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Purpose: The aim of this article is to analyze students’ preferences and motivations regarding video games and present ideas and opportunities to improve education. Design/methodology/approach: The author conveyed a survey among students from the Silesian University of Technology and compared the results with data from more than 1.25 million gamers from all over the world. Findings: Most students are very interested in virtual games and it presents the possibility to increase engagement in classes. Research limitations/implications: Better results would be achieved if students from more faculties participated in the survey. Practical implications: The author hopes that this article will inspire lecturers to use presented class ideas and come up with more creative and interactive tasks during lectures to better connect with the new generation of gamers and to make classes more engaging and educating. Social implications: The author hopes that society will see the impact and usefulness that virtual games have in modern times and that it is a medium worthy of attention, cognition, and use. Originality/value: The author saw an opportunity to improve education through the use of a large database of gaming preferences. This research paper is addressed to lecturers and gamers.
In this paper, the issue of teaching professional aviation subjects in the field of higher education air transport was ad‐dressed. We present some research results in the field of didactics of professional aviation subjects, teaching effectiveness, motivation and evaluation of students in education. In this work we present some approaches to the development of didactics of professional subjects in Slovakia. We state that the subject of didactics is the student, teacher and knowledge forming the didactic tri‐angle. Didactics of professional subjects examines the possibilities of transforming the knowledge of technical scientific disciplines into the content of education, didactic systems, teaching projects and the studentʹs knowledge. We researched the area of didactics of professional aviation subjects with a focus on motivating students to study. We managed to involve a large sample of students in the research, which helped us in‐crease the objectivity of the results. Based on the research results, we recommend some measures to increase the quality of higher education of students in the field of air transport. The motivating goal for our research is to support the quality of education at the Faculty of Aeronautics of the Technical University of Košice.
Content available Academic burnout among higher education students
Transformation of modern societies is allowing people to live fast, smart, technology-driven lives. In workplace, it brings flexibility and news business forms. Organizations are dynamic structures, so their pursuit of adaptation and problem solving is constant. At the same time, prolonged job-related availability may eventually result in resentment, reduced satisfaction in performance and exhaustion. Industrial-organizational psychology methods focus on solving such problems and improving quality of life in the workplace. Quality of life is a multidimensional concept [1] that comprises both positive and negative evaluations of life aspects. When applied to a workplace, quality of life can be perceived as work environment that promotes health and security, job satisfaction [2] and professional and personal development. On the other hand, work environment generating excessive stress and leading to long-term emotional, mental and physical exhaustion leads to burnout. Burnout ‘reflects an uneasy relationship between people and their work’ [3a, p. 44] and it is definitely an ultimately real and chronic problem nowadays. While burnout is a serious issue for both organizations and individuals [4], and has been widely studied [3b], it has not been focus of much academic attention in the university context yet. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to examine academic burnout among higher education students in Poland. For the purpose of the study, the Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire – Students Survey was applied on-line for students registered at Polish universities. The survey consists of 12 items in form of statements related to three dimensions of burnout: overload, neglect and lack of development. The paper is also aimed to understand whether university students experienced burnout in any of its dimensions and whether the perception of burnout depended on student professional activity, distance from family home or failed courses.
The article examines the issue of formation and development of the hardiness of personality as a professional component of the training of students in higher education under war conditions. The trends of the modern world and the challenges currently facing the personality are presented. An analysis of theoretical approaches to the construct ‘hardiness of personality’ by foreign and domestic scientists was carried out. The content and structural characteristics of the hardiness of personality are singled out. The basic definition of the concept of ‘hardiness of personality’ and directions of its development in accordance with the today’s realities are proposed.
W artykule podjęto problematykę kształtowania się i rozwoju odporności osobowości, jako komponentu zawodowego kształcenia studentów szkół wyższych, w warunkach wojennych. Przedstawiono trendy współczesnego świata oraz wyzwania stojące obecnie przed osobowością. Dokonano analizy teoretycznych podejść do konstruktu „twardość osobowości” przez naukowców zagranicznych i krajowych. Wyróżniono treść i cechy strukturalne odporności osobowości. Zaproponowano podstawowe definicje pojęcia „twardość osobowości” oraz kierunki jej rozwoju, zgodnie ze współczesnymi realiami.
The article concerns the opinion on stationary and remote examinations carried out during a pandemic, perceived from the perspective of examiners. The aim of the study was to find out about the perspective of academic teachers on remote examination at The Maria Grzegorzewska University and to compare it with the traditional, stationary exams. The subject of the research were, inter alia, the forms of checking knowledge and skills used by lecturers, the motivations driving their choice, problems arising during the exams, as well as the way of taking into account the special needs of the examinees. The research used the method of diagnostic survey. The obtained results indicate that, according to the lecturers, the students' independence during remote exams is smaller and the intensity of using unauthorized help by them is greater. Remote exams generate more problems - technical and related to the dishonesty of students. Lecturers hardly recognize and take into account the special educational needs of students during remote exams.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest proces edukacji architektonicznej rozpatrywany w kontekście jego wpływu na kształtowanie kreatywności studentów i absolwentów wydziałów architektury. Prowadzone rozważania wynikają z wieloletnich doświadczeń dydaktycznych autora - nauczyciela akademickiego Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Śląskiej - dydaktyka i praktyka. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie związków pomiędzy metodyką nauczania projektowania architektonicznego, osiąganiem sukcesów w dydaktyce a osobowością nauczyciela akademickiego w relacji mistrz - uczeń.
The subject of the paper is the process of architectural education considered in the context of its influence on shaping the creativity of students and graduates of architecture faculties. These considerations result from many years of teaching experience of the author - an academic teacher at the Faculty of Architecture at the Silesian University of Technology - a didactician and practitioner. The aim of the article is to show the relationship between the methodology of teaching architectural design, achieving success in teaching and the personality of the academic teacher in the master - student relationship.
Purpose: The objective of the article is to present the condition of Polish universities and trends occurring in distance learning and e-learning. The results of the research conducted among students of Polish universities (N-2226), who were forced to the transition to distance learning from day to day, are presented in the article. Using well-known statistical measures, the correlations between the selected factors have been indicated. The research results on the correlations between the following variables have been presented – the opinions on the need for the transition to distance learning during the pandemic and: • gender, • age, • taking up employment in addition to studying, • an opportunity to study in a separate room. Design/methodology/approach: For the research purposes, a well-known Internet Survey Panel was utilized, which was used to create and manage the surveys as well as to collect the results. The bivariate analysis was used, the objective of which was to determine the empirical relationship between the selected variables. In the research, among others, the following were used: Chi-Square Test for Independence, Phi-Square Test for Independence, Spearman’s rank correlation test. For the data with the responses specified on the ordinal scale in the correlation analysis, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used. Findings: The change in the teaching method which has been experienced in relation to the global pandemic may prove to be a breakthrough and give rise to changes in student education so as to educate the future staff of Industry 4.0 using distance learning. Increasing students’ involvement in the learning process may help them acquire competences useful in their professional life more effectively.
W niniejszym artykule skoncentrowano się na zagadnieniu fundamentalnym w kontekście edukacji i rozwoju badań naukowych – relacji mistrz – uczeń. W nawiązaniu do wielowiekowej tradycji instytucji akademickich przedstawiono istotę i znaczenie tych relacji, wskazując pożądane cechy mistrza jako osoby kształtującej oczekiwane ze względów społecznych postawy swoich podopiecznych. Jako przykład postaci mistrza w obszarze nauk o jakości zaprezentowano sylwetkę śp. Profesora Romualda Kolmana oraz wspomnienia niektórych z jego wychowanków. W nawiązaniu do obecnej sytuacji w systemie szkolnictwa wyższego i nauki w Polsce autorzy pragną w ten sposób zwrócić uwagę na – ich zdaniem – zdecydowanie niewystarczające, a wręcz pomijane w różnego rodzaju regulacjach, wsparcie tej sfery aktywności akademickiej.
This article focuses on a fundamental issue in the context of education and research development – the master – student relationship. Referring to the centuries-old tradition of academic institutions, the essence and significance of these relations were presented, indicating the desirable features of the master as a person shaping the attitudes of his students desired for social reasons. As an example of such master in the field of quality sciences, the figure of the late Professor Romuald Kolman and the memories of some of his pupils were presented. Referring to the current situation in the system of higher education and science in Poland, the authors would like to draw attention to the fact that, in their opinion, support for this sphere of academic activity is definitely insufficient and even neglected in various regulations.
Bullying at university is a pervasive phenomenon that has negative outcomes on the psychological and actual wellbeing of students, their success and achievement. The examination expected to research the consequences of bullying on university level students. A self-administrated survey was planned by the exploration goals and theories. The sample size consists of 380 students randomly selected from different faculties of a public university in Bangladesh. The questionnaire was coded and analyzed using SPSS-AMOS-24 and descriptive analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used for data analysis. The results of the study indicated that bullying exists at the university and affects student’s academic achievement and success, either by victims or the bullies. The bullied students resolved unpleasant situations using active or passive responses. This study discovers the causes and consequences of students bullying and gives suggestions to the students, university administration and parents of students on how to solve this problem. The study also helps prevent bullying by educating student about their rights, providing students with confidential way to report bullying, encouraging bystanders by to take immediate actions, such as speaking up and reporting the incident and emphasizing the importance of family involvement. This study has recommended that teachers and the university administration need to take different measures to reduce bullying. Teachers may coordinate with and talk to the bully’s students. Teachers, university administration, and NGOs can seta few projects for menaces to alleviate the university bullying. Moreover, the government should take legal action to prevent bullying. Therefore, the desirable application of the results of this research reality makesa valuable contribution to development at the national level.
Career orientation has become significant in Vietnamese education recently. To students of the Mining Faculty of Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, this issue is more important as society changes its acceptance of mining. The research uses investigation, interview, and observation methods for 205 students to see their career orientation. The performance is on the following criteria: 1) Career choice based on individual interests, abilities, personalities, career values; 2) Understanding of the profession in aspects of quality and capacity, workplace, future working environment, the development trend, etc.; 3) The suitability of the profession with individual interests, abilities, personality, and values of the profession during the study; 4) Study plans to meet industry requirements; 5) Self-development plans in the future career. Research results show that the majority of students have the right and appropriate career. These students have clear and positive motivations and goals in the learning process. Only a few students have not determined the proper position in the profession due to their emotions, which are not stable and oriented.
The research measured and evaluated the influence of 6 factors, namely: program coordination organization, lecturers, training programs, teaching and learning methods, facilities, and personal expectations of students to the expected price of higher education services at Vietnamese public Universities. The results show that all 6 factors had positive effects on the expected price of higher education services. The training program had the strongest impact on the expected price of higher education services, followed by the lecturer factor. On that basis, we propose appropriate recommendations to improve and enhance the quality of higher education services towards sustainable development of higher education for Vietnamese public Universities.
Content available remote Rozwój wychowawczy uczniów w procesie edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa
Szkolna edukacja w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa obejmuje swym zakresem nie tylko zdobywanie wiedzy i umiejętności w obszarze przeciwdziałania różnym zagrożeniom, lecz także kształtowanie osobowości, postaw i zachowań uczniów w trudnych sytuacjach. Stąd też w artykule podjęto próbę przedstawienia zagadnień związanych z działalnością wychowawczą w procesie edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa. Wstępne rozważania dotyczą podstawowych problemów związanych z edukacją dzieci i młodzieży na rzecz bezpieczeństwa we współczesnej szkole. Wyjaśniono również podstawowe pojęcia i kategorie: edukacja, kształcenie, wychowanie (jego istotę jako zjawiska i procesu) oraz rozwój wychowawczy. Natomiast w kontekście wychowania i rozwoju wychowawczego, w ramach edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa, opisano problemy kształtowania odpowiedzialności, zdolności empatycznych, postaw altruistycznych, aktywności, obowiązkowości, odwagi, solidarności międzyludzkiej, zaangażowania oraz gotowości do wspierania innych.
School education in the field of security covers not only acquiring knowledge and skills in the area of counteracting various threats, but also shaping the personality, attitudes and behavior of students in difficult situations. Therefore, this article attempts to present issues related to educational activities in the educational process for safety. Initial considerations concern the basic problems related to the education of children and youth in favor of security in the modern school. Basic concepts and categories have also been explained: education, education, upbringing (its essence as phenomena and process) and educational development. In the context of upbringing and educational development, as part of education for safety, problems of shaping responsibility, empathic skills, altruistic attitudes, duty, courage, interpersonal solidarity, commitment and readiness to support others are described.
The article presents results and conclusions of a pilot study. This study aimed to determine the importance of distinguishing (model) characteristics for students of SRU, shaping mutual relations with students in five dimensions distinguished by the authors (values, relations, graduate, education, efficient organization) and to indicate the importance of these dimensions by students. It was found that education is the most important dimension for students, and it should be included in the social responsibility strategy implemented by the university, because it leads to the formation of a graduate desired in the modern labour market in the KBE. The features of particular dimensions identified by the authors were considered important by the respondents. They constitute a certain model to which universities can be compared, and which can be a hint as to what to look for when designing activities addressed to students as internal stakeholders of socially responsible university.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki i wnioski z badania pilotażowego. Miało ono na celu określenie ważności dla studentów cech wyróżniających (wzorcowych) USO, kształtującą wzajemne relacje ze studentami w pięciu wyodrębnionych przez autorki wymiarach (wartości, relacje, absolwent, kształcenie, sprawna organizacja) oraz wskazanie przez studentów rang ważności tych wymiarów. Stwierdzono, że wymiarem najważniejszym dla studentów jest kształcenie i ono przede wszystkim powinno być uwzględnione we wdrażanej przez uczelnię strategii społecznej odpowiedzialności, gdyż prowadzi do ukształtowania absolwenta pożądanego na współczesnym rynku pracy w GOW Zidentyfikowane przez autorki cechy poszczególnych wymiarów uznane przez respondentów zostały jako ważne. Stanowią pewien wzorzec (model), do którego mogą być porównywane uczelnie, i który może być wskazówką na co zwracać uwagę projektując działania adresowane do studentów jako interesariuszy wewnętrznych uczelni społecznie odpowiedzialnej.
W artykule badano problem optymalizacji profesjonalnego treningu fizycznego uczniów specjalności technicznych; opracowano autorski program profesjonalnego treningu fizycznego techników produkcji rolno-przemysłowej; eksperymentalnie przetestowano skuteczność programu, aby poprawić gotowość fizyczną uczniów. W porównawczym doświadczeniu pedagogicznym udowodniono, że zajęcia z autorskiego programu treningu fizycznego, które opierały się na uwzględnieniu specyfiki działalności zawodowej techników, przyczyniły się do wyraźnych pozytywnych zmian w fizycznej gotowości przyszłych młodych specjalistów w specjalnościach technicznych.
In the article the problem of optimization of professional applied physical preparation of students of technical specialities; developed the author's program of professional applied physical preparation of technicians of agro-industrial production; to check up experimentally efficiency of the author's program on improvement of special physical readiness of students. During comparative pedagogical experiment it is proved that of training under the author's program of physical preparation which was based on the account of specificity of professional work of technicians, it contributed to mare expressed positive changes of the special physical readiness of future junior specialists in technical specialties.
The article deals with the problem of applying the Kano questionnaire to make an assessment of quality features of an educational service by students. The authors present the usability of the Kano questionnaire for this purpose. The main aim of the research was to identify those attributes of an educational service that influence its quality from the point of view of a student of an institution of higher education. At the same time, the authors intended to examine whether there are differences in the evaluation of the qualities of this service between the groups of the so-called loyal and disloyal students. The survey research proved that there exist statistically significant differences of two proportions in the students’ assessment of the quality attributes of an educational service, while a hierarchization/classification of these attributes in most cases is similar in both of the examined groups.
W artykule podjęto temat wykorzystania kwestionariusza Kano do oceny cech jakościowych usługi edukacyjnej przez studentów. Autorki prezentują użyteczność kwestionariusza Kano. Głównym celem badań była identyfikacja atrybutów usługi edukacyjnej, które mają wpływ na jej jakość z punktu widzenia studenta szkoły wyższej. Równocześnie zamiarem autorek było sprawdzenie, czy pomiędzy badanymi grupami studentów tzw. lojalnych i nielojalnych występują różnice w ocenie ważności cech tejże usługi. Badania ankietowe wykazały, że występują statystycznie istotne różnice dwóch proporcji w zakresie oceny cech jakościowych usługi edukacyjnej, natomiast hierarchizacja/klasyfikacja tychże cech w większości przypadków przebiegała podobnie w obu badanych grupach.
Student engagement and retention are major concerns for universities around the world. It is vital to improve student retention by delivering quality education and engaging students in their studies, leading to student success and graduation and integration in the workforce. This study examines a degree of engagement in two Polish universities. The aim of this research was to evaluate and compare student engagement between two respondent groups. Data for this study were collected from 394 university students through selfevaluation using internet-based survey instrument. The differences between the universities were compared according to the current state, target state and, creative tension, describing the gap between a person’s feeling of current reality and target for future. The analysis of the test results clearly demonstrated the possibility to use such an application to evaluate the students’ engagement and, the comparison clearly identified considerable differences between the two university cases.
Zaangażowanie i utrzymywanie studentów to ważna kwestia uniwersytetów na całym świecie. Konieczne jest poprawienie retencji studentów przez ich angażowanie i zapewnianie wysokiej jakości edukacji. Badanie dotyczy oceny i porównania stopnia zaangażowania studentów w dwóch polskich uczelniach. W badaniu zebrano dane dotyczące 394 studentów w ramach samooceny przeprowadzonej za pomocą internetowego narzędzia ankietowego. Różnice między uniwersytetami zostały porównane zgodnie z stanem aktualnym i docelowym, opisując lukę między odczuwaniem obecnej rzeczywistości a celami na przyszłość. Analiza wyników testów wyraźnie pokazała możliwość wykorzystania aplikacji do oceny zaangażowania uczniów, a porównanie wyraźnie wskazało znaczne różnice między dwoma przypadkami uniwersyteckimi.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie użyteczności kwestionariusza Kano w kontekście rozwoju właściwych – z punktu widzenia studenta – cech usługi edukacyjnej. W pierwszej części artykułu, na podstawie literatury przedmiotu, zaprezentowano istotę kwestionariusza Kano i jego uniwersalny charakter, co umożliwia wykorzystanie tego narzędzia w różnych organizacjach. Część druga obejmuje realizację badania w wybranej szkole wyższej; zdiagnozowano cechy charakteryzujące usługę edukacyjną z punktu widzenia studenta, dokonano ich hierarchizacji, co umożliwiło określenie poziomu jakości i satysfakcji studenta z oferowanej usługi edukacyjnej oraz wskazano te cechy, które wymagają rozwoju. Z badań wynika, że równie ważne dla studentów są materialne, jak i niematerialne cechy usługi edukacyjnej.
The aim of the article is to present the usefulness of the Kano questionnaire in the context of the development of appropriate, from the student’s point of view, characteristics of the educational service. In the first part of the article, based on the literature of the subject, the essence of the Kano questionnaire as well as its universal character has been presented, which enables the application of this tool in various organizations. The second part involves the implementation of the study in a chosen higher education institution; the characteristics of the educational service have been diagnosed according to the student’s point of view, their hierarchization has been defined, which allowed for the assessment of the quality and satisfaction level from the offered educational service as well as for the identification of those features that require development. The research proves that both material and immaterial features of the educational service are equally important for students.
W artykule rozpatruje się problem kształtowania projektowo-technologicznej kultury studentów uczelni pedagogicznych. Podkreśla się, że ważnym zadaniem nauki pedagogicznej jest opracowanie systemu modernizacji edukacji uniwersyteckiego kształcenia poprzez pryzmat europejskiej globalizacji w wielokulturowym środowisku.
The article discusses the problem of shaping the design and technological culture of students of pedagogical universities. It is emphasized that an important task of pedagogical science is to develop a system of modernizing university education through the prism of European globalization in a multicultural environment
W artykule zaprezentowane zostały zmiany w systemie kształcenia zawodowego obowiązujące w Polsce od roku szkolnego 2017/2018. Najważniejszą zmianą jest powołanie szkoły branżowej I stopnia, która zastąpiła Zasadniczą Szkołę Zawodową. Kolejną istotną zmianą jest zmodyfikowana klasyfikacja zawodów szkolnictwa zawodowego. Głównym celem zmian jest dostosowanie systemu kształcenia do potrzeb gospodarki, które realizowane będzie we współpracy z lokalnymi przedsiębiorcami.
The article presents the changes in the vocational training system applicable from the 2017/2018 school year. The most important change is the establishment of the first degree trade school, which replaced the Vocational School. Another significant change is the modified classification of vocational education occupations. The main goal of those changes is to adapt the education system to the needs of the economy, which will be implemented in collaboration with local entrepreneurs.
Celem artykułu było zaprezentowanie opinii studentów z uniwersytetów w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim na temat prozdrowotnego stylu życia. W trakcie badań uwzględniono wybrane czynniki warunkujące prozdrowotny styl życia studentów m.in. czynniki związane z odżywianiem, aktywnością fizyczną, snem, badaniami profilaktycznymi. Przeprowadzono również samoocenę studentów oraz poproszono ich o ocenę stylu życia społeczeństwa polskiego jako całości. Uzyskane wyniki badań poddano ocenie z uwzględnieniem rekomendacji dla wybranych czynników warunkujących prozdrowotny styl życia zaproponowanych m.in. przez Światową Organizację Zdrowia (WHO), obowiązujących w programach unijnych oraz krajowych. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że badani studenci nie prowadzą raczej prozdrowotnego stylu życia.
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