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Purpose: The main goal of the paper is to analyze customers relation between video game developers and the gaming community and their impact on the corporate image creation as well as gaining trust and good reputation by the company. Design/methodology/approach: The approach applied in the paper is of descriptive-empirical nature. The research methods involved in this paper are: induction, deduction, literature studies, as well survey and data analysis. The method of critical and comparative analysis was used in relation to the views presented in the literature. Findings: The paper ends with a brief presentation of research findings which correspond to the formulated research questions on building the relations with a client. Research implications: Future research directions should focus on further, expanded research exploration in the area, taking into account various industries. Additional work is needed to disseminate research findings among managers and to implement them in public relations policies of the companies. Practical implications: The results of the research discussed in the paper have a number of practical implications mainly for the managers in terms of use of customers relations tools and improvement of communication strategies. Social implications: Building awareness of customer to business communication. Originality/value The paper has a cognitive value for managers. Results have theoretical as well as practical implications in search of solutions to customers relations management.
Purpose: The main objective of this study is to investigate and clarify the role of local business leaders in creating region brand. Design/methodology/approach: The article uses the qualitative case study method to describe the role of local business leaders in shaping region brand. The analysis is conducted using Wroclaw Agglomeration as a subject. Findings: The research conducted enabled to initially investigate and clarify some aspects of creating a place brand image using stakeholders engagement. Research limitations: The research presented in the article is qualitative, making it impossible to infer the entire region's population. Practical implications: The article includes essential conclusions valid for regions' authorities, mainly in the area of creating a positive brand image in the economic context and the importance of engaging stakeholders in this process. Originality/value: The paper supplements the management sciences literature with knowledge about the local business leaders' role in creating a region brand.
This article presents the results of a survey that was carried out among companies commissioning cargo handling on the national transport services market. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between brand awareness, image and brand equity in terms of companies specializing in road freight transport. The relations between brand equity and the process of handling transport orders were also evaluated. Specific hypotheses about significant dependencies between the parameters referred to above were formulated and were then verified by performing a quantitative data analysis, relying on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and the chi-square test of independence. A statistically significant correlation between brand image and equity, on the one hand, and between brand awareness and image, on the other, has been identified based on the survey. The research confirms the importance of brand equity in the development of business operations, mainly due to the existence of significant and statistically important dependencies between brand equity and customer cooperation-related parameters that have been observed in the three types of relationships under analysis.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to identify the relation between passenger car brand image and consumer loyalty. Design/methodology/approach: A quantitative approach was used, and a questionnaire-based research was carried out. As a method of elaborating the results, cluster analysis was selected. Findings: It was discovered that the consumers from 2 clusters are significantly different both in terms of perception of car brand image and loyalty. In this way the existence of the assumed relation was proved. Practical implications: A practical implication of the study is claiming the role of brand image in shaping consumer loyalty in the passenger cars market. Originality/value: Authors’ contribution and novelty of the paper is the innovative application of the multidimensional exploratory techniques of cluster analysis in the area of research. In management practice, the paper can turn out useful to marketing managers in the automotive industry.
Content available City branding with stakeholders’ participation
The article is devoted to city branding. The work presents an outline of the concept and a model of city branding, as well as identifies the brand determinants, relevant for the design and examination of the brand. In the concept and the model presented, the impact of stakeholders on city branding and their role in the image building have been highlighted. The subject of the survey, carried out on a sample of the residents of the city of Rzeszów and the neighboring municipalities, concerned the city’s image. Multi-factor analysis was used to analyze the data. The obtained study results allowed for identification of four factors associated with the intangible and the tangible features of the city. The article fills up the gap in the research on the image of Polish cities. It contributes to the understanding of the way, in which city brands are assessed by their stakeholders, and constitutes a guide to the local government practice regarding the orientation of city positioning.
The Indonesian social class population is increasing in number and the demand for rapid transportation heightens the competition in the airline industry in Indonesia. Many business players in this industry are changing their strategies and start to apply new strategies from intensive marketing, advertising, and promotion up to Low Cost Carriers strategy to get more passengers. Highly competitive market triggers the airline companies to attract and retain customers. Increasingly saturated market drives significant gains; thus, customer retention is essential for airlines industry. This study aims to analyze the influence of Service Quality, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Trust on Customer Retention. A number of hypotheses are examined using a sample of Customers of Low Cost Carriers in Indonesia (Lion Air, Citilink, Sriwijaya Airline, Kalstar and Air Asia). The data is analyzed using LISREL, collected from 417 passengers who travel from Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Jakarta. We find that Service Quality, Brand Image, Customer Trust, and Customer Satisfaction have positive effect on Customer Retention.
Liczba ludności w Indonezji rośnie, a popyt na szybki transport zwiększa konkurencję w tutejszym przemyśle lotniczym. Wielu graczy biznesowych, w celu pozyskania pasażerów, zmienia swoje strategie i zaczyna stosować nowe, począwszy od intensywnego marketingu, reklamy i promocji do strategii niskokosztowych przewoźników. Wysoce konkurencyjny rynek powoduje, że linie lotnicze przyciągają i zatrzymują klientów. Coraz bardziej nasycony rynek znaczne napędza zyski; w związku z tym utrzymanie klientów jest niezbędne dla przemysłu lotniczego. Celem badania jest analiza wpływu jakości obsługi, wizerunku marki, zadowolenia klienta i zaufania klienta, na jego utrzymanie. Na próbie klientów niskokosztowych przewoźników w Indonezji (Lion Air, Citilink, Sriwijaya Airline, Kalstar and Air Asia) zweryfikowanych zostało wiele hipotez. Dane przeanalizowane zostały za pomocą oprogramowania statystycznego LISREL i zebrane od 417 pasażerów, którzy podróżowali z lotniska Soekarno-Hatta w Dżakarcie. Autorzy są zdania, że jakość obsługi, wizerunek marki, zaufanie klienta i zadowolenie klienta mają pozytywny wpływ na utrzymanie klientów.
Growing competition together with an increase in consumers’ requirements result in some necessity for distinguishing a company’s offer on the market. Foundations of the market success may be provided by the brand image. In the era of the Internet and popularisation of social media, companies have lost a major part of their control over their brand image that at present is a derivative of feedback and opinions obtained in social media. Therefore, companies are now facing some need to conduct related research into their brand image in the social media environment. This allows for identifying a process of selecting products by consumers, behaviours of consumers and their attitudes towards brands.
Narastająca konkurencja i wzrost wymagań konsumentów powodują konieczność wyróżnienia oferty przedsiębiorstwa na rynku. Podstawę sukcesu rynkowego może stanowić wizerunek marki. W dobie Internetu i popularyzacji mediów społecznościowych przedsiębiorstwa straciły większą część kontroli nad wizerunkiem marki, które w tej chwili coraz częściej jest wypadkową komentarzy i opinii zasięgniętych w mediach społecznościowych. Przedsiębiorstwa stoją, zatem przed koniecznością prowadzenia badań wizerunku marki właśnie w tym środowisku. Pozwala to poznać proces wyboru produktów przez konsumentów, ich zachowania i postawy wobec marek.
Content available remote Superposition of facade in architecture in the beginning of the 21st century
The superposition of a facade in architecture in the early 21st century, is the merit of contemporary marketing mechanisms which function in architecture. The distinct relation between the exterior side of the building and the brand take effect in choosing advanced, already existing and available systems and architectural engineering, which are far from the classic process of project implementation. Investors often decide to make an effort in creating unique, innovative solutions of extreme technical and esthetic features in order to intensify the visual impression.
Superpozycja fasady w architekturze początku XXI wieku to w dużej mierze zasługa współczesnych mechanizmów marketingowych funkcjonujących również w tej dziedzinie. Bardzo silne powiązanie fizyczności budynku z wątkiem wizerunkowym marki coraz częściej pociąga za sobą działania wybiegające daleko poza odtwórczy proces klasycznej implementacji w projekt dostępnych i funkcjonujących, wysoce zaawansowanych systemów i technologii budowlanych. Coraz częściej na potrzeby wzmocnienia i utrwalenia wizualnego przekazu inwestorzy decydują się na podjęcie wyzwania, jakim jest z całą pewnością tworzenie jednorazowych i innowacyjnych rozwiązań o wysoce ekstremalnych cechach technicznych i estetycznych.
This paper is an attempt to study the effectiveness of projective techniques in exploring the brand image of ego-sensitive brands, possessing minimal functional differentiation. The paper examines four finest perfume brands. Two metaphor based personification methods-mood-boards and job-sorting are employed to study the association that the participants have with the brands. Both the methods are open ended assignments to decipher how participants think or feel about the research object in question. The study analyses the congruent validity of the two methods and differences in their ability to personify the chosen brands of deu. Both the methods yielded almost similar outcomes, thereby reiterating that the two methods possess congruent validity. The latter part of the paper analyses the brand personality characteristics that were connected to the celebrities and jobs thus connected, as identified in the mood-boards and job-sorting exercise respectively. SWOCC Brand Personality Scale, which is a further elaboration of Aaker's brand personality research, was used to provide a list of the personality characteristics. The study however faces a limitation of the failure of the translation from the projective results into personality scores dimensions. This raises a serious concern if it is at all possible to validly translate overall projective data into analytical scores and if it is so then what would be the ideal procedure to do this.
Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą zbadania skuteczności technik projekcyjnych w badaniu wizerunku marek tzw. wrażliwych, posiadających minimum funkcjonalnego zróżnicowania. Dokument ten bada cztery najlepsze marki perfum. Dwie metody, oparte na metodzie personifikacji i sortowania pracy, zostały wykorzystane do badania uczestników będących markami. Obie metody są jednostronnie otwarte w celu przypisania i rozszyfrowania jak uczestnicy myślą o badanym obiekcie lub jakie mają uczucia względem niego. Badanie analizuje zgodność tych dwóch metod i różnic w ich zdolności do uosabiania wybranych marek. Obie metody dały prawie podobne wyniki, tym samym potwierdzając, że obie metody posiadają istotną zgodność. Ostatnia część artykułu analizuje cechy osobowości marki, które są łączone z gwiazdami i miejscami pracy, identyfikowane z wykorzystaniem tablicy inspiracji i rodzaju pracy.
Content available remote Studying Brand Loyalty in the Cosmetics Industry
Background: The purpose of this research is to know the brand loyalty and contribute to the knowledge that how brand credibility, brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and product knowledge is important to build brand loyalty. Method: Data were collected from the female's students of department from the university of Sargodha Final analysis was performed on 125 valid respondents. Cronbach's Alpha statistic was used in order to check the reliability of the scale. Regression was used in order to test the hypothesis. Correlation analysis was used to study the relationship between the variables such that this analysis studied the positive relation of all the independent variables (brand credibility, brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and product knowledge) with the dependent variable (brand loyalty). Results and Conclusion: The results indicate the positive relationships between brand credibility, brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, product knowledge (independent variables) and brand loyalty (dependent variables). Further among all the variables studied brand awareness has the highest impact on brand loyalty and according to this research L'Oreal consumer is more as compare to other brands. Although this research specifically studies the Brand Loyalty in University of Sargodha. However more importantly, the purpose of this study is that cosmetic industry must focus on brand association, perceived quality, product knowledge, brand credibility in order to build Brand Loyalty. To the best of researcher's knowledge, this research is first of its kind in the University of Sargodha which studies student's credibility, awareness, association, perceived quality, product knowledge and loyalty toward their favorite cosmetics brand. The results of this study are limited by the specificity of the geographic context by taking a sample of 125 students of one department from total population of University of Sargodha. This study can be expanded to different universities of Pakistan.
Wstęp: Praca jest poświęcona zagadnieniu lojalności marki. Jej celem jest rozpoznanie wpływu na budowanie lojalności marki takich czynników jak wiarygodność marki, znajomość marki, wizerunek marki, jakość odbioru oraz znajomość produktu. Metody: Dane do analizy zostały zebrane wśród studentek jednego z wydziałów Uniwersytetu Sargodha. Ostateczna analiza została przeprowadzona dla 125 poprawnych odpowiedzi. W celu sprawdzenia wiarygodności skali została zastosowana statystyka Cronbach's Alpha. Metoda regresji została użyta w celu przetestowania hipotezy. Natomiast analiza korelacji została zastosowana w celu zbadania zależności między zmiennymi niezależnymi (wiarygodność marki, znajomość marki, wizerunek marki, jakość odbioru oraz znajomość produktu) oraz zmienną zależną (lojalność marki). Wyniki i wnioski: Wyniki wykazały dodatnią zależność pomiędzy wiarygodnością marki, znajomością marki, wizerunkiem marki, jakością odbioru oraz znajomością produktu (zmienne niezależne) a lojalnością marki (zmienna zależna). Wszystkie zmienne związane ze znajomością marki miały największy wpływ na lojalność marki oraz zgodnie z wynikami badań najbardziej rozpoznawalną marką była L'Oreal. Praca ta została poświecona zbadaniu lojalności marki na Uniwersytecie Sargodha. Jednak co należy podkreślić, celem tych badań było ustalenie czy przemysł kosmetyczny powinien skupić się na wiarygodności marki, znajomości marki, wizerunku marki, jakości odbioru oraz znajomości produktu w celu budowania lojalności marki. Według wiedzy posiadanej przez Autorów, badania te były pierwszymi tego typu przeprowadzonymi na Uniwersytecie Sargodha, które miały na celu zbadanie świadomości studentów w zakresie wiarygodności marki, znajomości marki, wizerunku marki, jakości odbioru oraz znajomości produktu odnośnie wyrobów kosmetycznych. Wyniki badań są ograniczone ze względu na ograniczenie geograficzne grupy studentów, wśród których przeprowadzono badania (jeden wydział Uniwersytetu Sargodha). Badania mogą być przeprowadzone na innych uniwersytetach w Pakistanie.
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