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Hydroxyapatites of certain alkaline earth metals were synthesised, and their phase composition was determined using X-ray phase analysis. Thermal modification of the studied compounds was performed at temperatures not exceeding 800°C. The laser diffraction method determined the size distribution of the samples subjected to thermal treatment. It was found that the mean particle size ranged from 5,48±1,28 to 126,71±3,68 μm. It has been demonstrated that particle aggregation and fragmentation processes are possible depending on the synthesised compounds' qualitative and quantitative phase composition and the modification temperature.
Petroleum products influence the engineering behaviour of the soil. Neogene clays and glacial tills from Central Poland were tested under laboratory conditions to evaluate the changes of selected physical and mechanical parameters: particle size distribution, particle density, swelling, shear strength and permeability. Four petroleum products were used in the experiments: diesel fuel, kerosene, jet fuel and mineral engine oil. The study revealed that even for the lowest degree of contamination the values of physical and mechanical properties of the soils changed significantly. Greater variation can be expected in soils contaminated with high-viscosity compounds. Also, higher relative changes were found for glacial tills than for Neogene clays. Consolidation tests revealed changes in soil permeability depending on the soil composition and the physical properties of the contaminant – considerable reduction of permeability was observed for glacial tills contaminated with light Jet fuel, while the reduction was lower for Neogene clays. The obtained results indicate the role of mesopores and the dimensionless pore pressure coefficient in changes of soil permeability. The methodological issues regarding testing and analysing the hydrocarbon-contaminated soils were also presented and discussed, which might be useful for researchers studying contaminated soils.
Stabilność fizyczna emulsji w przypadku produktów żywnościowych to parametr ściśle związany z akceptacją konsumencką, który jednocześnie jest jednym z najważniejszych wyróżników jakości przy określaniu terminu przydatności do spożycia. Termodynamiczna stabilność żywności determinuje warunki przechowywania i możliwość transportu wyprodukowanych dóbr. W związku z powyższym ocena stabilności fizycznej emulsji jest ważnym elementem badań przemysłowych. Zagadnienie to ma szczególne znaczenie w przypadku przemysłu mleczarskiego, którego głównym surowcem jest mleko, czyli klasyczny przykład emulsji typu olej w wodzie (o/w). Dotychczasowe metody badania stabilności emulsji typu o/w opierały się na analizie wielkości kuleczek tłuszczowych z wykorzystaniem mikroskopu optycznego. Postęp naukowy i techniczny doprowadził do dezaktualizacji normy PN-A-86059:1975, która utraciła statu „uznanej reguły technicznej” i została wycofana bez zastąpienia. Stabilność emulsji typu o/w, określana na podstawie rozkładu wielkości kuleczek tłuszczowych jest coraz częściej badana z wykorzystaniem dyfrakcji laserowej.
The physical stability of emulsions in case of food products is a parameter closely related to consumers’ acceptance, as well as one of the most important determinants of the products’ shelf life. Thermodynamic stability determines the conditions of storage and transportation of manufactured goods. Therefore, the research on emulsion physical stability is an important part of industrial research. This topic is of particular importance for dairy industry, where the raw material is milk – a classic example of oil-in-water (o/ w) emulsion. The analytical methods used so far to determination the stability of o/w emulsions’ stability have been based on the analysis of the size of fat globules using an optical microscope: PN-A-86059: 1975. However, scientific and technical progress has led to the obsolescence of the quoted standard, which lost the status as the “recognized technical rule” and was withdrawn without replacement. Currently, the stability of o/w emulsions, determined by the fat globules’ size distribution is being studied by means of laser diffraction.
The article presents the study results of electropulse grinding of amber in aqueous and alcoholic media at different amounts of supplied energy. Description of the electropulse grinding laboratory installation, the mechanism of the destruction process of amber particles and methods of statistical processing of experimental data are given. It was established that alcohol medium has a greater impact on the efficiency of crushing than water. Thus, under the same conditions of energy supply, in the aqueous medium the weighted average particle size of amber was 601:6±688:9 μm, and in an alcohol medium – 368:0±269:6 μm. In an aqueous medium, the particle size decreased to 1/13.6 of raw sample, and in an alcoholic medium to 1/22.3 of raw sample compared to the initial size of raw amber. We found that in the aqueous medium the ratio of large to small fractions is mainly the same with the coefficient of alignment of particles with a size of 1.09. In an alcoholic medium, this ratio significantly differs, with the coefficient of alignment of amber particles of a size of 1.67 with the amount of supplied energy of 125 kJ.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu granulowanego żużla wielkopiecowego, naturalnej pucolany [superzeolit] i mączki wapiennej na właściwości cementów wieloskładnikowych. Stwierdzono, że synergiczne połączenie wymienionych dodatków mineralnych, biorąc pod uwagę wpływ rozkładu wielkości cząstek według objętości i powierzchni, a także ustalenie wskaźników wpływu czynników fizycznych, takich jak wodoządność, wydzielanie mleczka, aktywność pucolanowa, ciepło hydratacji na zestaw właściwości zaczynu i betonu: urabialność, wytrzymałość normowa i wczesna, emisja CO2, pozwala uzyskać technologicznie zoptymalizowane cementy portlandzkie wieloskladnikowe. Wyniki wykazały, że oddzielne mielenie poszczególnych składników, optymalizacja składu ziarnowego żużlia, superzeolitu i mączki wapiennej, z uwzględnieniem rozkładu wielkości cząstek według powierzchni, umożliwia wytwarzanie cementu portlandzkiego wieloskładnikowego o dużej wytrzymałości wczesnej CEM II/B-M 42,5 R LH.
The paper presents the results of research on the influence of granulated blast furnace slag, natural pozzolana [superzeolite], and limestone powder on the performance of multi-component cements. It was found that the synergistic combination of mineral additives of different genesis, taking into account the influence of the particle size distribution [PSD] by volume and surface area, as well as the determination of indicators of the influence of physical factors such as water demand, bleeding, pozzolanic activity, the heat of hydration on the set of properties of paste and concrete: workability, standard, and early strength, global warming potential, allows to obtain technologically optimized multi-component Portland cements. The results showed that the production of multi-component Portland cement with high early strength CEM II/B-M 42.5 R-LH ensures separate grinding of individual constituents, optimization of grain composition of slag, superzeolite, and limestone powder taking into account the PSD by surface area.
This article presents the results of experimental research to determine the size of powder graining in building materials, specifically, gypsums (Dolina Nidy, Pinczow) and adhesives (Atlas Sp. z o.o., Lodz, and Weber Saint-Gobain, Warsaw). A modern laser diffraction method for measuring the distribution of particle sizes with respect to their diameters was applied. During the experiment, three series of measurements were conducted for each material. Data relating to the graining of building materials is crucial because it is one of many aspects that directly affects the binding time and defines its potential applications in the construction industry.
W artykule zawarto wyniki badań eksperymentalnych, określających wielkość ziaren w pylistych materiałach budowlanych: gipsach (Dolina Nidy, Pinczów) i klejach (Atlas Sp. z o.o., Łódź oraz Weber Saint-Gobain, Warszawa). W pomiarach zastosowano nowoczesną metodę dyfrakcji laserowej do pomiaru średnic cząstek. Podczas eksperymentu przeprowadzono trzy serie pomiarów dla każdego materiału. Ziarnistość materiałów budowlanych stanowi jeden z wielu aspektów, które bezpośrednio wpływają na czas wiązania, a zatem określają ich użyteczność w budownictwie.
Artykuł ma charakter dyskusyjny. Przedstawiono w nim problemy dotyczące określenia wielkości cząstek oraz ich średniej średnicy. Cząstki rozpatrywano jako fazę rozproszoną w różnych układach, w tym koloidalnych. Omówiono podstawowe metody pomiaru wielkości cząstek oraz zalety i wady tych metod.
Przeanalizowano wpływ zawartości emulgatora na rozkład wielkości cząstek mieszaniny olejków miętowego i eukaliptusowego oraz witaminy A. Układ dyspersyjny homogenizowano przy stałej liczbie obrotów mieszadła. W badaniach wykorzystano dyfraktometr laserowy HELOS BR. Stwierdzono, że im wyższe było stężenie emulgatora, tym mniejsza była średnica Sautera i średnica objętościowa, a tym samym mieszanina była lepiej zhomogenizowana.
The effect of emulsifier content on particle size distribution in the mixture of mint and eucalyptus oils and vitamin A was studied. The systems were homogenized at a constant stirrer rotational seed. HELOS BR laser diffractometer was used in research. It was proved that the Sauter and volumetric mean diameters, and consequently, the better homogenization of mixture were smaller for the higher emulsifier concentration.
Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) is widely used for the microstructural characterisation of porous solids. Comparatively few studies have employed the technique to characterise the size of particles within powdered samples. The present study uses the MIP technique to characterise the particle sizes of contemporary supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), and in particular uses the technique to present particle size distributions, rather than a single mean size. Representivity of the technique for known limitations of non-spherical and porous particles are checked using the Scanning Electron Microscope. The findings indicate that the MIP affords a good approximation of particle sizes, including distributions, of spherical and non-spherical particles. The technique was also found to provide reasonable accuracy for estimating the particle sizes of highly porous particles, where distinction between inter-particle and intra-particle porosity was made.
This paper presents the results of experimental drum granulation of silica flour with the use of wetting liquids with different values of surface tension. Additionally, different liquid jet breakup and different residual moisture of the bed were applied in the tests. The process was conducted periodically in two stages: wetting and proper granulation, during which no liquid was supplied to the bed. The condition of the granulated material after the period of wetting (particle size distribution and moisture of separate fractions) and a change in the particle size distribution during the further conduct of the process (granulation kinetics) were determined.
W artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki pomiarów rozkładów wielkości cząstek zawiesin zawartych w popłuczynach pochodzących ze stacji uzdatniania wód podziemnych w Golędzinowie. Próbki popłuczyn pobierano w trzech seriach badawczych w trakcie płukania filtrów do odżelaziania i odmanganiania w okresie od 20 sierpnia 2013 roku do 6 marca 2014 roku. Do oznaczenia składu granulometrycznego zawiesin użyto granulometr laserowy Mastersizer 2000. Badania wykazały, że w trakcie płukania filtrów rozkład wielkości cząstek zawiesin był zmienny. W zawiesinie w ujęciu objętościowym dominowały cząstki o wielkościach 1-100 μm, a w ujęciu ilościowym 0,1-1 μm. Dodatkowo dla filtra odmanganiającego we wszystkich fazach płukania uzyskiwano wyższe wartości wielkości cząstek niż w przypadku filtra odżelaziającego.
The study presents the results of measurement of particle size distribution in suspensions contained in spent filter backwash water obtained from the Groundwater Treatment Plant in Golędzinów. Spent filter backwash water samples were collected in three test series during the backwashing of iron and manganese removal filters, during the period from the 20th of August, 2013 to the 6th of March, 2014. Granulometric composition was determined by means of Mastersizer 2000 laser granulometer. The tests have proven that during the backwashing of filters the particle size distribution in suspensions was subject to changes. In terms of volume, particles of a size of 1-100 μm were dominant in the suspension, while in quantitative terms – particles of a size of 0.1-1 μm. Additionally, for the manganese removal filter higher particle size values were obtained in all stages of backwashing than for the iron removal filter.
The article presents the methods of size analysis implementation. It contents a sieving method and laser diffraction method (also known as a laser method). The content includes the characteristics of the selected methods which were presented. Comparison is supported by results of sieve analysis and the laser method. The subject of the researches was iron powder applied in the production of metal cored electrodes used for welding of steel. This powder is characterized by a particle size of about 250 μm.
Artykuł prezentuje metody wykonania analizy granulometrycznej. Wśród nich należy wymienić metodę sitową oraz metodę dyfrakcji laserowej (zwanej również metodą laserową). W treści zawarto charakterystykę po szczególnych metod oraz zwrócono uwagę na istotne różnice między nimi. Analizę porównawczą poparto wynikami otrzymanymi z metody sitowej oraz metody laserowej. Przedmiotem badań był proszek żelaza mający zastosowanie przy produkcji rdzeni drutów proszkowych stosowanych do spawania stali. Proszek ten charakteryzuje się wielkością ziaren rzędu 250 mikrometrów.
Clinker burning process has a decisive influence on energy consumption and the cost of cement production. A new problem is to use the process of decarbonization of alternative fuels from waste. These issues are particularly important in the introduction of a two-stage combustion of fuel in a rotary kiln without the typical reactor-decarbonizator. This work presents results of numerical studies on thermal-hydraulic phenomena in the riser chamber, which will be designed to burn fuel in the system where combustion air is supplied separately from the clinker cooler. The mathematical model is based on a combination of two methods of motion description: Euler description for the gas phase and Lagrange description for particles. Heat transfer between particles of raw material and gas was added to the numerical calculations. The main aim of the research was finding the correct fractional distribution of particles. For assumed particle distribution on the first stage of work, authors noted that all particles were carried away by the upper outlet to the preheater tower, what is not corresponding to the results of experimental studies. The obtained results of calculations can be the basis for further optimization of the design and operating conditions in the riser chamber with the implementation of the system.
The analysis of particle size in suspensions carried out with use of the laser diffraction method enables us to obtain not only information about the size of particles, but also about their properties, shape and spatial structure, determined basing on fractal dimension. The fractal dimension permits the evaluation of the interior of aggregates, at the same time showing the degree of complexity of the matter. In literature, much attention is paid to the evaluation of the fractal dimension of flocs in activated sludge, in the aspect of control of single processes, i.e. sedimentation, dehydration, coagulation or flocculation. However, results of research concerning the size of particles and the structure of suspensions existing in raw and treated sewage are still lacking. The study presents optical fractal dimensions D3 and particle size distributions measured with use of laser granulometer in raw and treated sewage and activated sludge collected from six mechanical-biological wastewater treatment plants located in the Lower Silesian region. The obtained test results demonstrate that wastewater treatment plants that use both sequencing batch reactors and continuous flow reactors are more efficient at capturing suspension particles of a size up to 30 μm and are characterized by an increased removal of particles of a size ranging from 30 μm to 550 μm to the outflow. Additionally, in the case of samples of treated sewage and activated sludge collected at the same location, at short intervals, similar particle distributions were observed. As far as the analysis of fractal dimensions is concerned, particles contained in the raw sewage suspension were characterized by the lowest values of the fractal dimension (median equals 1.89), while the highest values occurred in particles of activated sludge (median equals 2.18). This proves that the spatial structure of suspension particles contained in raw sewage was similar to a linear structure, with a large amount of open spaces, while the structure of particles contained in the activated sludge suspension was significantly more complex in the spatial aspect.
Analiza wielkości cząstek zawiesin metodą dyfrakcji laserowej pozwala uzyskać informacje nie tylko na temat wymiarów cząstek, ale także ich właściwości, kształtu oraz budowy przestrzennej, określanej na podstawie wartości wymiaru fraktalnego. Wymiar fraktalny pozwala na ocenę wnętrza agregatów, ukazując jednocześnie stopień złożoności obiektu. W literaturze dużo uwagi poświęca się ocenie wymiaru fraktalnego kłaczków osadu czynnego pod kątem kontroli procesów jednostkowych, tj.: sedymentacja, odwadnianie, koagulacja czy flokulacja, jednak wciąż brakuje wyników badań na temat wielkości cząstek i struktury zawiesin występujących w ściekach surowych i oczyszczonych. W artykule przedstawiono określone za pomocą granulometru laserowego optyczne wymiary fraktalne D3 i rozkłady wielkości cząstek w ściekach surowych, oczyszczonych i osadzie czynnym pobranych z sześciu mechaniczno-biologicznych oczyszczalni ścieków zlokalizowanych na terenie Dolnego Śląska. Uzyskane wyniki badań wskazują, iż oczyszczalnie ścieków pracujące zarówno w układzie zarówno reaktorów wsadowych jak i przepływowych powodują skuteczniejsze zatrzymywanie cząstek zawiesin o rozmiarach cząstek do 30μ m oraz podwyższone wynoszenie do odpływu cząstek w zakresie rozmiarów od 30 μm do 600 μm. Dodatkowo w przypadku próbek ścieków oczyszczonych i osadu czynnego pobieranych w tym samym miejscu i krótkich odstępach czasu zaobserwowano podobne rozkłady występowania cząstek. W przypadku analizy wymiarów fraktalnych najmniejszymi wartościami wymiaru fraktalnego (mediana równa 1,89) charakteryzowały się cząstki tworzące zawiesinę ścieków surowych, a najwyższymi cząstki osadu czynnego (mediana równa 2,2), co świadczy o tym, że budowa przestrzenna cząstek zawiesin zawartych w ściekach surowych była zbliżona do struktur liniowych z dużą ilością otwartych przestrzeni, a struktura cząstek tworzących zawiesinę osadu czynnego była znacznie bardziej rozbudowana przestrzennie.
We constructed an aeolian soil database across arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid regions, China. Soil particle size distribution was measured with a laser diffraction technique, and fractal dimensions were calculated. The results showed that: (i) the predominant soil particle size distributed in fine and medium sand classifications, and fractal dimensions covered a wide range from 2.0810 to 2.6351; (ii) through logarithmic transformations, fractal dimensions were significantly positive correlated with clay and silt contents (R2 = 0.81 and 0.59, P < 0.01), and significantly negative correlated with sand content (R2 = 0.50, P < 0.01); (3) hierarchical cluster analysis divided the plots into three types which were similar to sand dune types indicating desertification degree. In a large spatial scale, fractal dimensions are still sensitive to wind-induced desertification. Therefore, we highly recommend that fractal dimension be used as a reliable and quantitative parameter to monitor soil environment changes in desertified regions. This improved information provides a firm basis for better understanding of desertification processes.
Content available remote Colour properties of pigments based on YMnO3
Inorganic pigments of the YMnx(CuSn)1-xO3±δ (CuSn) and YMnx(NiSn)1-xO3±δ (NiSn) type, where x = 0.9, 0.5, 0.1, were prepared by wet mechanical activation. Influence of composition and calcination temperature on the colour properties, particle size distribution and phase purity was examined. The pigments were applied into a ceramic glaze and organic matrix. With the calcination temperature increasing from 1000 °C to 1200 °C and with the decreasing content of Mn, the colour of the pigment powders changed from black to dark green in case of CuSn and from black to dark brown in case of NiSn. Particle size distributions (PSD) of the prepared powders varied in the interval suitable for pigment applications. A complete solid solution (hexagonal YMnO3) was obtained only in the case of YMn0.9(CuSn)0.1O3±δ. The effect of mineralizers (AlF3, Na3AlF6, H3BO3, Na2CO3) on the colour properties and phase composition was also investigated. The prepared powders were compared with the industrially produced pigments.
Wykorzystując aktywację mechaniczną na mokro, przygotowano nieorganiczne pigmenty typu YMnx(CuSn)1-xO3±δ (CuSn) i YMnx(NiSn)1-xO3±δ (NiSn), gdzie x = 0,9, 0,5, 0,1. Zbadano wpływ składu i temperatury kalcynacji na właściwości barwne, rozkład wielkości cząstek i czystość fazową. Pigmenty zastosowano w szkliwie ceramicznym i osnowie organicznej. Wraz ze zwiększaniem temperatury kalcynacji od 1000 °C do 1200 °C i zmniejszaniem zawartości Mn, barwa proszków zmieniała się od czarnej do ciemnozielonej w przypadku pigmentów CuSn i od czarnej do ciemnobrązowej w przypadku pigmentów NiSn. Rozkłady wielkości cząstek (PSD) przygotowanych proszków zmieniały się w zakresie odpowiednim do zastosowania w roli pigmentów. Tylko w przypadku YMn0,9(CuSn)0,1O3±δ otrzymano Wyłącznie roztwór stały (heksagonalny YMnO3). Zbadano również wpływ mineralizatorów (AlF3, Na3AlF6, H3BO3, Na2CO3) na właściwości barwne i skład fazowy. Przygotowane proszki porównano z przemysłowo wytwarzanymi pigmentami.
Content available remote Influence of mechanical alloying time on particle size of copper matrix composite
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of mechanical alloying time on particle size of copper matrix composites. Particle size distribution is very important parameter in many research areas such as powder metallurgy, particle-based computational modelling, advanced nanocomposite materials, etc. Hence, knowledge of relations between particle size and applied technique is essential for many studies, especially for selection of further manufacturing procedures. Design/methodology/approach: Starting powders (94.78 wt.% copper, 4.1 wt.% zirconium and 1.12 wt.% boron) were mechanically alloyed (MA) for 1, 10 and 20 hours. The structural characterization of copper and MA powders were performed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and morphology of MA powders were examined by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Particle size distribution as a function of milling time was determine by advanced laser nanoparticle sizer. Findings: Obtained results show that with increasing milling time the particle size is decreasing and morphology is changing. Also, identification of nanoparticles was achieved. Analysis of particle size distribution point out that after 1 hour of mechanical alloying the particle diameter is decreasing until 10 hours after which it starts to increase. Research limitations/implications: Identification of correlations between particle morphology/size distribution and milling time is of great importance in powder-based techniques and computational models. Originality/value: Copper matrix composites reinforced with ceramic nano and micro particles are relatively new materials. Obtaining these kind of composite materials by powder metallurgy is new approach in its production. Optimization of mechanical alloying parameters for production of MA powders will provide control of final material properties.
Badano rozkłady wielkości cząstek mikrokapsułek alginianu wapniowego, zawierających zemulgowane biooleje: amarantusowy i rokitnikowy. Dyspersje otrzymywano z wykorzystaniem energii ultradźwięków przy formowaniu emulsji i atomizacji emulsji przed żelowaniem. Wykazano możliwość otrzymywania kulistych mikro-cząstek alginianowych o średnicy poniżej 100 (im pełniących funkcję nośników substancji hydrofobowych w wieloskładnikowych produktach chemicznych, farmaceutycznych i spożywczych.
Particle size distributions (PSDs) of calcium alginate microcapsules with emulsified Amaranth and Sea Buckthorn biooils have been analyzed. Disperse systems were produced by ultrasound treatment during emulsifying and atomizing procedures. The possibility of production of spherical, calcium alginate microbeads of diameter below 100 nm, being carriers of hydrophobic compounds in multi-component chemical, pharmaceutical and food products has been demonstrated.
Content available remote Estimation of Apollo Lunar Dust Transport using Optical Extinction Measurements
A technique to estimate mass erosion rate of surface soil during landing of the Apollo Lunar Module (LM) and total mass ejected due to the rocket plume interaction is proposed and tested. The erosion rate is proportional to the product of the second moment of the lofted particle size distribution N(D), and third moment of the normalized soil size distribution S(D), divided by the integral of S(D)⋅D2/v(D), where D is particle diameter and v(D) is the vertical component of particle velocity. The second moment of N(D) is estimated by optical extinction analysis of the Apollo cockpit video. Because of the similarity between mass erosion rate of soil as measured by optical extinction and rainfall rate as measured by radar reflectivity, traditional NWS radar/rainfall correlation methodology can be applied to the lunar soil case where various S(D) models are assumed corresponding to specific lunar sites.
This paper presents the research results of milling process optimization in the electromagnetic mill to obtain the predetermined particle size distribution of brown coal. Because of an important role of brown coal in Polish energy industry (power plants produce 9433 MW of electrical power from brown coal, which corresponds to about 34% share in total fuel usage structure of energy industry in Poland – 2nd quarter 2013 [1]), there is a great need to look for and develop highly efficient methods of its mining, valorisation and low-emission combustion alongside with CO2 capture technology. This paper proposes, as one of the methods of adapting low-rank coal to being utilized in modernized and newly built plants, the process of simultaneous grinding and drying in an electromagnetic mill system. This method is energy efficient and what is more significant it reduces the space required for its adaptation, thanks to electromagnetic mill’s compact installation design. It is essential to obtain the desired characteristics of the product through the adequate control of the processes. Major concern of this case study was focused on determination of optimal grinding parameters in the electromagnetic mill in order to obtain two products of a desired size distribution (1–6.3 mm for application in fluidized bed boilers and 0–315 µm for boiler burners). The authors presented some theoretical considerations of the mechanisms and physical phenomena occurring during a fragmentation of solid particles as well as the literature review of the subject. The process complexity level, taking place in the active area of electromagnetic mill, involves the influence of particle – milling rod and particle – particle interactions as well as the volume of milling rods or coal particle residence time on the size distribution of the product. All of the mentioned factors account for nonlinearity of the problem and make the conditions difficult to rescale. Hence, a heuristic approach to inverse problem was chosen to analyse the differences between the desired and obtained particle size distributions. The examinations concerned grinding parameters such as total amount of rods (volume-based) and rod sizes (single and multi-size combinations of milling elements) were conducted. Equivalent samples of Polish brown coal with a particle diameter size ranging from 0 to 10 mm were chosen as an investigated material. Influence of the total volume of rods was examined using three amounts: 100 ml, 150 ml and 200 ml. Two grinding aid sizes were chosen in the form of ferromagnetic rods: fine rods of the size of 10 × 1 mm and coarse rods of the size of 20 × 2 mm.
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