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The trend of post"colonial thinking, which has been present in literature studies for some time, turns our attention towards the oppressive as pect of cultural discourses (especially those referring to the borderlands) that are well grounde d in our literature and connected with the history of the multinational Republic of Poland. Th e placing of Paweł Jasienica’s book (pub" lished in 1964, the second edition in 1992) in the context of the post"colonial methodology and awareness proves to be quite justifiable, as th e book turns out to be the manifesto of the post"colonial awareness, which is visible in the ac ts of certain, methodologically specified, reading. “The fourth chronicler” focuses on the lin guistic shape of his predecessors’ utterance and by reconstructing the narrator’s awareness, ide ntifies it with a certain political circle. The political process is interesting for the chronicler merely as a kind of game for power that is played by various political “actants”. Jasienica’s historical works reconstruct the “Slavic ori" gin” from the traces of history that are visible in chronicles and architecture and, against the official political doctrine, they look for such mom ents in the Polish history which could make if possible for the ancestors of the Piasts and the Jagiellons to justify their national pride. That is why, Jasienica’s works are thoroughly present"or iented.
The problem of relations between literature, history and the generic orientation of historical writing is one of the elements of the modern metahistorical awareness. Hayden White represents the concept of linguistic primacy over the “documentary aspect” and “authenticity” of accounts of the past. The confrontation between genology and the need to be part of history is also visible in literature. We can see this, for instance, in the works of Zbigniew Herbert, who is referred to as a classic because of his distinctive ethical and aesthetical declarations. He builds his poetic identity by juxtaposing traditional cultural elements with his historical experience. He uses the axiologically marked categories of tragedy and epic, which played an important role in the description of human condition in historiography at the turn of the 18th century (e.g. J.G. Droysen) and in 19th century testimonies (e.g. M. Mochnacki). Marian Maciejewski points to this in his description of a wide spectrum of pre-Romantic literature in Poland. Deconstructed classical genres are used today, as they were in the early 19th century, to constitute the subjectivity — devoid of solid foundations — of the participant in and the describer of historical events.
Na rozumienie postępu przez Kraszewskiego składa się wiele elementów: wiedza w zakresie nauk przyrodniczych, jak też świadomość wynalazków technicznych, poparta profesjonalnymi badaniami w archiwach znajomość historii i procesów, które nią rządzą, obserwacja przemian gospodarczych, ekonomicznych oraz społecznych w realiach polskich i europejskich, a także doskonałe wykształcenie w dziedzinie historii sztuki i umiejętność określenia rozwoju poszczególnych stylów estetycznych. Stosunek Kraszewskiego do rozwijającej się w szybkim tempie cywilizacji europejskiej ewoluował. Pisarz stosował kategorie postępu do obserwacji realiów społecznych Wołynia, gdzie mieszkał, a także rodzącego się w Warszawie konsumpcyjnego stylu życia i obserwowanego na zachodzie Europy rozwoju gospodarczego, czego wyrazem są jego wspomnienia zatytułowane "Kartki z podróży". Zwraca w nich pisarz uwagę na dokonującą się unifikację stylu życia oraz zanik tożsamości narodowych. Pod powierzchnią egzystencji łatwiejszej, wygodniejszej i bardziej uporządkowanej niż na wschodzie kontynentu znajduje rysy, szpary, pęknięcia i znamiona przyszłej ruiny. Kraszewski, podobnie jak wcześniej oświeceniowi krytycy idei postępu, odrzuca pochwałę progresywizmu opartą na pozorach, szukając trwałych fundamentów etycznych w upostaciowanych przejawach współczesnego sobie życia gospodarczego oraz w budowlach i pomnikach dziejów narodów. Interesuje go postęp oparty na najlepszej śródziemnomorskiej tradycji, ale odbywający się z poszanowaniem dla poszczególnych, narodowych realizacji.
Kraszewski’s understanding of progress is composed of many elements: knowledge of natural sciences, technical inventions awareness, supported by professional archive research in history and the processes that control it, observation of economical, industrial and social changes in Poland and in Europe, as well as perfect education in art history and the ability of defining the development of particular aesthetic styles. Kraszewski’s attitude to the quickly developing European civilisation evolved. He used the categories of progress to observe the social situation of Volhynia, where he lived, the arising in Warsaw consumerist lifestyle and the Western Europe economical development, the expressions of which are his memories entitled "Kartki z podróży" ("Notes from Travels"). In the collection Kraszewski highlights lifestyle unification and decline of national values. Under the cover of easier, more comfortable and more ordered than in the East existence, he finds scratches, cracks, bursts, and traits of future ruin. The novelist, as earlier the Enlightened critics of the idea of progress did, rejects the praise of progressivism based on appearances, and looks for solid ethical fundaments in the real manifestations of contemporary to him economical life, as well as in buildings and in monuments of national history. He is interested in the progress based on the best Mediterranean tradition which also respects individual and national realisations.
Content available Wspieranie przedsiębiorczości kobiet
W artykule przedstawiono założenia polityki społecznej Unii Europejskiej wobec przedsiębiorczości kobiet, jak również wybrane organizacje i programy w szczególny sposób zajmujące się wspieraniem kobiet w zakresie doradztwa i finansowania ich firm w Polsce.
The article shows foundations of the European Union social policy towards women's enterprise, as well as chosen organizations and programs, which particularly deal with support of women within consultancy and financing of their companies in Poland.
Na obraz Ukrainy obecny w twórczości Mariana Maciejewskiego złożyły się doświadczenia badawcze, trwające od początku drogi naukowej, a także działalność prowadzona w ramach neokatechumenatu. Praca naukowa od początku związana była z intensywną refleksją nad literaturą polskiego romantyzmu, którego kolebką była m.in. Ukraina. Badania nad twórczością Karola Brzozowskiego, potem Antoniego Malczewskiego i Juliusza Słowackiego spowodowały, że ukraińskie pejzaże zyskały głębokie uzasadnienie historycznoliterackie i strukturalne, by w kolejnych pracach stać się przedmiotem odczytań hermeneutycznych i kerygmatycznych. Ukraina towarzyszyła Uczonemu w poszukiwaniu drogi naukowej i dydaktycznej, których celem było doprowadzenie do kresu czynności interpretacyjnych, w rezultacie – wychylenie poza tekst, odszukanie w nim egzystencjalnej prawdy o człowieku. Badanie poetyckich krajobrazów doprowadziło do uchwycenia w nich znamion „słonecznego Jeruzalem”, a tym samym do pełnej integracji Maciejewskiego podmiotu badań literackich z człowiekiem będącym w pełnej jedności z Bogiem.
The image of Ukraine that is present in Marian Maciejewski's works consists of his research experiences gathered in the course of his academic career, as well as of his work in the Neocatechumenate. His academic work from the beginning was connected with intensive reflection on the literature of Polish Romanticism, whose cradle was, among others, Ukraine. His studies of works by Karol Brzozowski, and then by Antoni Malczewski and Juliusz Słowacki made Ukrainian landscapes gain profound historico-literary and structural justification; and in further works they became the subject of hermeneutic and kerygmatic interpretations. Ukraine accompanied the scholar when he was searching for his academic and didactic way, whose aim was to conduct interpretative actions till the end, and ultimately − going beyond the text, finding the existential truth about the man in it. Studying poetic landscapes lead to grasping features of the “sunny Jerusalem” in them, and so to a complete integration of Maciejewski's subject of literary research with the man being in full unity with God.
Sprawozdanie z działalności Koła Naukowego Historii Kultury i Edukacji UAM
What has been not written by KraszewskiThe text is a review of Matthew Skucha’s book that attempts to apply the methodology of gender criticism and feminist literary criticism in reading the late novels by Ignacy Kraszewski. The author of the review appreciates competence and efficiency of the interpretation by Skucha, who managed to reveal unconscious, non-literary determinants of Kraszewski’s prose resulting from entanglement in the patriarchal system of cultural behaviours associated with women and men in the 19th century. But she also draws attention to the dangers connected with reductional dimension of such interpellation.
Aleksander Wat and historical experience An exceptionally complex biography of Aleksander Wat, apparently present in his literary output, makes him a person especially privileged that betoken the history of the 20th century. A historical experience constitutes for Wat an artistic problem, literature becomes a record of his experience – a direct and authentic record. However, since writing is not only an ethnic obligation but also the inclusion into a widely understood cultural context, Wat undertakes the attempts of communicating with the world, it becomes though more and more difficult for the poet due to the lack – in his opinion – of a suitable poetic language for the description of the world. The outcome of it is Wat’s reaching the borders of the speech – to silence ([Zakułem się w pancerz myślenia...]). What Wat considered in his experience as the most important, it becomes therefore strengthened not only in his poetry but, above all, in Mój wiek [My Century] – a text not written but spoken, tape recorded; richness (“the excess of information”), digressiveness but also some breaking up, some formal “splitting up” of this text, reflects most fully heterogenous, complicated, full of suffering Wat’s experience. A vitally important in this situation is Czesław Miłosz, Wat’s interlocutor whose discreet presence, wise posing of questions orders the picture drawn chaotically by Wat.
This article deals with the presence of issues of Slavdom in the thoughts and works of John Paul II as an expression of their roots in Polish Romantic literature. Its centre is the cult of St. Cyril and St. Methodius, who, in the Pope’s view, became an expression of the universalism, Greek heritage and Christianity of the Slavic peoples. A reminder of the importance of the Solon brothers had already been mentioned in the Paris lectures of Adam Mickiewicz and in a forgotten poem by Teofil Lenartowicz. This was associated with the need for Slavs to gain self-knowledge, as demanded by Norwid, Słowacki, Mickiewicz and others. The mission of the Slavic Pope fulfils the above postulates of the Romantic poets. John Paul II recalls the identity of the Slavs and their role in the papacy and a united Europe. It restores their dignity and is an indication of their future.
Artykuł podejmuje obecność problematyki słowiańszczyzny w myśli i twórczości Jana Pawła II jako wyraz zakorzenienia w polskiej literaturze romantycznej. Jej centrum jest kult św. Cyryla i Metodego, który stał się w ujęciu Papieża wyrazem uniwersalizmu, dziedzictwa greckiego oraz chrześcijaństwa narodów słowiańskich. Przypomnienie znaczenia braci sołuńskich miało miejsce już w paryskich prelekcjach Adama Mickiewicza oraz w zapomnianym wierszu Teofila Lenartowicza. Wiązało się z koniecznością uzyskania przez Słowian samopoznania, którego domagali się Norwid, Słowacki, Mickiewicz i inni. Misja słowiańskiego Papieża realizuje powyższe postulaty romantycznych poetów. Jan Paweł II przypomina tożsamość Słowian i ich rolę dla papiestwa i w zjednoczonej Europie. Przywraca im godność. Stanowi wskazanie na przyszłość.
Content available Czy są nam potrzebni „marni” poeci?
The paper contains reflections on the historical circumstances of the evaluation of artistic work, which guarantee immortality to one author, and condemn others to oblivion. The author takes into account the popularity of poetry which is not of the highest quality, and which is present in mass culture. Poems by less known, mediocre poets appear as lyrics of national or religious songs .  Examples of the 19th and 20th century literature have been provided, including works of Michał Bałucki, Jan Czeczot, Maria Konopnicka, Franciszek Karpiński, Teofil Lenartowicz, Władysław Syrokomla, Stefan Witwicki and others.  The study emphasizes the unconsciousness of readers and users as to the authorship, circumstances of the creation, as well as the original purpose of the texts that are read and sung to this day. As a result of the analysis, it turns out that popular culture can store valuable content and is an important reservoir of national culture.
Content available Paweł Hertz. Pochwała dziewiętnastowieczności
This article shows the output of Paweł Hertz – a poet, translator, editor, publicist as an example of current today Polish literature from the 19th century viewed in both domestic context and on the background of well-known European literature. Arguments supporting the thesis are the fact that he showed the output of the 19th-century writers as a uniform entity without division into particular epochs (contemporary career of the 19th-century-ness), ahistorical understanding of esthetic categories (e.g. classicism) practising reading in anthropological categories (as experience), pointing at the emotional reaction between the reader and the work, activist understanding of culture, revalorization of literature of various circulations, exceeding strictly national categories in thinking about literature, signals of material feedback in humanist science, humanism. The mentioned elements of the project of reading Paweł Hertz indicate current character and raise the attractiveness of his writings.
Content available Wat i doświadczenie historyczne
Aleksander Wat and historical experience An exceptionally complex biography of Aleksander Wat, apparently present in his literary output, makes him a person especially privileged that betoken the history of the 20th century. A historical experience constitutes for Wat an artistic problem, literature becomes a record of his experience – a direct and authentic record. However, since writing is not only an ethnic obligation but also the inclusion into a widely understood cultural context, Wat undertakes the attempts of communicating with the world, it becomes though more and more difficult for the poet due to the lack – in his opinion – of a suitable poetic language for the description of the world. The outcome of it is Wat’s reaching the borders of the speech – to silence ([Zakułem się w pancerz myślenia...]). What Wat considered in his experience as the most important, it becomes therefore strengthened not only in his poetry but, above all, in Mój wiek [My Century] – a text not written but spoken, tape recorded; richness (“the excess of information”), digressiveness but also some breaking up, some formal “splitting up” of this text, reflects most fully heterogenous, complicated, full of suffering Wat’s experience. A vitally important in this situation is Czesław Miłosz, Wat’s interlocutor whose discreet presence, wise posing of questions orders the picture drawn chaotically by Wat.
The activity of the Lublin school of the Romanticism research was started in 1950 when the Chair of the History of Polish Literature was assumed by Czesław Zgorzelski, previously lecturing in Toruń. It is due to his inspiration that the works concerning Polish literature of the 1st half of the 19th century transform into an editorial, interpretative and synthetic chara- cter. Czesław Zgorzelski participates in the publishing of Writings of Adam Mickiewicz and Kazimierz Brodziński. Together with his students in Lublin – M. Maciejewski, D. Zamąciń- ska. I. Opacki, A. Paluchowski – Cz. Zgorzelski describes the genres of the ballad, the po- etics nowel and the romanic tale. The research concerning Romantics literature focuses on the religious contesns, and the turn category, which allows to to distinguish the pre-Romantic period, and refers to historico-literary contexts of the Enlightenment and modern times. The methodology bases on the Deception of formalizm and structuralism, with the addition of semiotics and hermeneutics. The kerygmatic conception of literature interpretation is created in Lublin.
In this study we designed and synthesized twenty new derivatives of 2-(4-benzoyl-1-piperazinyl)-quinoline and 2-(4-cinnamoyl-1-piperazinyl)-quinoline with potential anticancer activity. The structures of synthesized compounds were confirmed by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and MS spectrometry. The activity of novel compounds was evaluated in the cell viability assay as well as in the wound healing assay. Presented data show that examined substances have anticancer activity in cell culture. Seven compounds which showed a high rate of cell growth inhibition were selected for further studies. Three of them strongly reduced growth of B16F10 cells. The novel compounds constitute a good base for further studies and optimization of structure for new therapeutically effective anti-cancerous drugs.
In this study we designed and synthesized sixteen new derivatives of 7-amino-4-methylquinolin-2(1H)-one with potential anticancer activity. The structures of synthesized compounds were confirmed by 1H and 13C NMR. The activity of novel substances was evaluated by cell viability assay and wound healing assay. In vitro tests for series of sixteen novel compounds were performed. The results showed that examined compounds are selective for cancer cells, but their activity for various types of cancer is different. Three of new compounds presented ability to inhibit cells migration. The novel compounds constitute a good starting point for further studies and optimization of structure for new therapeutically effective anti-cancerous drugs. Seven compounds, which showed the highest rate of cell inhibition, were selected for further studies.
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