Through their pro-inclusive attitudes towards learners from minorities and learners with special educational needs, teachers contribute to their acceptance by the majority and intact population. Not only abroad but also in the Slovak Republic, due to migration the cultural composition of the population has been changing. Teachers in their classes educate learners from different cultures, whose mother tongue differs from the language they are being educated in. On the basis of the literature, it appears that a large number of pre-service and in-service teachers still find themselves insufficiently prepared for work with the culturally and linguistically diverse pupils (Flores, Smith 2008 cited by Vázquez-Montilla, Just and Triscari, 2014). On the basis of the analysis of PISA 2009 findings (OECD, 2010c), it appears that the achievements of learners with immigrant background, hence from a culturally and linguistically different environment, within international testing are also influenced by their success in testing. The article comprises a presentation of the aims of a research project focused on capturing attitudes of pre-primary and primary education students towards the cultural and linguistic diversity within education.
Poprzez proinkluzywne postawy wobec uczniów z mniejszości oraz uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi nauczyciele przyczyniają się do ich akceptacji przez społeczność większościową. Nie tylko za granicą, ale także w Republice Słowackiej skład kulturowy populacji uległ zmianie i wciąż się zmienia z powodu migracji. W swoich klasach nauczyciele edukują uczniów z różnych kultur, których język ojczysty różni się od języka, w którym prowadzona jest edukacja. Na podstawie literatury wydaje się, że duża liczba przyszłych oraz aktywnych nauczycieli jest wciąż niewystarczająco przygotowana do pracy z kulturowo i językowo zróżnicowanymi uczniami (Flores and Smith, 2008, za: Vázquez- -Montilla Just and Triscari, 2014). Na podstawie analizy wyników PISA 2009 (OECD, 2010c), można stwierdzić, że osiągnięcia uczniów o pochodzeniu imigracyjnym, z kulturowo i językowo odmiennych środowisk, w międzynarodowych testach warunkowane są również ich umiejętnością radzenia sobie z wypełnianiem tego typu testów. W artykule zaprezentowano cele projektu badawczego, skoncentrowanego na uchwyceniu stosunku studentów edukacji przed- i wczesnoszkolnej do zróżnicowania kulturowego i językowego w edukacji.
The study presents the results of quantitative research aimed at measuring primary education teachers’ job satisfaction (JS), subjectively perceived workload (SPW) and emotional exhaustion (EE). The research sample consisted of 249 teachers. The highest satisfaction was with the work, the highest workload in diagnostics and assessment, and emotional exhaustion was not marked. Correlations confirmed relations between satisfaction and workload (-0.237), satisfaction and emotional exhaustion (-0.463), and workload and emotional exhaustion (0.462). Mediation analysis indicated that satisfaction influenced the relationship between workload and emotional exhaustion. Results point to teachers’ well-being and may help create interventions to improve the working environment. The study is an output of the project VEGA 1/0415/22.
Inclusive education is a controlled process that creates an environment for education and training, respect for diversity, abilities, and various educational needs of a child or pupil. It is topical in most countries’ professional and legislative discourse. It turns out that teachers’ attitudes are one of the main pillars of inclusive education policy implementation. The present research aimed to pursue connections and relationships between the teachers’ pro-inclusive attitudes, length of experience, and content of their learning activities. The research sample consisted of 926 kindergarten and elementary school teachers; the TAIS was used (Saloviita, 2015) as the research tool. Results showed that kindergarten teachers had more positive attitudes towards inclusive education than elementary school teachers. There are themes in education through which elementary school teachers can be developed pro-inclusive attitudes.
The contribution presents partial results of research aimed to find out students’ evaluation opinions of their own knowledge and experience for development of children’s language and literary literacy in kindergartens and children’s school clubs and to point out differences in self-evaluation, depending on the length and the form of the study. The research sample consisted of 98% of students of the full-time and part-time study programme of Pre-School and Elementary Pedagogy, 228 in total. An 11-item questionnaire of our own design was used in the research. In the items P5 - P11, students expressed their subjective evaluation opinion of their knowledge and experience on a five-point scale. Research results showed that students’ self-evaluation of knowledge and experience in language and literary literacy depends on both the length and the form of their study1.
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