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Cel: Celem teoriopoznawczym pracy jest zidentyfikowanie cech jakościowych szlaków kulinarnych, zaś empirycznym rozpoznanie znajomości i motywów, które towarzyszą ich wyborowi. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: W pracy zastosowano krytyczną analizę literatury, sondaż diagnostyczny oraz metodę syntezy i wnioskowania logicznego. Wyniki/wnioski: Rozpoznawalność badanych szlaków kulinarnych nie jest satysfakcjonująca. Najwłaściwszą formą ich promocji powinny być media społecznościowe oraz portale internetowe. Do najczęstszych motywów skorzystania ze szlaku turystycznego należą poznanie nowych smaków oraz chęć odwiedzenia nieznanych i ciekawych miejsc. Atrakcyjne krajobrazy o walorach historycznych, gościnność miejsca oraz możliwość kupna regionalnych produktów to najczęściej wskazywane cechy jakościowe szlaku kulinarnego. Ograniczenia: Ze względu na nielosowość próby wyniki powinny być traktowane z ostrożnością i jako wstępne do dalszych badań pogłębionych. Z uwagi na rosnącą liczbę seniorów należy zadbać o ich reprezentatywność w przyszłej próbie badawczej. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Wyniki mogą pozwolić decydentom właściwie zaplanować i uatrakcyjnić istniejący szlak oraz dobrać środki jego promocji. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Wyniki oraz wnioski poszerzają i uzupełniają wiedzę oraz istniejące w kraju badania na temat znajomości i świadomości istnienia szlaków kulinarnych w Polsce.
Purpose: The theoretical-cognitive purpose of the study is to identify the qualitative characteristics of culinary routes, while the empirical purpose is to identify the familiarity and motives that accompany their selection. Design/methodology/approach: The study used a critical analysis of the literature, a diagnostic survey, and the method of synthesis and logical inference. Findings/conclusions: Recognition of the studied culinary routes is not satisfactory. The most appropriate form of their promotion should be social media and online portals. The most common motives for using a tourist trail include, among others, learning about new flavors and the desire to visit unknown and interesting places. Attractive landscapes with historical value, the hospitality of the place, and the opportunity to buy regional products are the most frequently indicated qualitative features of a culinary trail. Research limitations: Due to the non-random nature of the sample, the results should be treated with caution and as preliminary to further in-depth research. Given the growing number of seniors, care should be taken to ensure their representativeness in the future research sample. Practical implications: The results may allow decision-makers to properly plan and enhance an existing trail and select means of promoting it. Originality/value: The results and conclusions expand and complement the knowledge and existing research in the country on the knowledge and awareness of culinary routes in Poland.
Technology assessment and selection problems have gained importance in recent decades as the used technology often determines the enterprises’ competitive advantage. Due to the extensive catalogue of criteria that should be considered and, on the other hand, the extensive catalogue of available technologies and solutions, the decision-making process of choosing a technology becomes a significant challenge for organisations and individuals. This study aims to identify the main research directions and trends in the scientific literature on applying multi-criteria analysis (MCA) in the context of technology assessment and/or technology selection. The author conducted a bibliometric analysis of publications indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The methodology of this study also included identifying the most productive authors, countries, organisations, and journals and analysing the occurrence and co-occurrence of terms. Final analyses included 380 publications retrieved from the Scopus database and 311 documents retrieved from the Web of Science repository. The analysis of the occurrence of terms and keywords allowed distinguishing two main research directions in using MCA methods in assessing and selecting industrial and health and medicine-related technologies. Some sub-areas have also been distinguished within these two areas: energy and renewable energy technologies, waste management, biomedical and medical technologies, and drug production technologies.
The situation in higher education at the end of the first quarter of 2020 was both a surprise and a challenge for the University students, teachers and authorities. No one nowadays questions the advantages of e-learning, but the awareness of existing limitations may contribute to better implementation of e-learning and finally lead to higher effectiveness. Every new technological solution, especially when implemented quickly and without any preparation, raises many technological and social problems. The aim of the research was to determine a change in the level of acceptance of e-learning at the University level, in the period 2020-2021. The conducted surveys on representative samples of students and teachers has confirmed a more open attitude of students towards e-learning, compared to the group of teachers. In students’ opinion, e-learning in particular saves time, enables flexible classes schedules and improves communication with teachers. Unfortunately, teachers were not as optimistic as students.
Sytuacja w szkolnictwie wyższym na koniec I kwartału 2020 r. była zarówno zaskoczeniem, jak i wyzwaniem dla studentów, nauczycieli i władz Uczelni. Nikt w dzisiejszych czasach nie kwestionuje zalet e-learningu, ale świadomość istniejących ograniczeń może przyczynić się do lepszego wdrażania e-learningu i ostatecznie doprowadzić do większej efektywności. Każde nowe rozwiązanie technologiczne, zwłaszcza gdy jest wdrażane szybko i bez żadnego przygotowania, rodzi wiele problemów technologicznych i społecznych. Celem badań było określenie zmiany poziomu akceptacji e-learningu na poziomie Uczelni w latach 2020-2021. Przeprowadzone badania na reprezentatywnych próbach studentów i nauczycieli potwierdziły bardziej otwarty stosunek studentów do e-learningu w porównaniu z grupą nauczycieli. W opinii studentów e-learning w szczególności oszczędza czas, umożliwia elastyczne planowanie zajęć i usprawnia komunikację z nauczycielami. Niestety nauczyciele nie byli tak optymistyczni jak studenci.
Artykuł powstał na podstawie rozprawy doktorskiej Wiktora Lorenca pt.: Badanie specjacji pierwiastków toksycznych w próbkach żywności ciekłej i stałej technikami sprzężonymi LC ICP DRC MS i ESI MS MS nagrodzonej przez Komitet Chemii Analitycznej PAN w 2021 roku w konkursie na najlepsze prace doktorskie, nagroda ufundowana przez firmę MS Spektrum.
Servitization in developed countries is an increasingly popular strategy for building a competitive advantage. Its level varies depending on different market conditions as well as between sectors. The Polish economy is that of a developed country, but still, its level of development is slightly lower compared to the most developed countries. The current state of knowledge indicates that the machinery manufacturing sector usually characterises the highest level of servitization in comparison to other manufacturing sectors. To the author’s knowledge, no study on the servitization of Polish manufacturing companies has been conducted. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to fill the gap by analysing and evaluating the level of servitization in manufacturing companies operating in the Polish market. Aiming to assess whether the Polish manufacturers follow the global trends of servitization, the questionnaire survey was conducted with 150 machinery manufacturers operating in the Polish market. The survey was performed using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) technique between May and July of 2018. The results showed that in surveyed companies, the level of servitization, which was assessed based on a range of the most frequently provided services, was rather low. Although most manufacturers offer services to their customers, these services mostly support their products, and the revenue derived from the services constitutes a comparatively small part of the company’s total revenue. This paper makes two types of contribution to the development of research in the field of servitization. First, the study on the servitization of the Polish manufacturing companies revealed that in a country with the welldeveloped economy, industrial enterprises still rely on manufacturing rather than service delivery. And the potential for services is not yet recognised. Secondly, the original model for classifying the level of product and service integration in the activity of a manufacturing company is proposed. The model requires empirical verification and further studies. Nevertheless, it stands for a theoretical contribution to the research field of servitization.
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