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Wraz z postępem technicznym i technologicznym sprostanie wymaganiom dzisiejszych czasów skłoniły człowieka do wynajdowania nowych sposobów i metod pozyskiwania danych przestrzennych z wymaganą dokładnością. Do takich danych należy zaliczyć dane satelitarne. Stanowią one niezwykle cenne źródło informacji, wykorzystywane do wykonywania badań i analiz z zakresu obserwacji powierzchni Ziemi, zjawisk geofizycznych jak i meteorologicznych. Tematyka niniejszego artykułu skupia się na wykorzystaniu danych teledetekcyjnych, jako źródeł umożliwiających ocenę zmian sposobu użytkowania gruntów. W tym celu przedstawiono główne programy umożliwiające pozyskiwanie danych przestrzennych, tj. program Landsat i Copernicus. Nie sposób zapomnieć również o systemie ISOK (Informatycznym Systemie Ochrony Kraju). Jego znaczenie w sektorze społecznym i ekonomicznym pomaga wykrywać wczesne stadia zagrożeń i katastrof naturalnych. W odniesieniu do okresowości wykonywanych pomiarów w ramach wymienionych programów i systemów, jest to nieodłączny element przeprowadzanych badań obranych obszarów. Bowiem obserwacje zmian w czasie dają doskonałe rezultaty, ponieważ dynamika stref przyrodniczych jak i urbanistycznych jest niebagatelna.
Along with technical and detailed progress, meeting the requirements of time prompted man to invent new ways and methods of spatial acquisition with the required participation. Whether such data must come from regional data. They are extremely valuable sources of information that are used to perform research and analyze the range of observations of the Earth's surface, geophysical and meteorological phenomena. The subject matter of the article focuses on the acquisition of remote sensing data as sources enabling the assessment of changes in land use after land consolidation works. For this purpose, the main programs for acquiring spatial data, i.e. Landsat and Copernicus, were used. It is also impossible to forget about the ISOK system (IT System for Country Protection). Its recognition in legal and economic proceedings helps to detect early stages and natural circumstances. In order to examine the period of taking measurements under specific tools and systems, it is an integral part of the research of the selected areas. Because I know that observations of changes over time give excellent results, because the dynamics of natural and urban zones is considerable.
In recent years, the road network in Poland has undergone significant development, meeting the objective of creating a coherent network of roads to ensure the efficient functioning of passenger and freight transport. Linear investments, such as the construction of motorways, expressways or bypasses, are an important element that improves the safety and comfort of the life of residents, and has a significant impact on the economic and regional progress. In addition to the undoubted benefits of constructing a bypass, its possible negative impact on the surrounding agricultural and forest areas should be emphasised. Poor planning and construction of the bypass itself, without prior programming of survey and management works, can lead to disturbances in the spatial structure of neighbouring villages. This study attempts to analyse and evaluate the impact of the construction of the Tomaszów Lubelski bypass on the spatial structure of rural areas located in the eastern part of Tomaszów County (Lubelskie Voivodeship), which is a 9.58 km long section of the S17 Warsaw – Hrebenne expressway. The study undertook a detailed analysis of only those factors that adversely affect the spatial structure of rural areas. On the basis of research on the subject, factors affecting and significantly changing the spatial structure of rural areas were identified, which allowed to formulate final conclusions regarding the problem of realising linear investments in relation to shaping the space of rural areas.
Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat sieć drogowa w Polsce uległa znaczącej rozbudowie, realizując zamierzenia stworzenia spójnej sieci dróg zapewniających efektywne funkcjonowanie transportu osobowego i towarowego. Realizacje inwestycji liniowych jakimi są między innymi budowy autostrad, dróg ekspresowych, czy obwodnic, stanowią istotny element podnoszący bezpieczeństwo oraz komfort życia mieszkańców, jak również mają znaczący wpływ na postęp gospodarczy i ekonomiczny regionu. Obok niewątpliwych korzyści budowy obwodnicy należy podkreślić, że może ona wywierać negatywny wpływ na otaczające tereny rolne i leśne. Niewłaściwe przeprowadzenie procesu planowania jak i samej budowy obwodnicy, bez wcześniejszego programowania prac geodezyjno-urządzeniowych, może prowadzić do zaburzeń w strukturze przestrzennej sąsiadujących miejscowości. W niniejszej pracy podjęto próbę analizy i oceny wpływu budowy obwodnicy miasta Tomaszowa Lubelskiego na strukturę przestrzenną terenów wiejskich, położona we wschodniej części powiatu tomaszowskiego (woj. lubelskie), stanowiąca odcinek drogi ekspresowej S17 Warszawa – Hrebenne o długości 9,58 km. W pracy podjęto szczegółową analizę wyłącznie tych czynników, które w niekorzystny sposób przekształcają przestrzeń obszarów wiejskich. Opierając się na badaniach wyodrębniono czynniki oddziaływujące oraz znacząco zmieniające strukturę przestrzenną terenów wiejskich. Na ich podstawie sformułowano ostateczne wnioski dotyczące problematyki budowy inwestycji linowych w odniesieniu do kształtowania przestrzeni obszarów wiejskich.
Content available remote Changes in agricultural production in the Małopolskie voivodeship
Agriculture is one of the basic branches of the national economy, which is responsible for food production. With the rapid development of agricultural production technology, especially new techniques of animal husbandry and crop production, we are seeing changes in the amount of adverse substances entering the environment. Analysts pay great attention to biogenic compounds, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus, which infiltrate deep into the soil profile and cause surface runoff as a result of precipitation. This causes eutrophication of surface waters. In the recent decades there has been an increase in agricultural productivity. At the same time, the percentage of people employed in this sector of the economy and the economic value of products produced in agriculture are decreasing. On the basis of the data obtained from the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (in Polish: Agencja Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa, Kraków delegation) [1] and the data from the Statistics Poland (in Polish: Główny Urząd Statystyczny [2], the present study shows the trends of the changes in the agricultural sector in the Małopolskie Voivodeship in 2016-2021. Unfortunately, due to the lack or incompleteness of the data obtained, some parameters were considered over a two- or three-year period. The parameters such as livestock population, number of farms, crop area, yields and fertilization levels were analyzed. The aspect of employment in agriculture was also addressed as an element indicating the level of involvement of residents in agricultural activities, both crop and livestock production. The low rate of employment in the agricultural sector may indicate the degree of familiarity of the population with the basic processes of obtaining animal products and agricultural crops. The discussed Voivodeship is characterized by a high proportion of agricultural land – more than 60% of the area. There is a slight decline in cattle and pig populations. Sheep and goat populations are low and not very variable. Analyzing crop production, despite the declining area of total crops, there was a slight increase in the area of most crops in 2021, thanks in part to a reduction in the participation of unmarked crops compared to 2020. In addition, the analysis shows that despite the downward trend in the amount of mineral fertilizers used, yields have increased, which may confirm the development of production technologies and better management of nutrient resources contained in the soil of primary importance to plants.
Rolnictwo jest jedną z podstawowych gałęzi gospodarki narodowej, które odpowiada za produkcję żywności. Dynamiczny rozwój technologii produkcji rolniczej, w tym szczególnie nowych technik chowu i hodowli zwierząt oraz produkcji roślinnej możemy obserwować zmiany w ilości niekorzystnych substancji wprowadzanych do środowiska. Analitycy dużą uwagę poświęcają związkom biogennym, głównie azotowi i fosforowi, które w wyniku opadów atmosferycznych infiltrują w głąb profilu glebowego oraz powodują spływ powierzchniowy. Powoduje to eutrofizację wód powierzchniowych. W ostatnich dziesięcioleciach obserwowany jest wzrost produktywności w rolnictwie. Jednocześnie zmniejsza się procentowy udział osób zatrudnionych w tym dziale gospodarki oraz wartość ekonomiczna produktów wytwarzanych w rolnictwie. Na podstawie danych uzyskanych z Agencji Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa (delegatura w Krakowie) [1] oraz danych Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego [2], w niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono trendy zmian w sektorze rolniczym w województwie małopolskim w latach od 2016-2021. Niestety, ze względu na brak lub niekompletność pozyskanych danych, część parametrów była rozpatrywana w okresie dwu- lub trzyletnim. Analizie poddano parametry takie jak pogłowie zwierząt gospodarskich, liczba gospodarstw rolnych, powierzchnia upraw, plonowanie oraz poziom nawożenia. Poruszono także aspekt zatrudnienia w rolnictwie jako element wskazujący na poziom zaangażowania mieszkańców w działalność rolniczą, zarówno produkcję roślinną, jak i zwierzęcą. Niski udział zatrudnienia w sektorze rolniczym może świadczyć o stopniu zaznajomienia społeczeństwa z podstawowymi procesami uzyskiwania produktów zwierzęcych oraz płodów rolnych. Województwo małopolskie charakteryzuje się wysokim udziałem użytków rolnych - ponad 60% jego powierzchni. Obserwuje się nieznaczne zmniejszenie pogłowia bydła oraz trzody chlewnej. Pogłowie owiec i kóz jest niskie i mało zmienne. Analizując produkcję roślinną, mimo zmniejszającej się powierzchni upraw ogółem, można obserwować niewielki wzrost powierzchnie większości z upraw w roku 2021, m.in. ze względu na zmniejszenie się udziału upraw nieoznaczonych względem roku 2020. Ponadto w analizie wykazano, że mimo spadkowej tendencji w ilości stosowanych nawozów mineralnych, plony wzrosły, co może potwierdzać rozwój technologii produkcji oraz lepsze gospodarowanie zasobami składników pokarmowych zawartych w glebie mających fundamentalne znaczenie dla roślin.
Rural areas in Poland have a diversified spatial structure. The spatial structure of rural areas is improved by the procedures of land consolidation and exchange, aimed at creating more favourable management conditions in agriculture and forestry by developing the area structure of agricultural holdings, forests and forest lands, as well as rational shaping of land layouts and adjusting real estate boundaries to a system of land reclamation devices, roads and terrain. The Leżajsk district covers an area of 58,372 ha, including 40 cadastral precincts. So far, land consolidation has been performed in 29 villages, covering 46 113 ha, which is 79.0% of the total area of the district. Land consolidation in the Leżajsk district was carried out at various periods due to the changing legal regulations. The paper aims to present a chronological analysis of the land consolidation works conducted in the villages of the Leżajsk district, located in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship in 1945–2013, along with anticipated and implemented land consolidation works in the years 2014–2020.
Obszary wiejskie w Polsce charakteryzują się zróżnicowaną strukturą przestrzenną. Zabiegiem poprawiającym strukturę przestrzenną obszarów wiejskich są prace scalenia i wymiany gruntów, mających na celu tworzenie korzystniejszych warunków gospodarowania w rolnictwie i leśnictwie poprzez poprawę struktury obszarowej gospodarstw rolnych, lasów i gruntów leśnych, racjonalne ukształtowanie rozłogów gruntów, dostosowanie granic nieruchomości do systemu urządzeń melioracji wodnych, dróg oraz rzeźby terenu. Powiat leżajski zajmuje powierzchnię 58.372 ha, obejmując 40 obręby ewidencyjne. Dotychczas scalania gruntów zostały wykonane w 29 wsiach, których łączna powierzchnia wynosi 46 113 ha, co stanowi 79.0 % ogólnej powierzchni powiatu. Scalania gruntów na terenie powiatu leżajskiego dokonywane były w różnych okresach czasu na podstawie zmieniających się przepisów prawa. Celem artykułu jest chronologiczna analiza przeprowadzonych prac scalania gruntów we wsiach powiatu leżajskiego, położonego w województwie podkarpackim w latach 1945-2013 oraz prognozowane i realizowane prace scalania gruntów w latach 2014-2020 r.
Population growth and urbanization lead to urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon. Urbanization is occurring at a very high rate in the Surat city. Thus, the study of the urbanization impact on the UHI effect for the Surat city is performed in the present study through studying the impact of land use land cover on the land surface temperature of urban and sub-urban areas of the Surat city over the period May 1998 to May 2018. Also, these effects are compared with that of a nearby sub urban taluka Kamrej, which showed that temperature in urban areas is more than that of the sub-urban areas. Aforesaid facts clearly showing the existence of the UHI effect in the Surat city. As urbanization contributes to climate change, its effects on rainfall are studied by comparing rainfall trends of urban and sub-urban areas of the Surat city and nearby sub-urban area Kamrej. Trend analysis showed that trend magnitude values are higher for the urban areas than sub-urban areas, indicating that UHI effect increases rainfall in urban areas. Hotspot analysis is also performed for the Surat city corresponding to May 2018 to recognize hot spots and cold spots. As the Surat city is highly urbanized, thus, hotspots are more than cold spots.
This paper mainly relies on qualitative research methodology and secondary data. The paper examines the existing legal framework for land use right auction in Vietnam and its practical implementation, focusing on acquiring agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes. It shows the limitations of sharing information and the disadvantages in distributing and balancing the benefits among different stakeholders who participated in the land use right auction. Also, this paper analyses and propounds the key lessons learned from the 2020 Economics Nobel Prize in creating the information sharing and benefit-sharing mechanism among participants. The paper applies these lessons learned from the 2020 Economics Nobel Prize to create a foundation for policy change the legal regulations of land use right auction in Vietnam in order to bring benefits to households, investors, and the State.
Timely and accurate detection of land use/land cover (LULC) change is important for the macro and micro level sustainable development of any region. For this purpose, geospatial techniques are the best tool for change analysis as they supply timely, cheaper, precise and up to date information. This paper examines the spatial temporal change trend in LULC in the case of Central Haryana. Landsat 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8 images for the years 1975–2020 for pre and post monsoon periods were analyzed for the study. Radiometric correction was performed to derive better information. ArcGIS 10.2 and ENVI 5.3 are used for thematic layout and thematic change preparation. An unsupervised classification using ERDAS IMAGINE 2015 has also been done to classify study area in eight classes. The year 1975 is considered as the base year for change detection analysis. Results showed an increasing trend for the land use classes of built up, water body, and agricultural land without waterlogging in the pre and post monsoon periods between 1975 and 2020. Remaining land use classes of agriculture with waterlogging, open waterlogged area, vegetation and fallow land/sand dunes decreased during the same period. Increased human activities have changed the LULC in the region and have had a great impact on its sustainable regional development.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the basic conceptual provisions for determining the territorial development of regional land use. In accordance with the purpose, the following tasks have been solved: substantiation of theoretical provisions for determining the territorial development of regional land use; determination of features of territorial development of regional land use; formation of hypotheses on the influence of spatial, urban, investment and environmental factors. Peculiarities of territorial development of regional land use are determined. Legal support is proposed. The international practices for ensuring the territorial development of regional land use are summarized, the main directions of which are: the formation and development of land relations on a long-term basis, the determination of the target and functional purpose of lands, the constant registration of cadastral information with the formation of an ecological balance of the land use and considering the peculiarities of interaction between groups of stakeholders. The system of land administration, where its functions (land ownership, valuation, use, development of land) are comprehensively implemented and interact, in the territorial development of regional land use is of particular importance. The geographic information systems are widely used as a tool for the formation, processing and application of information on the territorial development of the regional land use in modern land administration systems. The mathematical modelling of the influence of factors on the territorial development of regional land use has been carried out.
Three Northern European countries over the last century have had similar political experiences, in 1990–1991 they have re-established independence and developed an individual political and administrative system. From 2004, when all Baltic countries became members of the European Union, the land use and spatial planning systems were developed with many similarities, as well as differences. The topic of this study is a survey of the national land policies and spatial planning systems in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in the context of sustainable development, needs of society and depopulation. The aim of the article is to examine the problems, needs of society and tendencies in land usage, as well as systemic features of spatial planning in the Baltic countries. It is very important to analyse how countries realize the implementation of sustainable development strategies In land use planning and in the context of depopulation. It was found that the Baltic countries are facing similar problems in land use and spatial planning documents but there are also differences regarding planning procedures of documents, their hierarchy and types of planned measures. The study has shown that people in these countries want more natura environment and eco-industrial development. Also, it was approved as necessary to createan index (engineering method) of sustainability in spatial planning.
The study is devoted to the study of strategic vectors for the development of recreational lands. It is proved that in the current state of the recreational lands of the EU countries there are certain obstacles on the way to the sustainable development of the respective territories. The recreational sphere is deprived of the possibility of balanced development due to the problems of inefficient use of the lands of the respective territories. These lands cannot provide both the need for recreation and the necessary protection and restoration of the environment due to the negative anthropogenic impact. The author’s definition of the term "land strategizing" is given. The components, functions, subjects and the effect of the implementation of the strategy of recreational territories are determined. The proposals for the implementation of the land strategy process using the methodology of foresight forecasting of recreational land use have been developed. The scientifically grounded stages of Foresight forecasting and methods of their implementation from the set of Foresight forecasting methodology are proposed. The logical-structural scheme of land planning for recreational territories based on the foresight methodology is presented. Also the procedure for the foresight methodology implementation in the direction of sustainable management of recreational land use is proposed.
The purpose of this work is to justify the need to develop a set of solutions for the organization of the step-by-step planning of rational use of disturbed lands. Currently, environmental problems have worsened due to the closure of mining enterprises, which has led to an urgent need for a scientific approach to the environmental remediation of mining regions and their future rational use and evaluation. The implementation of such approaches can be largely achieved through the creation of improved natural and anthropogenic landscapes on disturbed lands. As a result of the research, the procedure and sequence for the development of rational use of technologically disturbed lands have been formed. This procedure and stages of work performance will provide an opportunity for their reuse, as well as systematize the activities of local government bodies. The criteria for choosing the direction of the technogenic landscape transformation in Ukraine, which are based on the prevention of undesirable, uncontrollable processes of natural and technogenic origin have been formed. The process of the technogenic landscape transformation should be based on the use of potential opportunities and trends inherent in nature itself. The studies on the rational use of disturbed lands in order to adapt them to reuse and prospective use has shown that lands formed as a result of mining can be used for both recreation and industrial development. Complex schemes of sequential actions in the organization of works on the rational use of lands have been develope.
Anthropogenic interventions have altered the natural environment and afected many of its physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. Changes in land use-land cover (LULC) are one of the main drivers that alter the hydrologic cycle and cause signifcant impacts on local, regional, and even the global climate system. It is now widely recognised and accepted that climate change is one of the gravest problems that our planet Earth is facing at present. This study analyses the impact of LULC dynamics on the spatial and temporal variation of land surface temperature (LST) in an inter-state river basin, which also happens to be the largest river basin in the state of Kerala, India, viz. the Bharathapuzha river basin, during the period 1990–2017. LST time-series analysis (derived from Landsat) revealed that 98% of the river basin experienced LST less than 298 K in January 1990. Over time, along with changes in LULC, LST also increased; in 2017, about 7.82% of the river basin experienced LST greater than 312 K. A notable change in LULC that occurred during this period was the drastic increase in areas with high albedo. The seasonal curves of LST derived from MODIS data are strong evidence of the devastating impacts of change in LULC on LST and, in turn, on climate change. The major spatial and temporal components of change in LST in the study region were identifed by principal component analysis (PCA). The results of this spatiotemporal analysis spread over a period of 28 years can be used for formulating sustainable development policies and mitigation strategies against extreme climatic events in the river basin.
In order to ensure the territorial development of land use in the region, there is a need to change the trajectory of spatial and urban planning factors. The ways for implementation of the proposed system measures are defined in the article. For investment and environmental indicators, the integrated indicator of territorial development of land use in the region, depending on their change, is predicted. The article presents the results of forecasting the integrated indicator of land use territorial development in the region based on the growth of systemic investment factors and the results of forecasting the integrated indicator of land use territorial development based on the growth of systemic environmental factors. Practical scientific-based recommendations for ensuring the territorial development of land use in the region by applying the results of its integrated assessment and modeling are proposed. Developed recommendations made it possible to form directions and build the basis for ensuring the territorial development of land use in the region. The development of methodological recommendations for ensuring the territorial development of land use in the region is based on the results of the study of the influence of systematic spatial, urban, investment, and environmental factors on the integrated indicator of land use territorial development.
The transformation processes that occur in the technical, informational, and economic spheres of the regions require the development of new conceptual approaches to the development of a full-fledged land use system based on an analysis of the problems of using underground real estate. Determination of the features of land use of underground real estate is based on a quantitative basis, which is built on a systematic, integrated approach. Indicators that determine the condition and use of underground real estate are of particular importance for the development of the approach. A method of estimating a generalized indicator of the use of underground real estate in the system of land use of regions based on an integrated approach, which includes the method of expert assessments by applying qualitative indicators characterizing the status and level of use of underground real estate, considering urban, spatial, investment and innovation legal and safety features is developed. The assessment results of the integrated indicator of underground real estate land use, as well as the results of the assessment by region, showed a low level of use of underground real estate in the land use system of the regions. It is determined that most of the lands in the regions have low levels of underground real estate use. Besides, there is a need to increase the use of underground real estate by developing appropriate methodological recommendations.
The article considers a comprehensive study of the problem of land relations development in the region. It identifies the main directions for their further development, which include improving the legislative framework, economic and monetary valuation of land, leasing land relations and ensuring the formation of a market for agricultural land and ecologically safe land use. The article aims to determine the interrelated components of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing land resources of agricultural enterprises in the context of ensuring land-use efficiency based on the choice of a land-use optimization model. The theoretical and methodological bases for the development of land relations in the conditions of market economy formation are generalized. The directions for improving the ecological status of agricultural land are justified. The state regulation of land relations is analyzed, and ways to improve land legislation are proposed. The directions of the formation and development of the agricultural land market are justified. The ways to improve the ecological condition of the land, taking into account the regional characteristics of the Vinnytsia region, are proposed. To determine the relationship of rational use and reproduction of resources, considering the problems of choosing the optimal strategy for the impact of the economy on the ecologization of land resources, the system of rational use and reproduction of natural resources is developed. The optimization model describing the conditions for the process of stimulating landowners and land users in the direction of protection and rational land use is established.
The need for effective and rational use of land, protection, and preservation of its qualitative state (as the agricultural land soil) is due to some negative details, namely, more than a third of the land is eroded, half of which are black soil in particular, which have an average level of nutrient supply, a lot of contaminated abandoned or overdented land. The acuteness of this problem, which has developed with regard to the protection and preservation of the land qualitative state, has become particularly relevant. The solution to this problem requires truly effective methods of influence. One of such methods is the surveillance of ecological and economic monitoring of land. The article analyzes the ecological and economic factors and factors influencing the monitoring and surveillance of land in Ukraine. Perspectives and objectives for improvements in land monitoring are highlighted. The paper discloses a theoretical synthesis and new approaches to solving the problem of environmental management, which can participate in the development of innovative economic and environmental factors of rational land use, which will contribute to enhancing the transition of Ukraine to the model of sustainable land use. The purpose of this work is a scientific analysis of the various organizational factors of monitoring and surveillance of agricultural land in relation to the current legislation in Ukraine.
The value of the integrated indicator of the united territorial communities land use is determined. An assessment of the integral indicator was carried out and directions for the development of methodological recommendations to improve the efficiency of land use of the united territorial communities were identified. A feature of the use of GIS for analysis and visualization of integrated indicators of land use of the united territorial communities is the development of a geoinformation analysis scheme. The developed scheme of geoinformation systems using for modelling, evaluation, and analysis of integrated indicators of the united territorial communities land use gives the opportunity to form information and analytical support of monitoring based on geospatial information and to create the basis for increasing the united territorial communities land use. The sequence obtained in the article ensures the monitoring of changes in the spatial characteristics of the lands of the united territorial communities in the region. The results of determining the integral indicators of land use of the united territorial communities obtained in the article make it possible to carry out geoinformation analysis and build a GIS map of the land use. The developed GIS map allows the formation of information and analytical monitoring support based on the values of integrated indicators of land use. Also, the data of the presented map allow to predict the directions of land use of the united territorial communities, to compare them by territorial features and features depending on changes of system spatial, urban, investment and ecological factors.
Grasslands, especially those under ecological management (i.e. mowing, and grazing without fertilizers and chemicals), have significant importance for many arthropods, including ground beetles. We studied the abundance and species diversity of Carabidae of four uphill grasslands (West Sudety Mountains, Poland) under different management intensity: cattle grazing (one or four times per year), mowing, and alternatively managed (grazing/mowing). Beetles were collected using pitfall traps during three whole grazing seasons, i.e. from April to October in 2007-2009. The most frequent species of beetles, on each of the plots, were predators Poecilus cupreus, Calathus fuscipes and Nebria brevicollis. Sixtyfour ground beetle species were found altogether. Species richness ranged from 42 to 47, with the mean number of individuals per trap day-1 from 0.006 to 0.018. In the years of the study the number of ground beetles and their species diversity were higher on meadows mown once per year and alternatively managed grasslands as compared with grazed sites. Therefore, the simplified, organic way of agricultural production with reduced mowing or moving combined with grazing can be considered as appropriate in preserving the biodiversity of the grasslands in mountainous regions.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono opis wyników analiz statystycznych dotyczących różnych form użytkowania gruntów na Wrocławskim Obszarze Funkcjonalnym (WrOF). Celem było porównanie struktury użytkowania gruntów w gminach WrOF, rozpoznanie jej zmian oraz wpływu na tę zmianę odległości od granic Wrocławia. Analizom poddano użytkowanie gruntów w gminach wiejskich i miejsko - wiejskich w latach 2012-2014. Wrocławski Obszar Funkcjonalny charakteryzuje się znacznym zróżnicowaniem zachodzących zmian. Największe przekształcenia dotyczą gmin zlokalizowanych w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie Wrocławia. Wyjątek stanowią gminy Wisznia Mała oraz Oborniki Śląskie. Znaczny spadek powierzchni użytków rolnych zanotowano w gminie Długołęka oraz Kobierzyce. W planowaniu rozwoju WrOF należy dążyć do zwiększenia efektywności wykorzystania terenów już zurbanizowanych, co pozwoli na skuteczniejszą ochronę gruntów rolnych i leśnych oraz ograniczenie nadmiernego rozlewania się strefy podmiejskiej Wrocławia.
This article describes the results of the statistical analysis of the various forms of land use in the Wroclaw Functional Area. The purpose of this research was to compare the structure of land use in the communities of Wroclaw Functional Area, recognize the changes and the impact of distance from the borders of Wroclaw on that changes. It has been analyzed the land use in rural and urban-rural communities in the years 2012-2014. Wroclaw Functional Area is characterized by a wide variety of occurring changes. The biggest transformations relate to the municipalities located in the nearest vicinity of Wroclaw. The exceptions are the communes Wisznia Mala and Oborniki Slaskie. A significant decrease in the agricultural area was recorded in the communes of Dlugoleka and Kobierzyce. In the planning of the development of the Wroclaw Functional Area one should aim to increase the efficiency of the use of already urbanized areas. This type of approach will allow more effective protection of the agricultural and forest areas and limiting of the excessive sprawl of the suburban area of Wroclaw.
The present study focuses on the relationships between fluvial processes, climate and land-use changes in the Selenga River catchment. The results indicate that high sediment loads were reported both for altered and natural rivers. The reported multidecadal declines in sediment loads in the downstream part of the Selenga River can be attributed to the abandonment of cultivated lands and changing hydroclimatic factors, in particular a climate-driven decrease in water flows and intensified water use for irrigation purposes. Empirical sediment rating curves show that a series of peak flow events during spring and summer contributes to the main part (up to 98%) of the annual sediment and pollution loads. The highest contribution of flood sediment loads was determined for specific wet years and the lowest – for dry years, which generally reflects the increase in water runoff during high floods in the annual flow. While sediment flows are connected with hydroclimatic conditions in the catchment, the elemental composition of mass flows is mostly related to soil/petrologic conditions. With the exception of small impacted rivers where water quality effects associated with mining were observed, the formation of elemental composition and sediment-associated chemical constituents generally reflects catchment characteristics.
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