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Content available remote Nowoczesne spoiwa ceramiczne w odlewnictwie precyzyjnym
The main aim of this investigation was to determine the microstructural degradation of Inconel 713C superalloy during creep at high homologous temperature. The alloy in as cast condition was characterized by large microstructural heterogeneity. Inside equiaxed grains dendrite cores consisted of γ' precipitates surrounded by channels of matrix, whereas enrichment of interdendritic spaces in carbide formers, Zr and B resulted in the formation of additional constituents, namely M3B2, Ni7Zr2 and eutectic island γ/γ'. Directional coarsening of γ′ precipitates (rafting) under applied stress and decomposition of primary MC- type carbides accompanied by the formation of secondary carbides enriched in Cr and γ' phase was observed.
Głównym celem badania było określenie degradacji mikrostruktury nadstopu Inconel 713C zachodzącej podczas badania pełzania w wysokiej temperaturze homologicznej. Badany nadstop bezpośrednio w stanie lanym charaktery- zuje się wysoką niejednorodnością mikrostrukturalną. Wewnątrz ziaren równoosiowych rdzenie dendrytów składają się z wydzieleń γ' otoczonych kanałami osnowy, natomiast wzbogacenie przestrzeni międzydendrytycznych w pier- wiastki węglikotwórcze, a także Zr i B, prowadzi do tworze- nia dodatkowych składników, mianowicie eutektyki γ/γ', wę- glików MC, borków M3B2 oraz fazy międzymetalicznej Ni7Zr2. W trakcie pełzania przy parametrach T = 982ºC i naprężeniu σ = 152 MPa zaobserwowano rafting typu N fazy międzymetalicznej γ'. W przestrzeniach międzydendrytycznych w wyniku częściowego rozpuszczenia węglików typu MC wydzieliły się węgliki M23C6 bogate w Cr.
The effect of cobalt aluminate inoculant addition and melt-pouring temperature on the structure and mechanical properties of Ni-based superalloy was studied. The first major move to control the quality of investment cast blades and vanes was the control of grain size. Cobalt aluminate (CoAl2 O4 ) is the most frequently utilized inoculant in the lost-wax casting process of Ni-based superalloys. The inoculant in the prime coat of moulds and pouring temperature play a significant role in grain size control. The finest surface grains were obtained when the internal surface of shell mould was coated with cobalt aluminate and subsequently pouring was at 1480°C. The influence of selected casting parameters and inoculant addition on mechanical properties was investigated on the basis of tensile, creep and hardness testing. The effect of grain refinement on mechanical properties were consistent with established theories. Tests conducted at ambient temperature indicated a beneficial effect of grain refinement both on tensile strength and hardness. In contrast at elevated temperature during creep, the reverse trend was observed.
This work focuses on the influence of temperature distribution in a shell mould during investment casting of thin wall parts on macrostructure, chemical composition of microstructural constituents and γ/γ′ misfit parameter. A reduction of production costs is associated with the optimization of precision casting technology of aircraft engine critical parts, including control of the solidification front in thin-walled castings of nickel superalloys. Appropriate lost-wax casting parameters lead to the creation of coarse grained structure, desired for high-temperature service applications. As a result of non-equilibrium solidification, substantially large chemical inhomogeneities in the dendrite core and interdendritic spaces are formed. Interdendritic spaces are occupied by constituents formed as a consequence of segregation of alloying elements, namely eutectic islands γ/γ′, borides, carbides, and an intermetallic compound of Ni and Zr. Dendrite cores consist of cubic-shaped γ′ precipitates surrounded by Ni-rich γ channels. Low lattice misfit influences cubic morphology of γ′ precipitates, which is favourable for jet engine application because it can guarantee good creep resistance.
The basic process for manufacturing of aircraft engine hot section elements made of nickel-based superalloys is investment casting using multilayer ceramic shell moulds. Introduction of new engines designs with higher thrust, lower fuel consumption and lower noise emissions enforce continual modification of casting materials, models, ceramic moulds, including melting, pouring and heat treatment processes parameters. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of pouring temperature and cobalt aluminate modifier in the subsurface layer of the mould on macrostructure of the IN 713C castings. The size of misruns, chill, columnar and equiaxed zones on the surface of the wedge castings is most affected by pouring temperature. Additionally it was proved that cobalt aluminate is an effective modifier of the IN713C superalloy causing not only refinement of equiaxed grains, but also reduction in the columnar grain size fraction.
Nadstop niklu IN 713C jest stosowany między innymi na łopatki turbin silników lotniczych, odlewane precyzyjnie metodą traconego wosku w wielowarstwowych formach ceramicznych. Łopatki turbin często charakteryzują się gruboziarnistą i niejednorodną strukturą, która nie spełnia rygorystycznych wymagań dotyczących części wykorzystywanych w przemyśle lotniczym. Poprawę struktury łopatek wytworzonych z nadstopów niklu można uzyskać w wyniku odpowiedniego kształtowania wielkości ziarna w procesie odlewania. Ziarna o kontrolowanych rozmiarach można otrzymać dzięki odpowiedniej temperaturze zalewania, temperaturze formy i zastosowaniu modyfikatora w powierzchniowej warstwie formy odlewniczej. Celem badań było określenie wpływu temperatury zalewania oraz udziału modyfikatora CoAl2O4 w warstwie przypowierzchniowej formy odlewniczej na strukturę odlewów z nadstopu IN 713C.
Przedstawiono ograniczenia procesu wytwarzania ceramicznej formy odlewniczej stosowanej przy odlewaniu precyzyjnym łopatek turbiny silników lotniczych o dużym ciągu >200 kN. Komponenty projektowane dla takich silników charakteryzuje obecność głębokich „kieszeni” (pockets) w zamku łopatki w celu zmniejszenia jej masy. Kieszeń jest odtwarzana w ceramicznej formie odlewniczej poprzez nakładanie i suszenie kolejnych warstw ceramicznych. Oceniono przebieg wysychania formy ceramicznej w kieszeniach o różnej głębokości. Analiza danych literaturowych oraz wyników badań własnych pozwoliła ustalić wartości temperatury i wilgotności oraz szybkość przepływu powietrza podczas suszenia. Stwierdzono, że prawidłowo prowadzony proces umożliwia dobre wysuszenie kieszeni formy o głębokości 5, 10 i 15 mm.
Acknowledged in the paper are limitations to the investment casting mold manufacturing process used in production of cast airfoil blades installed in the 200 kN plus aircraft engines. Noted for these blades are deep, weight reducing pockets in the blade roots. Root pockets are replicated in ceramic mold by applying and drying consequent ceramic coats. Ceramic molds with the pockets of different depth were examined for drying up progress. Results of the tests carried out on drying process were compared with the relevant data supplied in literature for estimation of the optimum drying process parameters: temperature, humidity and air flow. It was found that mold drying process if performed to properly set process parameters would provide for good drying results of pockets at 5, 10 and 15 mm depth.
This paper analyses the nickel based superalloy Inconel 713C casts typically used in high and low pressure turbines of aircraft engines. The ingots were manufactured in the Research and Development Laboratory for Aerospace Materials at the Rzeszów University of Technology. The superalloy structures were analysed by the following methods: X-ray diffraction orientation measurement and ultrasonic wave propagation. Ultrasonic techniques are mainly used to measure the blade wall’s thickness. Measurement accuracy is determined by the velocity of the ultrasonic wave in the material tested. This work evaluates the effect of the nickel-based superalloy microstructure on the velocity of the ultrasonic wave propagation. Three different macrostructures: equiax (EQ), directionally solidified (DS) and single crystal (SX) were analysed. The authors determined the crystal misorientation in the obtained casts as the deviation of [001] crystallographic direction from the withdrawal axis or the main axis of the ingots. The measurements performed allowed researchers to identify significant differences in the wave velocity between EQ, DS and SX structures.
Manufacturing of aircraft engine turbine blades requires control of blade geometric parameters at different stages of technological process. Acceleration and automation of measurement process can affect the duration of the finished item production. Modern technologies for measurement of aircraft engine turbine blades are based on numerical machines - measurement process is based on processing of numerical data obtained by measurement using coordinate measuring machines. The paper presents the opportunity of automation of aircraft engine turbine blades measurements using scanner ATOS II Triple Scan with blue light source technology. Coordinate measuring technique allows to specify full methodology for designation of complex dimensions of physical objects and transform them into a computer program space of coordinate measuring devices. Presented paper includes capabilities of device used in the study to improve the measurement process in the technological and economical aspects. Another issue described in the paper is impact of measurement performance in automatic mode on the quality of performance – the numerical model of surface, from the standpoint of accuracy and number of collected data points in time. The paper includes an analysis of conditions related to the measurement works, such as the process of preparing the model, measurement equipment and data processing capacity. As the result methodology for automated scanning measurements of aircraft engine turbine blades will be presented.
Próby łączenia jelit za pomocą implantów sięgają początków XIX w, kiedy to opracowane zostały pierwsze pierścienie zespalające przez Denansa (1827) i Henroza (1826). Kolejna konstrukcja zaproponowana przez Murphyego, tzw. guzik Murphyego, stała się inspiracją dla komercyjnych implantów, ulegających fragmentacji pierścieni Valtrac® (Biofragmentable Anastomotic Ring) do zespoleń jelitowych, których produkcję w latach osiemdziesiątych XX wieku rozpoczęła firma Davis & Geck. Równocześnie rozwijane były techniki zespalania jelit za pomocą staplerów (Hültl 1908, Petz 1924, Androsov 1950), które również w latach osiemdziesiątych XX wieku stały się jednym ze standardów postępowania w chirurgii jelita grubego. Prace nad opracowaniem skutecznego, łatwego w aplikacji i ulegającego w pełni biodegradacji implantu do zespoleń jelit nadal trwają. Zakładają one dążenie do możliwie najmniejszego uszkodzenia tkanek, zapewnienia szczelności zespolenia i odpowiedniej wielkości jego światła, przy zachowaniu prawidłowego ukrwienia i niewywoływaniu nadmiernego napięcia w jelitach. Jedną z propozycji nowoczesnego rozwiązania problemu związanego z zespalaniem jelita grubego może stanowić w pełni biodegradowalny układ pierścieni wykonany z poliestrów alifatycznych mocowanych bezszwowo. Aplikacja pierścieni zakłada odwinięcie zespalanych części jelita na zewnątrz jego światła, a następnie ich połączenie przez docisk dzięki odpowiedniemu systemowi blokującemu. Prototypy implantów do zespalania jelit otrzymano metodą wtrysku przy użyciu wtryskarki ślimakowej Multiplas. Temperatura wtrysku wynosiła 160-170°C, a ciśnienie w układzie 60-90 kg/cm2. Prototypy implantów wykonano z polimeru resorbowalnego - polilaktydu PLA firmy NatureWork, USA (PLA Ingeo 3251D). Pierwsze doświadczenia prowadzone in vitro i in vivo wskazują, że wykonane implanty mogą z powodzeniem spełniać wspomniane powyżej założenia i dodatkowo dzięki łatwej aplikacji znacznie skrócić czas trwania operacji. Zaproponowana konstrukcja układu pierścieni oraz właściwości fizyko-mechaniczne zastosowanego materiału polimerowego pozwoliły w prosty sposób zespolić jelito uzyskując jednakowy regulowany docisk na jego obwodzie.
The attempts at integrating intestines by means of implants date back to the beginning of the 19th century, when integrating rings were developed by Denans (1827) and Henroz (1826). Another construction, proposed by Murphy, the, so called, Murphy’s button, became an inspiration for commercial implants – the Valtrac® fragmentable rings (Biofragmentable Anastomotic Rings) for intestine integration, whose production was initiated in 1980s by Davis & Geck. Simultaneously developed were techniques of intestine integration with the use of staplers (Hültl 1908, Petz 1924, Androsov 1950), which, also in the 1980s, became one of the standards for large intestine surgery procedures. Works on the development of an effective, easily applicable and fully biodegradable implant for intestine integration are still being conducted. The main goal, providing a minimal tissue damages, is to obtain a leakproof anastomosis with a proper size of its inner diameter along with the preservation of the adequate blood supply and no excessive tensions in the intestines. One of the proposals of a modern solution to the problem connected with large intestine integration can be a fully biodegradable system of rings made of seamless-mounted aliphatic polyesters. The applying procedure assumes turning parts of the intestine, which are meant to be integrated, inside-out and stretching their edges on the rings. Next, rings are joined together by pressing them “face to face” and locking with the appropriate seamless blocking system. Prototypes of large intestine integration implants were obtained by the injection moulding (screw injection moulding machine Multiplas). The injection temperature was 160-170°C and the pressure in the system was 60-90 kg/cm2. The implant prototypes were prepared from a polymer – the PLA polylactide by NatureWork, USA (PLA Ingeo 3251D). The initial in vitro and in vivo experiments show that the elaborated implants can successfully meet the above mentioned assumptions and, additionally, because of their easy application, significantly shorten the time of the surgical procedure. The proposed construction of the ring system and the physico-mechanical properties of the applied polymer material made it possible to easily integrate the intestine and achieve a similar, regulated, pressure on its circumference.
This paper provides an analysis of experimental research and results of investment casting process. Temperature field in a ceramic mold is one of the problems during numerical simulation. Reducing the costs of production in precision casting involves the reduction of scraps, which is one of the fundamental problems of the foundry industry. Reducing these costs is associated with optimization of precision casting technology of aircraft engines critical parts, including control of the solidification front in thin-walled castings of nickel super alloys cast in a vacuum. It is achieved by changing the geometrical characteristics of the ceramic mold. The results of the tests were used to optimize the industrial production of aircraft components in Precision Foundry of WSK Rzeszów. Temperature distribution gained in the conducted tests allowed verification and optimization of computer simulations.
The paper presents the possibility of using CAD/RP for the design and manufacture of the core models used for precise casting of core aircraft engine turbine blades, with directional crystallization process and single crystallization. The process of modelling 3D CAD geometry of research blade in relation to the model of the core was presented. The sample design, blade base model, was made by one of the incremental method of rapid prototyping - Jetting System. The geometry of the blade model has been designed in a way, which allows making a silicon form on the basis of a base prototype in the process of rapid prototyping tools (Rapid Tooling). The form allows the attachment of the blade core in a place designed specifically for this purpose. The silicon form has enabled the production of wax models with the inner core. This task was achieved by proper shaping of forms with the plane of its division. The resulting models were used to make ceramic moulds and carry further work on the development of casting technology in the process of directional crystallization and single crystallization of core blades of aircraft engines.
The paper presents the method of manufacturing casts made of the IN-713C nickel superalloy using the wax lost investment casting process and silicon carbide chills. The authors designed experimental casts, the gating system and selected the chills material. Wax pattern, ceramic shell mould and experimental casts were prepared for the purposes of research. On the basis of the temperature distribution measurements, the kinetics of the solidification process was determined in the thickened part of the plate cast. This allowed to establish the quantity of phase transitions which occurred during cast cooling process and the approximate values of liquidus, eutectic, solidus and solvus temperatures as well as the solidification time and the average value of cast cooling rate. Non-destructive testing and macroscopic analysis were applied to determine the location and size of shrinkage defects. The authors present the mechanism of solidification and formation of shrinkage defects in casts with and without chills. It was found that the applied chills influence significantly the hot spots and the remaining part of the cast. Their presence allows to create conditions for solidification of IN-713C nickel superalloy cast without shrinkage defects.
The article presents process application of the rapid prototyping (RP) for manufacturing of blades of aircraft turbine in mono- crystallization and also directional crystallization of casting process. It is describing the method of modelling of the chosen elements of casting model kit with the usage of RP and RT systems. The article presents the analysis of additive rapid prototyping methods (stereolithography) in an aspect of manufacturing of casting models. The possibilities of RP system usage to the ceramic form were the main criteria of the analysis. The ceramic form is a one of the parts of process casting of monocrystal blade of aircraft engine. In the article the possibilities making of models by means of rapid tooling system based on the Vacuum Casting (VC) technology were also analysed. The Vacuum Casting technology allows producing the silicone mold under decreasing pressure. Silicone tools allow creating wax casting models as a vacuum casting process, casting process and Iow pressure of injection. Rapid prototyping and rapid tooling technologies allow creating casting wax models of a blade and other parts of casting models. RP and RT methods allow creating connectors of the parts. These connectors allow connecting the parts of model kit in a fast and simple method. The stereolithography and Vacuum Casting allow accelerating process of manufacturing of monocrystal blades of aircraft engines.
The article presents process application of the rapid prototyping (RP) for manufacturing of blades of aircraft turbine in mono- crystallization and also directional crystallization of casting process. It is describing the method of modeling of the chosen elements of casting model kit with the usage of RP and RT systems. The article presents the analysis of a additive rapid prototyping methods (stereolithography) in an aspect of manufacturing of casting models. The possibilities of RP system usage to the ceramic form were the main criteria of the analysis. The ceramic form is a one of the parts of process casting of monocrystal blade of aircraft engine. In the article the possibilities making of models by means of rapid tooling system based on the Vacuum Casting (VC) technology were also analysed. The Vacuum Casting technology allows producing the silicone mould under decreasing pressure. Silicone tools allow creating wax casting models as a vacuum casting process, casting process and low pressure of injection. Rapid prototyping and rapid tooling technologies allow creating casting wax models of a blade and other parts of casting models. RP and RT methods allow creating connectors of the parts. These connectors allow connecting the parts of model kit in a fast and simple method. The stereolithography and Vacuum Casting allow accelerating process of manufacturing of monocrystal blades of aircraft engines.
Increasing customer requirements and production costs force casting manufacturers to adopt a methodological approach to manufacturing processes, in order to deliver increasingly more repeatable, predictable and competitive products. One of the methods of achieving such results is the reduction of variability of manufacturing processes and the optimization of their control. This paper presents the possibilities granted by the Six Sigma methodology in efficient identification of special factors influencing pre-heat of ceramic moulds and casting parameters, in the minimization of the frequency at which they occur, and in the reduction of key process parameters variability. This paper also shows the usability of the method in achieving measurable business advantages for the company using the example of one DMAIC methodology based project realized in the Investment Foundry Department of WSK 'PZL-Rzeszow' S.A.
Motywowanie zbiórki i zagospodarowania olejów przepracowanych ze środków budżetowych w swojej końcowej fazie (lata 1997-2001) podporządkowane partykularnym interesom działaczy gospodarczych wspieranych przez zaprzyjaźnione sfery polityczne, doprowadziło do całkowitego zaniedbania działań proekologicznych na rzecz gromadzenia kapitału i jego konsumpcji - bez korzyści dla ekologii.
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