This article discusses the problems related to the sound realisation of the so-called nasal sounds, that is letters ą and ę, as well as the differences in the phonological interpretation of those realisations. The issue has been repeatedly raised by linguists (e.g. Zarembina 1963; Retz 1979ab; Dunaj 1991; Sawicka 1995; Nagórko 1998; Szpyra-Kozłowska 2002, and others), which proves its complexity and difficulty. The letters ą and ę can be pronounced in various ways depending on their neighbourhood (that is other letters that follow them), which causes problems in Polish language didactics and in the process of teaching of the correct Polish language pronunciation (especially when it comes to teaching Polish pronunciation to foreigners). The article mentions the methods and principles of the realisation of nasal sounds as well as inconsistencies in the phonological characteristics of the phenomenon. The article is an overview, as its aim is to compare different suggestions for the phonological interpretation.
W artykule zostały omówione problemy związane z realizacją dźwiękową tzw. Nosówek, czyli liter ą i ę, a także różnice w interpretacji fonologicznej tychże realizacji. Problemy te niejednokrotnie były poruszane przez badaczy [np. Zarębina 1963; Retz 1979ab; Dunaj 1991; Sawicka 1995; Nagórko 1998; Szpyra-Kozłowska 2002 i inni], co świadczy o tym, że zjawisko nie należy do łatwych. Litery ą i ę mogą być realizowane w różny sposób (w zależności od sąsiedztwa) i dlatego przysparzają wielu trudności w dydaktyce polonistycznej oraz w procesie nauczania prawidłowej wymowy polskiej (w szczególności osób obcojęzycznych). W artykule zostały przywołane sposoby i zasady realizowania tzw. nosówek, a także rozbieżności w charakterystyce fonologicznej tego zjawiska. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy, gdyż jego głównym celem było porównanie różnych propozycji.
The aim of this paper is to describe the speech therapy procedure in the case of children with cleft lip and palate, with a particular focus on preventive measures. It discusses the elements of the procedure that could significantly influence the effects of the therapy in detail. Improperly selected exercises to train organs of speech or improve breathing will not bring satisfactory effects or can even intensify bad habits. Complying with the recommendations described in this paper is particularly important in the treatment of children with open nasality.
The article focuses on the derivational competencies in young adults with moderate intellectual disabilities (ID). The linguistic material for the study consisted of statements from 10 individuals aged 18-24. The ability to create derivatives and to recognize word-formation structure was evaluated across five categories of derivatives: two modification categories (feminatives derived from masculine names, diminutives) and three mutation categories (agentive names, instrument names, and place names). The responses of the participants were analysed in terms of the following criteria: whether the answer was consistent / inconsistent with the presented pattern; whether the created derivative was a potential formation / occasionalism / neologism, or was based on the associations of the respondent; whether the derivative / paraphrase were replaced by a description or a definition in the respondent’s answer; whether the response included a full or partial repetition of the instruction. In terms of creating derivatives, participants scored about 60% of correct responses. As for paraphrasing derivatives, participants had no trouble identifying the word-formation base, but were unable to specify the meaning of the affix. In cases of incorrect responses, individuals with ID mainly referred to their associations and provided synonymous terms.
Artykuł jest poświęcony kompetencjom słowotwórczym młodych osób dorosłych z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną (NI) w stopniu umiarkowanym. Materiał językowy do badań stanowiły wypowiedzi 10 osób w wieku 18-24 lat. Ocenie zostały poddane umiejętności tworzenia derywatów oraz rozpoznawania budowy słowotwórczej w obrębie pięciu kategorii: dwóch modyfikacyjnych – nazwy żeńskie od męskich i nazwy deminutywne – oraz trzech mutacyjnych – nazwy wykonawców czynności, nazwy narzędzi i nazwy miejsc. Odpowiedzi badanych były analizowane pod kątem: czy odpowiedź jest zgodna/niezgodna z podanym wzorcem; czy utworzony derywat jest formacją potencjalną/okazjonalizmem /neologizmem, czy też opiera się na skojarzeniach badanego; czy w odpowiedzi derywat/parafraza zostały zastąpione opisem, definicją; czy w odpowiedzi pojawiło się powtórzenie całego lub części polecenia. W zakresie tworzenia derywatów badani uzyskali około 60% poprawnych odpowiedzi. Jeżeli chodzi o tworzenie parafrazy dla derywatów, badani nie mieli problemów ze wskazywaniem podstawy słowotwórczej, ale nie potrafili wskazać znaczenia formantu. W wypadku nieprawidłowych odpowiedzi osoby z NI głównie odwoływały się do swoich skojarzeń i podawały określenia bliskoznaczne.
Palatopharyngeal incompetence in children with cleft soft (or soft and hard) palate significantly disturbs speech development and can even lead to the situation where only vowels and nasal consonants can be distinguished in a child’s speech. When planning a speech therapy for such a child, a therapist should take many aspects into account, the most important being anatomical conditions created by a surgeon in the palatopharyngeal sphincter and the articulatory apparatus fitness level, in particular as regards muscles of the palate and the pharynx. This will permit an appropriate identifi cation of the therapy objectives and planning of a range of measures to this end. The paper presents two speech therapy paths in the case of open nasality depending on the cause of the palatopharyngeal incompetence: anatomical or functional.
It is extremely important for the disabled people who have serious diffi culties communicating in a phonic language to be able to interact with the environment. The tools and aids available on the market are, however, often beyond an individual user’s fi nancial capacity or are not adapted to the needs of adults. This paper presents the principles for selecting vocabulary to match tools serving the purpose of augmentative and alternative communication as well as the vocabulary and rules for its combination in utterances, which should be introduced at the fi rst, initial, stage of implementing this means of communication. The excerpted vocabulary will be applicable mainly in the case of people with major limitations of communication, who have not used such tools yet (AAC systems) and who have required such a support since recently and as a result of an emergency
The theoretical reflection on speech and language disorders called e.g. alalia, speech underdevelopment of cortical origin, aphasia in children, or specific language impairment was devoted a lot of space in the relevant literature. However, there are no therapeutic programmes or tools to aid speech therapists shape the language system in a child in an organised and consistent manner. The paper presents the attempts made to this date in order to create such a programme and theoretical assumptions of the author’s original proposition of such a therapy. The order and method of introducing individual language structures are specified and it is shown that vocabulary development with the simultaneous application and integration of various grammatical structures is more effective than introduction of vocabulary in isolation from such structures.
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