Tytuł artykułu
Tom 26

Tom 26
artykuł: Selected Agricultural Analyses Based on Data from MultiSen-PL, the Multi-sensor Airborne Remote Sensing Station (Sieczkiewicz Marta, Jedynak Łukasz, Wyczałek Ireneusz, Wyczałek-Jagiełło Michał), s. 1--17
artykuł: Multi-domain, Autonomous Measurement Buoy as an Element of the Water Quality Monitoring and Early Warning System in Rivers and Water Reservoirs (Błażejewski Andrzej, Pecolt Sebastian, Grunt Maciej, Wieczorek Gwidon, Królikowski Tomasz), s. 18--29
artykuł: Investigation of Thermal Comfort, Productivity and Lighting Conditions in Higher Education Buildings (Siwczuk Natalia, Piotrowski Jerzy Zbigniew, Honus Stanislav), s. 30--40
artykuł: Factors Limiting the Location Possibilities of Photovoltaic and Wind Power Plants in Poland (Pelczar Szymon), s. 41--48
artykuł: Heat Transfer Through a Three-chamber Glass Unit (Basok Borys, Davydenko Borys, Pavlenko Anatoliy, Goncharuk Svitlana, Koshlak Hanna, Lysenko Oksana), s. 49--55
artykuł: CFD Simulation of Heat Transfer Through a Window Frame (Basok Borys, Novikov Volodymyr, Pavlenko Anatoliy, Davydenko Borys, Koshlak Hanna, Goncharuk Svitlana, Lysenko Oksana), s. 56--64
artykuł: Influence of Ventilation Air Supply into the Space Between Two Glass Units on the Energy Characteristics of this Transparent System (Basok Borys, Pavlenko Anatoliy, Novikov Volodymyr, Koshlak Hanna, Goncharuk Svitlana, Davydenko Dmytro), s. 65--73
artykuł: Performance of the Heat Pump and Photovoltaic Systems Installed in the Single-family House (Dębska Luiza, Honus Stanislav, Dębek Lidia, Nowak Aleksandra), s. 74--83
artykuł: Review of Methods for Converting Biomass into Biofuels (Lesiak Paweł), s. 84--93
artykuł: Emissions of Gases and Dust into the Air as a Result of the Conversion of Landfill Gas into Electricity and Heat in a Cogeneration Plant (Zwolińska Natalia, Basta Emilia), s. 94--105
artykuł: Potential of Effective Microorganisms in the Aspect of Sustainable Development (Piotrowska Anna, Boruszko Dariusz), s. 106--114
artykuł: Effect of Heating Surface Geometry on the Droplets Evaporation under Leidenfrost Conditions (Orzechowski Tadeusz, Wciślik Sylwia), s. 115--127
artykuł: The Effect of the Temperature Increase on Heat Demand Calculation for Building in the Polish Climatology (Stokowiec Katarzyna, Kotrys-Działak Dagmara), s. 128--136
artykuł: River Erosion Impact on Transport Infrastructure in "Gilort River Nature2000 site", Romania (Giurea Alexandru-Andrei, Comănescu Laura, Păunescu Cosmin, Nedelea Alexandru, Ilie Laurentiu), s. 137--145
artykuł: Study on Sustainable Development Model of Community Renewal based on the Green Development Model (Zhao Minting, Ge Teng, Chen Dan), s. 146--151
artykuł: Study on the Coordinated Development Model of Ecological Economy and Environmental Protection (Liang Zhihua), s. 152--159
artykuł: Augmentation of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Using the Laser Treatment Technology (Orman Łukasz J., Honus Stanislav, Radek Norbert, Kargul Marcin), s. 160--167
artykuł: Shear Strength of Organic Soils Modified by Mineral Materials (Brzeziński Bartłomiej, Olchawa Andrzej), s. 168--177
artykuł: Assessment of Landfills and their Impact on the Soil: a Local Study in Ukraine (Pysarenko Pavlo, Samojlik Maryna, Pysarenko Viktor, Mostoviak Ivan, Taranenko Anna, Taranenko Serhiy, Dychenko Oksana, Lastovka Vyacheslav, Husinsky Dmytro), s. 178--186
artykuł: The Power of Recycled Furniture in Preparing for and Recovering from Natural Disasters: Earthquakes (Abu-Hannoud Ehab, Alameri Jehad, Bani Ismail Haifa’a), s. 187--200
artykuł: A Brief Overview of Antibiotic Contamination Sources in Wastewater and Elimination Approaches (Mumtaj Zeba Ali, Khan Abdul Rahman, Ansari Jamal Akhtar, Asiri Abdullah, Khan Saimah), s. 201--216
artykuł: Understanding Dynamics of Land Cover Changes Using GIS Technique in a River Catchment with High Altitude Differences – an Analysis from Kosovo (Bytyqi Valbon, Agaj Tropikë), s. 217--225
artykuł: Study on the Temporal and Spatial Variation of PM2.5 Health Burden in Henan Province from 2014 to 2021 (Yan Jun, Wang Ting, Wang Xinying, Zhang Xu), s. 226--235
artykuł: The Use of Methane from Landfill Gas to Generate Energy and its Management at the Plant as a Way to Reduce Climate Change (Basta Emilia, Szewczyk Piotr), s. 236--250
artykuł: Optimizing Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability in Gas Distribution Station: A Comprehensive Analysis and Technological Solutions (Misevičiūtė Violeta, Rogoža Artur, Tučkus Rapolas), s. 251--263
artykuł: Regression Quantitative Structure-toxicity Relationship of Pesticides on Fishes (Yang Bowen, Dang Limin, Chen Cong, Li Mingwang), s. 264--272
artykuł: Predictive Analysis of Ceramic Waste Modified Concrete Properties Using ANN and Linear Regression Algorithm (Asiri Abdullah), s. 273--283
artykuł: The Impact of Climate Changes on Environmental Conservation in Coastal Tourism and Beach Resort (Alhemimah Arej, Agina Mohamed Fathy, Alotaibi Salman, Semlali Yahdih, Aliane Nadir, Abdou Maha Y.K, Hassan Thowayeb H., Ahmed Mohamed), s. 284--295
artykuł: The Use of Remote Sensing Techniques in the Analysis of the Influence of Forest Ecosystems over the Precipitation (Herbei Mihai Valentin, Badaluta-Minda Codruta), s. 296--304
artykuł: Analysis of Odor Nuisance Emitted by a Rendering Plant Processing Animal By-products, Which is Located in the Center of a Several-thousand Population Village (Michalak Magdalena, Kogut Krzysztof, Burmistrz Piotr), s. 305--312
artykuł: Evaluation of Sulphur Dioxide Hourly Prediction Using Long Short-term Memory for Summer and Winter Season (Bennis Mohammed, Mohamed Youssfi, El Morabet Rachida, Alsubih Majed, Prayanagat Muneer, Khan Roohul Abad), s. 313--321
artykuł: Performance Evaluation of Horizontal Flow Constructed Wetland for Removal of Pharmaceuticals from Synthetic Wastewater (Mumtaj Zeba Ali, Khan Abdul Rahman, Alsubih Majed, Khan Saimah), s. 322--334
artykuł: Investigating the Effect of Changes of the Roughness Coefficient on the Results of Model Calculations in One-dimensional Hydraulic Models (Czajkowska Aleksandra), s. 335--355
artykuł: Three-dimensional-electrode Electrochemical Oxidation of Refractory Organic Matter in a Cold High-altitude Area: A Case Study of Dibutyl Phthalate (Wei Xiaoyan, Li Kang, Wang Wanqi, Zhou Tianhong, Gao Jianjun, Jing Mingxia, Cao Aoxiang, Lu Kun, Zhang Guozhen, Wang Hao), s. 356--365
artykuł: Assessment of Ambient Air Pollution Levels: A Five-Year Analysis of PM2.5, NO, NO2, NOX, CO, and SO2 (Srivastava Rohan, Khan Abdul Rahman, Asiri Abdullah, Khan Saimah), s. 366--373
artykuł: Local Agendy 21 an Environmental Security in Naturally Valuable Areas (Łapiński Jacek Leszek, Albińska Ewa), s. 374--382
artykuł: Properties of a Sand and Bentonite Mixture as a Material for Spot Seals of Low Flood Embankments in the Area of Żuławy Elbląskie (Brzeziński Bartłomiej, Czyżykowski Szymon, Olchawa Andrzej, Wierzbicka Marianna), s. 383--392
artykuł: Exposure to High-molecular-weight Polyvinyl Chloride Alters Bacterial Diversity in the Gut Microbiota of the Wistar Rat (Pekmezekmek Ayper Boga, Emre Mustafa, Tunc Erdal, Kalay Betül, Kocahan Sayad, Emre Nesrin, Emre Toygar), s. 393--402
artykuł: Numerical Modeling of Thermal Energy Flow Compared with Data Obtained from an Experiment (Chodór Jarosław, Chomka Grzegorz, Orłowska Magdalena), s. 403--412
artykuł: Assessment of the Energy Potential of Plastics as a Component of ANFO-type Explosives (Biegańska Jolanta), s. 413--423
artykuł: Machine Learning and Linear Regression Approach to Model Unconfined Compressive Strength of Ceramic Waste Modified Soil as Subgrade Pavement Material (Alkahtani Meshel Qablan), s. 424--431
artykuł: Impact of Landfill Leachate on Groundwater Quality and Health Risk Assessment in Mohammedia Prefecture, Morocco (El Morabet Rachida, Lamouadene Yasser, Alouane Mohamed, Qahtani Dhafar Ali Abdullah, Khan Roohul Abad), s. 432--448
artykuł: The Impact of the Digital Economy on the High-Quality Development of Green Marketing in China's Manufacturing Industry: Applications of the Spatial Durbin Model (Li Jing, Shen Yan, Sun Lili, Sun Tao), s. 449--464
artykuł: Study on the Comprehensive Assessment and its Application of Environmental Pollution Governance Effect of Low-carbon Tourism Emissions from Energy Consumption in Jiangsu Province (Luo Kangming, Chen Chuanwen, Liu Yibin, Liu Fangxiong, Shen Qiaoqiao), s. 465--478
artykuł: Analysis of the Physical and Chemical Composition of Sludge from the Water Treatment Plant (Ciuła Józef, Wiewiórska Iwona, Kulczycka Joanna, Willson Julia), s. 479--492
artykuł: Study on the Comprehensive Assessment of High-Quality Development Performance of Low Carbon Tourism in China's Rizhao City Empowered by New Quality Productivity (Sun Tao, Su Jiadong, Zheng Meihua), s. 493--509
artykuł: Environmental Conservation by Using Recycled Aggregates: Enhancing Sustainability in Road Construction (Berwal Parveen, Gupta Nakul, Kumar Ravi, Sherif El-Sayed M., Kumar Ashish), s. 510--524
artykuł: Application of the Process Mapping for Identification of Waste for Sustainable Performance Improvement in the Service Processes (Malčic Tomáš, Staš David), s. 525--538
artykuł: Unifying Effectiveness and Efficiency in Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Automotive: the 21st EWA Edu Model Enhanced by Wholeness Systems Thinking for Lifelong Learning (Holman David, Švejdarová Eva), s. 539--557
artykuł: Green Innovations in Foundry Production Processes of Automobile Castings (Bradáč Josef, Folta Martin, Machuta Jiří, Slabý Jiří, Beneš Michal), s. 558--567
artykuł: Prospects for the Production of Niche Grain Crops in the Context of the Need to Ensure Food Security (Міrzoieva Тetiana, Stepasyuk Ludmila, Diachkov Dmytro, Nitsenko Vitalii, Velychko Oleksandr, Lozynska Tamara, Kapelista Iryna), s. 568--586
artykuł: Pharmaceutical Active Compounds Contamination and Seasonal-Based Ecotoxicity Assessment of the Yamuna River for the Delhi stretch (Alsubih Majed, Khan Roohul Abad), s. 587--602
artykuł: Predicting Road Accident Counts in Poland and the Czech Republic Using Neural Network Models (Gorzelańczyk Piotr, Ližbetinová Lenka, Pečman Jan), s. 603--615
artykuł: The Influence of Deep Drawing Parameters on Stresses and Strains in Drawing Tools in the Context of their Durability and Process Load (Kałduński Paweł), s. 616--628
artykuł: Methods of Reducing Burrs in the Process of Cutting and Blanking Metal Materials (Bohdal Łukasz, Kułakowska Agnieszka, Tomkowski Robert, Ssemakula Hamzah Ssekiunga), s. 629--637
artykuł: Comparative Analysis and Kinetic Modeling of Marbofloxacin Degradation via Electro-Fenton and Biodegradation Optimization (Hakami Rabab A., Yahya Muna Shueai, Bakkali Mohamed, Hakami Afnan A.), s. 638--657
artykuł: The Analysis of Parameters Affecting Indoor Air Pollution and Noise Levels Under the Applied Theory of Covariance Functions (Paliulis Dainius, Grubliauskas Raimondas), s. 658--671
artykuł: Analysis of Tools Supporting Travel Planning by Public Transport in Łódź (Ejdys Stanisław), s. 672--683
artykuł: Reuse of Treated Municipal Wastewater for the Production of Water for Agriculture (Szymański Kazimierz), s. 684--690
artykuł: The Essence of Multimodal Travel and Key Standards for Data Exchange in Public Transport (Ejdys Stanisław, Dzik Renata, Kowal Barbara, Dudzicz Martyna, Piasecki Adam, Górka Wojciech, Nowak Elżbieta, Markowska Ewelina, Witkowski Dominik), s. 691--699
artykuł: Qualitative Studies of Selected Types of Composts (Grąz Katarzyna), s. 700--706
artykuł: Sustainable Aviation Fuels as the Path to Carbon Neutrality in Air Transport (Szyc Rafał, Lenort Radim), s. 707--715
artykuł: Analysis of Ammonia Emissions from Thermal Sludge Treatment Plants (Dobrzański Maciej, Cichowicz Robert), s. 716--727
artykuł: Enhanced Adsorption of Methylene Blue dye using Groundnut Shell Activated Nanocarbon: A Sustainable Approach (Reddy Muppidi Teja Gangadhar, Chidambaram Prabu Padanillay, Palanisamy Jothimani, Devasahayam Jeya Sundara Sharmila, Ponnaian Vijayakumary, Kalimuthu Raja, Shannmugam Pooluvapatty Murugan), s. 728--744
artykuł: Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Mixed with Nano Antimony (III) Oxide (Asmari Abdullah Faiz Al), s. 745--753
artykuł: Selected Agricultural Analyses Based on Data from MultiSen-PL, the Multi-sensor Airborne Remote Sensing Station (Sieczkiewicz Marta, Jedynak Łukasz, Wyczałek Ireneusz, Wyczałek-Jagiełło Michał), s. 1--17
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