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Removing the human factor from transport (in the direct sense) is still a plan, reaching into the future. However, this plan does not require so much imagination - autonomous vehicles can already be found on the roads. Currently, they are not only autonomous but also independent, i.e. decisions about traffic parameters are made in the vehicle. In the future, with more autonomous vehicles, there will be a need to connect them with a communication network, which will eliminate a number of telematic problems. It remains an open question how to make this network? Is it based on the modern Internet network? What and which data will be necessary to achieve the “right relations” between autonomous vehicles (hosts of network)? The article presents one aspect of the mentioned problem; the amount of data generated by an autonomous vehicle is presented in light of the processing capabilities of modern ICT systems.
We present a novel study concerning the attitudes of road transport enterprises towards a broad application of telematics in operational management in road transportation. The study aims to assess telematics application in road transport and its changes over time while showing the factors most likely to determine the systems’ use. Unobserved categories defined in the technology acceptance model (TAM) are adjusted to measure perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitudes toward using telematics systems by road transport managers. The study is based on 323 transport enterprises analyzed in two waves in 2020 and 2021. The use of two different time points is motivated by an observed increase in the digitalization of transport documents caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The empirical findings support the TAM’s usefulness in evaluating IT in transport business management. The findings also reveal that the significantly increased telematics use in 2020 was observed while it was endured. The results are checked for robustness and used for simulations. The study compares managers’ behaviors over time and simulates the effect of individual (observed) variables on unobserved TAM categories.
Transport companies, whose activities have a significant impact on the economy of the whole of Europe, constantly face new market challenges. The high demand for transport services, even in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the introduction of new regulations by the European Union authorities mean that these enterprises have to increase their efforts on competitive foreign markets. Telematics systems play a crucial role in this battle as they enable the acquisition and processing of data characterizing processes in road transport. In this article, the author undertakes the issue of logistic indicators in theoretical frames, as well as their classification and characteristics as the main source of information about processes. This is followed by the analysis of data obtained from a transport company using a telematics system to manage transport processes in the context of ensuring the quality of services. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the significance of selected logistics indicators in terms of improving the quality of transport services. Statistical analysis is used to study the relationships and impact of individual measures in 2019-2020 as a forecasting tool. The result of the research is finding an appropriate link between the measures and using this knowledge as an opportunity to improve the quality of services.
The advent and development of connected technologies and the adaptation of large collections of data are changing the face of all industries. A technological area that is gaining more and more in the era of automation and digitization of processes is the scope of utility telematics used mainly in the transport industry. The use of devices based on telematics technology allows for effective management of the vehicle fleet. The information collected and processed by the algorithm makes it possible to increase productivity, reduce costs and increase the safety of business fleets. One of the developing global trends is the use of telematics in the insurance industry to improve the area of risk assessment, and thus to better match the offer to a specific entity. The data flow between an insurer and their customers is growing exponentially, making the need for big data adaptation a cornerstone in the insurer's technological landscape. The aim of the article is to present the results of questionnaire studies presenting the driver's assessment before and after installing telematics devices on board the vehicle. The studies indicate the need to deal with aggressive business fleet drivers and their driving behaviour that has an impact on incidents and traffic incidents when traversing short- and long-haul routes. The comprehensive survey is also used to propose a solution that detects the risks posed by unsafe driving incidents on the road, taking into account the behavioural and emotional factors of the driver. The results of these studies will help the insurance industry to assess driving risks more accurately and propose a personalized premium calculation solution based on driver behaviour, which is most important for loss prevention in business fleets.
Rozwiązania telematyczne umożliwiają poprawę wyników finansowych i znacznie zwiększają efektywność firm transportowych. Korzyści te wynikają z wielu czynników, takich jak poprawa bezpieczeństwa jazdy, monitorowanie trasy przejazdu i/lub redukcja kosztów paliwa. Dzięki różnorodności urządzeń telematycznych firmy mogą wybierać spośród szerokiej gamy rozwiązań dostosowanych do ich potrzeb. Niestety w wielu firmach transportowych poziom wiedzy na temat telematyki jest bardzo niski, co z kolei może przekładać się na wyniki finansowe. Celem artykułu jest analiza wpływu rozwiązań telematycznych na poprawę wyników finansowych przedsiębiorstw oraz zweryfikowanie poziomu wiedzy pracowników firm transportowych o narzędziach telematycznych i zaproponowanie możliwych działań, które firmy transportowe powinny podjąć w celu zapewnienia właściwego funkcjonowania systemu transportowego. Do weryfikacji celu wykorzystano następujące narzędzia badawcze: porównania, uogólnienia i ankietę przeprowadzoną wśród pracowników firm transportowych. Ponadto przeprowadzono bezpośrednie wywiady z kierownictwem firm transportowych.
Telematics solutions allow to improve financial results and significantly increase the efficiency of transport companies. These benefits come from many factors, such as improving driving safety, monitoring the driver's route or reducing fuel costs. Thanks to the variety of telematics devices, companies can choose from a wide range of solutions tailored to their needs. Unfortunately, in many transport companies the knowledge of telematics is very low, which in turn translates into unfavourable financial results. The aim of the article is to show the impact of telematics solutions on the improvement of financial results of enterprises. In addition, it is to verify the knowledge of transport company employees about telematics tools and propose specific actions that transport companies should take to ensure proper functioning of the transport system. To verify the objective, the following research tools were used: comparisons, generalizations and a survey conducted among the employees of transport companies. In addition, direct interviews were conducted with the transport company management.
Tematem artykułu jest istota stosowania wspomagania diagnostycznego, wprowadzonego do tej pory jedynie w 13% przedsiębiorstw transportowych [1]. Jako, że jest to rozwiązanie zakładające zbieranie, analizę i przesyłanie informacji między jednym urządzeniem a drugim, omówiona została koncepcja „Industry 4.0”, z której się ono wywodzi. Celem referatu jest zgłębienie telematyki, ukazanie korzyści jej wdrażania dzięki zastosowaniu analizy SWOT i przedstawieniu narzędzi proponowanych przez producentów.
The subject of this paper was an essence of using diagnostic support, which was introduced only in 13% of transport enterprises so far. The concept of „Industry 4.0” was also discussed, as it is the origin of diagnostic support, which is about collecting, analyzing and transferring information between one device and another. The aim of the paper is to study telematics, show the benefits of its implementation thanks to the use of SWOT analysis and presentation of tools proposed by producers.
W artykule pokazano, jak wyposażenie wagonów oraz samego pociągu w nowe technologie informatyczne pozwala zredukować kolejki i znacznie skrócić czas przeładunku. Wskazano, iż nowe rozwiązania techniczne obniżają prawdopodobieństwo przebywania w stanie oczekiwania (kolejce) na rozładunek zwłaszcza w przypadku wystąpienia zakłóceń spowodowanych przez zdarzenia losowe, w tym warunki środowiskowe, pogodowe czy awarie.
The article presents how of wagons and the train equipped with new information technologies allows to reduce the queues and time of in/out charging. It has been indicated that this allows significantly decreasing the probability of being in the state connected with time of waiting for unloading (queue) especially after case of disturbance caused by random events, including environmental conditions, weather conditions or failures.
W artykule przedstawiona została analiza wprowadzonego systemu telematycznego FleetBoard w przedsiębiorstwie transportowym X. Ocenie poddane zostały wartości wskaźników, które generowane są w miesięcznych raportach. Do wskaźników należą takie kryteria jak: styl jazdy, trudność użytkowania, przebyta droga, średni ciężar, średnia prędkość, średnie zużycie całkowite, zużycie całkowite, emisja CO2, średnia wartość emisji CO2 i inne. Każdy raport dotyczy eksploatacji danego ciągnika siodłowego. Badania obejmują dane i informacje z raportów miesięcznych dla dwunastu pojazdów z okresu pół roku, który został podzielony na dwa trzymiesięczne okresy. Okres I obejmował miesiące od kwietnia do czerwca 2019r., a okres II obejmował miesiące od lipca do września 2019 r. Celem pracy jest potwierdzenie, bądź odrzucenie hipotezy: Wprowadzenie ecodrivingu przyczynia się do poprawy eksploatacji floty transportowej. Artykuł podzielony została na dwie części. Pierwsza część obejmuje przegląd literatury, a druga zawiera wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy, ich ocenę i wnioski.
Article shows analysis of implemented telematic system FleetBoard in transportation company X. The values of gauges were evaluated, there generated in monthly reports. The gauges include such as criteria like: driving style, difficulty to use, distance, average weight, average of fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, average of speed and other. Each of report concerns of one truck and semi-trailer. Research include data and information for monthly reports for 12 trucks from six months, which splitted to two three month duration parts. The aim of article is affirm or override hypothesis: Include ecodriving contribute to improvement exploitation transportation fleet. The article witch splitted to two parts. First parts shows review of literature, second parts contains results of conducted analysis, scores and conclusions.
Transport has always been a fundamental impulse for the development of civilization. Issues related to the regularity of operation of technical systems, in the last decade have become important issues being considered from both the point of view, as well as economics. Today the major threat in the operational reliability constitutes intensification of the machine and equipment use leading to excessive degradation. In automated manufacturing processes where the material handling operations are realized by the cranes, the safety as both devices and operating people constitute important factor. The main purpose of the article was focused on the set of issues including the material handling devices (MHD) reliability shaping problem especially presents work in progress towards development the MHD condition assessment system with using telematic approach. In the article author, special care was enclosed to MHD devices with strength human factor interaction and relatively large construction, so the overhead travelling crane was chose. The object of the statement constitutes an attempt of collecting the knowledge concerning a possibility of use modern measurement systems to monitoring crane bridge deflection. All tests and considerations were conducted on the double girder overhead travelling crane with hosting capability 1000 kg and bridge span 8000 mm.
W logistyce telematyka ma swoje niepodważalne zalety. Niekiedy trudno byłoby sobie wyobrazić funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstwa bez rozwiązań telematycznych. Rozwiązania telematyczne mogą występować w każdym miejscu procesów logistycznych w różnych formach. Telematyka może utrzymywać funkcjonowanie całego przedsiębiorstwa, usprawniać pracę w magazynie, pomagać kierowcom wykonującym zlecenia transportowe, a także w codziennym sortowaniu poczty i przesyłek kurierskich. W referacie przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania rozszerzonej rzeczywistości w magazynie. Podjęto także próbę oceny zasadności zastąpienia dotychczasowych metod kompletacji towarów w magazynie poprzez wykorzystanie rozszerzonej rzeczywistości.
In today’s In logistics, telematics has its indisputable advantages. Now and again, it would be difficult to imagine the functioning of an enterprise without telematics solutions. Telematics solutions can occur anywhere in logistics processes in various forms. Telematics can maintain the functioning of the whole enterprise, improve work in the warehouse, help drivers performing transport orders or, simply, support employees in the daily sorting of mail and courier parcels. The paper presents the possibilities of using augmented reality in a warehouse. An attempt was also made to assess the legitimacy of replacing the existing methods of picking goods in the warehouse by usage of the augmented reality.
Wzrost liczby użytkowników ruchu drogowego wpływa na zapewnienie odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa, przepustowości sieci dróg, a także zapewnieniu komfortu użytkownikom transportu drogowego. Rozwiązania z zakresu inteligentnych systemów transportowych wydają się być istotne w zagwarantowaniu powyższych potrzeb. W artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki badań, które dotyczące użyteczności znaków i tablic zmiennej treści. Jako metodę badawczą zastosowano wywiad bezpośredni z udziałem użytkowników ruchu drogowego na stałe mieszkających w Szczecinie. Badania miały na celu ocenę użyteczności wybranego systemu telematycznego.
The transport telematics is understood as a concept that facilitates efficient and effective traffic management. The goal of the work was to assess the application of the chosen solution of Intelligent Transport Systems in terms of its usability / functionality for road users. The research was conducted by means of a direct questionnaire and concerned the area of application of VMS variable message signs in Szczecin.
In developing countries, the problem of collecting used batteries is a significant environmental problem, especially as: the demand for batteries grows, the system of collection and disposal of used batteries is not appropriate, environmental problems are visible. This problem is particularly important in countries with difficult terrain, an example is Nepal. The subject of the paper is the method of collection of used lead-acid batteries in Nepal with the use of the concept of transport telematics. The scale of the problem in Nepal has been identified, the terrain conditions in which the used batteries are left has also been described, a mobile platform was proposed with a communication system to identify used batteries in the field, and the method of physical collection of batteries dispersed in the field and transport to warehouses was proposed. The technical assumptions of the system for the identification, collection and transport of used lead-acid batteries have been also formulated.
The safety of concrete dams, such as gravity dams, buttress dams, and arch dams, is directly related to not only its social and economic benefits, but also the personal and property safety of residents around the reservoir area. Therefore, it is of great importance to monitor the health of concrete dams using the obtained real-time information. In this paper, reviewed using an automatic wireless sensor monitoring system for temperature and humidity monitoring within concrete structures and A Real-Time Temperature Data Transmission Approach for Intelligent Cooling Control of Mass Concrete by using temperature sensors in arch dam. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) aims to develop automated systems for the continuous monitoring, inspection, and damage detection of structures with minimum labour involvement.
The article presents modern technology application for the road transport of dangerous goods. Dangerous goods mean materials and objects which, because of the risks they pose to people and the environment, can only be transported under certain conditions. The lack of monitoring this type of carriage is a serious real threat to humans and the environment. Due to the number and complexity of decision problems encountered during its implementation becomes necessary to provide effective Information Technology. The use of Intelligent Transport Systems solutions (called - ITS) is designed to help manage the transport system, particularly transport infrastructure. The main problem of paper was formulated as follows: How modern technology can resolve problems of road transport of dangerous goods, taking into account national and international legal regulations and existing threats? In the solving of mentioned problem, the following research methods were applied: analogy, definition, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling and diagnostic survey with expert research sample. The research included: Road Transport Inspection, State Fire Brigade, National Atomic Energy Agency, Transport Technical Supervision, Transport Companies, Department of Transport and Military Movement, Military University of Technology. The article presents the threats problems on dangerous goods in road transport and alarming statistics data of mentioned issues. The functional structure of the road transport safety management system for dangerous goods has been proposed, which can significantly contribute to limiting the number of threats and breakdowns, and in the case of their occurrence to better cooperation of emergency services in case of removing their effects.
The paper will present weaknesses of a management process being diagnosed in a transport company and the implementation of logistic instruments for the purposes of ma king improvements and showing an aspiration to effectively manage a company. This topic is significant in respect of socially general benefits as well as from the enterprise's point of view. Application of logistic tools presented in the paper to transport companies affects reduction of negative effects of transport operations, completion of actions targeting a balanced growth resulting in enhanced effectiveness of a transport system in the entire supply chain. Transport is an indispensable element of logistic systems. Its organisation and effective functioning affect smoothness of logistic chains.
This paper will illustrate the impact of telematics tools on safety of participants in road traffic which is vital. The latest technology and ideas enable the construction of safe roads. The discussion in Poland about safety on roads is significant as this country has one of the highest rates of road accidents in the European Union. The paper considers safety issues of participants in road traffic and the influence of road infrastructure on safety as well as the use of telematics tools for improving safety. The analyses will make use of the data provided by the literature on safety in Europe, Poland and Lower Silesia which will illustrate the scale of the problem and indicate possible solutions and the use of telematics technologies. The research is based on the two cities: Wałbrzych i Toruń.
Content available The Importance of Telematics in the Transport System
Security mechanisms of a telematics system are exceedingly intersecting as they could pretend the ordinary influence of the vehicle and perhaps terminate in accidents. This paper includes a new look at automotive and telematics transportation systems, also refers to methods in modelling, facility location, data processing and assessment of risk in telematics networks.
Szybki rozwój telematyki w XXI wieku był możliwy dzięki rozwojowi nowoczesnych technologii. Umożliwiło to przedsiębiorcom prowadzącym firmy transportowe większą kontrolę nad sprawowaną usługą. Dane pozyskiwane przez te systemy pozwalają zmniejszyć koszty działalności, co w dzisiejszych realiach jest jednym z najważniejszych aspektów prowadzenia nowoczesnego i w pełni rentownego przedsiębiorstwa. Artykuł skupia się na ukazaniu kilku najważniejszych obszarów zastosowania systemów telematycznych, dzięki którym można w prosty sposób zmniejszyć koszty usługi, a co za tym idzie – zwiększyć konkurencyjność na rynku transportowym.
The rapid development of telematics in the 21st century was possible thanks to the development of modern technologies. This has enabled entrepreneurs running transport companies to have greater control over the service they provide. Data collected by these systems allow to reduce the costs of activity, which in today's reality is one of the most important aspects of running a modern and fully profitable enterprise. The article focuses on the most important areas of application of telematic systems, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the costs of the service in a simple way, and thus increase the competitiveness on the transport market.
Tematem referatu była istota stosowania wspomagania diagnostycznego, wprowadzonego do tej pory jedynie w 13% przedsiębiorstw transportowych [1]. Jako, że jest to rozwiązanie zakładające zbieranie, analizę i przesyłanie informacji między jednym urządzeniem a drugim, omówiona została koncepcja „Industry 4.0”, z której się ono wywodzi. Celem referatu jest zgłębienie telematyki, ukazanie korzyści jej wdrażania dzięki zastosowaniu analizy SWOT i przedstawieniu narzędzi proponowanych przez producentów.
The subject of this paper was an essence of using diagnostic support, which was introduced only in 13% of transport enterprises so far. The concept of „Industry 4.0” was also discussed, as it is the origin of diagnostic support, which is about collecting, analysing and transferring information between one device and another. The aim of the paper is to study telematics, show the benefits of its implementation thanks to the use of SWOT analysis and presentation of tools proposed by producers.
W artykule zaprezentowano analizę technologiczno-konstrukcyjną wyłącznika średniego napięcia SN typu GVR RECLOSER sterowanego zdalnie oraz odpowiedniego doboru jego zabezpieczeń.
The paper presents the technology and construction analysis of the GVR RECLOSER MV switch, remotely controlled and the appropriate selection of its protections.
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