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Przedmiotem zajęć prowadzonych w Zespole Projektowania Urbanistycznego Instytutu Architektury Politechniki Łódzkiej jest szeroko rozumiane projektowanie urbanistyczne. Celem prowadzonych wykładów, ćwiczeń projektowych i praktyk inwentaryzacyjnych jest rozbudzenie w studentach wrażliwości na walory przestrzeni zurbanizowanej, zarówno pozytywne, jak i negatywne. Efektem powinna być umiejętność ich oceny oraz świadomość możliwości wzbogacania warsztatu urbanistycznego dzięki czerpaniu inspiracji z historii urbanistyki, a także znajomości najnowszych zasad i tendencji kształtowania założeń przestrzennych. Bardzo ważnym elementem obecnym w działaniach Zespołu jest powiązanie prowadzonych zajęć dydaktycznych z praktyką projektową, co przejawia się zaangażowaniem studentów w działania świadczone różnym podmiotom w Łodzi oraz w miasteczkach podłódzkich. Celem takiego podejścia jest przekazanie studentom aktualnej wiedzy teoretycznej oraz umiejętności jej praktycznego stosowania.
The subject of education realised by the Team of Urban Planning of the Institute of Architecture and Town Planning is broadly understood urban planning and design. The objective of the lectures, project exercises and urban inventory practices is evoking in students the sensibility to the values of the urban space, both positive as negative. The effect should be the ability to evaluate the basic features and the consciousness of possibilities of enriching the urban planner workshop thanks to the inspirations taken from the history of urbanism, and also the knowledge of the newest rules and trends of shaping of urban space. A very important role in the activities of the Team is relating of the educational activities with the planning practice, which is realised as an engagement of students into the activities for different stakeholders in Lodz and in the small towns nearby. The objective of such an approach is to provide students with the current theoretical knowledge and the ability to use it in the planning practice.
Artykuł prezentuje ogólne założenia kursu "GIS basics - parametric description of urban space" prowadzonego dla studentów pierwszego roku specjalności Architecture for the Society ofKnowledge, realizowanej na studiach magisterskich kierunku Architektura i Urbanistyka na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej, jak również kilka wybranych prac studenckich wykonanych w ramach tegoż kursu.
The paper presents the assumptions of the course syllabus: "GIS basics: parametric description of the urban space" realised at the "Architecture for the Society of Knowledge" Master of Science degree program at the Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology. The research conducted by students covered mapping of different aspects of urban phenomena and their relation with physical city space. A part of exercise covered publishing the results in the form of blogs. The course syllabus assumes preparing students for best practicing the urban planner profession in the conditions of information society as well as providing the best tools for influencing the dominant opinions functioning within a given society (Healey, 1997).
New information technology have many areas of application in urban planning and they are particularly important in data management and collaboration within working groups. Net participation, i.e. taking part in the process via Internet, grows on popularity. The communication may be one-way - then we deal with informing - or two-way - then we may define it as real. It is also possible to communicate in working groups over a specific subject with the use, for example, of Internet forum or chat room. Proper course of the participation process requires access to information in a manner meeting standards. There are two main streams of presentation of urban models at WWW sites: 3D models and Participatory Planning GIS. Other methods, combining both, are also available. A non-professional user should be attracted, if he/she is supposed to visit a participatory planning site. To achieve this goal requires both clarity of presentation and possibility of interaction. Game technology may be also used as a communication tool in urban planning, it may serve as a communication channel and as a method of visual simulation. Web 2.0 offers new tools enabling collective work over planning issues. In the paper, classification of different participation methods is proposed. The paper also contains some examples of the use of new information technology in urban planning with the participation of inhabitants.
Spatial data themes of INSPIRE Directive and Polish legal regulations concerning the local authorities documents were compared, as well as the requirements concerning spatial data for spatial management and planning. Methods and possibilities to provide everyday office documents registration with appropriate localization attributes are considered. Possibilities to introduce localization data at the user.s level using the web system are also discussed. The paper uses the experiences of e-Lodz System for Architectural and Urban Planning (2006), allowing to formulate conclusions and suggestions for legal regulations and for implementation of such systems.
The paper presents the problems of the use of GIS technology for monitoring of the spatial planning processes at community level. There are the following issues concerned: analysis of spatial distribution of decisions of physical planning, including investment with public aim as well as analysis of distribution of building permissions. Another issue follows from the analyses of investment trends based on spatial distribution of applications for changes in physical plans and in other planning documents at the community level as well. The above mentioned analyses are an indispensable element required by Polish legal regulations. The report used materials of the study of validity of urban planning documents, prepared in September 2006 by a team of Urban Planning Office of the municipality of Lodz, Poland, under the supervision of the paper.s author. The experiences gathered allowed to formulate conclusions and suggestions for further work and for assessment of the implementation of the monitoring system.
Referat prezentuje wyniki ankiety przeprowadzonej w ramach grantu promotorskiego KBN. Badanie miało charakter eksploracyjny. Pozwoliło na wysunięcie szeregu hipotez dotyczących stosunku mieszkańców do możliwości oferowanych przez technologie informacyjne. Zagadnieniem kluczowym w badaniu był odbiór przez mieszkańców i ich reprezentantów różnych form prezentacji informacji w planowaniu. Celem badania było odnalezienie odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące najlepszych sposobów wykorzystania nowych mediów w kontaktach z mieszkańcami w procesie planowania przestrzennego oraz w akcji edukacyjnej na rzecz popularyzacji ładu przestrzennego w Polsce.
The paper presents results of a questionnaire which was realised as a part of PhD with the funds of Science Research Committee. The research had an exploratory character. It allowed to state few hypothesis concerning the citizens' acceptance of the possibilities offered by IT. The basic issue was the reception by citizens and theirs representatives of different forms of presentation in the urban planning. The research aim was to find the optimum ways of IT use in the contacts with citizens during the planning process and in the educational action for the popularization of spatial order in Poland.
The paper presents the curriculum of the laboratories in the drawing for planning which take place at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz for students of third year of physical planning. The formation prepares staff for planning authorities of different levels: local, district and national. Physical planning was first opened in 1997 and since then there has been about one hundred students every year. Current planning theory constitutes source for the basic assessment for the presented subject. The planning process has become a communicative exercise (Healey P. 1997). The actors engaged are: planners, authorities, stakeholders and inhabitants. The physical plan project and the illustrations accompanying other planning regulations are the documents which serve as means of communication. Thus drawings which remain the integral part of the document must fulfill few basie conditions. It must be legible, clear and easy to understand for laymen. The form should follow the message. The great attention is paid to taught students drawing which constitutes a .communication language.. The second aim of the course is to teach the GIS tool, which is basic in managing, presenting and analyzing great databases used in physical planning preparation process. The paper continues the farmer one which had been published in the Annals of Geomatics 2003, Volume I Number l. The software upgrade has become a pretext for modification of the curriculum, where the physical plan preparation has got on importance. The formation includes issues which are common for planners work. Students learn graphical conventions used in physical plans drawings according to exigencies of the Polish physical planning law. They are taught reading of cadastral and topographical maps and creating theirs own maps and schemas. The analyses concerns counting basic urban values which describe buildings, for example intensity or percent of built area on the parcel, and analyzing changes of ground worth. The classes includes also graphical presentation of numeric data using schemas and charts. Every exercise is completed by the preparation of final report composition, which is ready to plot. The course presents an occasion to get expert skills in GIS software operating. This capacity raises the worth of absolvents at the labour market. The subjects of exercises are constantly developed according to accessible data and issues met in the everyday work of the author. Besides of the characteristics of issues taught during the classes, paper presents the comparison of two versions of ESRI software: Arc,View 3.2 and ArcView 8.3. The conclusion is that version 8.3 develops new tools for drawing which were absent in previous one, and which are very helpful when preparing the planning document. The analyses tools have remained unchanged, but they become more difficult to use. ArcView GIS 8.3 is less intuitive to operate than the previous one.
In the eighties the ideas of public participation in the urban planning saw a great development both in the theory and in practice. The effect of these changes was on the one hand the introduction of new regulations, concerning public participation, into planning law of different countries. On the other hand, the new methods of preparation of plans with public participation were worked out. One of many examples of projects realised during the most radical development of the idea of public participation planning was the programme of rehabilitation of the historic district of Murfreesboro, North Carolina, USA. The actions undertaken when working at the rehabilitation project have been examined to check whether the methods used are possible to adapt to current conditions of technology progress and to the use of a computer as a tool for communication and presentation. The second important issue is an attempt to answer the question to what extent such practices can be introduced into Polish conditions. The process of plan creation has been analysed as well as its elements: goals, strategies, and the methods of their definition. The complete vision of proposed state for the area, called Ideal Future, was used when discussing the plans, in town promotion, in public debate and to indicate the directions of actions taken up by MHA. The images were also used in presentation of scenarios concerning particular fragments of the district. The effective non-professional participation requires understanding of conceptions and methods applied in decision making. Until people are not conscious of their environment and do not understand it, creative thinking about using it and changing is not possible. The range of actions should be undertaken to get public interest towards the issues of space shape. The experiences of other countries show that legal regulations and procedures are not sufficient to be able to help in creating people's attachment to their place of living.
Publikacja stanowi omówienie ćwiczeń z rysunku planistycznego, prowadzonych od trzech lat na Wydziale Ekonomiczno-Socjologicznym Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego dla studentów trzeciego roku kierunku Gospodarka Przestrzenna. Ćwiczenia odbywają się w oparciu o oprogramowanie ArcView GIS. Przedstawiono charakterystykę rysunku planistycznego, oraz warunki, jakie musi on spełniać, aby stać się skutecznym narzędziem w warsztacie planisty przestrzennego. Artykuł określa poruszaną na zajęciach problematykę oraz podaje krótki opis zakresu i formy poszczególnych ćwiczeń. Omówiono rozwijane przez studentów umiejętności, a także główne problemy, które występują w trakcie ćwiczeń. Ilustracją artykułu są przykładowe prace studenckie wykonane na zajęciach.
This paper presents the drawing for planning subject carried out for three years already at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Łódź for students of third year of physical planning. The practicals are based on ArcViewGIS software. It starts with definition of physical planning drawing and conditions it must fulfill to become a useful tool in the planners workshop. The paper contains curriculum of the classes and a short description of the form and extent of particular exercises. The skills gained by students during classes have been discussed as well as the main problems to be solved. The illustrations consist of series of students. Works prepared during the course.
Obraz miasta przedstawiony na ekranie komputera może być bardzo różny. W zależności od celu, jakiemu ma posłużyć, zakresu i szczegółowości opracowania, a także od użytych środków otrzymujemy całą gamę różnorodnych modeli. Różne są także sposoby percepcji , i wreszcie dostępność. Cechą wspólną dla wszystkich "wirtualnych miast" jest tempo rozwoju technologii i co za tym idzie coraz większe możliwości wykorzystania. Współczesne warunki życia miasta , a przede wszystko jego tempo wymuszają konieczność podejmowania decyzji w oparciu o uaktualnione na bieżące dane w formie numrycznej. Powszechna dostępność Internetu jako nowego medium umożliwiającego interakcję niesie za sobą o wiele większe możliwości dialogu z lokalna społecznością niż tradycyjnie stosowany słup ogłoszeniowy czy ogłoszenie w lokalnej prasie. Publikowany poniżej przegląd dostępnych technologii ma za zadanie przyblizyc czytelnikowi możliwości, jakimi już dysponujemy oraz jakimi będziemy dysponować za kilka lat.
There are many ways to present a town using computer. Models may vary depending on aim, scale, level of details, and on the methods used for the creation. Thera are various mesns of perception and accessibility. The thing in common for all virtual cities is the tempo of technology development and as the efect - arising possibilities of use. Contemporary town live conditions force us to take decisions basing on permanently actualized digital date. The spread of World Wide Web, wchich enables interaction, gives extended possibilities of dialog with local community. The review of available technologies shows what may be done now, and what would be possible in the nearest future.
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