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Impact of State Institutions on Economic Growth - the Case of Transition Countries
Języki publikacji
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja i analiza głównych nurtów dyskusji toczonych na temat roli państwa w procesach wzrostu gospodarczego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sytuacji krajów transformujących się. Dokonano charakterystyki reguł gry (instytucji), które państwo powinno ustalać, przestrzegać, chronić i wzmacniać, aby stymulować rozwój gospodarczy kraju. W szczególności analizie i ocenie poddano trzy główne instytucje państwa tj.: wolność gospodarcza, praworządność (rule of law) i demokracja oraz ich znaczenie dla wzrostu gospodarczego w krajach przechodzących transformację. (fragment tekstu)
The analysis of developing and transition countries revealed the significance of institutions for market economy and economic growth. Without proper institutions, which in fact are the effect of government activity. the market mechanism does not work effectively. This is especially visible in transition countries, where the market economy was adopted. Transition means not only stabilization and liberalization of an economy but also a significant institutional change. The purpose of this paper is to present formal institutions that influence the economic activity in transition countries and to identify their impact on economic growth in these countries. Identification of state institutions that should be created, obeyed, protected and strengthened to stimulate the economic growth was made. The closest attention was paid to three government institutions: economic freedom, rule of law and democracy. On the basis of literature review and empirical data, the relations between those state institutions and economic growth was described in the transition countries. The conducted analysis showed that the greater economic freedom and rule of law, the greater wealth of citizens. An impact of democracy on economic growth is not as unequivocal. Nevertheless, an analysis of relations between political and civic liberties and GDP per capita in the transition countries indicates that these two were not competitive to each other. (original abstract)
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Opis fizyczny
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