Tytuł artykułu
no. 2

no. 2
artykuł: Cretaceous Granitic Magmatism in South-Central Vietnam: Constraints from Zircon U–Pb Geochronology (Nguyen Huu Hiep, Pham Nhu Sang, Hoang Van Long, Carter Andrew, Bui Vinh Hau, Bui Hoang‑Bac, Trinh Thanh Trung, Nguyen Lam Anh), s. 7--14
artykuł: Automatic Monitoring System Designed for Controlling the Stability of Underground Excavation (Małkowski Piotr, Niedbalski Zbigniew, Bednarek Łukasz), s. 15--29
artykuł: Applying Electrical Impedance Tomography Techniques for Detection of Decay Inside Trees (Kieu Duy Thong, Vu Hong Duong, Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Nguyen Thu Thuy), s. 31--40
artykuł: Mining-induced Land Subsidence Detected by Sentinel-1 SAR Images:An Example from the Historical Tadeusz Kościuszko Salt Mine at Wapno, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland (Kim Thi Thu Huong, Tran Hong Ha, Bui Khac Luyen, Lipecki Tomasz), s. 41--52
artykuł: Riverbank Filtration – A Potential Water Source Exploitation for the Red River Delta Region (Nguyen Trung Hieu, Doan Thu Ha, Hoang Van Duy, Tong Thanh Tung), s. 53--64
artykuł: The Influence of the Sample Preparation on the Result of Coal Propensity to Spontaneous Combustion in the High-temperature Adiabatic Method (Obracaj Dariusz, Korzec Marek, Vu Tien Tung), s. 65--78
artykuł: Artificial Neural Network Optimized by Modified Particle Swarm Optimization for Predicting Peak Particle Velocity Induced by Blasting Operations in Open Pit Mines (Bui Xuan‑Nam, Nguyen Hoang, Nguyen Truc Anh), s. 79--90
artykuł: Integration of Delphi Technique and Analytical Hierarchy Process Method in Assessment the Groundwater Potential Influence Criteria: A Case Study of the Ba River Basin (Dang Tuyet Minh, Nguyen Le Tung Duong), s. 91--102
artykuł: Rule-based Classification of Airborne Laser Scanner Data for Automatic Extraction of 3D Objects in the Urban Area (Bui Ngoc Quy, Le Dinh Hien, Duong Anh Quan, Nguyen Quoc Long), s. 103--114
artykuł: Development of Integrated Reporting in Poland (Rymkiewicz Bartosz), s. 115--128
artykuł: Identifying Correlation of Coal Seams in the Tien Hai Area, Northern Vietnam by Using Multivariate Statistic Methods (Khuong The Hung, Nguyen Phuong, Nguyen Thi Cuc, Pham Nhu Sang, Nguyen Danh Tuyen), s. 129--148
artykuł: Influence of Harmonics on the Working Efficiency of a 6/1.2 kV Transformer in a Pit Mine (Ngo Xuan Cuong, Do Nhu Y.), s. 149--156
artykuł: Stabilization of Deep Roadways in Weak Rocks Using the System of Two-level Rock Bolts (Tran Tuan Minh, Do Ngoc Thai, Dang Trung Thanh, Nguyen Duyen Phong, Vo Trong Hung), s. 157--166
artykuł: Stress Distribution Around Mechanized Longwall Face at Deep Mining in Quang Ninh Underground Coal Mine (Bui Manh Tung, Le Tien Dung, Vo Trong Hung), s. 167--176
artykuł: Geometrical Tests of Powered Roof Support Positioning in a Longwall Complex (Szurgacz Dawid, Zhironkin Sergey, Trzop Konrad, Voth Stefan, Sobik Leszek, Cehlar Michal), s. 177--182
artykuł: General Geometric Model of GNSS Position Time Series for Crustal Deformation Studies – A Case Study of CORS Stations in Vietnam (Tran Dinh Trong, Nguyen Quoc Long, Nguyen Dinh Huy), s. 183--197
artykuł: Phase Diagrams of the Excitonic Insulator State: Analyzing the Excitonic Susceptibility (Do Thi Hong Hai, Nguyen Thi Hau), s. 199--206
artykuł: Geotechnical Properties of Soft Marine Soil at Chan May Port, Vietnam (Nguyenn Thi Nu, Nguyen Thanh Duong, Bui Truong Son), s. 207--215
artykuł: Applying the Lessons Learned from the Economics Nobel Prize 2020 to Land Use Right Auction in Vietnam (Pham Ngoc Huong Quynk, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Mai), s. 217--225
artykuł: An Overview of Rare Earth Ores Beneficiation in Vietnam (Nhu Thi Kim Dung, Pham Van Luan, Vu Thi Chinh, Tran Van Duoc), s. 227--236
artykuł: Technological and Economic Analysis of the Application of Surface Miner on the Example of a Limestone Deposit in Poland (Zajączkowski Maciej), s. 237--242
artykuł: Determination of Land Fund for the Development of Static Road Traffic Demand in Hanoi (Vietnam) (Phan Anh, Vo Thi Hong Lan, Phan Huy Duong), s. 243--250
artykuł: Assessment of Change in Urban Green Spaces Using Sentinel 2 MSI Data and GIS Techniques: A Case Study in Thanh Hoa City, Vietnam (Nguyen Viet Nghia, Trinh Le Hung, Nguyen Thi Thu Nga, Le Thi Le), s. 251--260
artykuł: Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Lead-zinc Ore Deposits, and Potential Accompanying Components in the Cho Don - Cho Dien Area, Bac Kan Province, Vietnam (Nguyen Tien Dung, Nguyen Khac Du, Nguyen Ngoc Thom), s. 261--273
artykuł: State Governance of Coal Mining Industry towards Sustainable Development in Vietnam (Chu Thi Khanh Ly, Pham Ngoc Huong Quynh, Pham Tu Phuong, Nguyen Quynh Nga), s. 275--282
artykuł: Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Stochastic Approach Used for Rare Earth Elements (REEs), Considering Uncertainty (Sala Dariusz, Bieda Bogusław), s. 283--291
artykuł: Estimation of Suspended Sediment Concentration in Downstream of the Ba River Basin using Remote Sensing Images (Nguyen Ba Dung, Bui Ngoc An, Dang Tuyet Minh), s. 293--303
artykuł: A Numerical Method for the Design of the U-Shaped Segmental Tunnel Lining under the Impact of Earthquakes: A Case Study of a Tunnel in the Hanoi Metro System (Nguyen Chi Thanh, Do Ngoc Anh, Pham Van Vi, Gospodarikov Alexandr), s. 305--320
artykuł: Development of Support Plan and Operation Scheme for Semi-mechanized Longwall Face of Coal Seam 10T, Nam Khe Tam Mine – 86 Company, Dong Bac Corporation (Vu Trung Tien, Le Tien Dung, Vu Thai Tien Dung), s. 321--330
artykuł: Research the Integration of Geodetic and Geotechnical Methods in Monitoring the Horizontal Displacement of Diaphragm Walls (Pham Quoc Khanh, Tran Ngoc Dong, Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh, Pham Van Chung), s. 331--340
artykuł: Influence of Single-Phase Voltage Loss and Load Carrying Mode on Mine Drainage Pump Motor in Vietnam (Do Nhu Y., Ngo Xuan Cuong), s. 341--352
artykuł: Method of Air Temperature Forecast in Mechanized Longwall Workings in the Conditions of Vietnamese Mines (Truong Tien Quan, Łuczak Rafał, Życzkowski Piotr, Borowski Marek), s. 353--364
artykuł: VISION ZERO – Tools for Safety, Health, and Well-being Management and the Application in the Vietnamese Coal Mining Industry (Nguyen Nga, Meesmann Urlich, Truong Ngoc-Linh, Trinh Vu-Hoa), s. 365--372
artykuł: Current Status of Coal Mining and Some Highlights in the 2030 Development Plan of Coal Industry in Vietnam (Nguyen Quynh Nga, Nguyen Van Hau, Pham Tu Phuong, Chu Thi Khanh Ly), s. 373--380
artykuł: Cause and Solution to Roadway Deformation in Vietnam Underground Coal Mine (Le Quang Phuc), s. 381--390
artykuł: Research and Development of Real-time High-precision GNSS Receivers: A Feasible Application for Surveying and Mapping in Vietnam (Pham Cong Khai, Nguyen Gia Trong, Nguyen Van Hai, Tran Trong Xuan), s. 391--404
artykuł: Promoting Information and Communication Technology in Online Service Delivery in Vietnam (Nguyen Thi Ngoc Mai, Pham Ngoc Huong Quynh), s. 405--412
artykuł: Strengthening Inspection and Audit of Occupational Safety and Health in Coal Mining Enterprises in Vietnam (Ngo Kim Tu), s. 413--422
artykuł: Some Effects on the Temperature of the Mine Air at the Heading Face (Nguyen Van Quang, Nguyen Van Thinh, Nguyen Cao Khai, Pham Van Chung), s. 423--432
artykuł: Circular Economy Model and the Implementation in Vietnamese Coal Mining Industry (Le Dinh Chieu, Dong Thi Bich), s. 433--439
artykuł: Monitoring Vegetation Cover Changes by Sentinel-1 Radar Images Using Random Forest Classification Method (Tran Van Anh, Le Thi Le, Nguyen Nhu Hung, Le Thanh Nghi, Tran Hong Hanh), s. 441--451
artykuł: Doing Business in Vietnam from the Perspectives of Polish Entrepreneurs – the Role of Local Partners (Nguyen Cao Son), s. 453--458
artykuł: Genotype TNF-α(-308) and Silicosis on Factory Workers in Vietnam in 2020 (Nguyen Viet, Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, Dao Xuan Dat, Vu Xuan Quy, Pham Thi Quan, Le Thi Kim Chung, Tran Huy Thinh, Le Thi Huong, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Viet Nhung, Nguyen Ngoc Hong, Luong Mai Anh, Le Thi Thanh Xuan), s. 459--466
artykuł: Assessing Impacts of Mining Activities on Land Use/Land Cover Change Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study in Campha City, Vietnam (Le Thi Thu Ha), s. 467--477
artykuł: Research and Solution Proposals to Optimize Distribution Power Grids in Smart Grid Condition (Pham Trung Son, Nguyen Dinh Tien, Nguyen Quang Thuan, Dang Quang Khoa), s. 479--486
artykuł: Strategy in Dispatching Trucks and Shovels with Different Capacity to Increase the Operating Efficiency in Cao Son Surface Coal Mine, Vietnam (Pham Van Hoa, Tran Trung Chuyen, Le Hong Anh, Le Thi Thu Hoa, Pham Van Viet, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Le Thi Huong Giang), s. 487--494
artykuł: The capability of terrestrial laser scanning for monitoring the displacement of high-rise buildings (Pham Trung Dung, Pham Quoc Khanh, Cao Xuan Cuong, Nguyen Viet Hung, Ngo Sy Cuong), s. 495--504
artykuł: Protection of Female Workers' rights in Employment and Incomes in Vietnam (Nguyen Thi Hong Loan, Pham Thu Trang, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Bui Thi Thu Thuy, Nguyen Hong Thai), s. 505--512
artykuł: Research, Calculation and Proposal of Ventilation Solution for Duong Huy Coal Mine when Mining Down to -250 m Depth (Dao Van Chi, Le Tien Dung, Vu Thai Tien Dung, Nguyen Hong Cuong), s. 513--520
artykuł: The Impact of Coal Exploitation on Tidal Flat Changes, an Investigation Using Remote Sensing Data in Vietnam (Pham Thi Lan, Tong Si Son, Le Thi Thu Ha, Le Thi Le, Hoang Huu Duc), s. 521--532
artykuł: A Solution to Ensure Ventilation when Expanding the Area of Cam Thanh Underground Coal Mine, Ha Long Coal Company, Vietnam (Nguyen Cao Khai, Nguyen Van Tinh, Nguyen Phi Hung, Nguyen Van Quang), s. 533--542
artykuł: Prediction of Ground Subsidence During Underground Construction of Metro Line 2, Section 1, Ben Thanh - Tham Luong (Vo Nhat Luan, Nguyen Thi Nu, Do Minh Toan), s. 543--553
artykuł: Career Orientation of Students in the Faculty of Mining at Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (Truong Thi Hoa, Nguyen Thuy Quynh, Nguyen Thi Thanh Tra, Nguyen Tat Thang), s. 555--566
artykuł: Exploring the Relation between Seismic Coefficient and Rock Properties Through Field Measurements and Empirical Model for Evaluating the Effect of Blast-Induced Ground Vibration in OpenPit Mines: A Case Study at the Thuong Tan III Quarry (Vietnam) (Tran Quang Hieu), s. 567--577
artykuł: Improvement of State Institution on Mineral Resources Management and Exploitation in Vietnam (Pham Ngoc Hyuen, Nguyen Thi Hoai Nga, Nguyen Quoc Long, Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Nguyen Ngoc Bich), s. 579--586
artykuł: Applying Artificial Pillar to Replace the Coal Pillar Protecting Roadway to Increase Production Efficiency and Sustainable Development in the Vietnamese Coal Industry (Dinh Van Cuong, Nguyen Anh Tuan, Tran Van Thanh, Nguyen Thi Hoai Nga, Duong Duc Hai), s. 587--597
artykuł: Using The Potential Of The Employees' Expertise And Awareness Of Occupational Hazards In The Mining Industry (Nowak-Senderowska Dagmara, Patyk Michał), s. 598--607
artykuł: Cretaceous Granitic Magmatism in South-Central Vietnam: Constraints from Zircon U–Pb Geochronology (Nguyen Huu Hiep, Pham Nhu Sang, Hoang Van Long, Carter Andrew, Bui Vinh Hau, Bui Hoang‑Bac, Trinh Thanh Trung, Nguyen Lam Anh), s. 7--14
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