W pracy przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy na temat zastosowania promieniowania jonizującego do utrwalania żywności, zalet i ograniczeń tej metody, produktów spożywczych, które mogą być poddane działaniu promieniowania, rekomendowanych dawek, urządzeń do napromieniowania, legalizacji metody w Polsce, Unii Europejskiej i innych krajach. W aspekcie historycznym podkreślono rolę organizacji międzynarodowych WHO/IAEA/FAO w promowaniu badań, rozwoju technologii, edukacji konsumentów i pracach legislacyjnych koniecznych do przemysłowych wdrożeń tej metody.
The paper, there is presented the current state of knowledge regarding the ionising radiation applied to preserve food, advantages and limitations of this method, food products allowed of being irradiated, recommended dose levels, food irradiation facilities, and legalizing this method in Poland, European Union, and in other countries. While discussing the historical point of view, it was accentuated what part the international organizations WHO, IAEA, and FAO played in developing this technology, conducting investigations, educating consumers, and in indispensably legalizing food irradiation technique for the purpose of implementing it in industrial applications.
The immune response of wheat flour modified by the treatment with subtilisin under different conditions of temperature, incubation periods and the ratio of enzyme/wheat flour was investigated. Respective protein fractions, namely, albumins, globulins, gliadins and glutenins were obtained from the modified wheat flour on the basis of their diverse solubility. The particular wheat protein fractions were examined for the immune reaction by the use of an indirect non-competitive ELISA method. Commercially available antibodies, namely, monoclonal anti-human IgG and monoclonal anti-human IgE conjugates with alkaline phosphatase and human sera with elevated IgG as well as rabbit sera against QQQPP peptide were tested. The highest decrease in gliadins immunoreactivity was observed for wheat flour modified under following conditions: temperature 37°C, 18 h of incubation time and the enzyme/wheat flour ratio of 1:10 000.