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Content available remote Zagrożenia środowiskowe stanu tkanki miejskiej - przegląd literaturowy
Charakter atmosfery miejskiej bardzo zmienił się na przestrzeni ostatnich lat, co niewątpliwie związane jest z wysokim tempem industrializacji na świecie. Pierwotne, dobrze znane nam zanieczyszczenia powietrza, takie jak ditlenek siarki, tlenek węgla i dym, sumarycznie rok do roku spadły w XX wieku na skutek ogólnie panującej dbałości o środowisko naturalne. Ta poprawa jakości powietrza była zwykle odczuwalna wcześniej w miastach Europy Zachodniej i Ameryki Północnej [4]. Nie oznacza to, że jesteśmy wolni od obaw związanych z zagrożeniami środowiskowymi stanu tkanki miejskiej. Może być ona narażona na zwiększone ryzyko degradacji ze względu na emisję gazów cieplarnianych, drastyczne zmiany klimatyczne oraz rozwój biologiczny. Na interakcję pomiędzy substancjami zanieczyszczającymi powietrze, a budynkami w środowisku miejskim wpływ ma również niewielka obecność roślinności, a także warunki mikrośrodowiskowe. Na przykład duża liczba wieżowców po obu stronach drogi na ruchliwej ulicy miejskiej może wywołać efekt kanionu, powodujący recyrkulację substancji zanieczyszczających powietrze, co w rezultacie wydłuża czas ekspozycji substancji zanieczyszczających powietrze na budynki, a dłuższy czas ekspozycji powoduje większe uszkodzenia materiału budowlanego [1]. Natomiast stosunkowo nowym zjawiskiem, jeśli chodzi o zanieczyszczenie powietrza, jest dominacja utleniaczy, takich jak ozon, czy obecność sadzy z silników Diesla, która z kolei może stwarzać nieznane dotąd zagrożenia [4]. Typowe zanieczyszczenia powietrza wpływające na materiały obejmują ditlenek siarki, ozon, chlorki, ditlenek azotu, azotany i ditlenek węgla. Ponadto, w zależności od lokalizacji budynku i pobliskich źródeł, lotne związki organiczne (LZO) mogą również znacząco wpływać na budynek. Chociaż istnieje wiele przyczyn degradacji budynków, za główną przyczynę uznaje się zanieczyszczenie powietrza w postaci kwaśnych deszczy. Zanieczyszczeniami odpowiedzialnymi głównie za kwaśne deszcze są ditlenek siarki i ditlenek azotu. Te dwa są emitowane podczas spalania paliw kopalnych, takich jak węgiel i ropa naftowa (szybka industrializacja zwiększyła ilość tych emisji).
The nature of urban atmospheres has changed greatly over in recent the years, which poses a threat to the high rate of industrialization in the world. The primary well known air pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and smoke, total yearon-year decreased in the 20th century. This improvement in air quality was initially felt in cities in Western Europe and North America [4]. This does not mean that we are free from concerns about environmental threats to the state of the urban fabric. It may be at risk of degradation due to greenhouse emissions, drastic climate changes and biological development. The interaction between air pollutants and buildings in urban environment is also influenced by the presence of vegetation as well as microenvironmental conditions. For example, a large number of high-rise buildings on both sides of the road, can cause a canyon effect that makes the air polluting device recirculate. This combined with the prolongation of the exposure time of the building on polluting device, result in extensive damage of the building [1]. However, a relatively new phenomenon when it comes to air pollution is the dominance of oxidants such as ozone or the presence of soot from diesel engines, which in turn may pose previously unknown threats [4]. Common air pollutants on materials include sulfur dioxide, ozone, chlorides, nitrogen dioxide, nitrates and carbon dioxide. Additional, depending on the location of the system and nearby sources, multiple output components (VOCs) may also include building controls. There are many reasons for the degradation of buildings, with the main cause of air pollution being acid rain. The main pollutants behind acid rain are sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. These two are emitted when burning fossil fuels such as coal and oil (rapid industrialization of uses for these emissions).
This analysis was performed for the Żywiec Basin area, located in southern Poland. The topography of the Żywiec Basin is an eminently favourable factor for the stagnation of cool air in the basins and the formation of the so-called “cold stagnation areas”, as well as the occurrence of inversion layers inhibiting air mixing. In addition, in the Żywiec Basin, the reservoir has a significant influence on the formation of weather conditions. It favours more frequent formation of local fogs and mists. The study focused on the heating season (6 months) from 2016 to 2021. The analysis covered winter seasons at the turn of the year starting from 1 October and ending on 31 March. During this period, for all heating seasons analysed, the average PM10 concentration was 58 µg/m3 . The 2016/2017 heating season proved to be the worst season in aerosanitary terms, with average concentrations equalling to 78.4 µg/m3 . Extreme levels of daily concentrations during those seasons were recorded in 2016/2017 (349.0 µg/m3 ) and 2017/2018 (476.2 µg/m3 ). This represented 700–900% of the limit value for PM10 concentrations. The frequency of exceedances of the daily limit value D24 for PM10 was high during the heating season, ranging from 83 to 91 days, which represented almost half (46.7%) of the entire season. The next stage of the analysis comprised the evaluation of the levels of daily concentrations (D24) against the background of the baric situation shaping the weather on a given day. The study juxtaposed the daily concentrations of PM10 in Żywiec with the daily baric situation in the upper Vistula river basin. The anticyclonic situation contributed to an increase in PM10 immission concentrations in all heating seasons from 2016 to 2021. In all analysed months of the heating seasons, differences in the average monthly PM10 concentration depending on the baric situation can be noticed, and the higher the concentration level, the greater this difference is. Similarly, the number of days with exceedances of D24 standard for PM10 was several times higher in the period when there was an anticyclone situation. The analysis of the type of air masses showed that the polar continental air masses were accompanied by the worst aerosanitary condition.
Analizę wykonano dla obszaru Kotliny Żywieckiej, położonej w południowej Polsce. Topografia Kotliny Żywieckiej jest czynnikiem wybitnie sprzyjającym stagnacji chłodnego powietrza w kotlinach i tworzeniu się tzw. „zastoisk chłodu”, a także występowaniu warstw inwersyjnych hamujących mieszanie powietrza. Ponadto, w Kotlinie Żywieckiej istotny wpływ na kształtowanie warunków pogodowych wywiera zbiornik retencyjny. Sprzyja on częstszemu tworzeniu się lokalnych mgieł i zamgleń. W pracy skoncentrowano się na okresie grzewczym (6 miesięcy) w latach 2016-2021. Analizą objęto sezony zimowe na przełomie roku począwszy od 1 października, kończąc na 31 marca. W tym okresie, dla wszystkich analizowanych sezonów grzewczych średnie stężenie PM10 wyniosło 58 µg/m3 . Sezon grzewczy 2016/2017 okazał się najgorszym sezonem pod względem aerosanitarnym, ze średnim stężeniem 78,4 µg/m3, Ekstremalne poziomy stężeń dobowych w sezonach odnotowano w sezonach 2016/2017 (349,0 µg/m3 ) oraz 2017/2018 (476,2 µg/m3 ). Stanowiło to 700–900% wartości dopuszczalnej dla stężenia PM10. Częstość przekroczeń dobowej wartości dopuszczalnej D24 dla pyłu zawieszonego PM10 była w sezonie grzewczym wysoka i wahała się od 83-91 dni, co stanowiło prawie połowę (46,7 %) całego sezonu. Kolejnym etapem analizy była ocena poziomów stężeń dobowych (D24) na tle sytuacji barycznej kształtującej pogodę w danym dniu. W pracy zestawiono dobowe stężenia pyłu zawieszonego PM10 w Żywcu z dobową sytuacją baryczną z dorzecza górnej Wisły. Sytuacja antycyklonalna przyczyniała się do zwiększenia stężenia pyłu PM10 w immisji we wszystkich sezonach grzewczych 2016-2021. We wszystkich analizowanych miesiącach okresów grzewczych dostrzec można różnice w średnim miesięcznym stężeniu PM10 w zależności od sytuacji barycznej, a im wyższy poziom stężenia tym ta różnica jest większa. Podobnie ilość dni z przekroczeniem normy D24 dla pyłu zawieszonego PM10 była wielokrotnie wyższa w okresie, kiedy występowała sytuacja antycyklonalna. Analiza typu mas powietrza wykazała że najgorszy stan aerosanitarny towarzyszył masom powietrza polarno-kontynentalnego.
Air pollution in the vicinity of roads is a complex and growing problem. In urbanised areas, there are many sources of dust emissions, but one of the main ones is road traffic. Investigating and assessing the physical and chemical properties of road dust and, more specifically, dust collected from surface courses is one way of providing an opportunity not only to identify the contribution of the emitters concerned to the formation of dust air pollution in the vicinity of roads but above all the environmental risks associated with traffic emissions. The study aimed to analyse the elemental composition of dust with a fraction <0.1 mm, collected from asphalt and concrete roads characterised by the highest technical and service parameters in Poland. The samples were analysed using a Shimadzu EDX 7000 energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, then the results were statistically analysed using the t-Welch test, and the enrichment factors EF were determined. It was shown that road dust with a grain size of less than 0.1 mm collected from asphalt surface course was extremely highly enriched in Cu, Cr, Pb and S, while that from the concrete surface course was enriched in Zn and Zr, indicating a strong anthropogenic origin of these elements; exhaust gases were identified as their source. Irrespective of the type of surface course, very high dust enrichment occurs for Ca, Mn, Ni, S, Ti and Y. These elements may originate from the abrasion process of vehicle tyres. For road dust collected from both road types, the most similar EF values were found for Fe, K, Mn, Si, Sr and Ti. The source of these elements is most likely the roadside soil. It follows that the type of road surface is not the main determinant of the composition of road dust with a fraction <0.1 mm.
Due to its irritating, allergenic, toxic, pathogenic, and carcinogenic effects, suspended particulate matter (PM) seriously threatens human health. Therefore, it seems obvious to control the level of concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 particles and their reduction in the indoor environment such as homes, workplaces, or public utilities. In the following work, an attempt was made to determine the efficiency of a home air purifier based on the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 particles at selected measurement points in a teaching room located in the building of the Bialystok University of Technology. The tests were carried out in March and in April 2021, using the DT-96 meter, which measured the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 in the air. The study included the time and intensity of air purifier operation. In addition, reference was made to the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 in outdoor air, which was measured at measuring stations in the city of Bialystok. The obtained test results made it possible to assess the initial state of air quality in the test room, as well as to determine the parameters affecting the best efficiency of the air purifier and to notice the dependencies in changes in the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 between the indoor and outdoor environment.
W pracy przedstawiono sieć czujnikową do pomiarów zanieczyszczeń powietrza na terenie kampusu Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Opisano urządzenia czujnikowe do pomiarów frakcji pyłu PM2.5, wykorzystujące niskobudżetowe czujniki optyczne PMS A003 firmy Plantower. Zaprezentowano również strukturę sieci zlokalizowanej na kampusie głównym i kampusach peryferyjnych. Opisano działanie systemu do informowania społeczności akademickiej i mieszkańców Wrocławia o jakości powietrza, a także przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki badan przeprowadzonych za pomocą urządzeń czujnikowych. Podczas epizodów podwyższonych stężeń PM2.5, sygnały z czujników były zbieżne z wynikami pomiarów ze stacji państwowego monitoringu, a same urządzenia charakteryzowały się dobrą powtarzalnością wskazań pomiędzy poszczególnymi egzemplarzami. W przyszłości sieć może zostać rozszerzona o nowe czujniki do pomiarów zanieczyszczeń gazowych, np. ozonu.
The paper presents a sensor network for the measurements of air pollution on the campus of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Sensor devices for the measurement of the PM2.5, using Plantower low-cost PMS A003 optical sensors, are described. The structure of the network located on the main campus and peripheral campuses is also presented. The operation of the system for informing the academic community and residents of Wroclaw about air quality is described, and examples of the results of tests carried out with the sensor devices are presented. During episodes of elevated PM2.5, concentrations, sensor signals were consistent with measurements from regulatory monitoring stations, and the devices showed high reproducibility between units. In the future, the network may be supplemented with new sensors for measuring gaseous pollutants such as ozone.
This work presents the first results of the metal in particulate matter PM10 analysis and source apportionment in one of the fire station garages in Poland. The study’s novelty includes the high temporal resolution of the elemental composition of PM-bound metals since the gamma-ray fluorescence spectrometer with the high temporal resolution was used in the study. The concentrations of PM10 were measured at the same time using the method of beta-ray attenuation. The concertations of PM10 and PM-bound metals were analyzed with a temporal resolution of 4 h. To identify the source apportionment of metals, three commonly used models were applied: principal component analysis (PCA), EPA UNMIX, and EPA PMF (positive matrix factorization). The concentrations of the investigated metals have high temporal variations while the concentrations of PM10 were low in the garage. The enrichment of PM10 was very high or high, especially in sulfur, zinc, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, and lead. PCA analysis, as well as UNMIX and PMF, showed a high impact of factors related to sulfur on the variability. It showed the impact of combustion, including combustion of liquid fuels, in fire engines may have a crucial impact on air pollution in the fire station. The PMF analysis allowed us also to identify factors responsible for external anthropogenic emissions on concentrations inside the garage. Other identified sources of PM10 and PM10-bound elements are mineral dust, and road dust related to non-exhaust emission, originating inside the firehouse (resuspension and abrasion) as well as from outside.
Content available Do we know PM1 in Poland inside out?
The paper provides a concise review of key publications on particulate matter of aerodynamic diameter below 1 μm (PM1) having been published in Poland in the years 2007–2022. Data and conclusions related to the study of concentrations, chemical composition, and content of selected toxic and carcinogenic compounds in PM1 as well as methods and conclusions on the assessment of the origin of PM1 in various regions of Poland have been tabulated. The conclusions of this review attempt to outline the directions of further research that could prove crucial in obtaining information and filling the identified gaps in knowledge about PM1 in Poland. While this work may be theoretical, it can serve as a valuable and compact source material for research groups, organizations supervising and financing research, as well as those responsible for assessing air quality and mitigating negative health effects related to air quality.
The properties of particulate matter PM, including its impact on the environment and human health, depend mainly on the size (more precisely: size distribution) of the particles since the size is usually dependent on the processes/sources of the PM. This work presents the results of a one-year-long measurement campaign of PM. PALAS Fidas 200 from Airpointer air quality station was used. The PM was measured in Warsaw, Poland continuously from 1st May 2022 to 30th April 2023; size distribution was recorded with 120 s intervals and averaged in 3600 s periods. It was found, that the number and the mass size distribution varied depending on the averaging period (different hours of the day, different days of the week, and different months of the year). Additionally, the authors determined the periods of impact on selected sources (traffic emission, municipal emission, and industrial emission) on the number and mass size distributions of PM at the sampling site. Monitoring of number and mass size distributions of PM is a relatively easy and more cost-effective method than analysing the chemical composition of PM. Therefore, is crucial to develop a method of identifying sources of PM based on size distributions. It was found that such a method can be in the future as successful in source apportionment as in the analysis of chemical compositions.
Proces wytwarzania twardego alkoholu to branża o złożonym charakterze działań obejmujących różne maszyny zakładowe, surowce, produkty, operacje, półprodukty i emisje do środowiska, co wiąże się z wieloma związanymi z tym zagrożeniami. Produkcja alkoholu wiąże się z niebezpiecznymi oparami i innymi szkodliwymi czynnikami. Aby ochronić pracowników, firmy gorzelnicze muszą przyjmować proaktywne podejście w celu identyfikacji i łagodzenia zagrożeń, które wpływają na ich działalność. Jakość powietrza jest jednym z kluczowych czynników bezpośrednio wywierających wpływ na stan zdrowia każdego człowieka (skala oddziaływania jest uzależniona zarówno od wieku danego człowieka, jego zdrowia, miejsca zamieszkania/pracy, lokalizacji potencjalnych przemysłowych i indywidualnych źródeł zanieczyszczeń, warunków meteorologicznych, czy też uwarunkowań społeczno-gospodarczych). Zanieczyszczenia powietrza zewnętrznego zostały sklasyfikowane przez międzynarodowe organizacje zdrowia jako czynniki odpowiadające za około 12% wszystkich zgonów na świecie (dane z 2019 roku). Skuteczne eliminowanie i ograniczanie czynników szkodliwych obecnych w powietrzu, takich jak: pary i gazy związków chemicznych, pyły, aerozole, czynniki mikrobiologiczne oraz czynniki fizyczne jest możliwe po równoczesnym dokonaniu oceny ich pochodzenia oraz zawartości ilościowej i jakościowej. Z tego powodu w tym opracowaniu postanowiono przeanalizować istniejące zagrożenia dotyczące jakości powietrza, a wynikające z procesu produkcji alkoholu oraz opisać wybrane metody stosowane w celu pomiaru i analizy jakości powietrza zewnętrznego.
The process of making hard alcohol is an industry with its complex nature of activities involving various plant machineries, raw materials, products, operations, intermediates and environmental discharge has a number of associated hazards. Manufacturing alcohol is associated with dangerous fumes and other harmful factors. To protect employees distillery enterprises must take a proactive approach to identify and mitigate the unique exposures that affect their operations. Air quality is one of the key factors directly affecting the health of every human being (the scale of the impact depends both on the age of person, his health, place of residence/work, location of potential industrial and individual pollution sources, meteorological conditions, or socioeconomic conditions). As a result, pollution of the external air has been classified by the international organizations as factors responsible for about 12% of all deaths in the world (data from 2019). Effective elimination and reduction of harmful factors present in the air, such as: vapors and gases of chemical compounds, dusts, aerosols, microbiological agents and physical factors, is possible after the simultaneous assessment of their origin as well as their quantitative and qualitative content. For this reason, the existing threats resulting from the alcohol production process and selected methods used to measure and analyze the quality of outdoor air are discussed in this study.
Content available Health hazard related to fine road dust in Poland
Air pollution emissions from road vehicles majorly contribute to particulate pollution. This poses significant threats to the environment and human health. Road dust contains various potentially toxic elements, which, when exposed to humans, can lead to severe illnesses such as asthma, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. This study assessed adult health risks through accidental ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact associated with heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in road dust (with a fraction size < 0.1 mm). The analysis covers areas between sound-absorbing screens (S), in open spaces without screens (F), and at highway/express exits (E) with different surfaces: asphalt (A) and concrete (C). Results indicate the highest health risk levels are associated with Zn in road dust in S and E areas, indicating its potential negative impact on human health. When comparing results for all metals, road dust collected from A surfaces might pose a greater health risk than C surfaces. The carcinogenic risk for Cr and Ni found in road dust collected from A and C surfaces at points S, F, and E is medium. The most significant carcinogenic risk (medium-high) is associated with Cr in road dust from A surfaces in the F area, whereas the lowest risk (low-medium) for both A and C surfaces is linked to Ni exposure in the S point. The contributions of Cr and Ni highlight the need to reduce emissions of these elements in areas surrounding heavily trafficked roads.
The aim of the research is to identify places with deteriorated air quality in the selected city. After an analytical analysis of the data, it is possible to propose steps that can be used to actively contribute to the reduction of air pollution, especially due to road traffic. Places where deteriorated air quality was identified were identified on the basis of practical measurements. Given that the measurement route was designed in a built-up area of the city with a large number of pedestrians, the research was primarily focused on the identification of particulate matters (PM) and the concentration of carbon monoxide CO. The measurements were performed repeatedly on a pre-defined route. The measurements were carried out repeatedly during the morning rush hour when traffic was congested on the roads. Based on the processing and evaluation of the measurements, the sections where increased values of individual emissions were recorded were determined. In this way, it is possible to precisely identify places where air quality deteriorates. The research conclusions provide support for planning the optimization of air quality management policies towards the creation of sustainable cities. The research results present the possibilities of identifying problematic sections from the point of view of emissions production. Critical places with regard to the production of emissions can be connected to places where a permanently increased movement of vehicles is observed.
The interdependence between air quality, human health and the state of the environment has prompted the development of research on causes, control and improvement of existing pollutants in the air. This paper addresses the problem of air pollution by PM2.5 and PM10 in particulate matter. There was draws attention to solutions to protect air against existing PM2.5 and PM10. Measurements of PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in selected twenty control points on the campus of the Białystok University of Technology were discussed and analysed. On the basis of the obtained results, an assessment of the air quality in the area in question was performed. Slight hourly fluctuations in the concentration of particulate matter in the air were observed, higher in the morning and evening hours. On 15 March and 16 March, daily exceedances of the permissible PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were recorded at both the Białystok University of Technology campus and the air quality monitoring stations in Białystok. Comparing the influence of meteorological conditions on PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations, faint correlations were found for temperature and wind speed. As temperature increased, particulate matter concentrations decreased. Low wind velocities corresponded with exceedances of the permissible daily concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 in the air.
The lockdown in 2020 implemented due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has resulted in a significant improvement in air quality at a global scale. Nationwide lockdown also considerably improved air quality at a local scale, especially in cities which were almost completely shut down during the first coronavirus wave, with nearly no activity. We tested the hypothesis that a reduction in the intensity of vehicle traffic causes a drastic decrease in urban air pollution at a local scale. We focused on two urban agglomerations, Warsaw and Cracow, in Poland. Data of the concentrations of traffic-related sources, namely NOx, PM10, and PM2.5, obtained from two air pollution monitoring stations were analyzed for the years 2020 and 2021, during which lockdown and pandemic restrictions were in effect, and for 2019, as a reference. In the years 2020–2021, the average annual concentration of NOx was decreased by ~19%, PM2.5 by~19%, and PM10 by~18% in Warsaw, while in Cracow the average annual concentration of NOx was decreased by~16%, PM2.5 by~22%, and PM10 by~2%, compared to 2019. The contribution from traffic-related sources to the overall level of air pollution was estimated. The results indicated that~30 µg/ m3 of PM10,~15 µg/m3 of PM2.5, and ~120 µg/m3 of NOx in Cracow, and ~20 µg/m3 of PM2.5 in Warsaw originate from moving vehicles. The nationwide lockdown allowed us to conduct this study to understand how a reduction in local traffic emissions can decrease ambient air pollution levels.
The article discusses modern measurement techniques and equipment designed for air quality analysis. The problem of the quality of atmospheric and indoor air is strongly related to broadly understood public health. Modern measurement techniques allow faster and more effective assessments of the air quality condition in a given place. The paper discusses the structure, measurement method of solid pollutants and automatic measurement systems deploying the micro-oscillatory balance method, using the interaction of ionizing radiation with mattersuppression of beta radiation and gamma radiation spectrometry, optical methods based on light scattering on particulate matter and systems combining more than one method. Technical solutions introduced by manufacturers of measuring equipment, which allow more precise measurement of gaseous pollutants, were also discussed.
W artykule omówiono nowoczesne techniki pomiarowe i urządzenia do analizy jakości powietrza. Problem jakości powietrza atmosferycznego i wewnętrznego jest silnie związany z szeroko rozumianym zdrowiem publicznym. Nowoczesne techniki pomiarowe pozwalają na szybszą i skuteczniejszą ocenę stanu jakości powietrza w danym miejscu. W artykule omówiono budowę, metodę pomiaru zanieczyszczeń stałych oraz automatyczne systemy pomiarowe wykorzystujące metodę wagi mikrosiłownikowej, wykorzystujące oddziaływanie promieniowania jonizującego z materią – tłumienie promieniowania beta i spektrometrię promieniowania gamma, metody optyczne oparte na rozpraszaniu światła na poszczególnych cząstkach pyłu zawieszonego oraz systemy łączące więcej niż jedną metodę. Omówiono również rozwiązania techniczne wprowadzone przez producentów sprzętu pomiarowego, które pozwalają na bardziej precyzyjny pomiar zanieczyszczeń gazowych.
Air pollution has a significant impact on citizens’ well-being and overall life quality. In this regard, regular air quality monitoring aims to keep pollution levels within prescribed limits and to identify the factors (winds, traffic, seasons, ambient temperature, air humidity, and so on) that influence pollution levels. To carry out a preliminary analysis of the air quality in Kielce, a specialist detector of PM2.5 and PM10 particles Steinberg 10030389 SBS-PM2.5 was used. Besides, the analysis referred to pollutants such as SO2; NO2; C6H6, which were provided from the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection. Controlling the above mentioned pollutants for monthly and hourly averages of the selected time period in 2020 and 2021, taking into account the epidemiological situation (lockdown), graphs with the results were prepared. Then the analysis was carried out, with the preliminary assumption that the air quality is worse when the population functions normally than when it remains indoors, and that air quality is usually better at night than during the day.
Zanieczyszczenie powietrza ma znaczący wpływ na samopoczucie obywateli i ogólną jakość życia. W związku z tym regularne monitorowanie jakości powietrza ma na celu utrzymanie poziomu zanieczyszczeń w wyznaczonych granicach oraz identyfikację czynników (wiatry, ruch uliczny, pory roku, temperatura otoczenia, wilgotność powietrza itp.), które wpływają na poziom zanieczyszczeń. Do przeprowadzenia wstępnej analizy jakości powietrza w Kielcach wykorzystano specjalistyczny detektor cząstek stałych PM2,5 i PM10 Steinberg 10030389 SBS-PM2,5. Ponadto w analizie uwzględniono takie zanieczyszczenia jak SO2; NO2; C6H6, które zostały udostępnione przez Główny Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska. Kontrolując ww. zanieczyszczenia dla średnich miesięcznych i godzinowych z wybranego okresu w latach 2020 i 2021, z uwzględnieniem sytuacji epidemiologicznej (blokada), sporządzono wykresy z wynikami. Następnie przeprowadzono analizę, przyjmując wstępne założenie, że jakość powietrza jest gorsza, gdy ludność funkcjonuje normalnie, niż gdy pozostaje w pomieszczeniach zamkniętych, oraz że jakość powietrza jest zwykle lepsza w nocy niż w ciągu dnia.
Praca dotyczy matematycznego modelowania rozprzestrzeniania się zanieczyszczeń w powietrzu za pomocą obliczeniowej mechaniki płynów z wykorzystaniem modelu bilansowania pędu w fazie dyskretnej DPM (discrete phase model). Skupiono się na problemie zagęszczenia siatki numerycznej potrzebnej do tworzenia symulacji rozprzestrzeniania się zanieczyszczeń w powietrzu. Opierając się na parametrze określającym jakość numeryczną siatki, wykonano symulacje pracy pieca centralnego ogrzewania klasy I. Do określenia najlepszego stopnia zagęszczenia siatki wykorzystany został rozkład cząstek pyłu opuszczającego komin, z którego emitowane były zanieczyszczenia.
A math. modeling of the operation of a class I central heating furnace was performed by computational fluid dynamics together with the DPM discrete-phase momentum balancing model. The problem of numerical mesh compaction needed to simulate the spread of pollutants in the air was focused on. Relying only on the qmesh parameter, which determines the quality of individual elements of the numerical mesh, was not sufficient. Therefore, the impact of the number of elements and the distribution of the qmesh parameter in the mesh on the obtained simulation results should be analyzed.
W pracy przedstawiono sposób wykorzystania niskobudżetowego systemu czujników do pomiaru jakości powietrza i akwizycji danych. Terenem badań był obszar Kampusu Politechniki Lubelskiej. Opracowany system pomiarowy umożliwia monitorowanie i rejestrację: koncentracji cząstek materii (PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10), temperatury, ciśnienia, wilgotności powietrza. Pomiar zanieczyszczeń: PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10 jest oparty o metodę rozpraszania wiązki światła. Dokonano pomiaru zużycia energii elektrycznej i określono maksymalny czas pracy systemu. Wyniki pomiarów zanieczyszczeń PM2.5 i PM10 zestawiono z danymi dostępnymi z lokalnej stacji pomiaru jakości powietrza.
The paper presents a method of using a low-cost sensor system for air quality measurement and data acquisition. The research area was the Campus of the Lublin University of Technology. The developed measuring system enables the monitoring and registration of the concentration of particulate matter (PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10), temperature, pressure, air humidity. Pollution measurement: PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10 is based on the light beam scattering method. The electricity consumption was measured and the maximum system operation time was determined. The results of measurements of PM2.5 and PM10 pollutants were compared with the data available from the local air quality measurement station.
This paper discusses the importance of indoor air quality and indicates its relation with outdoor air quality in the area of spa treatment. Significant factors and sources causing indoor air pollution by particulate matter and radon are considered. Particular attention is drawn to specific functions of health resorts in spa treatment in the context of the importance of indoor and outdoor air for patients staying in the resorts. It is underlined the specificity of health resorts providing treatment for patients classified as the group most sensitive to air pollution, i.e. people with chronic respiratory diseases. The study comprised measurements of 24-h concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 and 10-minute instantaneous concentrations of radon-222 (222Rn) from February 5 to February 25, 2021 in a treatment room of one of the Polish spas located in Lower Silesia. The analysis of interactions between the concentrations of two fractions of particulates PM10 and PM2.5 was presented. The interaction and dependence of factors affecting the elevated values of concentrations of the studied pollutants were discussed. The presented analyses showed that the concentrations of the studied pollutants were influenced by air exchange and air infiltration from outside to inside. In the case of short-term measurements of 222Rn activity concentration in the air, it was found that the observed changes in hourly concentrations of 222Rn are analogous to those observed in residential buildings. For the specific time intervals, the variation of PM concentrations and 222Rn activity concentration was found to be similar.
Coal hauling, loading, and transportation activities impacted the emergence of coal dust which is harmful to health. The coal dust exposed from coal unloading stations and coal waterway transportation has escaped attention. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of coal dust, the influence of climate parameters on the spread of coal dust, and its impact on the health of children under five in the exposed area. The coal dust characteristics and concentrations of PM PM2.5 and PM10 were analyzed from ten points spread across three mining companies (A, B, and C). The effect of climate parameters on PM2.5 and PM10 was tested statistically. The results of the chemical analysis revealed that coal dust was dominated by the high content of Si, Al, S, and Fe. The concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 is affected by wind speed. PM2.5 and PM10 can exceed the annual threshold value, which has caused a high incidence of respiratory problems in two sub-districts, namely Makrayu and Gandus.
Content available remote Wybrane metody badania jakości powietrza
Jakość powietrza jest jednym z kluczowych czynników bezpośrednio wywierających wpływ na stan zdrowia każdego człowieka (skala oddziaływania jest uzależniona zarówno od wieku danego człowieka, jego zdrowia, miejsca zamieszkania/pracy, lokalizacji potencjalnych przemysłowych i indywidualnych źródeł zanieczyszczeń, warunków meteorologicznych, czy też uwarunkowań społeczno-gospodarczych). W efekcie zanieczyszczenia powietrza zewnętrznego zostały sklasyfikowane przez WHO jako czynniki odpowiadające za około 12% wszystkich zgonów na świecie (dane z 2019 roku). Z tego powodu należy dążyć do sukcesywnego obniżania ryzyka ekspozycji całej populacji na potencjalne źródła zanieczyszczeń powietrza, i to niezależnie od skali danych stężeń zanieczyszczeń i czasu ich oddziaływania. Równocześnie należy pamiętać, że korzyści zdrowotne będące następstwem oddychania czystym powietrzem mają także wpływ na wzrost gospodarczy i dobrobyt ludności. Skuteczne eliminowanie i ograniczanie czynników szkodliwych obecnych w powietrzu, takich jak: pary i gazy związków chemicznych, pyły, aerozole, czynniki mikrobiologiczne oraz czynniki fizyczne jest możliwe po równoczesnym dokonaniu oceny ich pochodzenia oraz zawartości ilościowej i jakościowej. Przy czym rozróżnia się zanieczyszczenia powietrza zarówno pochodzenia antropogenicznego, jak i naturalnego, jednakże złożoność procesów naturalnych, zmienność warunków atmosferycznych oraz wzrastająca intensyfikacja działalności gospodarczej człowieka, często powodują że jednoznaczne ustalenie pochodzenia zanieczyszczeń staje się wręcz niemożliwe. Z tego powodu postanowiono przeanalizować istniejące wybrane metody stosowane w celu pomiaru i analizy jakości powietrza zewnętrznego, aby zwrócić uwagę na skalę problemu i złożoność metod/urządzeń wykorzystywanych zarówno w monitoringu jakości powietrza, jak i w pomiarach/badaniach komfortu środowiska.
Air quality is one of the key factors directly affecting the health of every human being (the scale of the impact depends both on the age of person, his health, place of residence/work, location of potential industrial and individual pollution sources, meteorological conditions, or socioeconomic conditions). As a result, pollution of the external air has been classified by the WHO as factors responsible for about 12% of all deaths in the world (data from 2019). For this reason, it is necessary to gradually reduce the risk of exposure of the entire population to potential sources of air pollution, regardless of the scale of the given pollutant concentrations and the duration of their impact. At the same time, it should be considered that the health benefits of breathing clean air also affect economic growth and people’s well-being. Effective elimination and reduction of harmful factors present in the air, such as: vapors and gases of chemical compounds, dusts, aerosols, microbiological agents and physical factors, is possible after the simultaneous assessment of their origin as well as their quantitative and qualitative content. At the same time, there is a distinction between air pollutants of both anthropogenic and natural origin, however, the complexity of natural processes, variability of atmospheric conditions and the increasing intensification of human economic activity, often make it impossible to unambiguously determine the origin of pollutants. For this reason, it was decided to analyze the existing selected methods used to measure and analyze air quality in order to pay attention to the scale of the problem and the complexity of the methods/ devices used both in air quality monitoring and in measuring/ testing the comfort of the indoor environment.
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