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Atomically flat InSb(001) surface has been prepared with cycles of sputter-cleaning and annealing. The surface structure has been characterized by low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Then the surface has been bombarded with 4 keV Ar+ ions incident 50°
off normal, and the morphological changes have been studied with the AFM as a function of the ion dose. It was found that the surface was amorphized already for low ion doses (~2×1015/cm2). At higher ion doses (of 2×1016/cm2) the surface appeared to be covered with the system of parallel nanowires running along surface projection of the ion beam direction. Typical sizes of the nanowires were: 1.5–2 mm length, 50–70 nm width and height 5–7 nm.
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