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This article analyzes the effect of modifications of injector opening pressure on the operating values of a compression ignition engine, including the temperature of the exhaust gas. A program of experimental investigation is described, considering the available test stand and measurement capabilities. The structure of the test stand on which the experimental measurements were conducted is presented. The method of introducing real modifications of injector opening pressure to the existing test engine was characterized. It was proposed to use F statistic of Fisher-Snedecor (F-S) distribution to evaluate the importance of the impact of modifications of injector opening pressure on the specific enthalpy of the flue gas flow. Qualitative and statistical studies of the results achieved from the measurements were carried out. The specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas for a single cycle of the compression ignition engine, determined from the course of rapidly variable flue gas temperature, was analyzed. The results of these studies are presented and the usable adoption of this type of assessment in parametric diagnosing of compression ignition engines is discussed.
Jatropha oil was blended with kerosene in ratios; JOK0, JOK20, JOK30, JOK40 and JOK50 and benchmarked against conventional diesel fuel. The blended fuel samples was test-run on a TD110-TD115 TQ small CI engine test rig, and emission levels for the fuel samples were examined using an SQV automobile exhaust gas analyser. The JOK20 fuel sample offered a better performance in terms of higher BP, BTE, and EGT followed by; JOK30, JOK40 and JOK50 blends; and also exhibited lower SFC, BSEC and AFR, hence less fuel consuming than diesel fuel. A reduction in CO emission was recorded for JOK20, and a significant cut was also observed for JOK30, JOK40 blends with load increase.; while, JOK30, JOK40 and JOK50 samples exhibited higher CO2 and lower UHC emission levels than diesel. No traceable level of NOx emission was recorded for JOK20 fuel sample.
Przedstawiono wstępną propozycję oceny jakości rozpylania paliwa w komorach spalania z wtryskiem bezpośrednim silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym. Podano definicję opisową i wartościującą pojęcia jakości spalania. W odniesieniu do definicji wartościującej przyjęto, że jakość rozpylania paliwa może być określona za pomocą zbioru takich cech jak: dokładność rozpylania, stopień rozpylenia, jednorodność rozpylenia, zasięg strumienia, rozrzut kropel strumienia, równomierność rozpylenia, stężenie rdzenia strumienia paliwa i szerokość (średnica) tego strumienia. Wymienione cechy jakości rozpylania zostały scharakteryzowane w ujęciu deterministycznym i probabilistycznych za pomocą odpowiednich wzorów. Wykazano przy tym przydatność zarówno estymacji punktowej jak i przedziałowej do oceny cech jakości rozpylania paliwa. Zwrócono przy tym uwagę, że estymacja przedziałowa umożliwia pełniejszy (lepszy) opis jakości rozpylania paliwa.
The use of nanoparticles in fuels provides new opportunities for modification of fuel properties, which may affect the operational parameters of engines, in particular the efficiency and fuel consumption. The paper presents comparison of compression ignition engine performance fuelled with neat diesel and nano-diesel. Alumina (Al2O3) was used as nanoparticles. Surface-active substances, including Span 80 surfactant, as well as water admixture were used to improve the stability of the produced fuel. Measurements of the thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity of the produced mixtures were conducted. In this study was used naturally aspirated, water cooled, four-stroke diesel engine. Addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles result in 4% reduced fuel consumption, addition of TiO2 nanoparticles result in 10% reduced fuel consumption with respect to neat diesel fuel.
Investigation of exhaust emissions and ammonia flow behavior in the exhaust system incorporating with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) unit is discussed. An aftertreatment system is designed to work without additional urea injection. This study is focused on obtaining optimal parameters for catalysis. Its effectiveness is considered as a function of basic parameters of exhaust gases mixture and SCR material characteristics. A 3D geometry of SCR with porous volume has been simulated using Ansys Fluent. Moreover, a 1D model of ammonia dual-fuel CI engine has been obtained. Results were focused on obtaining local temperature, velocity, and exhaust gases composition to predict optimal probes placement, pipes insulation parameters, and characteristic dimensions.
The article presents the possibilities of using artificial intelligence methods to model the injection doses of a modern Common Rail (CR) fuel injector. The presented neural network solution belongs to the experimental models known as black boxes in mechatronics. The backpropagation algorithm and its Levenberg-Marquardt expansion were used for the simulation. The analysis showed that there is a good match between the measurements and the computational model. The proposed solution can be used in the processes of diagnosing not only elements of the injection equipment, but also the internal combustion engine.
One way to reduce the negative impact of internal combustion engines on the environment is to use advanced biofuels, e.g. Bioxdiesel which is a mixture of Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters (FAEE), bioethanol and standard diesel, with vast majority of the content with biological origin. The FAEE are promising content of the Diesel-Biodiesel-Ethanol blends. The FAEE can be obtained from both vegetable, eg. rapeseed oil and animal fats, as well as waste fats. The article presents research results on the efficiency of a turbocharged Diesel engine equipped with a Common Rail fuel injection system which was powered by Bioxdiesel fuel and for comparison purposes also fed with standard fuel. The effects study showed that even with a lower calorific value of Bioxdiesel fuel when compared to that for the standard diesel, the performance of the engine obtained during the test results was comparable to the standard fuel. Due to the presence of oxygen in the particles of the biofuel, and thus more efficient combustion processes, for a wide range of the minor engine load, the fuel consumption of Bioxdiesel and Diesel fuels was comparable to each other, while at higher engine load the fuel consumption of Bioxdiesel was lower than that for the other fuel.
W artykule przedstawiono syntetycznie sposoby zapłonu mieszanki paliwowo-powietrznej w silnikach spalinowych wraz z charakterystyką ich kluczowych wad oraz zalet, problematyką ich stosowania oraz możliwością rozwoju. Dalszy rozwój tłokowych silników będzie wymagał drastycznego ograniczenia emisji szkodliwych składników spalin oraz dwutlenku węgla będącego najistotniejszym gazem cieplarnianym emitowanym przez silniki spalinowe. Z tego powodu zmianom muszą ulec nie tylko same silniki spalinowe, lecz także przede wszystkim stosowane paliwa. Aby były najskuteczniejsze, powinno się wykorzystywać samozapłon homogenicznej mieszanki paliwowo-powietrznej, co przy dzisiejszym stanie rozwoju technicznego nie jest możliwe w sposób pozwalający na realizację najbardziej zaawansowanych sposobów samozapłonu. W literaturze zagranicznej można znaleźć wiele publikacji dotyczących różnych sposobów zapłonu samoczynnego (ZS) w silnikach spalinowych, w tym zapłonu samoczynnego w silnikach dwupaliwowych. W literaturze krajowej nie ma jednak na ten temat wielu pozycji i choć można znaleźć prace dotyczące zapłonu samoczynnego w silnikach jednopaliwowych [1-10], to temat dwupaliwowego zasilania silników o ZS nie jest zbyt obszernie opisany. Z tego powodu godne uwagi wydaje się opublikowanie artykułu poruszającego ten istotny dziś temat.
The article presents synthetically the methods of ignition of the air-fuel mixture in Internal Com-bustion (IC) engines along with the characteristics of their advantages and disadvantages, the problems of their use and the possibility of development. The further development of piston engines will require a drastic reduction in the emission of harmful exhaust components and carbon dioxide, which is the most important greenhouse gas emitted by IC engines. For this reason, not only the engines themselves must be changed but fuels as well. For the most effective use of them, self-ignition of a homogeneous fuel-air mixture should be implemented. In the present state of technical development is not possible to widespread use the most ad-vanced ways of self-ignition methods. Typical homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI), where an engine uses only one type of the fuel and correctly self-ignite in the full scope of work is still not implemented in a serial production. In the foreign literature, there is a significant number of publications on various methods of Compression Igni-tion (CI) in IC engines, including IC in Dual Fuel (DF) engines. The Polish literature, however, is extremely sparse in this matter, and one can find a number of works on CI in single-fuel engines [1-10], but the topic of DF fueling is not too extensively described. For this reason, it seems important to publish an article on this important topic today
Charakter przebiegów zmian ciśnienia i temperatury czynnika roboczego w silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym jest istotnym źródłem informacji diagnostycznych. Pozwalają na analizę stanu technicznego zarówno aparatury paliwowej jak i układu cieplno -przepływowego. Dotyczy to zarówno temperatury i ciśnienia gazów w czasie całego cyklu pracy silnika o ZS wewnątrz cylindra, jak i tych samych parametrów dotyczących spalin, rejestrowanych w kanale wylotowym. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wymienione powyżej przebiegi, zarówno te o charakterze teoretycznym lub analitycznym, jak i powstałe w rezultacie badań obiektów rzeczywistych. Poddano analizie porównawczej przebiegi teoretyczne i rzeczywiste, w przestrzeni wewnątrzcylindrowej i w kanale spalin wylotowych oraz omówiono przyczyny różnic pomiędzy nimi. Wskazano i omówiono czynniki mające największy wpływ na te różnice. Przeanalizowano przyczyny przesunięcia wartości maksymalnej temperatury względem maksymalnego ciśnienia w obrębie jednego cyklu pracy silnika o ZS.
The dual fuel (DF) combustion mode is proven solution that allows to improve or get at the same level engine performance and reduce toxic compounds in exhaust gases which is confirmed by researchers and end-users. DF combustion mode uses two fuels gaseous fuel as a primary energy source and a pilot quantity of diesel fuel as ignition source. However, in order, to fully take advantage of the potential of the dual fuel mode, DF system must be proper calibrated. Despite the existence of commercial control systems for dual fuel engines on the market, the literature on the important parameters for the engine's operation introduced during calibration is scarce. This article briefly describes a concept of working algorithm and calibration strategy of a dual fuel electronic control unit (ECU) The purpose of calibration is to achieve the greatest possible use of an alternative gaseous fuel without causing accelerated engine wear.
The article describes the results of combustion of a mixture of PCOME (purified cooking oil esters) and bioethanol in the compression ignition Perkins 1104C-44 engine. The engine was prepared for use with the classic type of fuel – diesel oil, not biofuels. That is why bioethanol was added to ester in tests so that the basic physicochemical properties of the obtained mixture were as close as possible to diesel fuel. Thanks to this, the use of such fuel in the future would not require reworking or adjusting the settings of selected elements of the engine power supply system. During this case study, the engine performance and heat release rate were analyzed. For comparison, tests were carried out while powering the engine with ester fuel, 10 and 20 per cent mixtures of bioethanol and PCOME. The speed and load characteristics for each fuel were determined. This article presents selected characteristics where the biggest differences were noticed.
This article focuses on the cavitation mechanism from the perspective of utilizing the effect of gas desorption from the solution with nucleation of gas bubbles. This effect is an innovative approach to improving the operating parameters, including emissions parameters, in the compression-ignition engines. The article presents the concept of applying this process in practice and draws attention to the problems associated with its practical implementation. With regard to this issue, an original pump design with a hypocycloid power transmission, enabling application of the desorption effect, was presented. The second part of the article focuses on evaluating the possibility of cavitation occurring in the pump. This task was realized by simulating the cavitating flows in the pump’s return valve – the site at the greatest risk of formation of the first nuclei of this unfavorable phenomenon.
In the nearest future, natural gas may become an important source of energy for internal combustion engines driving road transport vehicles. Reciprocating internal combustion engines are faced with increasingly stringent requirements as regards their environmental impact. It will be more and more difficult to satisfy these requirements for engines powered with conventional fuels. Driving units alternative to reciprocating internal combustion engines still do not meet their users’ expectations, especially in long-distance and heavy transport. Moreover, it turns out that electric drive in cars is not necessarily more ecological than modern internal combustion engines, in particular when we derive electric energy from coal. As a result of this, it is well-grounded to use natural gas to power internal combustion engines. Both ecological and economic reasons support this. The article presents selected results of tests on the dual-fuel PERKINS 1104D-E44TA engine powered with compressed natural gas and diesel oil. It has been proven that in the case of the dual-fuel CI engine, both hourly energy consumption and brake specific energy consumption are higher than for diesel oil consumption only. At the same time, it has been proven that the use of the energy delivered to the cylinders of the engine powered with natural gas and diesel oil is less efficient. The discussed type of dual-fuel combustion in the tested engine is less efficient than the combustion of conventional fuel the engine has been prepared for at the factory.
Gaz ziemny może stać się w najbliższej przyszłości ważnym źródłem energii do zasilania silników spalinowych napędzających pojazdy samochodowe w transporcie drogowym. Tłokowym silnikom spalinowym stawiane są coraz większe wymagania w zakresie ich oddziaływania na środowisko. Wymaganiom tym przy zasilaniu silników paliwami konwencjonalnymi będzie coraz trudniej sprostać. Napędy alternatywne w porównaniu do tłokowych silników spalinowych nadal nie spełniają oczekiwań użytkowników, zwłaszcza w transporcie dalekobieżnym i ciężkim. Okazuje się również, że napęd elektryczny w samochodach nie koniecznie musi być bardziej ekologiczny niż współczesne silniki spalinowe. Zwłaszcza wówczas, kiedy energię elektryczną otrzymujemy z węgla. To powoduje, że zastosowanie gazu ziemnego do zasilania silników spalinowych jest uzasadnione. Przemawiają za tym zarówno względy ekologiczne jak i ekonomiczne. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane wyniki badań silnika PERKINS 1104D-E44TAprzystosowanego do dwupaliwowego zasilania sprężonym gazem ziemnymi olejem napędowym. Wykazano, że przy dwupaliwowym zasilaniu silnika ZS godzinowe zużycie energii oraz jednostkowe zużycie energii jest większe, niż przy jego zasilaniu olejem napędowym. Jednocześnie wykazano mniejszą efektywność wykorzystania energii doprowadzanej do cylindrów silnika z gazem ziemnym i olejem napędowym. Przyjęty sposób dwupaliwowego zasilania badanego silnika jest mniej efektywny niż jego zasilanie paliwem konwencjonalnym, do którego fabrycznie został przystosowany.
Content available Pyrolysis oil combustion in the CI engine
Pyrolysis oil obtained from thermal biomass processing (torrefaction and pyrolysis) was used as an additional fuel for the compression-ignition engine equipped with a classic (non-common rail) injection system. The basic fuel used to the engine was regular diesel fuel. The tests were carried out with two content of pyrolysis oil in diesel fuel as follows: 10 and 20% by volume. In addition, the combustion process was investigated in the engine operating only on pyrolysis oil. The test results were based on a comparative analysis, where the diesel fuel was used as the reference fuel. The obtained results indicate that is a real possibility of co-combustion of pyrolysis oil with diesel fuel in the CI engine. On the other hand, a decrease in engine power resulting from the lower calorific value of pyrolysis oil and a greater unrepeatability of engine consecutive work cycles were observed.
The engine control process is usually carried out based on array control algorithms with a fixed mesh size. Modification of control algorithms based on experimental test data requires the use of programs that make it possible to determine the control algorithm parameters. The article presents the methodology of determining the compression-ignition engine control algorithms. A custom computer program was presented, which was used to determine the control algorithm parameters. These control algorithms values were determined based on the results of experimental engine tests, and using the presented program. The parameters were introduced into the laboratory compression-ignition engine controller. The experimental tests performed on the engine, whose operation was managed by the programmed laboratory controller, confirmed the usefulness of the proposed methodology for determining input data of control algorithms.
Biodiesel fuel is covering more and more place in the market. The reason is a limited fossil fuels resources and the need to reduce emission of harmful substances by application of the fuel made of renewable resources. Currently in Poland and in Europe, the Fatty Acid Methyl Esters are used as biocomponent of the biodiesel fuel or it is used as pure biodiesel fuel. This paper presents the research on the biofuel, which contains mainly Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters, (the energetic value of FAEE is higher than FAME) and mineral Diesel fuel is a small addition. This paper presents research on the improvement of the compression ignition behaviour and combustion effectiveness of the second generation biofuel BIOXDIESEL, which contains up to 75% of biocomponents (FAEE with bioethanol) with addition of mineral Diesel fuel. Improvement of the auto-ignition properties is achieved through the multi-component composition of Bioxdiesel fuel and dosing of enriching additives. The quality of the fuel has been evaluated during engine testing and during laboratory measurement of fuel parameters. Whereas satisfactory results show that it is appropriate to supplement the composition of biofuels produced from waste vegetable and animal fats and alcohol with the refining additive.
The problem of the military vehicles engines fuelling increases with the growth of the amount of vehicles in the armies. At the same time, another problem with fuel supply in modern engines is the use of bio component additives, which changes characteristics (quality) of the used fuels. Therefore, it is important to take actions to adapt engines to powering with fuels coming from renewable sources. The aim of the research was to evaluate the possibility of feeding the diesel engine (influence on the useful parameters and composition) with mixtures of the unified battlefield fuel F-34/F-35 with biocomponents in the form of anhydrous ethyl alcohol and RME. The tests were conducted during fuelling of the engine with six kinds of fuels: basic fuel (diesel oil), NATO code F-34/F-35 fuel, as well as fuel mixtures: F-34 and RME with different ratio and F-34/F-35 with bioethanol. In the result of the research it was concluded that the parameters of the G9T Renault engine with the common rail fuel system in terms of F-34 and RME consumption (using) decreased in comparison to diesel oil basic fuel. It is not possible to supply the engine with the mixture of ethyl alcohol and F-34 fuel - alcohol precipitation and obliteration of fuel system components.
The aim of the work is to check the possibility of applying the Monte Carlo method to the calculation procedure of internal combustion engines. This has been accomplished by modifying existing algorithms in such a way that the variables responsible for the main parameters of the engine are selected in a random manner using Solver written in Microsoft Excel. It turns out that this method can actually be implied, however, it has some limitations related to the high complexity of calculations.
In this work the evaluation of the theoretical methods used to determine the rate of heat release in a diesel engine with direct injection powered by liquid alternative fuels was performer. Empirical research and calculations were carried out for two fuels: diesel oil (D) and sunflower methyl esters (SFME). Physicochemical properties of diesel oil and sunflower methyl esters, such as: cetane number, fuel value, density at temperature 15°C, kinematic viscosity, ignition temperature, cloud point, cold filter plugging point were compared. The test stand was the supercharged diesel engine Perkins type 1104C-E44T. Calculations studies were based on a single-zone model of the rate of heat release for direct injection engines. Calculations studies and empirical research were carried out for the engine load of 100%, 75%, 10% for the crankshaft rotational speed n = 1400 rev / min and n = 2000 rev / min for three angle of the fuel injection: A – factory setting, B – delayed fuel injection (approximately 5° CA) C – acceleration fuel injection (approximately 5° CA).
W niniejszym artykule dokonano analizy i oceny teoretycznych metod wyznaczania szybkości wydzielania ciepła w silniku o ZS z bezpośrednim wtryskiem zasilanym ciekłymi paliwami alternatywnymi. Badania empiryczne i obliczenia przeprowadzono dla dwóch paliw: oleju napędowego (D) i słonecznikowych estrów metylowych (SFME). Porównano właściwości fizykochemiczne oleju napędowego i estru metylowego oleju słonecznikowego, takie jak: liczba cetanowa, wartość opałowa, gęstość w temperaturze 15°C, lepkość kinematyczna, temperatura zapłonu, temperatura mętnienia, temperatura zablokowania zimnego filtru. Badania empiryczne wykonano na doładowanym silniku o ZS firmy Perkins typu 1104C-E44T. Obliczenia wykonano na podstawie modelu z pojedynczą strefą szybkości wydzielania ciepła dla silników z wtryskiem bezpośrednim. Badania empiryczne i obliczenia wykonano dla obciążenia silnika 100%, 75% i 10% przy prędkości obrotowej wału korbowego n = 1400 obr / min oraz n = 2000 obr / min dla trzech kątów wtrysku paliwa A, B, C. Ustawienie A kąta wyprzedzenia wtrysku to ustawienie fabryczne tego parametru. Ustawienie B generowało późniejszy wtrysk paliwa (o ok. 5°OWK), a ustawienie C wtrysk wcześniejszy o ten sam kąt.
Article shows the effect of the addition to the fuel used for the regeneration of the injection system on heat release rate in the compression ignition engine. This fuel additive has been used according to the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure optimum conditions for the experiment. Empirical studies were conducted on a Perkins 1104C-E44T four-cylinder, supercharged Diesel engine. The cleaning process took place for the first time in this drive unit. During the tests, the pressure of the working medium was measured before and after cleaning of the system by means of said fuel additive. Analysis of the obtained results was used to determine the course of the Heat Release Rate as a parameter of the combustion process affecting the concentration of toxic substances and the lifetime of the drive unit.
W artykule opisano wpływ dodatku do paliwa służącego do regeneracji układu wtryskowego na prędkość wydzielania się ciepła w komorze spalania silnika o zapłonie samoczynnym. Opisywany dodatek do paliwa został użyty zgodnie z zaleceniami producenta, aby zapewnić optymalne warunki eksperymentu. Badania empiryczne prowadzono na czterocylindrowym, doładowanym silniku o zapłonie samoczynnym Perkins 1104C-E44T. Proces oczyszczania odbywał się po raz pierwszy w przypadku tej jednostki napędowej. W trakcie badań przeprowadzono pomiary ciśnienia czynnika roboczego przed i po czyszczeniu układu zasilania za pomocą wspomnianego dodatku do paliwa. Analiza uzyskanych wyników badań posłużyła do wyznaczenia przebiegu wywiązującego się ciepła jako parametru procesu spalania mającego wpływ na stężenie substancji toksycznych oraz żywotność jednostki napędowej.
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