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The aim of the paper is to evaluate the use of the smartphones by consumers of the Y generation as a support tool at traditional retail in the context of the interpenetrating of online and offline processes in shopping. The survey was conducted in 2017 applying the survey technique, and the selective quota sampling procedure was employed. The obtained results suggest that among the studied group, the smartphone contributes to finding shopping inspirations and absorbing product information, thus supporting consumers in purchasing processes in offline retail. Moreover, a group of Y generation consumers, for whom using the smartphone at traditional retail has become a habit, exists and for some of them it has turned into addiction. Among represantatives of the Y generation, hybridity of purchasing behaviour was observed, which leads to integrating activities of online and offline shopping. The results of the study contribute to broaden the knowledge concerning the consumer behaviour of Y generation and drawing up of companys' marketing strategies better. (original abstract)
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