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In this paper, the diagnosis of faults in squirrel cage asynchronous motor and experimental analysis process are presented. Currently there are several simulation tools, that lets users analyze and interpret the behavior of their devices. Based on this, there is a lot of researches that is working on developing models, to detect and classify 3-phase asynchronous motor faults, significantly in the early stages. This work proposed design and experimental analysis established in Comsol Multiphysics 6.0 , which implements finite element analysis software (FEM) for detecting and diagnosing broken bar rotors of this types motors and its practical application. In this case, the post processor of the COMSOL-Multiphysics makes it possible to visualize in 2D the various magnetic and mechanical quantities. Through the curves of the magnetic flux density and analysis distribution of the field with magnetic induction lines, we can draw some conclusions, where we proposed an strategy, for detecting and diagnosing faults consistent with the structure of the software.
In the paper problem of power supply unbalance voltage states with the same Voltage Unbalance Factor (VUF) value for power converters is tackled. This factor is being used to assess the quality of power supply. There are many sources of voltage unbalance phenomenon such as system asymmetries and uneven distribution of demand throughout phases. Based on literature three unbalance states are presented: lines overvoltage, lines undervoltage and phase angle asymmetry. VUF value alone cannot provide information on the type of voltage unbalance state. Moreover, the same VUF percentage can be obtained for different amount of unbalanced phases. In this paper simulation experiments were conducted in order to obtain data of rectifier output voltage during different unbalance states with same VUF. Ripple, mean value and frequency components of said voltage were used in order to detect and categorise power supply voltage unbalance. Such approach does not require complex power quality measuring tools as power supply unbalance can be initially diagnosed using single voltage sensor.
This study employs an integrated methodology for the analysis and diagnosis of bearing faults in rotating machinery and wind turbine systems. The methodology begins by analyzing the original signal using Variational Mode Decomposition to extract distinct modes. Subsequently, the envelope is derived from the optimal mode and transformed into the frequency domain using Fast Fourier Transform to compute the envelope spectrum. The spectrum is segmented into specific frequency bands, and the energy within each band is quantified as features for training a K Nearest Neighbors classification model. The dataset is partitioned into training and testing subsets using cross-validation, and model performance is assessed using metrics such as accuracy and F1 score to ensure robust diagnostic capabilities. Comparative analysis of frequency spectra from real wind turbine signals highlights improvements in energy localization and distribution post-envelope processing. The proposed methodology is then applied to classify faults using the Case Western Reserve University dataset, demonstrating significant enhancements in diagnostic accuracy. These findings underscore the efficacy of the methodology in advancing fault diagnosis in complex machinery systems.
This article analyzes the effect of modifications of injector opening pressure on the operating values of a compression ignition engine, including the temperature of the exhaust gas. A program of experimental investigation is described, considering the available test stand and measurement capabilities. The structure of the test stand on which the experimental measurements were conducted is presented. The method of introducing real modifications of injector opening pressure to the existing test engine was characterized. It was proposed to use F statistic of Fisher-Snedecor (F-S) distribution to evaluate the importance of the impact of modifications of injector opening pressure on the specific enthalpy of the flue gas flow. Qualitative and statistical studies of the results achieved from the measurements were carried out. The specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas for a single cycle of the compression ignition engine, determined from the course of rapidly variable flue gas temperature, was analyzed. The results of these studies are presented and the usable adoption of this type of assessment in parametric diagnosing of compression ignition engines is discussed.
This paper presents a wide range of diagnostic tests, repair and reinforcement measures, as well as a proposal to monitor the technical condition of a flyover structure located in the Odra Cement Factory in Opole. The poor technical condition of the structure determined the need to prepare a design aimed at repairing the structure. Design studies were fully used during the execution phase of the work. The purpose of this study is to present the characteristics of a historical postindustrial building in urgent need of revitalization and the assumptions adopted for repair. The reason for engaging in this project was the advanced state of degradation and the danger it posed. The primary objective was to guarantee safety and preserve this structure to the highest possible degree of authenticity. This was to protect this historical structure from failure or demolition and to ensure that it could continue to be used indefinitely,
Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje szeroki zestaw badań diagnostycznych, działań naprawczych i wzmacniających, a także koncepcję monitorowania stanu technicznego estakady przenośnikowej w Cementowni „Odra” w Opolu. Zły stan techniczny budowli spowodował konieczność przygotowania projektu mającego na celu naprawę konstrukcji. Studia projektowe zostały w pełni wykorzystane w fazie wykonawczej prac. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie charakterystyki zabytkowego obiektu poprzemysłowego, który pilnie potrzebuje rewitalizacji, a także założenia przyjęte w ramach działań naprawczych. Powodem podjęcia się projektu był zaawansowany stan degradacji i zagrożenie, które obiekt stwarzał. Głównym celem było zagwarantowanie bezpieczeństwa i zachowanie jak najwyższego stopnia autentyczności obiektu. Miało to ochronić ten zabytkowy obiekt przed katastrofą budowlaną i rozbiórką oraz zapewnić możliwość jego dalszego, bezterminowego funkcjonowania.
W artykule przedstawiono wpływ dynamiki regulacji składowych wektora prądu stojana polowo-zorientowanego układu sterowania silnika synchronicznego z magnesami trwałymi PMSM na pojawiające się symptomy uszkodzenia, jakim jest zwarcie zwojowe uzwojenia stojana. Przedstawiono wpływ wartości pasma przenoszenia regulacji prądu oraz częstotliwości zasilania na wartość amplitud drugich harmonicznych sygnałów prądowych i napięciowych układu sterowania. Całość zilustrowano zarówno wynikami badań symulacyjnych, jak i eksperymentalnych.
This paper presents the influence of the dynamics of the control of the stator current vector components of the field-oriented control system of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) on the appearing symptoms of a fault, which is a short-circuit within the stator winding. The influence of the value of the current control bandwidth and supply frequency on the value of the second harmonic amplitudes of the current and voltage signals of the control system is presented. The analysis is illustrated with both simulation and experimental results.
Content available remote Park’s vector approach to detect broken rotor bars in saturated Induction motor
This paper deals with the problem of broken rotor bars fault diagnosis in saturated induction motor. Several techniques such as those based on vibration, axial leakage monitoring, zero-sequence component, negative sequence current, and motor current signature analysis have been used. However, these techniques do not take into account the effect of magnetic saturation. This paper presents a current Park’s Vector method for diagnosis in squirrel cage induction motor with the presence of magnetic saturation. The use of a current vector pattern trajectory and Modulus current spectrum analysis demonstrate that deformation of the Current Park’s Vector Pattern trajectory and the presence of new harmonics are indicators for predicting magnetic saturation and broken bars rotor fault. Our experimental results allow us to discriminate between the magnetic saturation in healthy and faulty squirrel cage induction motors.
W artykule podjęto problematykę diagnostyki pękniętych prętów wirnika w nasyconym silniku indukcyjnym. Zastosowano kilka technik, takich jak oparte na drganiach, monitorowaniu upływu osiowego, składowej zerowej, składowej przeciwnej prądu i analizie sygnatur prądu silnika. Techniki te nie uwzględniają jednak wpływu nasycenia magnetycznego. W artykule przedstawiono aktualną metodę Parka Vector do diagnostyki silnika indukcyjnego klatkowego z obecnością nasycenia magnetycznego. Wykorzystanie trajektorii wektora prądu i analiza widma prądu modułowego pokazują, że deformacja trajektorii wzorca wektorowego Current Park i obecność nowych harmonicznych są wskaźnikami do przewidywania nasycenia magnetycznego i uszkodzenia wirnika z pękniętymi prętami. Nasze wyniki eksperymentalne pozwalają nam rozróżnić nasycenie magnetyczne w zdrowych i uszkodzonych silnikach indukcyjnych klatkowych.
Content available remote Intelligent monitoring of PMSM based on adaptive fuzzy logic for diagnosis
In this paper, the fuzzy adaptive gain monitoring method (AGFLC) uses direct field-oriented control (DFOC) to monitor the speed of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM). This surveillance strategy can detect the error of the velocity parameter, forcing the monitored system to achieve the desired reference model, and eliminating the velocity error. First, we examine the mathematical model describing the internal behavior of PMSM to design our system based on the priory physical model of the system. Then, we propose an intelligent method that combines a fuzzy control algorithm with its related control rules, aiming to monitor the speed of PMSM. This problem is solved by combining the two parameters of error and its variation. A fuzzy algorithm has proven to be an effective method to adjust the speed by suppressing disturbances. Furthermore, an adapted gain fuzzy controller, which provides a fast dynamic response without overshooting at various dynamic actions, has been suggested to compensate for all external disturbances. The obtained simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the monitoring method for fault detection and localization and verify the performance of the adaptive algorithm control system.
W tym artykule, rozmyta adaptacyjna metoda monitorowania wzmocnienia (AGFLC) wykorzystuje bezpośrednie sterowanie zorientowane na pole (DFOC) do monitorowania prędkości silników synchronicznych z magnesami trwałymi (PMSM). Ta strategia nadzoru może wykryć błąd parametru prędkości, zmuszając monitorowany system do osiągnięcia pożądanego modelu odniesienia i eliminując błąd prędkości. Najpierw badamy model matematyczny opisujący wewnętrzne zachowanie PMSM, aby zaprojektować nasz system w oparciu o priorytyczny model fizyczny systemu. Następnie proponujemy inteligentną metodę, która łączy algorytm kontroli rozmytej z powiązanymi z nim regułami kontroli, mającymi na celu monitorowanie prędkości PMSM. Problem ten jest rozwiązywany poprzez połączenie dwóch parametrów błędu i jego zmienności. Algorytm rozmyty okazał się być skuteczną metodą regulacji prędkości poprzez tłumienie zakłóceń. Ponadto do kompensacji wszystkich zakłóceń zewnętrznych zaproponowano regulator rozmyty o dostosowanym wzmocnieniu, który zapewnia szybką odpowiedź dynamiczną bez przekroczeń przy różnych akcjach dynamicznych. Uzyskane wyniki symulacji pokazują skuteczność metody monitorowania do wykrywania i lokalizacji uszkodzeń oraz weryfikują wydajność systemu sterowania z algorytmem adaptacyjnym.
When designing multilevel systems for monitoring the parameters and characteristics of high-tech complexes, it is necessary to effectively control the state of the elements of generating units. Existing control systems for their specification and technical characteristics do not fully meet the monitoring objectives. The capabilities of existing known systems have limitations on the depth of use and compensation for the impact of operational factors. The article proposes and substantiates the feasibility of using the principle of automated measurement and control of load in high-tech complexes based on the probabilistic approach. It is established that the presence of errors in the means of measurement and control leads to specific errors that should be taken when assessing the quality of control, solving management and control tasks. To register the transition of parameters beyond the limit values, a new sensor circuitry based on fiber-optic elements is proposed. The main difference of the proposed diagnostic tool is the invariance to operational destabilizing factors.
Współczesne mieszkanie ma służyć człowiekowi i rodzinie w realizacji dążeń odpowiadających aspiracjom i wymogom czasu. Struktura (osiedle), w którym się znajduje, powinno zapewnić społeczności sąsiedzkiej warunki do zachowania prywatności oraz kontaktu i współdziałania. Środowisko mieszkaniowe ma również manifestować wyznawane wartości i osobowość mieszkańców: styl zamieszkiwania wyraża bowiem relacje człowieka z kulturą. Celem artykułu jest 1) opis najważniejszych trendów, które zarysowały się w architekturze mieszkaniowej w XXI wieku oraz 2) identyfikacja czynników wpływających na architekturę mieszkaniową w Polsce i wskazanie, które z nich promują, a które hamują implementację cech innowacyjnych. Świadomość zjawisk i procesów zachodzących w architekturze mieszkaniowej i mieszkalnictwie może pomóc lepiej wpływać na rozwój środowiska mieszkaniowego w kierunku zrównoważenia.
Contemporary housing attempts to help people and families meet their aspirations and social needs. A dwelling and housing estate should provide neighbourhood ties, privacy, contact, and cooperation. The housing environment also manifests the values and personality of residents: living style expresses the relationship between humans and culture. The paper aims to 1) describe the most important trends that have emerged in housing architecture in the 21ˢᵗ century and 2) identify factors influencing housing architecture in Poland and indicate which types promote and hamper the implementation of innovative design features. Awareness of the phenomena and processes occurring in housing and design can help better shape the development of housing environments towards sustainability.
W artykule poruszono problem uszkodzeń popowodziowych budynków i budowli, ich skutecznego diagnozowania oraz przywracania do wymaganego stanu użytkowego. Za przykład posłużyły tu dwa okresy powodziowe, lipiec 1997 r. i czerwiec 2010 r. Wskutek naporu wód powodziowych na sąsiadujące ze sobą obiekty budowlane skala powstałych w nich uszkodzeń nie była jednakowa. Autorzy podjęli próbę udzielenia odpowiedzi na pytanie: od czego zależał zakres uszkodzeń budynków i ich elementów składowych, a także zakres późniejszych napraw lub podejmowane decyzje o rozbiórce i czy przed takimi skutkami oddziaływań będzie można ustrzec się w przyszłości? Na czym polegał (jakie stosowano metody) i jak długo trwał proces oczyszczania oraz wysychania przegród, które wchłonęły spore ilości zanieczyszczonej chemicznie i bakteriologicznie wody? Na wybranych przykładach zostanie również opisany proces rewitalizacji uszkodzonych budynków.
The article deals with the problem of flood damage to buildings and structures, their effective diagnosis and restoration to the required operational condition. Two flood periods, July 1997 and June 2010, served as an example here. Due to the pressure of flood waters on adjacent building structures, the scale of damage to them was not the same. The authors attempted to answer the question: what did the extent of damage to buildings and their components depend on, as well as the scope of subsequent repairs or the decisions made about demolition, and whether it would be possible to avoid such effects in the future? What was it (what methods were used) and how long was the process of cleaning and drying the partitions, which absorbed large amounts of chemically and bacteriologically contaminated water? The process of revitalizing damaged buildings will also be described on selected examples.
It is known that supported ball bearings have great effects on the vibrations of the gear transmission system, above in all the presence of local faults as well as the crack growths. For this purpose, this paper focuses on shock and vibration crack growth diagnostic of ball bearing using vibration analysis. Our work is devoted first to a study the static behaviour of the ball bearing by determining the stress, strain and displacement, then its dynamic behaviour by determining the first four natural frequencies. Secondly, a dynamic analysis study of the bearing was carried with defects as a function of crack size and location. The obtained results clearly show that the natural frequencies decrease in a non-linear way with the growth of the length of the crack, on the other hand the stress increases with the presence of the singular points of the crack. Finally, this residual decrease in natural frequencies can be used as an indicator of the state of failure, as well as a parameter used for the diagnosis and screening, and to highlight the fatigue life of the bearing.
Content available remote Wybrane elementy gospodarowania odpadami w gminie Kańczuga
Gospodarka odpadami jest ważną częścią organizacji życia i zrównoważonego rozwoju. Wykonano analizę danych odnoszących się do stanu gospodarki odpadami w Gminie Kańczuga w latach 2013-2019. Dokonano diagnozy systemu gospodarki odpadami na terenie tej gminy wykorzystując elementy metody SWOT. Przeprowadzono także ankietę która pozwoliła na ocenę wybranych zachowań mieszkańców gminy i zbadanie problemu czy gospodarka odpadami w gminie Kańczuga jest zgodna z założeniami ochrony środowiska w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Podjęcie tego tematu umożliwiło wyciągnięcie wniosków odnośnie realnych potrzeb Gminy i działań naprawczych w zakresie organizacji gospodarki odpadami.
Waste management is an important part of the organization of life and sustainable development. In 2013-2019, an analysis of data related to the state of waste management in the municipality of Kańczuga was carried out. Using elements of the SWOT method, a diagnosis was made of the waste management system in this municipality. A questionnaire was also administered that assessed the selected behavior of the inhabitants of the municipality and examined whether waste management in the municipality of Kańczuga is in line with the environmental objectives of sustainable development. The adoption of this topic has made it possible to draw conclusions about the real needs of the municipality and corrective measures in the field of waste management organization.
The article describes the ongoing and already implemented projects regarding the use of diagnostic tests to assess the current and past condition of electrical devices of the railway traction vehicles. The results of several R&D works are presented, related to selected parts of the power supply system and traction drive system as well as their possible practical use during vehicle operation. In conclusion, a solution of the diagnostic system was outlined, that has been developed and implemented by the Institute of Rail Vehicles "Tabor" on the EU07A locomotive.
W artykule opisano prowadzone i wdrożone prace dotyczące wykorzystania badań diagnostycznych do oceny aktualnego i przeszłego stanu urządzeń elektrycznych w trakcyjnych pojazdach szynowych. Przedstawione zostały wyniki kilku prac badawczych dotyczących wybranych elementów układu zasilania oraz układu napędu trakcyjnego i możliwość ich praktycznego wykorzystania podczas eksploatacji pojazdów. Na zakończenie przedstawiono rozwiązanie systemu diagnostycznego opracowanego i wdrożonego przez Instytut Pojazdów Szynowych ”Tabor” na lokomotywie EU07A.
Installations and the detection of their faults has become a major challenge. In order to develop a reliable approach for monitoring and diagnosis faults of these components, a test rig was mounted. In this article, a Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been structured and optimized for online monitoring of induction motors. The input layer of our ANN used eight indicators calculated from the collected time signals and which represent the different states of the motor (Healthy, broken rotor bars, bearing fault and Misalignment) and the output layer used a codified matrix. However, based on L27 Taguchi design, the architecture for the hidden layers of our network is chosen, with the use of the LevenbergMarquardt learning algorithm. Garson's algorithm and connection weight approach showed that there's a great sensitivity of the crest factor, the kurtosis and the variance on the effectiveness of our diagnostic system. Consequently, the obtained results are capable of detecting faults in the induction motor under different operating conditions.
A rock bolt which is grouted into the rock strata may not be installed according to the assumed project. It concerns also cases where due to practical reasons it is impossible to drill a hole with a sufficient deepness. The consequence of that is that it is necessary to cut the rock bolt accordingly. Another case is where the rock bolt is damaged, cut or bent. Than it is desirable to check the quality of supporting elements – installed rock bolts and the length of insertion. In proposed paper an outline of a method for measurement of rock bolt length is presented. The method uses ultrasonic transducers and is based on a pulse emission of an impulse wave. As ultrasonic transducer works both as an emitter and receiver, the reflected wave is measured and the length of the object or the position of a crack or damage may be diagnosed.
Żerdź kotwiowa, która jest wklejona w górotworze może być zamocowana nie zgodnie z założonym projektem. Dotyczy to również tych przypadków, w których ze względu na uwarunkowania techniczne nie możliwe jest odwiercenie otworu na zamierzoną głębokość. Konsekwencją tego jest konieczność skrócenia żerdzi odpowiednio do głębokości otworu. Innym powodem skrócenia żerdzi jest jej uszkodzenie, zerwanie lub zgięcie. W związku z tym jest zasadnym zdiagnozowanie poprawności działania zabezpieczenia kotwowego. W przedstawiony artykule opisana została metoda pomiaru długości żerdzi kotwiowych. W metodzie stosowane są głowice ultradźwiękowe, działające jako nadajnik i odbiornik sygnałów impulsowych. Impuls – fala ultradźwiękowa generowana przez głowicę odbija się od przeszkody, końca żerdzi lub uszkodzenia i powraca do punktu wymuszenia. Przez pomiar czasu pomiędzy wymuszeniem i odbiorem impulsu oraz na podstawie znajomości prędkości rozchodzenia się fali ultradźwiękowej długość żerdzi lub odcinka żerdzi jest wyznaczana.
The paper discusses the impact of changes in the compression ratio on the operating parameters of a diesel engine, e.g. on the temperature of exhaust gases. It presents the construction of the laboratory test stand, on which experimental measurements were realized. It is characterized how the actual changes of the compression ratio were introduced to the existing engine. The program of experimental investigations taking into account the available test stand and measurement possibilities was described. A statistical and qualitative analysis of the obtained measurement results was made. The use of F statistics of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution was proposed to assess the significance of the effect of compression ratio changes on the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas stream. The specific enthalpy of exhaust gases was analysed for one cycle of diesel engine work, determined on the basis of the course of quickly varying temperature of exhaust gases. The results of these analyses are discussed and the utilitarian purpose of this type of evaluation in parametric diagnostics of piston engines is presented.
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused massive infections and death toll. Radiological imaging in chest such as computed tomography (CT) has been instrumental in the diagnosis and evaluation of the lung infection which is the common indication in COVID-19 infected patients. The technological advances in artificial intelligence (AI) furthermore increase the performance of imaging tools and support health professionals. CT, Positron Emission Tomography – CT (PET/CT), X-ray, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Lung Ultrasound (LUS) are used for diagnosis, treatment of COVID-19. Applying AI on image acquisition will help automate the process of scanning and providing protection to lab technicians. AI empowered models help radiologists and health experts in making better clinical decisions. We review AI-empowered medical imaging characteristics, image acquisition, computer-aided models that help in the COVID-19 diagnosis, management, and follow-up. Much emphasis is on CT and X-ray with integrated AI, as they are first choice in many hospitals.
In this study, for the diagnosis and classification of breast cancer, we used and applied five classical pre-trained deep convolutional neural network models (DCNN) which have proven successful many times in different fields (ResNet-18, AlexNet, GoogleNet and SuffleNet). To make pre-trained DCNN models suitable for the purpose of our study, we updated some layers according to the new situation by using the transfer learning technique. We did not change the weights of all layers used in these five pre-trained DCNN models. Instead, we just gave new weights to the new layers so that new layers adapt faster to emerging new DCNN models. With these five pre-trained DCNN models, we have realized a quadruple classification as "cancer", "normal", "actionable" and "benign", and a binary classification as "actionable + cancer" and "normal + benign". With these two separate classification and diagnosis studies, we have carried out comparative experimental examination and analysis of pre-trained DCNN models for breast cancer diagnosis. In the study, it was concluded that successful results can be achieved with pre-trained DCNN models without extra time-consuming procedures such as feature extraction, and DCNN can perform quite successfully in cancer diagnosis and image comment.
Most of machine breakdowns relate to bearing failures thus it is very important to diagnose bearing conditions. The main purpose of the study was to classify the condition of bearings and identify defective ones based on visual inspection and the values of classic parameters of the acceleration signal vibration, such as Peak, RMS, Kurtosis. The results were compared to parameters provided by the SPM method. All vibration parameters were estimated for high pass filtered signals where filters had following cut-off frequencies 0.5; 1, 2, 5 and 8 kHz. Bearings were tested on the laboratory test bench being built at the Silesian University of Technology. Based on the signal analysis and visual inspections it can be stated that there is agreement in the assessment of the conditions between the parameters of the SPM method and the Peak and RMS parameters. It was observed that the sensitivity to the existence of low-intensity defects increases when the vibration parameters are determined for signals in the band above 2kHz.
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