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Purpose: Franchising activities are highly specific, and research on improving the organization and management of human resources in such companies is rarely conducted due to the overestimation of the rigidity of the franchisee-franchisor agreement in terms of implementing appropriate attitudes and behaviors of organization members, including stimulating proactivity, building organizational support or motivating employees. Hence, the main aim of the study is to determine how motivation, organizational trust and proactivity affect a franchise company's development potential. Design/methodology/approach: The study had a form of questionnaire survey realized among 150 franchise businesses in 2022. The opinions of the respondents were gathered using a 5-point Likert scale. The study's respondents were chosen by purposeful random selection. Once the reliability indicator values had been accepted, a statistical study utilizing descriptive statistics, correlation indicators, and a multiple regression model had been completed. Findings: The research confirmed positive correlations between employee proactivity, organizational trust and internal motivation system and the development potential of franchising companies. The built multiple regression model indicated that these variables significantly influence the development potential of franchisees' companies - the whole model explained 42.8% of variation in the response. Research limitations: The main limitations of the study was not fully representative research sample, thus the study requires further confirmation. The quantitative nature of the study should be extended to include qualitative research explaining the examined relationships. Practical implications: For management practitioners, the development of management tools is recommended to improve internal organization and HR management, which should be created as a complementary element to principles of the franchising system rather than as competing one. Originality/value: The paper's contribution is visible by highlighting the significance of creating an organizational culture based on motivation, internal trust and proactivity in development of organization within the franchising network.
System motywacyjny, a zwłaszcza wartości i postawy, jakie premiuje, wpływa na sprawność działania pracowników, ich zadowolenie z pracy oraz realizację celów przedsiębiorstwa. Jeżeli będą oni odpowiednio motywowani, będą zaspokajane ich potrzeby, a odpowiednie warunki pracy spowodują większe zadowolenie. Żeby te cele realizować, należy podjąć inicjatywy mające na celu usprawnienie działania pracowników oraz podwyższenie ich satysfakcji z pracy. Właśnie dlatego doskonalenie systemu motywacyjnego to nadal aktualny i ważny temat w naukach o zarządzaniu i jakości. Jednym z elementów zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi jest motywowanie pracowników, które stało się przedmiotem badań. Ich celem były ocena i doskonalenie systemu motywacyjnego w firmie transportowej. Wyniki prezentowano w podziale na grupy według: zajmowanego stanowiska, odbytego stażu, wieku i wykształcenia. W badaniu wykorzystano analizy Kruskala-Wallisa. Wyniki poprzedzono analizą literatury w zakresie przedmiotu pracy. Wnioskuje się, że występuje grupa osób, dla których system motywacyjny nie jest zrozumiały. Należy go udoskonalić dla pracowników z najdłuższym stażem, aby przeciwdziałać rutynie w ich motywacji.
The motivation system, and especially the values and attitudes it awards, affects the efficiency of employees, their work satisfaction and the achievement of company goals. If employees are properly motivated, their needs will be met and the appropriate working conditions will result in greater satisfaction. In order to achieve these goals, initiatives should be taken to improve the performance of employees and increase their job satisfaction. The evaluation of the motivation system is still a current and important topic in management and quality sciences. Efficient human resource management allows the company to achieve its goals. One of the elements of human resource management is motivating employees, which has become the subject of this research. The aim of the research was to evaluate the motivation system in a company from the transport industry, according to: the position held, duration of employment, age and education. Kruskal-Wallis analyses were used in the study. The results were preceded by an analysis of the literature on the subject of the work. The conclusion is that there is a group of people for whom the motivation system is not understandable. The system among senior employees should be improved to counteract the routine in their motivation.
Purpose: The aim of the research was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the preferences of employees belonging to generation Z regarding the selected elements of the incentive system. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted in 2018, in Poland before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and repeated during its duration in June 2021. Each time the research group consisted of 200 respondents belonging to generation Z working in Polish enterprises. In the standardized questionnaire used in our study, the representatives of the generation Z were asked to assign importance to 22 elements of the incentive system broken down into financial, non-financial and non-material incentives. The degree of importance of a given motivator was assumed as a measure of employees' preferences. Findings: The research results indicate that the duration of the pandemic caused a change in the preferences of young workers in terms of the ways of motivating them by employers. This applied to a greater extent to men rather than to women. The greatest increase in the value of the importance rank took place in the case of remote work, work in a state-owned enterprise and the health benefits system offered by the employer. The period of the pandemic increased the sense that young Poles were in danger of losing their jobs and having their salaries reduced. This is evidenced in particular by the increased importance of job opportunities in a state-owned enterprise and the amount of remuneration. Originality/value: The paper is mainly addressed to people responsible for shaping the incentive system. All the main motivators were included in the study, which provided a holistic view of how the preferences of young Poles belonging to generation Z changed under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the context of the pandemic, usually selected motivators are examined, especially the hybrid work model.
Introduction/background: The essence of human resource management is the effective and strategic management of the organisation's people. The key elements of this process are recruiting and selecting appropriate candidates, developing and motivating employees, ensuring harmonious team relations, evaluating staff and managing their departures. Appropriate human resource management contributes to increased productivity, employee engagement and the achievement of organisational goals. Aim of the paper: The aim of this study is to present the functioning of selected human resource management processes among retail shop employees in a retail company in the sports and functional apparel industry, and to develop conclusions and recommendations contributing to the improvement of HRM processes in the studied company and other organisations. Materials and methods: For the aim of the study such research techniques like observation, interview and questionnaire survey were used. Results and conclusions: As a result of the research conducted, conclusions have been developed regarding individual human resource management processes. Recommendations were also made that can be used to improve HRM both in the organisation studied and in other companies. Among the most important areas for improvement were the process of managing departures and the incentive systems used in the organisation.
Introduction/background: The issue of employee motivation in project teams is one of the key challenges that arise in the project management process, as the success of a project largely depends on the level of employee engagement. Creating an effective incentive system that increases the level of employee commitment to projects every day is key to the success of the company. However, this is not an easy process, as the recipe for the right motivation methods that employees would be fully satisfied with does not exist. Aim of the paper: The aim of the paper was to identify and evaluate the incentive system in project management carried out on the example of a selected multinational manufacturing company producing industrial automation. Materials and methods: The research tool was a survey questionnaire consisting of six metric questions to clarify the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents and fifteen closed questions relating to the incentive system of the company under study. The subject of the study was one of the world's largest automation and industrial IT companies. Results and conclusions: The results of the study made it possible to assess the effectiveness of the incentive system in the studied enterprise, to indicate the range of tools that managers can use to motivate members of project teams and to formulate recommendations or recommendations for the studied enterprise.
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki motywacji, systemu motywacyjnego oraz wymiarów motywacji w polskich siłach powietrznych. Autorka analizuje wyniki własnych badań, które przeprowadziła w dwóch jednostkach lotniczych - 1 i 2 Skrzydle Lotnictwa Taktycznego – w okresie od maja do lipca 2015 roku. Uczestniczyło w nich 213 utalentowanych żołnierzy zawodowych. Z badań tych wynika, że właściwe procesy motywacyjne wykorzystywane w strategiach wojskowych wpływają na postawy i zachowania żołnierzy w trakcie wypełniania przez nich obowiązków służbowych oraz na ich wszechstronny rozwój osobisty. Głównym elementem motywowania jest kształtowanie talentów zgodnie z oczekiwaniami człowieka, jego systemem wartości i samorozwoju. Przez motywowanie należy rozumieć ukierunkowanie zachowań człowieka na gotowość do podejmowania działań, zwłaszcza w warunkach ekstremalnych, w jakich niejednokrotnie działają żołnierze wojsk elitarnych.
This article discusses the issue of motivation, a motivation system and dimensions of motivation based on the research in the Polish Air Force. The authoress analyzes her own research she conducted in the 1st Tactical Air Wing and 2nd Tactical Air Wing among 213 talented professional soldiers in the period from May to July, 2015. The research shows that proper motivation processes applied in military strategies affect the attitudes and behaviors of soldiers while their perform their duties as well as influence their comprehensive personal development. The main element of motivation is shaping talents according to personal expectations, a person’s value system and self-development. Motivation should be understood as channeling this person’s behaviors towards his readiness to take actions, particularly in extreme conditions, in which they often operate the soldiers of elite forces.
Due to major fluctuations in the labour market, the issue of motivation is again becoming one of the fundamental subjects of modern management and quality sciences. It seems that the complexity of the problems – apart from limited scientific recognition so far – justify treatment of the mentioned matters as the subject matter of research. Thus, the main goal of this paper is to assess the level of maturity of manufacturing enterprises in the area of effective implementation of non-wage systems to motivate executive employees. With reference to the objective outlined in this way, it was recommended as a necessary action; on the theoretical level – to apply the method of reconstruction and interpretation of Polish and foreign literature related to this subject – to nominate questions assessing the level of maturity of non-wage incentive systems; on a project level – to compile a research tool in the form of an evaluation sheet constituting the resultant literature exploration and research among intentionally selected respondents (executive employees); on an empirical level – to conduct investigation among manufacturers of the agricultural machinery sector (expert assessment).
A multicultural team, because of its specific nature, requires special attention from part of the management. The use of standard management tools in this respect seems to be completely inadequate. We should look for solutions that will not only integrate such a team, but also bring out its valuable potential. Therefore, the main objective of the article is to indicate an innovative approach to the management of culturally diverse human resources. All considerations will be complemented by pilot studies conducted among the employees from the Silesian Voivodeship in the period from March to July 2019. The study considered such issues as: innovative ways of motivation used in multicultural teams (the first place was taken by the creation of an innovative atmosphere) or possibility of multi-level employee participation (the first place was taken by the influence on determining changes in the organisation).
Today, many production companies are struggling with the problem of recruiting well qualified and motivated employees, as well as maintaining them, particularly for production jobs. That is why the effective personnel policy, aimed at ensuring the right people in the right place and at the right time, is one the greatest challenges facing managers. The aim of this paper is to present the model of flexible staff with polyvalent skills as a solution helpful to improve the company’s personnel policy. The functional flexibility must be supported by motivation systems, including remunerating and training ones. The considered issue is based mainly on the conditions of unit and customized production.
The problem of corporate governance and the connected executive remuneration system gains a special significance in relation to state-owned enterprises. A proper configuration of this system enables effective enterprise management, however, mistakes in its construction may be a source of negative behavior patterns of managers and may lead to disturbances on financial markets or even to financial crisis. The reasons for disturbances on the financial markets include the following: the manner in which the top management was operating and the oversight of public enterprises and especially, taking too much risk by the top management. This system should put the interests of shareholders and stakeholders first, while in many cases it prefers results achieved without tying them to long-term effectiveness criteria (European Commission 2004). Therefore, there is a need of looking for more effective mechanisms of motivating the managers. In Poland, the first steps were also made in the direction of improving the supervision system and especially, of creating an effective remuneration system for managers. The purpose of the hereby article is to diagnose the executive remuneration system in the state-owned enterprises and to analyze the tools verifying the efficiency of management and being a basis for bonuses. The publication presents the genesis and models of corporate governance taking into account various criteria for division. In addition, the conditions of remuneration of managers in companies with Treasury shareholding and assessment of managerial bonus systems were presented. The authors also present a proposal for optimizing assessment effectiveness regarding management for the purpose of constructing an efficient, measurable motivational system. Such a system should be based on shareholders’ value.
Problematyka corporate governance i związanego z nią systemu wynagradzania kadry menedżerskiej zyskuje szczególne znaczenie w odniesieniu do spółek z udziałem Skarbu Państwa. Właściwa konfiguracja tego systemu umożliwia efektywne zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem, jednak błędy w jego konstrukcji mogą być źródłem negatywnych schematów zachowań kadry zarządzającej i mogą prowadzić do zakłóceń na rynkach finansowych, a nawet do kryzysu finansowego. Wśród przyczyn zawirowań na rynkach finansowych wymienia się między innymi: sposób sprawowania zarządu i nadzoru w spółkach publicznych, a zwłaszcza podejmowanie przez organy zarządcze nadmiernego ryzyka. System ten powinien preferować interesy akcjonariuszy i interesariuszy, tymczasem w wielu przypadkach bierze pod uwagę osiągane wyniki bez powiązania ich z długofalowymi kryteriami efektywnościowymi. Dlatego istnieje potrzeba poszukiwania skuteczniejszych mechanizmów motywowania menedżerów. Także w Polsce podjęto pierwsze kroki w kierunku poprawy systemu nadzoru, a zwłaszcza stworzenia skutecznego systemu wynagrodzeń dla menedżerów. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest diagnoza systemów wynagradzania menedżerów w spółkach z udziałem Skarbu Państwa wraz z analizą narzędzi weryfikujących efektywność zarządzania i będących podstawą do uzyskania premii. Publikacja prezentuje genezę oraz modele nadzoru korporacyjnego uwzględniając różne kryteria podziału. Ponadto pokazano uwarunkowania wynagrodzeń menedżerów w spółkach z udziałem Skarbu Państwa wraz z oceną systemów premiowania menedżerów. Autorzy przedstawiają również propozycję optymalizacji oceny efektywności zarządzania na potrzeby budowy skutecznego, parametrycznego systemu motywacyjnego. Taki system powinien opierać się na wartości dla akcjonariuszy.
Oceny pracowników są dla wielu osób zajmujących się zarzadzaniem ważnym, a zarazem jednym z najbardziej kontrowersyjnych elementów zarządzania, który niestety może prowadzić do powstania wielu sytuacji konfliktogennych w organizacji. System ocen pracowniczych nie może być celem samym w sobie. Powinien być powiązany z systemami: kadrowym, motywacyjnym, wynagrodzeń i awansowania. Powinien być także wspomagany przez system informatyczny. Celem tego artykułu jest bardzo zwięzły przegląd wybranych problemów związanych z ocenianiem pracowników oraz zwrócenie uwagi na kwestie wpływające na to, czy system ocen spełnia pozytywną rolę w organizacji, czy też tej organizacji szkodzi. Rozważania prowadzone będą na podstawie wybranej literatury przedmiotu i wieloletnich doświadczenia autora, pełniącego funkcje menedżerskie w organizacjach, zajmującego się zarzadzaniem dużymi zespołami pracowniczymi o bardzo różnorodnej strukturze.
For many people involved in managing employee evaluation are important and one of the most controversial elements of management, which unfortunately can lead to many conflictive situations in organization. Employee assessment system it may not be a goal in itself. It should be associated with: human resources, motivation, remuneration and promotion. It also should be supported with information system. The purpose of this article is a very brief review of selected problems associated with evaluating employees and draw attention to issues that affect whether a ratings system meets a positive role in the organization or the organization. Considerations will be carried out on the basis of selected literature and many years of experience of the author, holding managerial functions in organizations for managing large teams of workers with very diverse structure.
Motivating to perform remains a very inspiring field of scientific studies. In spite of extensive research in this field, some areas, of niche nature, that require exploration can be identified. Motivating the managers is one of such areas, less popular but of tremendous importance in the process of managing a contemporary organisation. This article is theoretical and empirical. It was written to present the original results of empirical research focused on assessment of the motivation impact of 47 financial and non-financial tools by several hundred Polish managers. The research tool used in the study process was the questionnaire prepared by the author of this paper. Key preferences of the group of employees are an important source of information required in the process of optimising the effectiveness of managing the human capital and an entire organisation.
Artykuł porusza zagadnienie wpływu wybranych elementów systemu motywacyjnego na zadowolenie pracowników szkół podstawowych. Przedstawiono w nim teoretyczne podstawy istoty systemu motywacyjnego, specyfikę systemu motywacyjnego edukacji oraz analizę wyników badań własnych.
This article discusses the influence of selected aspects in a motivational system on satisfaction among primary school employees. The publication presents a theoretical framework of a motivation system, also specifies some characteristics of the motivation system in education and analyzes the author's research results.
W artykule szczególną uwagę zwrócono na specyfikę zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi w jednostkach administracji publicznej. Obecnie osoby zatrudnione w organizacji uznaje się za jeden z najważniejszych zasobów, który przyczynia się do sukcesu przedsiębiorstwa czy też instytucji. W artykule skoncentrowano się na dwóch składowych elementach zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi – rekrutacji i motywacji pracowników. Omówiono przeprowadzone badania empiryczne w wybranej jednostce samorządu terytorialnego. Przedstawiono wyniki badań oraz sformułowano wnioski i rekomendacje praktyczne.
The paper pays particular attention to the specific of human resource management in public administration, which comes from the administration role in respecting the law. Nowadays, employed people in the organization are recognized as being one of the most important resource that has contributed to a success of the institution. The paper focuses on two components of human resource management concerning the recruitment and employees motivation. In this regard, empirical research was conducted. Conclusions derived from theoretical and practical parts of the article were given.
W niniejszym artykule wyjaśniono pojęcie systemów motywacyjnych. Dokonano analizy systemów motywacyjnych występujących w przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym i banku, wyjaśniając, jakie czynniki pracowników produkcji i pracowników bankowych motywują. Niniejsza publikacja jest odpowiedzią na postawione pytanie. Czy poziom wynagrodzenia wpływa na zarobki? Jak uniknąć współczesnych problemów zarządzania związanych z brakiem świadomości środków jakie motywują pracowników?
This article explains the concept of incentive schemes. An analysis of existing incentive schemes the production company and the bank explaining the factors of production workers and bank employees motivated. This publication is the answer to the question. Is the level of wages affect earnings? How to avoid contemporary management issues related to the lack of awareness of the measures to motivate employees?
W literaturze przedmiotu wiele miejsca poświęca się identyfikacji oczekiwań pracowników w stosunku do systemu motywacyjnego. Autorzy artykułu podjęli próbę opracowania metody diagnozującej zdolność systemu motywacyjnego do kreowania nastawień motywowanych do działań oczekiwanych przez motywującego. Procedura badawcza składa się z etapów: 1. Wybór nastawień pracownika mających znaczenie dla realizacji obowiązków na zajmowanym stanowisku. 2. Ustalenie rang ważności nastawień pracowników dla sprawności realizacji obowiązków. 3. Ustalenie listy motywatorów stosowanych w obszarze badań. 4. Analiza wpływu składników systemu motywacyjnego na kształtowanie nastawień. 5. Konfrontacja oczekiwań dotyczących nastawień pracownika ze zdolnością systemu motywacyjnego do ich kształtowania.
In literature there is a deep and frequent discussion connected with the identification of employees' expectations toward the motivational system. There are no propositions of identification the employers expectations toward his system. So authors have worked out the method diagnosing the ability of motivational system to creating motivated people disposition to behaviours expected by employers. The procedure has completed with five steps: 1. The list of dispositions important for completing the professional tasks; 2. Ranking this dispositions from the point of view their important and completing the tasks; 3. The list of motivators used in studied casus; 4. The analysis of influence the motivational system of employees' dispositions; 5. The confrontation the expected dispositions with ability of system motivational to create this dispositions.
Autorki w artykule omawiają rolę wynagrodzenia w skutecznym motywowaniu pracowników. Prezentują korelacje między średnim wynagrodzeniem a średnią wydajnością pracy w latach 2003÷2011 w wybranych polskich przedsiębiorstwach górniczych. W artykule Autorki prezentują zalecenia, jakimi narzędziami motywacyjnymi (materialnymi i niematerialnymi) może posługiwać się kadra zarządzająca w przedsiębiorstwach górniczych węgla kamiennego.
This article presents the importance of remuneration for the motivation of workers. The authors describe correlations between the average pay and average productivity in the years 2003÷2011 in the selected mining companies. They demonstrate the incentives, both financial and non-financial, which may be applied by the management board of a mining company.
Wreferacie przedstawiono determinanty systemu motywowania wspierającego zarządzanie przez cele w przedsiębiorstwach. Wskazano aspekty teoretyczne budowania mierników oceny realizacji zadań operacyjnych i strategicznych celem wykorzystania ich w motywowaniu podkreślającym istotność i zasadność budżetowania i kontroli z punktu widzenia pracowników. Dla potwierdzenia rozważań teoretycznych zaprezentowano rozwiązania systemu zarządzania przez cele i motywowania kadry menadżerskiej na przykładzie Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej.
In the paper it was presented the determinants of motivation system that supports management by objectives in the enterprises. It was shown theoretical aspects of measurements system to valuation of operational and strategic tasks in the light of motivation for effective application of budgeting and controlling. Theoretical solutions was given in the example of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa where was implemented system of management by objectives.
Content available remote System motywowania i wynagradzania pracowników w polskich firmach
The article indicates the most significant aspects of motivation system including employees’ remuneration in the Polish companies. It has been presented the theoretical and practical aspects of motivation system with the special regard of employees’ remuneration in the Polish companies. Presented results of researches contain questions connected with the motivation system and employees’ remuneration. The researches were conducted on the trial of ninety six big companies in Poland in 2010 and 2011. The analysis and evaluation of researches results were presented in the light of the newest theory and practice of human resources management.
Content available remote A background to changes in the incentive systems in small and medium enterprises
This article presents the background to changes in the incentive systems in small and medium enterprises. The research results presented in this article show that incentive systems in small and medium enterprises, just like in the case of big enterprises, are influenced by factors coming from internal and external environment of an enterprise.
W artykule zaprezentowano uwarunkowania zmian systemów motywowania w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach. Zaprezentowano doświadczenia badawcze, z których wynika, że tak samo jak w dużych przedsiębiorstwach na kształt systemów motywowania w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach wpływ mają czynniki z otoczenia wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego.
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