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The year 1956 is a significant milestone in international road freight transport. The CMR International Convention was adopted this year. The reason for its adoption was to unify the rules in international road freight transport in connection with the contract of carriage. This step was very important not only for carrier but also for the consignee and consignor. The convention also characterized one of the most important documents in road freight transport, which accompanies goods throughout transport. Its name is the CMR consignment note. In recent years in road transport, the original CMR consignment note has been replaced by another CMR consignment note. This practice is referred to as the neutralization of consignment note. In another consignment note, only some data are changed compared with the original, and the goods are not handled during transport. It is an interference with the system of functioning of transport documents, which aims to obscure the actual movement of the consignment during transport. The paper contains own research, which identifies the presumption of the existence of neutralization of transport documents in road transport. The authors also propose the use of new technologies, namely new smart tachographs, through which the sender can prevent the neutralization of documents.
The paper features a discussion on the legal conditions that regulate the aspects of working time, driving times, breaks and rest periods for professional drivers. The drivers’ knowledge of and compliance with the regulations were the subject of surveys conducted among thirty professional drivers. The study was conducted on a group of selected drivers (males) hired in a single transport company. The interviewees referred to their knowledge and its practical use in everyday work. The interviewees responded anonymously and voluntarily to the questions asked in the survey. These were persons of the age of 21 to 65 years old. 47% of all interviewees executed only national transports, whereas international transports were executed by 33% drivers. The interviewees included persons with basic, vocational, secondary and higher education. Most of them were persons with large occupational experience, working as a professional driver longer than 5 years, no persons with occupational experience between 11 to 19 years. The paper includes the specification of the survey methodology and analysis of the obtained results, with special attention paid to the reasons for the conscious and unconscious violation of regulations. The analysis results are presented in a graphical form.
Celem artykułu jest pokazanie praktycznych i teoretycznych zagadnień związanych z czasem pracy kierowcy w codziennej praktyce. W artykule wymieniono akty prawne regulujące czas pracy kierowców zawodowych. Omówiono przepisy dotyczące tej kwestii. Pokazano przykłady urządzeń przeznaczonych do rejestracji aktywności kierowcy. W części badawczej zamieszczono wyniki analizy przeprowadzonej anonimowej ankiety dotyczącej łamania przepisów w zakresie czasu pracy kierowcy.
The aim of the article is to show practical and theoretical issues related to the driver's working time in everyday practice. The article lists legal acts regulating the working time of professional drivers. Rules regarding this matter were discussed. Examples of devices designed to record driver activity are shown. The research part includes the results of the analysis of an anonymous questionnaire concerning violation of regulations in the field of driver's working hours.
Content available remote Odpoczynek w pracy kierowcy
W artykule przedstawiono praktyczne wykorzystanie odpoczynku, który musi wykonać kierowca realizujący przewozy drogowe towarów i osób. Ponieważ od wypoczęcia i dobrego stanu psychofizycznego w dużym stopniu zależy bezpieczeństwo transportu oraz innych uczestników ruchu. Pomimo, że czas pracy kierowcy reguluje ustawa, a pojazd jest na postoju, nie znaczy, że kierowca odpoczywa. W tym celu podjęto badania weryfikacyjne jak jest w rzeczywistości.
The paper presents the real use of rest, which must be performed by a driver performing road transport of goods and people. Since the transport and other road users safety highly depend on rest and good psychophysical conditions of drivers. Although the driver's working time is regulated and a vehicle is stationary, the driver does not have to rest. For this purpose, verification as it looks in real life is undertaken.
The purpose of this article is to show how important it is to respect the rules of road safety related to the work of drivers and what the consequences of breaking them are. The problem of the manipulation of working time is widely discussed as it contributes to creating dangerous situations not only for operators but for other road users as well. On the basis of the questionnaire investigation, the most popular methods of changing data in analogue and digital recording equipment are described. On the basis of them, technological and organizational changes are proposed in the existing transport system.
Content available CAN network in real time on board systems
The network system of data exchange between the various components is an inherent element of every car. Because of the specific and different requirements for data transfer between specific devices, currently used communication protocols have different properties of performance, security, and degree of determinism. The paper presents the increasing complexity of the data exchange system based on the example of the latest requirements for digital tachographs. The article describes also the data transmission initialization methods in the context of network data exchange organization. The hybrid use of time triggering and event triggering mechanisms has been presented in relation to the operation of the CAN network under increased real-time conditions requirements implemented as TTCAN (time triggered CAN).
W pracy przeprowadzono symulację przebiegu zdarzenia, wg informacji podanych przez uczestników zdarzenia, w celu stwierdzenia czy w opisanych okolicznościach, przy deklarowanych prędkościach i podjętych manewrach jest możliwe wjechanie pojazdu w drzewo, tak aby pojazd zdołał uszkodzić kabinę i kontener. Określono parametry początkowe jazdy (prędkość, początek hamowania, wykonane manewry), przy których samochód ciężarowy MAN mógłby otrzeć się o drzewo w sposób opisany przez kierującego. Przeprowadzono symulację najbardziej prawdopodobnego przebiegu zdarzenia.
In the paper the simulation of the course of the event was carried out, according to the information given by the participants of the event, to determine whether in the described circumstances, at declared speeds and the maneuvers taken is possible to drive the vehicle into a tree, so that the vehicle managed to damage the cabin and container. The initial start parameters (speed, start of braking, maneuvers) were determined at which the MAN truck could rubt to the tree as described by the driver. Simulation of the most probable course of the event was performed.
A numerous flows of data in the modern vehicle are necessary to maintain the complexity of systems included on-board. Unfortunately, along with the increase of the road security and many useful facilities there are arising vulnerabilities coming from cyberattacks and reliability of the communication systems. Because many components are based on highly advanced E/E technology, the security measures known from IT are more and more important. The data encryption mechanisms, used in IT for memory content and data transfer protection, are getting important in automotive. In the paper there are presented considerations connected with the cybersecurity of the vehicle, as a part of the transportation system, as well as the effect of the process of the production. In the article authors focused on the encryption of the communication between the tachograph device and the motion sensor. The normal operation of the interface tachograph-sensor follows the operation of pairing based on authentication and identification services. The pairing operation takes place in an authorized workshop and its goal is to check the legality of devices paired, and the so-called establishment of the session key, which contains encryption keys used for 3DES encryption. The description of data encryption for the motion sensor, presented in the article, is the example of the bunch of solutions required for the modern vehicle.
W artykule omówiono problemy związane z czasem pracy kierowców transportu drogowego oraz ich wpływ na bezpieczeństwo w ruchu drogowym. Analizę czasu pracy kierowcy przeprowadzono na przykładzie dwóch firm transportowych działających na Sądecczyźnie. Analizie poddano czas pracy kierowców i ich odpoczynek w okresie dziennym, tygodniowym i dwutygodniowym. Wyniki analizy przedstawiono w formie tabelarycznej oraz graficznej.
The author of the article discusses problems related to the work time of road transport drivers and their impact on safety in road traffic. Analysis of drivers’ work time was in two transport companies operating in the Sącz area. Work time of drivers was subjected to analysis, along with their rest in daily, weekly and bi-weekly periods. The results of the analysis are presented in a graphic and tabular form.
Content available Ewidencja czasu pracy kierowców
Jednym z czynników gwarantujących bezpieczeństwo przewozu ładunków i ludzi jest przestrzeganie maksymalnych okresów (czasów) prowadzenia pojazdów przez kierowców oraz minimalnych okresów odpoczynku i przerw w czasie jazdy. Artykuł poświęcony jest przepisom prawnym dotyczącym ewidencji czasu pracy kierowców, a także specjalistycznemu oprogramowaniu służącemu do automatycznego odczytu czasu jazdy, odpoczynku, przerw i dyżurów z tachografów analogowych i cyfrowych.
One of the factors to ensure the safety of transport of goods and people is respect the maximum periods (days) driving by drivers and minimum rest periods and breaks while driving. Article is devoted to laws relating to drivers' hours records, as well as serving specialized software for automatic reading of drive times, rest breaks from analogue and digital tachographs.
The introduction of digital tachographs does not bring much novelty in terms of time limits for drivers involved in road transport, but rather narrows the space for workload restrictions abuse. Combined with the telematic systems (GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System), which in addition to tracking bring a multitude of data on the vehicle, this device allows for a direct transmission of data on driver's work in real time (the hours worked and rest-time used) into the dispatch centre of the Carrier. The paper will present the importance of monitoring the driver's activity and the observance of time limits for fleet management.
Tachografy cyfrowe eksploatowane są w Polskim transporcie drogowym od 2006r. W tym czasie kierowcy oraz przewoźnicy zmuszeni byli nauczyć się zasad obsługi systemu tachografu cyfrowego. Rozwój technologii nawigacji GPS pozwala na uproszczenia jego obsługi, zwiększenie funkcjonalności, oraz wyeliminowania zjawisk fałszowania danych rejestrowanych przez urządzenie.
Digital tachographs are used in the Polish road transport since 2006. At that time, drivers and carriers were forced to learn the principles of operation of the digital tachograph system. The development of GPS navigation technology allows for the simplification of its operation, increase the functionality, and elimination of the counterfeiting of data recorded by the device.
Tachograph belongs to On Board Recording Devices. Their development have been beginning since before The Second World War. The first on board recording devices is analog tachograph which obligatory to using to introduce in USA in 1939. This paper includes main rules of function of analog tachograph and digital tachographs system using in road transport in European Union. Paper presents also possibility of future requirements of digital tachograph and authorize workshops in Poland and Europe Union base on Commission Regulation (EC) No 1360/2002 of 13 June 2002 replacing the Annex 1B. A certain group of vehicles is excluded from this obligation (these exclusions are stated in the Regulation (EC) No 3821/85 of 20 December 1985, Article 4). Such exclusion can be considered as a certain departure of the Annex 1B provision no 243, which states. That the manufacturer of a vehicle or the workshop are obliged to activate the installed recording equipment before a vehicle leaves a place where installation has taken place. For that reason some procedures for different vehicle groups have been developed as follows: if a vehicle is under obligation of installing the recording equipment and it is equipped with such equipment then the activation and calibration of this equipment must be performed, if a vehicle is under obligation of installing the recording equipment and it is not equipped with such equipment then the installation, activation and calibration of this equipment must be performed, if a vehicle is not under obligation of installing the recording equipment and it is equipped with such equipment then the activation and calibration of this equipment must be performed, next this equipment can be switched in a mode OUT OF SCOPE, if a vehicle is not under obligation of installing the recording equipment and it is not equipped with such equipment then the installation of such equipment is not necessary.
Content available remote Techniczne aspekty pobierania i analizy danych z tachografów cyfrowych oraz kart
W artykule przedstawione zostały problemy, dotyczące pobierania i analizy danych z tachografów cyfrowych i kart tachografowych, przez przedsiębiorców transportowych. Dokonano charakterystyki typów urządzeń do pobierania i analizy danych, stosowanych w Unii Europejskiej oraz w Polsce. W tym zakresie, program opracowany przez Instytut Transportu Samochodowego i firmę PC Net Sernice jest konkurencyjny ze względu na cenę.
The paper refers to some problems of download and analyze data front digital tachograph and tachograph cards by Transport Companies. The authors have characterized download and analyze equipment types using in European Union and Poland. In mentioned scope the TachoScan Program created by Motor Transport Institute and PC Net Service is concurrency from respect of price.
Tachograph is belonging to On Board Recording Devices. Its development has been beginning since before The Second World War. The first on board recording devices is analog tachograph which obligatory to using to introduce in USA in 1939. This paper includes main rules of function of analog tachograph and digital tachographs system using in road transport in European Union. Paper presents also possibility of future requirements of digital tachograph and authorizes workshops in Poland and Union Europe base on Commission Regulation (EC) No 1360/2002 of 13 June 2002 replacing the Annex 1B. If a vehicle is not under obligation of installing the recording equipment and it is equipped with such equipment then the activation and calibration of this equipment must be performed. If a vehicle is not under obligation of installing the recording equipment and it is not equipped with such equipment then the installation of such equipment is not necessary. In particular the view of certificated vehicles unit - digital tachograph, view of cards in digital tachographs system in Poland, diagram of calibration of digital tachograph on work station are presented in the paper.
Content available remote System tachografów cyfrowych - praktyczne aspekty wdrożenia
W artykule przedstawione zostały problemy dotyczące legislacji wspólnotowej związanej z systemem tachografów cyfrowych. Scharakteryzowano strukturę systemu w Unii Europejskiej oraz uwzględniono elementy polskie, na których spoczywają główne zadania w tym zakresie. Ponadto omówiono obowiązki przedsiębiorców i typy urządzeń do pobierania danych z tachografów i kart kierowców. Zwrócono także uwagę na aspekty związane z instalacją, kalibracją i sprawdzaniem tachografów cyfrowych oraz kontrolą czasu pracy kierowców.
The paper refers to some problems of legislation of European Union on Digital Tachograph System. The structure of Digital Tachograph System was characterized, especially Polish elements which responsible for main tasks of system. Furthemore the tasks of Transport Company and type of register equipments to download and storage data from digital tachographs and Driver cards were stressed. The problems refer to installation, calibration and check of digital tachograph, driver and driving time were taken into consideration.
Content available remote Motograf jako narzędzie do badań przebiegowego zużycia paliwa samochodowego
W artykule autor przedstawił wybrane zagadnienia związane z wykorzystaniem elektronicznego tachografu do badań nad zużyciem paliwa samochodów.
The article presents a selection of problems concerning the application of electronic tachograph for testing fuel consumption in cars.
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