Obecnie obserwuje się na rynku zmiany dokonujące się pod wpływem globalizacji i integracji gospodarki. Postępujące procesy globalizacji i integracji wymuszają na małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach wzajemną współpracę z innymi przedsiębiorstwami z podobnych branż. Zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem w dobie integracji i globalizacji gospodarki rynkowej wymaga zastosowania odpowiedniej wiedzy, metod i instrumentów marketingu.
Nowadays, one can observe changes which occur on the market as the result of globalization and integration of market economy. The advancing processes of globalization and integration of the market force small and medium-sized companies to set up mutual co-operations with participants of market transactions. Management of companies in the era of globalization and integration of market economy becomes a very complex issue, calling for knowledge of rules, methods and marketing instruments.
The main objective of this paper is to identify consumers’ behavior on the market by obtaining an opinion on the preferences in the choice of the shop as a place of purchase, the reasons for consumers to make purchases in retail chains and grocery stores, the factors affecting the choice of location as well as shopping areas which retail chains and grocery stores do not meet their expectations. The report contains the results of the conducted survey. The research concerned Lubuskie Voivodeship. The research sample was selected at random according to the age bracket. The minimum sample size for the study was set at 412 consumers. The total number of consumers was 531. The survey representativeness for Lubuskie Voivodeship has been statistically confirmed. The emergence of commercial networks influenced the changes in consumer behaviour, in terms of where and how purchases are made. The studies show that most respondents make purchases in trade networks because of the economic benefits: saving money and time. Commercial networks attract primarily customers with low prices and a wide range of goods. Grocery stores, however, located near the place of residence are rated as less cost-competitive, but customers of these shops notice other advantages in comparison with commercial networks.
The development of market economy, the continuing process of globalization, technological progress, and rising living standards have created a kind of consumer culture in which people strive to best meet their needs. Undoubtedly, mass culture influences the development of consumer behavior, their preferences, lifestyle. Currently, there is no single common position on how purchasing decisions are determined by global trends, and to what extent they are the result of cultural conditioning. The main objective of the study was to identify and evaluate the effects of consumption on global trends in consumer behavior and an indication of the factors that are crucial in consumers’ purchasing decisions in Lubuskie province. In this study we have used an analysis of the literature and the results of a survey conducted among respondents in Lubuskie province.
Rozwój gospodarki wolnorynkowej, postępujący proces globalizacji, postęp techniczny i technologiczny, wzrost poziomu życia doprowadziły do wytworzenia pewnego rodzaju kultury konsumpcyjnej, w której człowiek dąży do jak najlepszego zaspokojenia swoich potrzeb. Niewątpliwie kultura masowa wpływa na kształtowanie zachowań konsumentów, na ich preferencje, styl życia. Aktualnie nie ma jednego wspólnego stanowiska dotyczącego na ile decyzje zakupowe determinowane są trendami globalnymi, a na ile wynikają z uwarunkowań kulturowych. Głównym celem opracowania było określenie i ocena skutków oddziaływania globalnych trendów konsumpcji na zachowania konsumentów, a także wskazanie czynników, które mają kluczowe znaczenie w decyzjach zakupowych konsumentów województwa lubuskiego. W opracowaniu wykorzystano analizę literatury oraz wyniki z przeprowadzonego badania ankietowego wśród respondentów w województwie lubuskim.
The main objective of the study was to identify the activities conducted by the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Lubuskie Voivodeship in the conditions of the consolidation and integration of internal trade. We presented actions that companies intend to take in the future to strengthen their competitive position, as well as the reasons for their low level of innovation. An assessment was also made of the success factors that had an impact on the functioning of the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises. The research procedure used the analysis of literature, statistical data and the results of surveys conducted among representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises on the presented issues.
The main aim of this article was to identify the behavior of consumers in the e-commerce market in Poland, according to the model of e-customer as adopted by Meier and Stormer. An attempt was made to answer the following questions: whether education has an impact on the propensity to make purchases over the Internet and the level of concern about Internet security, what are the greatest limitations of e-commerce, whether there is a clear link between the assessment of the overall impression of shopping online and satisfaction with service. The study shows that the largest group of respondents make purchases in online stores after carefully reading the information relating to the e-business and the products it offers, often adding a Web address to favorites returning later to obtain detailed information, or return to some services. At the same time they show a great interest in the price and terms of delivery. The research procedure used the analysis of literature, statistical data and results of the survey respondents of Lubuskie voivodship.
The dynamic development of information technology, especially the Internet, which has taken place in recent years has brought many new opportunities to use the Internet in business operations. The Internet has created new opportunities for the development of enterprises. It was its dynamic boom that enabled e-commerce to gain in importance, and along with it made the changes in consumer behavior in terms of place, time and purchasing conditions. The aim of the paper is to present the key aspects in the development of relationships as a basis for building loyalty and creating value for the customer. Attainment of the objective will be aided by presentation of the results of survey regarding the identification of the measures taken to maintain lasting relationships that allow to build loyalty and create value for the customer. In addition, the study will identify the actions conducive to the growth of customer loyalty, which can be helpful in conducting e-business. In the research procedure we have used the analysis of the literature, statistical data and the results of the questionnaire study on the presented issues with customers from Lubuskie voivodship.
The aim of the paper is to present on the basis of the study of literature the essence of coaching, the creative industries in the modern economy, the culture of coaching in relation to the creative class as well as issues relating to the development of relations between the client and the coach. The study also pointed out the differences between coaching, counselling and consulting, distinguishing features of modern coaching and highlighted the factors affecting the process of shaping the relationship between the client and the coach. With regard to the creative class coaching extends its alternative development of people and their organizations, based on the values of communication, acceptance of diversity and individuality, strengthening the sense of subjective efficacy and integrity, while expanding individual consciousness. As a result, this enhances the effect of stimulating creativity, which directly affects the development of the creative class as an essential element of the proper functioning of an important sector of the economy, which is the creative industry.
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