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This article presents a novel, innovative, open multi-domain platform for early warning against adverse events in reservoirs and watercourses, which can measure temperature, pH, redox, conductivity, turbidity, chlorophyll and phycocyanin. These parameters are key indicators of cyanobacteria bloom. This platform allows remote and distributed monitoring of important locations on lakes and rivers. The station's design enables the use of both wired sensors directly connected to the station and wireless data collection from locally dispersed measurement points that communicate with the station-buoy. The data aggregation system is open, and the technological solution of the station is universal, which means it can use different sensors for chemical and biological parameters that are required by, for example, the Water Framework Directive, from the market and industry standards. The platform also has built-in machine learning and data analysis mechanisms that can optimise the number of stations needed to achieve the desired level of data acquisition. The sensor dispersion and station autonomy ensure the flexibility and scalability of the measurements.
Proxy data and qualitative information are important assets in water resources and floods management. In the research, the river water bodies with characteristic toponyms (hydronyms) in Greece that potentially reflect the water’s quality or the occurrence of floods are evaluated in comparison to the European Union’s (EU) Water Framework and Flood Directives implementation process outputs. For doing so, after identifying the river water bodies with characteristic toponyms which form the 10.2% of the Greek water bodies, the toponyms are cross correlated with the water bodies quality status as retrieved by the Directives’ databases to validate the existence of linkages between the names and the quality. Similarly, the significant floods, as derived from the Flood Directive, are spatially allied with the water bodies with characteristic toponyms to ground truth the connection between significant floods and water bodies whose toponyms imply flood prone areas. The research outputs indicate a high degree of correlation both in terms of water quality and floods, meaning that in almost all cases the water body toponym depicts the good or bad quality of the water body or the occurrence of flood events. Moreover, it is established that almost 90% of the water bodies with characteristic names are intermittent and ephemeral ones. The water bodies’ toponyms, hence, are proposed as an auxiliary criterion during the Directives implementation process that could foster increased water quality and flood-related knowledge, especially in intermittent and ephemeral water bodies which are generally lacking observations, and can be applied not only in all EU-Member States’ waters, but also in global scale.
Coastal lagoons have been providing ecological, economic and cultural benefits for many centuries. Despite their importance, the monitoring of coastal lagoons poses numerous challenges related to their complex environmental processes, their large variability in size and their remote location, inhibiting effective management programmes. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of Sentinel-2 satellites to map highly dynamic morphological and hydrological changes in the Louro lagoon, a small choked lagoon located on the Galician coast (NW Spain). For this purpose, a simple methodology using the Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI) has been evaluated, which allows to monitor the sand barrier changes and the inlet formation. The results show that the sand barrier's opening and closing might take only a very short period, and the recovery of the lagoon to its full water level can happen in less than a month. Sentinel-2 images also reveal drastic changes in the water level once the sand barrier is broken. A water surface area of 0.24 km2 was estimated on 04/11/2019, while this surface was reduced to 0.10 km2 on 04/12/2019. Monitoring these changes is critical to understand the different processes ongoing in these valuable environments and making informed decisions for their management and protection.
The availability of Sentinel satellites for providing open data with optical and SAR imagery leads to better opportunities related to Earth surface mapping and monitoring. Recently, optical fusion with radar data has shown improvement in classification quality and the accuracy of information acquired. In this setting, the main objective of this research is to monitor the environmental impact of an open-pit mine on water, vegetation, and non-vegetation areas by exploring the single and combined use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. The data utilized in this paper were collected from the European Space Agency Copernicus program. After selecting the Selenica region, we explored the products in the Sentinel Application Platform. According to our data, Sentinel-2 misses the small water ponds but successfully identifies the river and open-pit areas. It mistakenly identifies urban structures and cloud areas as non-vegetated and does not identify non-vegetated areas which correspond to mining operation areas. Sentinel-1 identifies very small water ponds and delivers additional information in the cloudy areas, but misses a part of the river. Alongside the strong contribution in identifying the vegetation, it also roughly identifies the non-vegetation areas of mining operations.
Destrukcyjna działalność człowieka w odniesieniu do ekosystemów wodnych skutkuje znacznymi stratami gospodarczymi ujawniającymi się w postaci zanieczyszczenia źródeł wody, pogarszając jej jakość a tym samym jej dostępność w jeziorach, zbiornikach wodnych, a nawet w glebie. Stąd też wynika potrzeba systematycznie prowadzonej rewitalizacji czy też rekultywacji ekosystemów wodnych. Tego typu działania, aby były racjonalne, wymagają szczegółowego rozeznania przyczyn, a następnie zastosowania odpowiedniej technologii.
Tyle się słyszy o zmianach klimatu, stepowieniu Europy, a zwłaszcza Wielkopolski. Ogłasza się szumne projekty, w których ogromne gremia ludzkie, między innymi szarzy obywatele, mają prawo zabierać głos i wysuwać swoje propozycje. Można by się zastanawiać, czy rzeczywiście chodzi o działania mające zapobiegać tej oczywistej klęsce, jaka w najbliższym czasie może spotkać Wielkopolskę czy też ma to tylko cel PR. Chodzi o tak popularny ostatnio slogan Public Relations (PR) to z angielskiego: relacje publiczne, czyli o „odpowiednie” kontakty z otoczeniem, inaczej imagistyka społeczna – kształtowanie stosunków publicznie działającego podmiotu z jego otoczeniem, których celem jest dbałość o dobry wizerunek, akceptację i życzliwość wobec działań polityków, decydentów, danej osoby lub organizacji.
An operative method of automated decryption of Landsat-8 satellite images allowing for detection of water bodies is created. Application of the developed method allows for the detection of water bodies more than 30 m in size and specifies the obtained masks of water bodies significantly.
Przedstawiono metodę automatycznego odszyfrowywania zdjęć satelitarnych Landsat-8 umożliwiającą wykrywanie części wód. Zastosowanie opracowanej metody pozwala na wykrycie zbiorników wodnych większych niż 30 m.
Farmland water bodies (FWBs) are marginal habitats in the agricultural landscape. However, regardless of their small size, they are refuges for natural vegetation and species-rich animal assemblages. They are especially important in areas where the intensification of agricultural activities reduces the ecological quality of the landscape. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of the habitat structure of the FWB buffer zone on macrophyte association diversity in the FWBs (n = 49). As many as 175 species of vascular plants, three stoneworts, and 40 (41-49 according to Chao2 estimator) plant associations were recognized, including 19 of high conservation priority. The occurrence of threatened associations (0-5 per FWB) was not correlated with the number of common (unthreatened) ones. The most important predictors of plant diversity (at the species level and the association level) were the connection of the FWB with a watercourse (positive effect), and the distance from the FWB to the nearest built-up areas (positive effect). The results suggest that even though the high percentage cover of perennial vegetation mitigates the effect of diffused pollutions of agricultural origin on FWB biota, its significance may become low when the distance from a built-up area to FWBs is small.
Satellite remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) have been used successfully to monitor and assess the land use and land cover (LULC) dynamics and their impacts on people and the environment. LULC change detection is essential for studying spatiotemporal conditions and for proposing better future planning and development options. The current research analyzes the detection of spatiotemporal variability of spate irrigation systems using remote sensing and GIS in the Khirthar National Range, Sindh Province of Pakistan. We use Landsat images to study the dynamics of LULC using ArcGIS software and categorize fve major LULC types. We obtain secondary data related to precipitation and crop yield from the provincial department of revenue. The maximum likelihood supervised classifcation (MLSC) procedure, augmented with secondary data, reveals a signifcant increase of 86.25% in settlements, 83.85% in spate irrigation systems, and 65% in vegetation, and a substantial negative trend of 39.50% in water bodies and 20% in barren land during the period from 2013 to 2018. Our study highlights an increase in settlements due to the infow of local population for better means of living and an increase in spate irrigation systems, which indicates the water conservation practices for land cultivation and human purpose lead to the shrinkage of water bodies. The confusion matrix using Google Earth data to rectify modeled (classifed) data, which showed an overall accuracy of 82.8%–92%, and the Kappa coefcient estimated at 0.80–0.90 shows the satisfactory results of the LULC classifcation. The study suggests the need to increase water storage potential with the appropriate water conservation techniques to enhance the spate irrigation system in the hilly tracts for sustainable develop‑ ments, which mitigates drought impact and reduces migration rate by providing more opportunities through agricultural activities in the study area.
Mycological and hydrochemical research was conducted in two different types of reservoirs connected with the Narew riverbed (three tributaries and three lotic oxbow lakes) in two growing seasons. The obtained results seem to indicate that more favorable conditions for the development of the analyzed microorganisms prevailed in the studied tributaries of the Narew. A total of 36 species of fungi and fungus-like organisms were identified in these tributaries in spring and 35 in autumn, while respectively 32 and 26 species in the lotic oxbow lakes. Six taxa not identified in the oxbow lakes were found only in the tributaries of the river. They were: Alternaria alternata, Allomyces moniliformis, Catenaria anguillulae, Leptomitus lacteus, Rhipidium parthenosporum and Saprolegnia diclina. On the other hand, only two species occurred only in the oxbow lakes (not recorded in tributaries) (i.e. Catenophlyctis variabilis and Rhizophlyctis rosea).
Jednym z kluczowych oddziaływań inwestycji drogowych na środowisko jest wpływ na warunki gruntowo-wodne. Poprzez dokładną identyfikację wyjściowego stanu środowiska, analizę skali i zasięgu oddziaływań oraz dobór właściwych rozwiązań chroniących środowisko możliwa jest realizacja przedsięwzięcia drogowego, zgodnie z zasadą zrównoważonego rozwoju. Ma to szczególne znaczenie w kontekście dochowania celów środowiskowych i dobrego stanu jednolitych części wód powierzchniowych i podziemnych, określonych w Ramowej Dyrektywie Wodnej i w ustawie Prawo wodne.
One of the key impacts of roads on the environment is their influence on soil-water conditions. Through accurate identification of initial state of the environment, analysis of the scale and range of impacts and selection of appropriate solutions to protect the environment the road project can be successfully achieved in accordance with the principle of sustainable development. This is particularly important in the context of achieving environmental objectives and good status of surface and ground water bodies as set out in the Water Framework Directive and polish Water Law act.
W artykule omówiono relacje pomiędzy drogami, a jednym ze składników środowiska, którym są wody. Komponent ten wybrano ze względu na powszechność występowania wody, jej niezbędność dla organizmów żywych, a równocześnie jej siłę jako niszczycielskiego żywiołu. Analizy przeprowadzone na różnych poziomach planowania i projektowania począwszy od dokumentów strategicznych, do przypadków jednostkowych wskazują, że dokumenty strategiczne i planistyczne gospodarki wodnej przyjęte na poziomie sektorowym mają bezpośrednie przełożenie na najniższy poziom: projektowania, realizacji i eksploatacji przedsięwzięć drogowych. Niezbędne jest nowe podejście do projektowania elementów mających wpływ na wody, z uwzględnieniem specyfiki ich celów środowiskowych, w tym zmniejszenia presji nie tylko wynikających z odprowadzania zanieczyszczonych wód opadowych z dróg, które wpływają na stan ilościowy i jakościowy wód, ale także ingerencji w stan koryt, w tym ich równowagę hydrodynamiczną, przy zachowaniu charakteru cieków zgodnego z warunkami referencyjnymi dla typów wód.
The main subject of this paper is the relationship between roads and one of the environmental components: water. This element was chosen due to its common occurrence and the necessity for all the organisms. Additionally because of its destroying force. Analyses were conducted on different levels of planning and designing, from strategic documents to individual cases. The study showed that strategic documents prepared for water management are really important for designing, construction and exploitation of roads. Nowadays, a modern attitude towards designing elements which can have an impact on the water bodies is necessary. This approach needs to take into consideration environmental objectives stated for water bodies in order to reduce pressure, not only implied by sewage precipitation water which changes river water quantity and quality, but also has an impact on the river bed which can influence hydrodynamic balance. This modern attitude should encompass the issue of preservation river bed characteristic status as described by typical water bodies reference conditions.
Content available remote An Ecosystem Valuation Method for Small Water Bodies
The paper discusses the development of a valuation method for small water bodies in a landscape park of agricultural character, since for such an area small water bodies are of considerable importance, primarily hydrological and natural. Analyses were conducted in the Dezydery Chlapowski Landscape Park. The object of the study comprised 13 water bodies differing in terms of landscape, morphological parameters (depth, shape, surface area, shoreline development) as well as aquatic and marsh vegetation. Some of these water bodies are typical in-field hollows, some are located in built-up areas, while two are located in a forest complex. The aim of the presented investigations was to develop a valuation method for small water bodies based on inventoried aquatic and marsh vegetation and including modifications of nature analysis methods such as the phytosociological method by Braun-Blanquet and ecological indexes according to Zarzycki. Using environmental variables statistical models were developed, describing dependencies between individual species and analysed variables. Investigations were conducted in the years 2008-2009, in which phytosociological relevés were prepared during the vegetation season. Analyses concerned vegetation of the littoral zone and the limnetic (open water) zone. The ecological status of water bodies was calculated on the basis of data concerning aquatic and marsh vegetation and the measured surface area of a given water body. Results indicate the advisability of having small water bodies covered with legal protection measures. In turn, the water bodies which underwent severe degradation should be remediated using available measures (dredging, creation of biogeochemical barriers).
Praca dotyczy opracowania metody waloryzacji małych zbiorników wodnych na terenie parku krajobrazowego o charakterze rolniczym, gdyż dla tego typu obszaru małe zbiorniki wodne mają duże znaczenie, głównie hydrologiczne i przyrodnicze. Badania były prowadzone na terenie Parku Krajobrazowego im. gen. D. Chłapowskiego. Obiektem badań było 13 zbiorników różniących się położeniem w krajobrazie, parametrami morfologicznymi (głębokością, kształtem, powierzchnią, rozwinięciem linii brzegowej) oraz występowaniem roślinności wodnej i bagiennej. Część oczek wodnych to typowe zagłębienia śródpolne, część jest zlokalizowanych na terenach zabudowanych, natomiast dwa położone są w kompleksie leśnym. Celem prezentowanych badań było opracowanie metody waloryzacji małych zbiorników wodnych na podstawie zinwentaryzowanej roślinności wodnej i bagiennej oraz uwzględniając modyfikacje metod przyrodniczych, takich jak metoda Braun-Blanqueta i wskaźniki ekologiczne wg Zarzyckiego. Wykorzystując zmienne środowiskowe, stworzono także modele statystyczne opisujące zależności pomiędzy poszczególnymi gatunkami a badanymi zmiennymi. Badania prowadzono w latach 2008-2009, w których podczas sezonu wegetacyjnego wykonane zostały zdjęcia fitosocjologiczne. Badania dotyczyły roślinności strefy litoralnej oraz otwartej toni wodnej. Dla oznaczonych gatunków makrofitów określono ilościowość i towarzyskość według metody Braun-Blanqueta. Na podstawie danych dotyczących roślinności wodnej i bagiennej oraz zmierzonej powierzchni zbiornika obliczono ich stan ekologiczny. Wyniki wskazują na celowość objęcia małych ekosystemów wodnych ochroną prawną. Natomiast zbiorniki, które uległy głębokiej degradacji, powinny zostać zrekultywowane poprzez dostępne zabiegi (bagrowanie, tworzenie barier biogeochemicznych).
The central part of southern Poland is a land of anthropogenic lakes. Within an area of 6,766 km2 as many as 4,773 water bodies are present with a total area of 185.5 km2. Around a dozen of the largest water bodies serve flood protection purposes and are sources of water for municipal, industrial, agricultural, transport, energy purposes, etc. Such usage of these water bodies is the main reason for fluctuations in their water levels, although obviously these also depend directly on their supply (rainfall, groundwater drainage, water transfers), and indirectly on the size of their catchment areas and the degree to which their basins are full. The most spectacular changes in water levels occur during high and (less frequent) low water stages. Periodical rises in water levels related to high water episodes caused by thawing or rainfall reach as much as several metres compared to the period preceding the high water episode. Drought periods result in the lowering of storage levels towards minimum ones as does similarly the intentional discharge of water from reservoirs. In water bodies in southern Poland, annual changes in water levels range from several centimetres to almost ten metres. The variability of levels is often similar to the average depth of the water body in question, in some cases approaching its maximum depth. It determines the changes in the water retention, unprecedented for natural lakes.
Środkowa część południowej Polski to kraina jezior antropogennych. Na powierzchni 6766 km2 (Górnośląskie Pojezierze Antropogenne) występują aż 4773 zbiorniki wodne, które łącznie zajmują 185,5 km2. Kilkanaście największych zbiorników pełni funkcje przeciwpowodziowe i jest źródłem wody do celów komunalnych, przemysłowych, rolniczych, transportowych, energetycznych itp. Takie użytkowanie zbiorników jest główną przyczyną wahań zwierciadła wody, chociaż niewątpliwie zależą one także bezpośrednio od wielkości zasilania (opady, drenaż wód podziemnych, przerzuty wody), a pośrednio od powierzchni zlewni, stanu napełnienia misy. Najbardziej spektakularne zmiany poziomu wody występują w okresach wezbrań i rzadziej pojawiających się susz. Okresowe podpiętrzenia wody spowodowane wezbraniami roztopowymi lub opadowymi objawiają się podwyższeniem stanów wody nawet o kilka metrów w stosunku do okresu przedwezbraniowego. Okresy posuszne skutkują obniżeniem zwierciadła wody ku minimalnemu poziomowi piętrzenia, podobnie jak to ma miejsce w czasie celowych upustów wody ze zbiorników. W zbiornikach południowej Polski wahania stanów wody charakteryzują amplitudy roczne od kilku centymetrów do prawie 10 metrów. Często osiągają zakres bliski średniej głębokości akwenu, a w niektórych przypadkach odpowiadają zakresowi bliskiemu głębokości maksymalnej, co determinuje niespotykane w jeziorach naturalnych zmiany retencji wody.
Riverine floodplains are regarded as one of the most heterogenous and dynamic ecosystems. In natural state they encompass a variety of wetland sites like pools, lakes, channels etc. related and linked with the flood pulses; being the hot spots of high and specific biodiversity they are often under protection. The diversity and abundance of molluscs in the floodplain water bodies were investigated in order to find the shaping impact of chemical factors of water and sediments. The water bodies were located within 140 km section of the lower Bug River valley (eastern Poland, 190 to 50 km of the river course). The investigations were carried out in the years 2007-2009 in 25 permanently flooded, 25 semi-permanent sites (i.e. habitats partly dried-up because the water volume has decreased significantly during low river discharge) and 24 temporary water bodies holding water for at least few months (up to 8-9 months). The first group of sites consisted of large water bodies (the area above 1000 m2, depth mostly exceeded 2 m) representing earlier and middle successional stages. The second group contained relatively shallow (1-1.5 m) water bodies of medium or large size (from below 500 to above 1000 m2) representing more advanced successional stages. Temporary water bodies were very diverse in size (from about 100 to 1000 m2) their depth ranged from below 0.5 m to about 1 m and they mostly represented less advanced successional stages. Molluscs were collected from the bottom (using a hand net) and from macrophytes (using a frame). Concentrations of oxygen, nitrate and ammonia nitrogen, phosphates, calcium, chlorides, as well as BOD[5], pH and conductivity were measured in water. Organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus content in bottom sediments were determined, as well as C/N and N/P ratio.Permanent water bodies supported the richest malacofauna - 52 species (over 91% of all species found within the study area), whereas in semipermanent sites and temporary ones 29 and 36 mollusc species were found. Mean number of species per site amounted to 18.7 [plus or minus] 4.0, 7.7 [plus or minus]3.2 and 9.6 [plus or minus] 5.1 in permanent, semi-permanent and temporary water bodies respectively. Mean values of Shannon-Weaver index (H.) in three site groups mentioned amounted to 3.18 [plus or minus] 0.55, 2.18 [plus or minus] 0.72 and 2.07 [plus or minus] 0.83, respectively. Mean density of molluscs significantly differed among site groups (from 80 indiv. m[^-2] in semi-permanent sites to 292 indiv. m[^-2] in temporary ones) being the highest in temporary habitats (the range of values from 34 to 1840 indiv. m[^-2]). Phosphates, ammonia nitrogen and pH of water significantly influenced the abundance of molluscs, whereas oxygen concentration and BOD[5] affected species richness, diversity and abundance of molluscs within the permanent water bodies. In the other site groups chemical parameters of water did not affect significantly the mollusc communities. The influence of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus content in bottom sediments on malacocoenoses was not significant. The quality of organic matter contained in bottom sediments expressed as C/N (the range of values from 8 to over 40) showed structuring influence on malacocoenoses. Low food quality (C/N> 17), especially in many semi-permanent habitats, may constrain the development of molluscan communities.
Celem pracy jest ekologiczna charakterystyka siedlisk roślin i roślinności w jeziorach: Okunie, Sitno Moczydelskie, Lubie, Chłopek oraz Wapienne, wykonana z użyciem tzw. liczb Ellenberga: wskaźnika świetlnego L, wilgotności podłoża F, odczynu R oraz trofii N. Wykorzystano 59 spisów florystycznych, wykonanych w latach 1998-2002 na powierzchniach 40-60 m2, oddzielnie dla zbiorowisk wodnych i przybrzeżnych. Średnie wartości wskaźników dla poszczególnych zdjęć pogrupowano niezależnie według trzech kryteriów: stanowiska (jeziora), typu roślinności oraz natężenia antropopresji. Jezioro Wapienne charakteryzuje się najbardziej odmiennymi warunkami siedliskowymi. Zanotowano w nim najmniejsze średnie wartości wskaźników trofii i odczynu oraz największą średnią wartość wskaźnika wilgotności. Porównując analogiczne wartości wskaźników dla spisów florystycznych, wykonanych w miejscach o różnym stopniu antropopresji, stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem natężenia tego czynnika zwiększa się wskaźnik trofii, natomiast maleją wskaźniki oświetlenia i wilgotności.
This work was undertaken to characterise habitat conditions in five lakes: Okunie, Sitno Moczydelskie, Lubie, Chłopek and Wapienne, using the so-called Ellenberg's indicator values for light L, moisture F, reaction R and trophy N. The analysis was based on 59 floristic lists made in 1998-2002 on 40-60 m2 plots, separately for aquatic and riparian communities. Mean indicator values for all floristic lists were independently grouped according to the three criteria: site (lake), vegetation type and anthropogenic impact. Lake Wapienne was characterised by the most different habitat conditions - the lowest mean values for trophy and reaction and the highest mean value for moisture. Comparison of the mean characteristic values for all plots showed that the increase of human impact was associated with increased trophy and decreased mean characteristic values for light and moisture.
In order to maintain and improve water quality, man has an increasing need to understand the relations among basin land use and in stream water quality. Being concerned about quality and quantity status of European waters European Union has adopted Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EU). The process of pressure and impact analyses and water status assessment is termed, in short, as "first characterisation" of water bodies. In accordance to WFD programmes of measures have to be developed by 2009. In WFD programmes existing measures for water protection directed by other EU directives such are Nitrate, Urban Waste Water, Dangerous Substances and IPPC will be further developed and new added. In the paper, we describe the first characterisation of the Slovene waters and show cross compliance of the Nitrate and Water Framework Directives in Slovenia.
Człowiek odczuwa rosnącą potrzebę zrozumienia związków między użytkowaniem zlewni i jakością wód rzecznych, aby zachować lub poprawić tę jakość. W trosce o ilościowy i jakościowy status wód Unia Europejska przyjęła Ramową Dyrektywę Wodną (2000/60/EU). Proces analizy oddziaływania gospodarki, w tym rolnictwa, na stan jakościowy wód nazwano w skrócie "pierwszą charakterystyką" scalonych części wód. Zgodnie z RDW, programy służących temu narzędzi mają powstać do roku 2009. W programach RDW stworzone zostaną nowe środki ochrony wód, a istniejące, takie jak europejska Dyrektywa Azotanowa, Dyrektywa o gospodarce odpadami i substancjami niebezpiecznymi oraz IPPC, będą rozwijane. W artykule przedstawiono wstępną charakterystykę słoweńskich wód i wzajemną zgodność Dyrektywy Azotanowej i Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej w Słowenii.
The goal of the paper was to investigate role of water bodies for the residents of Cracow, in particular the role of lakes and ponds in the rural areas near Cracow. To achieve this a questionnaire involving 746 Cracow residents above the age of 15 was carried out. It proved that alm ost 78% Cracow residents use water bodies for reereation. The highest number (55%) of the ones resting on water visit water bodies in Cracow and vicinity. The visitors pay particular attention to the surrounding of the pond-whether it is clean. It is reflected in the proposals of improvement they give. The municipality is the most often indicated as responsible for making improvements. Second part of my paper present chemical analyses of water bodies from the commune Liszki (Kryspinów-Budzyń) and Niepołomice (Zabierzów Bocheński). They do not show exceeded levels of harmful substances. Both water reservoirs can play an important role in ecotourism due to great natural values.
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