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The author of publication relates to a rich literature on the subject and presents the substantive worth of upbringing in Christian family. She presents in a complex way the elements which constitute religious life, showing its nature, origin, course and meaning. The author draws reader's attention to the clearness of religious behavior and the educational value of religion and upbringing in Christianity. Individual and social dimension of such and education and the changes which follow are also mentioned in the article. The author, treating the religious upbringing as a process leading to subjective faith in God, discusses at the same time practical clues for both the educators and the educated ones.
Content available Szkoła w wychowaniu moralnym
Moral formation, being an integral part of education which is due to each man, makes up a part of the educative system binding in every school, which aspires not only to teach but also to educate. In order to form people in a moral way, one should, above all, be aware both of the very essence of education and of morality. The latter bears from the awareness of one’s own responsibility, yet also from one’s own limitations. Morality sets forth the relation between action, which a man takes up, and the destiny of everything. The present publication aims at bringing closer the theoretical dimension of moral formation at school, and it is an attempt to show the standpoint of M. Vidal, the contemporary Spanish moralist. Analyzing the theoretical aspect of the issue in question, I put forward its structure and draw attention to the form and environment in which this education takes place. I also make precise its aims and priority contents, as well as the governing criteria. I emphasize the errors which in moral formation should be avoided. I pinpoint the elements constituting the process of this formation. I also stress the value of proper atmosphere and style of education. Briefly speaking, I show the framework of a general theory “inside” moral formation, a theory which may be used both in school milieu and in other educative milieus, e. g. in the family or Church.
Artykuł ukazuje fundament antropologiczny oraz odniesienia teoretyczno-pragmatyczne. Publikacja, poświęcona pilnej potrzebie refleksji nad samoświadomością, podmiotowością i wychowaniem godnym osoby, przeznaczona jest dla zainteresowanych osobowym i podmiotowym kontekstem oddziaływań wychowawczych. Artykuł dedykowany jest osobom poszukującym metody skutecznego wychowania. Lektura tej publikacji może być użyteczna dla osób szukających mistrzów i autentycznie zatroskanych o dobre wychowanie i jasny kształt swojej własnej przyszłości i przyszłości swoich dzieci. Wychowanie jest tu rozumiane jako obdarzanie dojrzałym człowieczeństwem tych, którzy jeszcze tej dojrzałości nie mają oraz jako droga prowadząca do szczęścia, jakim jest wieczność. Publikacja dostarcza refleksji na temat wychowania godnego osoby, które dotyka natury ludzkiego serca, pozwala poznać prawdę, miłować dobro i przylgnąć do rzeczywistości po to, aby życie było czymś bardziej pozytywnym, czymś pięknym i by było odpowiedzią na wyzwania współczesności.
The article is not devoid of an anthropological foundation or a theoretical-pragmatic reference. The publication is devoted to the urgent need for reflection on self-awareness, subjectivity and upbringing worthy of a person intended for those interested in the personal and subjective context of educational interactions. The article is dedicated to people seeking for methods of effective upbringing. Reading this publication may be useful for those seeking masters who are genuinely concerned about good upbringing and a clear shape of their own future and the future of their children. Upbringing is understood here as giving the mature humanity to those who do not have this maturity yet, and the path leading to happiness, which is eternity. The publication provides a reflection on the upbringing of a person who touches the nature of the human heart, allows knowing the truth, loving the good and clinging to reality so that life would be something more positive, something beautiful and so that it was a response to the challenges of present days.
Content available Odpowiedzialność trajektorią w świat dobra
This publication focuses attention around an attempt to answer three fundamental questions: 1) What is responsibility and when does it become a trajectory - leading into the world of good? 2) What conditions are necessary for such responsibility to exist? 3) How is goodness itself understood and what is implicit in the concept of the “world of goodness” in the broadest sense? In answering this question, based on an analysis of representative literature on the subject, the author introduces the very notion of responsibility and good, and describes the conditions necessary for their occurrence. Among the conditions necessary for the existence of responsibility, she assigns a special place to the integral upbringing of the person.
Publikacja koncentruje uwagę wokół próby odpowiedzi na trzy zasadnicze pytania: 1) Czym jest odpowiedzialność i kiedy staje się trajektorią – prowadzącą w świat dobra? 2) Jakie warunki są niezbędne, aby taka odpowiedzialność zaistniała? 3) Jak jest rozumiane samo dobro i co kryje się w pojęciu szeroko rozumianego „świata dobra”? Odpowiadając na podstawie analizy reprezentatywnej literatury przedmiotowej, autorka przybliża samo pojęcie odpowiedzialności, jak i dobra oraz opisuje warunki niezbędne do ich zaistnienia. Wśród warunków niezbędnych do zaistnienia odpowiedzialności szczególne miejsce przypisuje integralnemu wychowaniu osoby.
According to Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński's teaching a method of effective educative influence is to take up self-disciplining work based on self-cognition, moral evaluation, self-control, transcendence of the person and put into practice the recognized tasks of man towards God, towards oneself, the other, the world and history. Discerning the role and value of self-discipline would point to its various spheres and to its relation with such forms of formation as: physical, mental, moral, ascetic, social, aesthetic or occupational education. He especially devoted much space and attention to various ways of developing self-disciplining activity. At that he pinpointed the value of ideals and patterns activating the process of self-disciplining work which is effective when the subject forms his personality in a mature fashion, regulating one's own behaviour by one's relation to God, neighbour and the surrounding reality. Self-disciplining work was supposed to mold strong, reliable, harmonious and enduring personalities, open to transcendence, moral and religious values. The Primate put forward a self-training programme which was extremely rich in content, ordered and internally coherent.
The purpose of this article is an attempt to show, based on selected excerpts from the works of Karol Wojtyła – John Paul II, the specificity of education oriented towards discovering the truth about a man as a worthy, free and responsible being, in need of upbringing. The performed analyses make it possible to see in responsible freedom, the axiological category and the basic attributes of human existence in its relation to the essence of education, the mature humanity of a person and the present day. They indicate the unquestionable value of the message of Karol Wojtyła -John Paul II, in this regard.
Content available pAtriOtic eDucAtiON
The presented text is an attempt to demonstrate understanding and realisation of patriotic education in the teaching of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Primate of Poland It brings closer the significance of the very notion as well as it demonstrates attitudes and behaviours generated by this understanding. The publication focuses our attention on the genesis of such comprehended patriotism and education. The final part of the analyses concerns the practical aspect of patriotic education and brings closer the figure of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński as a teacher of a Christian view on education, Polish nature and Poles. What results from the conducted analyses and observations is the fact that remembrance and familiarity with a pedagogical message of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński – a remarkable Primate of the Millennium concerned about ethical-moral foundations of social life, may assist contemporarily living nations and people, and generations of Poles, in particular and those who will be their continuators – in preserving identity in the personal, social, national, cultural and ecclesiastic dimensions.
Content available Miłość miłosierna jako wartość edukacyjna
Seeking the essence of merciful love, the author analyses its phenomenon in three aspects: theological, existential, and pedagogical. In the theological aspect merciful love appears to be an attribute through which we come to know God and understand His presence in the world and human life. In the existential aspect it is determined by the need, and in the pedagogical aspect by the attitude, to which people should be educated, bearing in mind a merciful attitude towards one another. Mercy treated as an educational value is understood as appreciative, uplifting and bringing people their lost humanity, lost dignity. This publication brings home to us the essence of merciful love, but allows us to learn about the papal message concerning the need to develop the new imagination of mercy. It also shows that merciful love is an extremely complex and rich problem, variously interpreted and frequently evoking different opinions and attitudes.
The present article, referring to the teaching of John Paul II, fundamentally shows the meaning of the very notion of the woman's genius that accepts her dignity and vocation as its foundation. Two dimensions of this genius are shown: ethical and social. The whole of the deliberations is concluded by reflections concerning contemporary situations deprecating the hopes connected with the woman's genius.
The publication points at the subject of the need of father Jacek Woroniecki’s person’s and  teaching’s memory. In general, it brings closer who he was and through what he deserved posterity’s remembrance. The author of the publication shows the essence of his contribution to the development of pedagogics as such and the Catholic pedagogogics in particular. Therefore she brings up the arguments which make father Jacek Woroniecki’s ideas about understanding the problem of education as well as preceptor’s or role model’s meaning for the education stand the test of time.
Autorka artykułu przekonuje o potrzebie pamięci o osobie i nauczaniu o. Jacka Woronieckiego. W ogólności przybliża, kim był i poprzez co zasłużył sobie na pamięć potomnych. Wskazuje, na czym polegał wkład Woronieckiego w rozwój pedagogiki jako takiej, a pedagogiki katolickiej w szczególności. W tym celu przywołuje argumenty, za sprawą których  poglądy o. Jacka Woronieckiego dotyczące rozumienia kwestii wychowania i roli wychowawcy czy autorytetu w wychowaniu wytrzymują próbę czasu.
Celem artykułu autorka uczyniła próbę wydobycia ponadczasowej wartości integralnej formacji według Edmunda Bojanowskiego. W jego działalności szuka tego, co jest istotne dla współczesnych pokoleń pragnących zachować w pamięci jego edukacyjną i charyzmatyczną posługę. Przywołując to, co składa się na wartość opartej na wychowaniu formacji integralnej, odniosła się do powołanego przez Bojanowskiego Zgromadzenia Służebniczek Najświętszej Maryi Panny Niepokalanie Poczętej. Analizując ważne dla formacji zapisy I Reguły zakonnej opublikowanej 150 lat temu, autorka przedstawiła pojęcie formacji, jej zasadnicze wymiary i wybrane sposoby realizacji. Dopełnieniem analizy materiału źródłowego, czyli zasadniczo Reguły, było odniesienie się do nauczania Pawła VI i Jana Pawła II zawartego w posynodalnych adhortacjach apostolskich dotyczących formacji konsekrowanych i ich misji we współczesnym świecie. Publikację kończą wnioski i spostrzeżenia o charakterze pedagogicznym. Z pozycji teoretyka wychowania autorka w syntetyczny sposób ukazuje związek formacji z integralnym wychowaniem, osobą formatora i zadaniami ciążącymi na uczestnikach procesu formacyjnego. Zabieg ten pozwolił wydobyć i ukazać ponadczasowy walor wyjątkowego dziedzictwa edukacyjnego i formacyjnego bł. Edmunda Bojanowskiego, tkwiący w umiejętnym czytaniu znaków czasu, wielkim realizmie i otwartości na potrzeby społeczne.
The author makes an attempt to extract the timeless value of an integral formation according to Edmund Bojanowski. At the starting point, she assumed that the “formation” without the necessary help of “education” oriented towards “formation,” in Bojanowski's work, where education and formation are complementary, seeks what is important for modern generations wishing to preserve the memory of his educational and charismatic ministry. Recalling what constitutes a value base on the upbringing of integral formation, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception, was called by the Bojanowski Congregation. By analysing the important provisions for the formation of the Rule I published 150 years ago, the author reveals the concept of formation, its essential dimensions and the chosen ways of realization. Completion of the analysis of the source material, which was essentially the First Rule of the Assembly, was to refer to the teaching of Paul VI and John Paul II in post-synodal apostolic exhortations of consecrated formation and their mission in the modern world. The publication ends with conclusions and observations of pedagogical character. From the position of theoretical education, the author in a synthetic way shows the relationship of formation with an integral upbringing, the person who is the formator, and the tasks that take place on the participants of the formation process. Such presented subject allowed to bring out and reveals the timeless value of the unique educational and formation heritage of Bl. Edmund Bojanowski, skilled in reading the signs of time, great realism and openness to social needs.
The paper is based on the public speeches delivered by M. Laenga, a contemporary professor of Rome University La Sapienza. Thus the paper presents the main currents, educational technologies, clashes and contestation, and also perspectives and ways of pursuing education over the last thirty years in Italy. Characterizing the main currents, attention was focused on the development of Catholic, Marxist education, and secular democracy. The specific character of the development of social education, sociology of education, comparative education, special and occupational formation have also been indicated. The final part has outlined the perspectives for the development of education as a humanistic science, using the achievements of other sciences.
Celem publikacji było przybliżenie rozumienia i miejsca teorii wychowania w akademickiej działalności prof. Teresy Kukołowicz. Jej czas życia przypada na lata 1925-2014. W opracowaniu próbuję znaleźć odpowiedź na cztery pytania: 1. Jaki jest związek biografii Teresy Kukołowicz z jej koncepcją wychowania? 2. Jakie elementy konstytuują jej teorię wychowania? 3. W czym upatruje ona przyczyny podejmowania działalności wychowawczej? 4. Jakie są jej najważniejsze dokonania w dziedzinie teorii wychowania? Szukając odpowiedzi na powyższe pytania w pierwszej części publikacji pokazuję początki badań prof. Kukołowicz w zakresie pedagogiki; terminologiczne problemy dotyczące rozumienia wychowania; dziedziny wychowania; rozumienie celu wychowania, jego adresatów i podmioty wychowujące. Wskazuję też na zaangażowanie Profesor w pedagogizację Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego i pracę na rzecz reaktywacji pedagogiki w KUL. W części drugiej, mając na uwadze jej kluczowe dokonania w dziedzinie teorii wychowania, swoje analizy koncentruję na określeniu stosunku teorii wychowania do pedagogiki ogólnej i pedagogiki społecznej; szukaniu i rozumieniu przyczyn podejmowania działalności wychowawczej; opracowaniu sylwetek wybranych pedagogów i ich koncepcji wychowania; podejmowaniu problematyki zasad i norm wychowania; analizie wypowiedzi na temat wychowawcy jako podmiotowej przyczyny wychowania; wreszcie odpowiedzialności rodziny, państwa i szkoły za wychowanie.
In the article submitted for publication I make an attempt to find the answer to four questions: 1. What is the relationship of biography of Teresa Kukołowicz with her concept of education? 2. What elements constitutes its educational theory? 3. What is the reason for taking up educational activities? 4. What are her most important achievements in the field of educational theory? While looking for answers to the above mentioned questions in the first part of the publication it will be revealed the beginnings of Professor Kukołowicz’s research in pedagogy; terminological problems related to understanding of education; areas of education; understanding the purpose of education, its addressees and the educational bodies. It has been also pointed out the involvement of Professor Kukołowicz in the pedagogy of the Catholic University of Lublin and the work for the reactivation of pedagogy in the Catholic University of Lublin. In the second part, in view of her key achievements in the field of educational theory, I focus my analysis on defining the relation of the theory of upbringing to general pedagogy and social pedagogy, searching for and understanding the reasons for undertaking educational activities; developing the profiles of selected educators and their concept of education; tackling issues of norms and rules of education; analysis of statements about the educator as a subjective cause of education; finally, the responsibility of families, states and schools in the process of education.
The essential problem of the present article can be reduced to an attempt to find the answers to three questions: What is freedom in its essence? What is the connection between freedom and education? How can we enable a man to properly develop freedom and to useit? The analysis undertaken in the article besides the answers to the above questions shows theoretical foundations of education for freedom. It also allows the reader to acquaint himself with selected ways of understanding freedom (St. John Chrysostom's; J. J. Rousseau's; R. Steiner's; J. Maritain's; J. Salij's; S. Hessen's; S. Szuman's and A. Neill's) with special emphasis on the views of two thinkers: the ancient philosopher Epictetus (born in 50 A.D) and the founder of the Comunione e Liberazione movement, Luigi Giussani (died on 22 February 2005).
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