Warianty tytułu
Vertical and Horizontal Power Relations and the Size of a Municipality : Which Mayors Rule the World?
Języki publikacji
W artykule zajmujemy się związkiem między wielkością samorządu lokalnego a opiniami burmistrzów na temat tworzonych przez ich gminy relacji z innymi podmiotami. W ramach relacji pionowych analizujemy istotność kontaktów ze szczeblem regionalnym, krajowym i ponadpaństwowym, a w ramach relacji poziomych - wagę współpracy z innymi gminami oraz wewnętrzne relacje władzy w gminie - burmistrza wobec radnych i wobec urzędników. Rozważaniom przyświeca teza o wyjątkowości wielkich miast oraz najmniejszych gmin, którą spodziewamy się zauważyć także na badanym polu. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The article discusses the relationship between the size of the municipality and the opinions of the mayors on their relationships with other players. The contacts of municipalities with regional, national, and trans-national institutions were studied during the analysis of the vertical power relations, whereas inter-municipal cooperation, as well as internal relations between mayors, municipal councils and municipal administrations, were studied while analysing the horizontal power relations. The article is based on the assumption of the distinct nature of large cities and the smallest municipalities. The empirical study was based on an international survey of mayors in 7 European countries. Three hypotheses on the differences between small and large municipalities were empirically tested. The study confi rms that large cities pay special attention to contacts at national and transnational level, while, according to the mayors, their cooperation with other municipalities - which are important to the management of the entire agglomeration - can easily be replaced with the annexation of their suburban zones. Internal power relations between mayors, councillors and bureaucrats are more balanced in large cities than in small municipalities, where the dominance of the mayors is more visible. (original abstract)
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