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The article presents the results of statistical analysis of aircraft piston engine operational parameters during normal operating conditions. Test was carried out on ultralight gyroplane Tercel produced by Aviation Artur Trendak equipped with CA 912 ULT piston engine. Research was conducted under normal operating conditions of the autogyro and data was collected from 15 independent tests including a total of 14 flight hours conducted during training flights. Engine and flight parameters were recorded at 9 Hz during each flight using on-board Flight Data Recorded system. The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis to determine the statistical distribution of parameters defining the engine's operating condition. The analysis covered engine speed, intake manifold pressure, oil temperature, head temperature and exhaust gas temperature. The results were presented in the form of histograms showing the characteristic ranges of the parameters in aviation engine operation. An analysis of the rate of change of the analysed parameters was then carried out. This was the basis for defining the engine's steady state. The results showed that the steady state of the engine under these operating conditions accounted for more than 78% of the total engine operating time. A Power Consumption Ratio indicating the load range of the engine was determined for steady states. It was shown that most of the time the motor operates at an average load of between 50% and 80% of the nominal value.
Content available Labor market in Poland - analysis of diversity
The main aim of below consideration is presentation Polish Labor Market and changes inside, along last years. Labor market considerations are extremely important and have a large impact on the daily behavior of entities in this market. The extent, to which we are able to analyze changes taking place in individual areas of the surveyed area will allow us to make appropriate decisions on both – the demand and supply side of this labor. Author would like to present base issues connected with supply and demand taking place at this field in Poland. Getting to know the directions of changes taking place on the Labor Market may allow for an appropriate approach to human resource management. The article consists of short introduction, theoretical part, empirical part and summary at the end. Theoretical part includes base information and definition about Labor Market. Empirical section shows data analyzing, methods, tables and graphs. In the summary author would like to recapitulate analyzing case and draw some conclusions.
W czerwcu bieżącego roku minęła 77. rocznica wydania pierwszego numeru czasopisma „Nafta”, ściśle związanego z Instytutem Nafty i Gazu – Państwowym Instytutem Badawczym i jego prawnymi poprzednikami. Czasopismo to miało początkowo podstawowy cel w postaci współuczestnictwa, poprzez popularyzację wiedzy specjalistycznej, w odbudowie zniszczonego przez wojnę przemysłu naftowego. Sam Instytut podlegał wielokrotnej restrukturyzacji, zmieniały się urzędy nadzorujące pracę jednostki, priorytety wydawnictwa, redaktorzy, a miesięcznik „Nafta” nieprzerwanie trwał wiernie, zawsze prezentując zagadnienia istotne dla branży naftowej i gazowniczej, promując transfer wiedzy, wspierając innowacyjne rozwiązania w praktyce przemysłowej. Analiza zmian dotyczących czasopisma na przestrzeni lat była możliwa dzięki zrealizowanemu przez Instytut w latach 2010–2013 projektowi w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Innowacyjna Gospodarka. Zdigitalizowano wówczas najstarsze wydawnictwa przemysłu naftowego znajdujące się w zbiorach Biblioteki Instytutu, a także między innymi egzemplarze czasopisma „Nafta” od nr 1/1945 do nr 12/2008. Wszystkie pozostałe numery były już udostępnione zarówno w wersji analogowej, jak i cyfrowej. Dzisiaj z pewnością należy podkreślić, że duża część zbioru obejmującego czasopismo „Nafta” ma wartość historyczną, archiwalną i naukową. W artykule przedstawiono analizę kształtu merytorycznego „Nafty” w pierwszym okresie jej wydawania. Czasopismo, oprócz krótkich fachowych artykułów pogrupowanych w szeregu działów tematycznych, zawierało wtedy dużo wiadomości z życia branży naftowej, a także z działalności Stowarzyszenia Inżynierów i Techników Przemysłu Naftowego oraz Instytutu. Wiele tych materiałów miało charakter szkoleniowy dla kadry przemysłowej. Część informacji była okresowo wydawana w postaci stałych dodatków do czasopisma, trwale z nim połączonych. Dużą wartość historyczną ma dodatek „Statystyka naftowa Polski”, wydawany od nr 1/1945 do 7–8/1948, zawierający szereg bardzo szczegółowych informacji o prowadzonych bezpośrednio po wojnie wierceniach otworów poszukiwawczych czy eksploatacyjnych, ich lokalizacji czy wielkości wydobycia węglowodorów na terenie Polski. Innym dodatkiem był „Biuletyn Instytutu…”, wydawany w okresie od 1958 r. do 1980 r., dokumentujący postęp prac naukowych w poszczególnych zakładach badawczych czy prac normalizacyjnych na potrzeby branży. Na uwagę zasługuje też „Przegląd Dokumentacyjny Nafty”, który zawierał streszczenia artykułów z najnowszych czasopism zagranicznych czy książek. W sytuacji braku powszechnego dostępu do tej literatury – albo jego znacznego ograniczenia – dodatek ten w okresie swojego wydawania (1953–1975) spełnił swoją rolę. W części Dane statystyczne dotyczące czasopisma omówiono ciągłość jego druku w poszczególnych latach, zwrócono uwagę, że nazwa periodyku zmieniła się tylko jeden raz, poprzez rozszerzenie tytułu do „Nafta-Gaz” (od nr 1/1992), przedstawiono nazwiska redaktorów naczelnych oraz scharakteryzowano zmiany w składzie podmiotów stanowiących organ wydawniczy czasopisma „Nafta”. Na podstawie materiałów opublikowanych w „Nafcie” w okresie od nr 1/1945 do nr 12/1951 uszczegółowiono zmiany restrukturyzacyjne samego Instytutu, w tym dotyczące nazwy i podległości organizacyjnej w początkowym okresie jego działalności.
The 77th anniversary of the first edition of “Nafta” journal, closely related to the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute, and its legal predecessors, was in June this year. Initially, when first published, this journal had a basic goal – participation, via the popularisation of specialised knowledge, in the reconstruction of the oil industry that had been destroyed by the Second World War. The Institute has been restructed many times; the authorities supervising the unit’s operations were changing, as well as the priorities of the publication and its editors, but “Nafta” journal incessantly remained faithful to always presenting issues significant for the oil and gas sector, promoting knowledge transfer, and supporting innovative solutions within the industrial practice. Analysis of changes related to the journal over the years of its publication was possible due to the project carried out by the Institute in the years 2010–2013, under the Operational Programme “Innovative Economy”. At that time the oldest publications of the oil industry existing in the collection of the Institute Library were digitised, including copies of “Nafta” journal from No 1/1945 to No 12/2008. All the other issues were already made available both in an analogue and digital version. It should be emphasise that today a large part of the collection comprising “Nafta” journal has a historical, archival, and scientific value. The paper presents an analysis of the subject-matter profile of “Nafta” in the first period of its publication, which, apart from short professional papers grouped in a number of thematic sections, contained a lot of news from the oil sector life, and also from activities of the Association of Oil Industry Engineers and Technicians, and of the Institute. Many of these materials had a nature of training for the industrial staff. Part of the information was periodically published in the form of permanent supplements connected with the journal. The “Statystyka naftowa Polski” (“Oil statistics of Poland”) supplement, issued from No 1/1945 to 7–8/1948, which contained a large amount of very detailed information about the drilling of exploratory or production wells carried out immediately after the war, their location, or the volume of hydrocarbons production in Poland, has a high historical value. “Biuletyn Instytutu...” (“Bulletin of the Institute...”) was another supplement, published from 1958 to 1980, which documented the progress of scientific work in individual research departments or the standardisation work for the sector’s needs. Another supplement worth mentioning was the “Przegląd Dokumentacyjny Nafty” ("Oil Documentation Review") which contained abstracts of papers from the most recent foreign journals or books. In the situation where there was no easy access to this literature, or it was significantly limited, this supplement fulfilled its role in the period of its publication (1953–1975). The part Statistical Data on the Journal discusses the continuity of its publication in individual years, draws attention to the fact that the journal name has changed only once, by the title expansion to “Nafta-Gaz” (from No 1/1992), presents the names of editors-inchief, and characterises changes in the composition of entities, being the editorial bodies of “Nafta” journal. Based on materials published in “Nafta” in the period from No 1/1945 to No 12/1951, the restructuring changes of the Institute were specified, including names and organisational dependence in the initial period of its activities.
Przedstawiono zmodyfikowaną propozycję wartościowania (ilościowego określenia) działania komór spalania turbinowych silników spalinowych z uwzględnieniem zachodzących w nich oddziaływań energetycznych. Propozycja ta uzupełnia i uściśla rozważania zawarte w publikacji [4]. Przedstawione rozważania bazują na fakcie, że w komorach spalania tego rodzaju silników spalinowych zachodzi przekształcanie energii chemicznej zawartej w dostarczonym do niej paliwie (ściślej – energii chemicznej zawartej w mieszaninie paliwowo-powietrznej powstałej w tej komorze) na energię wewnętrzną spalin i związaną z nią ich energię ciśnienia powstających podczas spalania paliwa. Ta forma przemiany energii została nazwana ciepłem (Q). Ciepło Q odniesione do jednostki czasu t spalania paliwa zostało nazwane strumieniem ciepła (Q). Przyjęto także, że w przestrzeniach między łopatkowych wirnika turbiny zachodzi proces zamiany części energii wewnętrznej spalin, ale tylko tej, którą jest energia kinetyczna ich cząstek będących w ruchu cieplnymi (czyli energia termiczna) i wynikającą z niej energię ciśnienia na energię kinetyczną ruchu obrotowego tegoż wirnika. Zwrócono uwagę, że proces ten może być nieprawidłowy, w przypadku niewłaściwego działania komory spalania. Działanie komory spalania turbinowego silnika spalinowego zostało w tym artykule zinterpretowane, jako przetwarzanie energii chemicznej spalanego paliwa na energię wewnętrzną powstających spalin w ustalonym czasie. Wartościowanie tak rozumianego działania komór spalania tego rodzaju silników spalinowych, zaproponowane w tym artykule, polega na określeniu ilościowym tego działania za pomocą wielkości fizycznej, którą cechuje wartość liczbowa z jednostka miary nazwana dżulosekundą [dżul x sekunda]. Do oceny procesu pogarszania się działania komór spalania dowolnego turbinowego silnika spalinowego zaproponowano podejście statystyczne, w którym zastosowano estymację przedziałową wartości oczekiwanej E(Qt) ciepła w chwili t oraz modele deterministyczny i probabilistyczny oceny działania komory spalania, przy czym do opracowania modelu probabilistycznego zastosowano jednorodny proces Poissona. Wspomniane ciepło jest interpretowane jako forma (sposób) przemiany w komorze spalania silnika energii chemicznej mieszaniny paliwowo-powietrznej na energię wewnętrzną i związanej z nią energię ciśnienia spalin uzyskaną podczas spalania w niej paliwa.
Niniejsza praca ma na celu przeprowadzenie testów wydajności języka Swift w porównaniu z językiem C++ przy wykonywaniu obliczeń statystycznych. Analizowanymi zagadnieniami poza wydajnością są przejrzystość i składnia kodu, biblioteki dostępne dla tych języków oraz wykorzystanie zasobów sprzętowych urządzenia podczas przeprowadzania testów. W tym celu przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą dwóch wyżej wymienionych języków, opierającą się na wynikach uzyskanych z serii eksperymentów przeprowadzonych przy użyciu specjalnie utworzonych aplikacji testowych. Testy polegały na liczeniu odchylenia standardowego, mediany i średnich arytmetycznej, harmonicznej i geometrycznej a w trakcie testów rejestrowano czasy wykonania, użycie pamięci operacyjnej i obciążenie procesora. Na podstawie wyników badań ustalono, że język Swift nie jest zoptymalizowany pod kątem obliczeń statystycznych
This paper aims to test Swift's performance against C++ in performing statistical calculations. The analyzed issues, apart from performance, are code transparency and syntax, libraries available for these languages and the use of device hardware resources during testing. For this purpose, a comparative analysis of the two above-mentioned languages was carried out, based on the results obtained from a series of experiments carried out with the use of specially developed test applications. The tests consisted in calculating the standard deviation, median and arithmetic, harmonic and geometric mean, and during the tests, execution times, operating memory usage and CPU load were recorded. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the Swift language is not optimized for statistical calculations.
This paper deals with multicomponent systems subjected to suddenly applied loads. Such multicomponent systems consist of functionally identical elements, but the elements differ in their ability to sustain the applied load. Specifically, arrays of pillars are an example of the multicomponent systems. The capability of the array to sustain the applied load depends not only on the strength of the pillars but also on how the load coming from failed pillars is redistributed to the intact ones. We employ a Fiber Bundle Model with load transfer restricted within a rectangular region generated dynamically after each pillar’s destruction. We investigate strength of the array and its survivability.
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Purpose: The aim of the article is to statistically analyze the preparation of the future student during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The article is based on the answers of this year's high school graduates to the questions asked in the questionnaire regarding the assessment of their knowledge and the work of teachers during online classes. Moreover, prospective students expressed their opinion on the choice of a university and access to information about the fields of study. The article also deals with the financial situation of families during the pandemic and the impact of this situation on the possibility of further education of this year's high school graduates. Design/methodology/approach: Critical analysis of the literature on the subject allowing to define the term e-education. Analysis of the questionnaire and drawing conclusions based on the statistics. Findings: When analyzing the questionnaire, it was found that this year's high school graduates are not prepared to start their studies in the coming academic year and the teachers' work according to the survey was not effective. The financial situation of the families of this year's high school graduates does not affect their further education. Research limitations/implications: The article was based on a statistical survey using the questionnaire method. The analysis of the respondents 'answers provided results on the substantive preparation of high school graduates, teachers' work and the financial situation of families. The conclusions from the analysis indicate that this year's high school graduates may become poor students in the future due to the educational deficiencies they indicated. The analysis of the survey results led to the main question that may become the direction for future research, such as considerations on improving the educational process conducted remotely. Originality/value: The article presents the original statistical study (survey questionnaire). The survey is addressed to secondary school teachers, university teachers and high school students who are planning academic education.
Content available remote Rok 2020 okiem ekspertów branży produkcyjnej
The paper presents statistical research results regarding the occurrence of which dangerous aviation events in 1919-2018. The source of the information about the events was the AviationSafetyNetwork website. With the use of Excel 2016 and Statistica v. 12 computer programs, five-time intervals were identified in which hazardous aviation incidents took place.Characterizing the distribution of these events in all periods, due to the technological advancement and capabilities of airplanes, the distribution of dangerous events in the last three periods was compared. The following tests were used to verify the statistical hypotheses: , Shapiro-Wilk, Brown-Forsythe, Kruskal-Wallis. When choosing the appropriate test, the following factors were taken into account: the type of measurement scale, the dependence/independence of samples, and their number. The standard significance level was assumed to be α = 0.05. The consequences and repeatability of aviation events in the identified time intervals were analyzed. The research questions that were posed were the following: in which seasons of the year, months, days of the month, and days of the week did the most dangerous events deaths occur? How often did dangerous events take place? Was the distribution of events similar in the identified periods? The results of the conducted research allowed to identify five periods in which hazardous events took place and demonstrate that in particular periods the distribution of hazardous air events in subsequent seasons, months, and days of the week was not the same.
Content available Labor market in poland - analysis of diversity
The main aim of below consideration is presentation Polish Labor Market and changes inside, along last years. Labor market considerations are extremely important and have a large impact on the daily behavior of entities in this market. The extent, to which we are able to analyze changes taking place in individual areas of the surveyed area will allow us to make appropriate decisions on both – the demand and supply side of this labor. Author would like to present base issues connected with supply and demand taking place at this field in Poland. Getting to know the directions of changes taking place on the Labor Market may allow for an appropriate approach to human resource management. The article consists of short introduction, theoretical part, empirical part and summary at the end. Theoretical part includes base information and definition about Labor Market. Empirical section shows data analyzing, methods, tables and graphs. In the summary author would like to recapitulate analyzing case and draw some conclusions.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę statystyczną wpływu parametrów zewnętrznych na strumień ciepła zawartego w paliwie dolotowym do okrętowego kotła opalanego. Jako parametry niezależne wytypowano średnią dobową moc chwilową silnika głównego i agregatów prądotwórczych, temperaturę wody zaburtowej oraz zanurzenie. Analizę przeprowadzono dla czterech różnych stanów eksploatacyjnych badanego statku.
The aim of the study was to assess the composition collected of municipal waste in selected three Institutes of State University of Applied Sciences in Nowy Sącz in 2017 and 2018, taking into account the morphological composition covering five fractions. Paper waste had the highest share of 24.28% in the structure of the analyzed municipal waste in the Institute of Economics. The highest average value among the analyzed waste fractions was for organic waste (0.117 kg), similarly the standard deviation confirming the greatest variability of the results. The poor correlation relationships were most often noticeable in the Engineering Institute (r = 0.30), between organic waste and metals. Based on the conducted research, it was considered justified to implement selective waste collection at the University in accordance with the waste management hierarchy.
Celem pracy była ocena składu gromadzonych odpadów komunalnych w wybranych trzech Instytutach Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Nowym Sączu w latach 2017 i 2018 z uwzględnieniem składu morfologicznego, obejmującego pięć frakcji. Największy udział, 24,28%, w strukturze badanych odpadów komunalnych przypadał na odpady papieru w Instytucie Ekonomicznym. Najwyższa wartość średnia spośród badanych frakcji odpadów przypadała na odpady organiczne (0,117 kg), podobnie odchylenie standardowe, potwierdzające największą zmienność wyników. Słabe związki korelacyjne wystąpiły pomiędzy odpadami organicznymi i metalami (r = 0,30). Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań za wskazane uznano wdrożenie selektywnej zbiórki odpadów w uczelni, zgodnie z hierarchią postępowania z odpadami.
In the most recent years, the Vietnam National Coal - Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited (VINACOMIN) has been dynamically developing mechanization technologies in underground coal mines. The climatic conditions of Vietnam, as well as increasing the depth of the coal seams and the production capacity, contribute to an air temperature increasing in mining excavations. The article presents statistical equations enabling air temperature forecasting at the outlet of mechanized longwall workings. The results of numerical calculations, obtained from the solutions of the adopted mathematical descriptions, were compared with the measurement results and the statistical significance of the obtained deviations was determined. The performed analysis allowed to assess the practical usefulness of the adopted model for the air temperature forecasting in the workings of mechanized underground mines in Vietnam. The presented method can be used as a tool for mining services in the fight against the climate threat in underground excavations.
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The article presents the results of analysis of operational parameters of piston engine CA 912 ULT which is a propulsion system of ultralight gyroplane Tercel produced by Aviation Artur Trendak. Research was conducted under normal operating conditions of the autogyro and data was collected from 20 independent tests including a total of 28 flight hours, divided into training flights and competition flights. Engine speed, manifold air pressure and temperature, fuel pressure, injection time, and head temperature were recorded at 9 Hz during each flight. Collective results were presented to show the statistical analyses of the individual parameters by determining the mean values, standard deviations and histograms of the distribution of these parameters. Histograms of operating points defined by both engine speed and manifold air pressure were also determined. Analyses of the engine dynamics as a distribution of the rate of change of the engine rotational speed were also carried out. It was shown that the engine operating points are concentrated mainly in the range of idle and power above 50% of nominal power. The most frequent range is 70-80% of nominal power. It was also shown that the dynamics of engine work in real operating conditions is small. It was also shown that the way of use significantly influences the distribution of operating points. During training flights, an increase in the number of take-offs and landings causes an increase in the amount of engine work at take-off and nominal power and at idle.
In the Polish part of the Carpathian Foredeep, an intensification of gas exploration and exploitation from Miocene strata took place in the middle of the twentieth century. In spite of a good degree of geological and reservoir recognition, the area of the Carpathian Foredeep is still considered to be prospective for the discovery of new gas reservoirs. Here we analyse statistically selected reservoir parameters of Miocene deposits, such as total porosity, effective permeability and reservoir water inflow. These parameters have been determined on the basis of interpretations of results of well logs and reservoir tests with tubular bed samplers (DST, Drill Stem Test). Analytical results in the form of regression and dependence of the logarithm of permeability as a function of porosity show a weak correlation. However, in the study area, the distribution of porosity values for Miocene strata is close to normal.
W artykule skoncentrowano się na charakterystyce polskich sieci elektroenergetycznych w okresie pięciu lat XXI wieku, tj. 2014-2018. Przedstawiono zmiany następujących wielkości w badanym okresie: • struktury odbiorców, którym sektor przesyłowy i dystrybucyjny dostarcza energię elektryczną na różnych poziomach napięć, • infrastruktury sektora przesyłowego i dystrybucyjnego, w skład którego wchodzą linie elektroenergetyczne różnych napięć oraz stacje transformatorowo-rozdzielcze. Ponadto dane te porównano z rokiem 2000, co pozwalało ocenić zaistniałe zmiany w blisko dwudziestu latach XXI wieku. Podano również wskaźniki niezawodnościowe sieci dystrybucyjnej SN i nn.
The paper focuses on the characteristics of Polish power grid in the five years of the 21st cenlury, Le. 2014-2018. Changes in the following parameters in the analyzed period are presented: • structure of recipients to whom the transmission and distribulion sector supplies electric energy at various vollage levels, • infrastructure of the transmission and distribution sector, which includes power lines of various vollages as well as transformer and distribution power stations. Moreover, these data were compared with the year 2000, which allowed to assess the changes that look place in nearly twenly years of the 21st century. The reliability indexes of the MV and LV distribulion networks are also given.
Purpose: This investigation aims to study the various approaches currently used to reduce the load on computer servers in order to better manage data on hospital wastewater treatment and solid waste generation. Design/methodology/approach: This manuscript investigates the taxonomies of deduplication procedures based on literature and other data sources, thereby presenting its classification and its challenges in detection. Findings: Based on the literature survey of deduplication techniques, the method of deduplication dispensed on cloud gadget devices has been found to be a promising research challenge. The gaps discussed include a reduction in storage space, bandwidth, type of disks used, and expenditure on energy usage and heat emissions when implementing these strategies. The art work on a scalable, robust, green and allocated approach to deduplication for a cloud gadget will remain of interest in destiny. Research limitations/implications: Considerable attention is focused on the deduplication due to efficient, extensive storage system. Practical implications: This research paper will be useful to identify deduplication techniques which are nowadays used in different hospital wastewater data collection systems and put significant proposals for further improvements in deduplication. Originality/value: This manuscript portrays a broader assessment of the available literature for data duplication along with the classification of different methods for the data storage used in the different level of storage of hospital wastewater data collection.
Content available The smoothed bootstrap fine-tuning
The bootstrap method is a well-known method to gather a full probability distribution from the dataset of a small sample. The simple bootstrap i.e. resampling from the raw dataset often leads to a significant irregularities in a shape of resulting empirical distribution due to the discontinuity of a support. The remedy for these irregularities is the smoothed bootstrap: a small random shift of source points before each resampling. This shift is controlled by specifically selected distributions. The key issue is such parameter settings of these distributions to achieve the desired characteristics of the empirical distribution. This paper describes an example of this procedure.
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