców oprogramowania w Polsce. Wyniki: wyniki badań wskazują, że poziom zaufania i intensywności zaangażowania zmieniają się nieliniowo w cyklu życia IOR. Zgodnie z logiką, oba atrybuty zwiększają się w fazach początkowej, rozwoju i utrzymania, natomiast w fazie końcowej się zmniejszają. Jednakże, wyniki badań wskazują, że ich poziom może ponownie wzrosnąć, gdy relacja zostanie reaktywowana. Ograniczenia/implikacje badawcze: ze względu na ograniczenia branżowe i kulturowe zalecane są badania porównawcze kilku branż w warunkach międzykulturowych. Widzimy też potrzebę dalszych badań nad całościowym spojrzeniem na cechy relacji i ich zmienność w cyklu życia relacji. Ponadto warto przyjrzeć się zasadności cyklicznego traktowania dynamiki relacji IOR. Oryginalność/wartość: wkładem w istniejący stan wiedzy jest rozpoznanie znaczenia zaufania i zaangażowania w rozwoju relacji międzyorganizacyjnych z wykorzystaniem mieszanego podejścia badawczego. Dodatkowo, jako wkład metodyczny, w artykule przedstawiono operacjonalizację i pomiar rozważanych atrybutów relacji.
Purpose: The complex nature of inter-organizational relationships can be reflected in the number, level, and changes of their features. Focusing on two essential features of relationships – trust and commitment – we explore how they change in the particular phase of the relationship life cycle. Design/methodology/approach: Using the existing findings from a systematic literature review on IOR features, we aimed to qualitatively verify the changes over the time of two crucial relational characteristics – trust and commitment. Next, using a quantitative surveying, we tested the changeability of these two on a large-scale sample (786) from the software industry in Poland. Findings: With strong empirical support, we found the level of trust and commitment intensity as changing in a non-linear manner through the relationship life cycle. Logically, they both increase across the initial, development, and maintenance phases, while in the termination phase they decline. However, the results show that they can rise when the relationship is reactivated. Research limitations/implications: Due to the industry and cultural-specific limitations, comparative studies on several industries in cross-cultural conditions are recommended. We need further research on a holistic view of relationship characteristics and their changeability through the relationship life cycle. Furthermore, the validity of the cyclical treatment of relationship dynamics is worth reviewing. Originality/value: We investigate the significance of trust and commitment in inter-organizational relationship development using a mixed research approach. Additionally, as a methodological contribution, this article offers the operationalization and measurement of the above-mentioned features.
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