The housing environment is the palce where people live, set up a family, work and integrate with the rest of the society. It is there where they realize their needs. The flat, that could be called home, is unsepearable from the housing environment. For some people their house is the birthplace, the place of origin. The house may also mean the place where one works and lives. For instance, for the homeless the house the house is the venue where they live, sleep and earn their living. It. could be a railway station. The lack of a home, a family residence may cause severe disturbances in the right functioning of the family. It could impair their development as the continuity of human needs realisation is broken. In order to to understand the importance of home, i.e., a family, the housing environment, the society and environmental psychology, we should get to know the human nature. It is beacause people shape the quality of their lives. Without prior knowledge and analysis it is impossible to make judgments about the housing environment of those who for numerous reasons have lost their home.
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to compare protein expression profiles between various stages of Gentiana kurroo Royle somatic embryos. Seven distinct stages (I–VII) were pointed out and measured from long-term embryogenic cell suspension. Isoelectric focusing was done in the pH intervals 3–10, and the second dimension was carried out with 13% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Dependent on the stage from about 400 (stage IV) to more than 700 (stage II) protein spots were totally detected. The molecular weight of abundant proteins range from 12 to 70 kDa, however, majority of proteins were located between 20–49 kDa spots on the gels. The highest difference in the number of spots appeared in the case of globular embryo (stage I) and elongated cotyledonary stage (stage VII) with differences being about 130 spots. The relevance of embryogenic cell suspension choice for proteomic analysis as well as expediency of the increasing number of particular embryo stages is discussed.