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Detonation is a promising combustion mode to improve engine performance, increase combustion efficiency, reduce emissions, and enhance thermal cycle efficiency. Over the last decade, significant progress has been made towards the applications of detonation mode in engines, such as standing detonation engine (SDE), Pulse detonation engine (PDE) and rotating detonation engine (RDE), and the understanding of the fundamental chemistry and physics processes in detonation engines via experimental and numerical studies. This article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the progress in the knowledge of rotating detonation engine from the different countries. New observations of injection, ignition, and geometry of combustor, pressure feedback, and combustion modes of RDE have been reported. These findings and advances have provided new opportunities in the development of rotating detonation for practical applications. Finally, we point out the current gaps in knowledge to indicate which areas future research should be directed at.
Detonacja jest obiecującym sposobem spalania w celu poprawy wydajności silnika, zwiększenia wydajności spalania, redukcji emisji i polepszenia wydajności cyklu termicznego. W ostatniej dekadzie dokonano znacznego postępu w kierunku aplikacji trybów detonacji w silnikach, takich jak silnik detonacji stojącej (SDE), pulsacyjny silnik detonacyjny (PDE) i rotacyjny silnik detonacyjny (RDE), a także w celu zrozumienia fundamentalnych procesów chemicznych i fizycznych zachodzących w silnikach detonacyjnych poprzez badania numeryczne i eksperymentalne. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest dostarczenie obszernego przeglądu postępu wiedzy dotyczącej rotacyjnego silnika detonacyjnego z różnych krajów. Przedstawiono nowe obserwacje dotyczące wtrysku paliwa, zapłonu oraz geometrii komory spalania, sprzężenia zwrotnego ciśnienia, sposobów spalania w rotacyjnym silniku detonacyjnym RDE. Odkrycia te oraz postęp w badaniach dostarczyły nowych możliwości w opracowaniu wirującej detonacji dla praktycznych zastosowań. Na koniec wskazaliśmy istniejące obecnie luki w wiedzy w celu wykazania obszarów, na jakie przyszłe badania powinny być ukierunkowane.
In this paper, the experimental results of a detonation chamber fed by air from a centrifugal compressor are presented. The detonation chamber was equipped with many different sensors, mostly thermocouples, which were placed in 11 different positions. The distribution of temperature changes along the chamber and radial temperature profile at the outlet are provided. The results here confirm the existence of high mixture stratification. Such mixture stratifications and temperature profiles may be used as an additional chamber wall cooling method. The experiments performed, address key issues regarding the chamber choking problem caused by turbines. The relationship between the turbine performance and detonation chamber are crucial for proper control of turbine jet engine.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki eksperymentalne badania komory detonacyjnej zasilanej powietrzem ze sprężarki odśrodkowej. Komora badawcza wyposażona była w liczne czujniki pomiarowe, głównie temperatury, która mierzona była aż w 11 punktach. Dzięki temu możliwe było uzyskanie informacji o zmianach temperatury zachodzących wzdłuż komory a także informację o profilu promieniowym na jej wylocie. Pomiary temperatury potwierdziły istnienie silnego rozwarstwienia mieszaniny w komorze oraz konsekwencji z tego wynikających a także możliwości zastosowania tego faktu, jako uzupełniającą metodę chłodzenia ścianek. Wykonano także badania wpływu dławienia komory poprzez imitator turbiny, co pozwoliło na wyciągnięcie szeregu cennych wniosków przed podłączeniem komory do rzeczywistej turbiny spalinowej. Przeprowadzone badania, a zwłaszcza wyznaczenie temperatury w funkcji współczynnika ekwiwalencji może być bardzo użyteczne przy projektowaniu układu sterowania komorą w sytuacji zainstalowania jej w turbinie spalinowej.
The paper describes the recent experimental investigation of detonation in a heterogeneous mixture of kerosene and oxidizer. Research was carried out in two different stands. For research on detonation limits, a number of short test tubes of differing inner diameter were used. Various mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen were used as an oxidant, from pure oxygen to the composition of air. The main goal of the study was to determine the minimum tube diameter required for direct initiation of detonation. From measurements, the pressure courses were obtained for three cases: direct initiation, initiation behind reflected wave and without initiation. The second part of the paper describes experimental research into the initiation and propagation of rotating detonation for heterogeneous kerosene and air mixtures. The research facility with main subsystems and exemplary results are shown and described.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane badania eksperymentalne wirującej detonacji, prowadzone na Politechnice Warszawskiej. Przedstawiono dwa stanowiska badawcze, na których prowadzono badania procesu detonacji: granic występowania zjawiska detonacji dla mieszaniny ciekłej nafty i utleniacza oraz inicjacji wirowania detonacji w komorze osiowosymetrycznej. Na pierwszym stanowisku, wyznaczono zakres detonacyjności mieszaniny z wykorzystaniem różnych utleniaczy, zaczynając od czystego tlenu a kończąc na powietrzu. Uzyskane wyniki podzielono na trzy zakresy: bezpośredniej inicjacji fali detonacyjnej, inicjacji za falą uderzeniową, odbitą i brak detonacji, jako funkcję składu utleniacza oraz geometrii komory (rury detonacyjnej). W drugiej części opisano proces inicjacji wirującej detonacji w specjalnie zaprojektowanej walcowej, osiowosymetrycznej komorze detonacyjnej, z powietrzem, jako utleniaczem. Pokazano przykładowe eksperymenty oraz potwierdzono występowanie deficytu prędkości, który wynosił nawet 25%.
W artykule zaprezentowano obszerne badania zastosowania wirującej detonacji w silniku turbinowym. Stanowisko badawcze umożliwiało dostarczenie powietrza o wydatku 2,5 kg/s i ciśnieniu 2,5 bara z możliwością jego podgrzewania do ponad 100°C. Wykonano układ zasilania stanowiska paliwem podgrzewanym do 170°C oraz dodatkowo gazowym wodorem. Stanowisko badawcze wyposażone było w układy pomiarowe i sterowania: wydatkiem powietrza i paliwa oraz w system akwizycji danych w tym szybkozmiennych przebiegów cisnień w komorze spalania. Szeroko zakrojone badania wirującej detonacji realizowane były na otwartych i zdławionych komorach spalania oraz po dołączeniu ich do turbowałowego silnika GTD-350. Przedstawiono warunki uzyskania stabilnej detonacji. Stwierdzono, że w przypadku wirującej detonacji w silniku zasilanym gazowym wodorem sprawność cieplna może być podwyższona o 5-7 % w porównaniu do sprawności silnika z deflagracyjną komorą spalania.
Extensive and complex studies of the application of continuously rotating detonation (CRD) to gas turbine are presented. Special installation of high pressure preheated air supply system was constructed which allows to supply air at rate of a few kg/s, preheated to more than 100°C and at initial pressure up to 2,5 bar. Supply system for Jet-A fuel which could be preheated to 170°C was also constructed. Additionally gaseous hydrogen supply system was added to the installation. Also measuring system for controlling air flow and measurements of detonation parameters was installed and data acquisition and control system implemented. Extensive research of conditions in which CRD could be established and supported in open flow detonation chambers, throttled chambers and finally in detonation chambers attached to the GTD-350 gas turbine engine where conducted. Condition for which stable detonation was achieved are presented. It was found that for conditions when the GTD-350 engine was supplied by gaseous hydrogen, thermal efficiency of the engine could be improved even by 5-7% as compare to the efficiency of the base engine.
This article contains a description of the work carried out under the UDA-POIG 01.03.01-14-071/09-10 project titled “A turbine engine with a detonation chamber”. The work carried out during the project involved 14 construction, research and calculation tasks. Various research stands designed to analyse the process of mixture formation, initiation of detonation and research of rotating detonation in combustion chambers were constructed. Test stand for examining a turboshaft engine with detonation combustion chamber was built. Those test stands allowed powering the combustion chambers and the engine with both liquid and gaseous fuels, simultaneously or separately. At the same time, REFLOPS software, which could calculate the propagation of a detonation wave was created, and used in the design of further versions of combustion chambers. Data from the experiments was used to verify the calculations and models created in the mentioned software. GTD-350 engine was used as the base; the structure of which (combustion chamber situated outside the turbine-compressor unit) facilitated modifying the shape of the detonation combustion chamber. During the research, great emphasis was placed on the safety of researchers. Working with hydrogen in high temperatures and JET-A1 fuel, which was additionally heated, and the usage of the oxy-acetylene detonators forced extreme caution, and full compliance with developed procedures. The project was divided into 14 tasks that were often conducted simultaneously in a 20-person team implementing the project. The work was completed by performing comparative studies between conventional engine with deflagration combustion chamber, and modified engine with a detonation combustion chamber. During the completion of the project, it was the first working demonstrator engine with detonation combustion chamber in the world.
Content available Zintegrowany silnik rakietowo-strumieniowy
W artykule przedstawiono unikatową koncepcję budowy zintegrowanego silnika rakietowostrumieniowego. Proponowany system napędowy łączy różne tryby pracy tj.: rakietowy, rakietowo-strumieniowy, strumieniowy. Odpowiedni tryb pracy jest włączany w zależności od warunków lotu i realizowanej misji w celu optymalnego wykorzystania zalet poszczególnych układów wytwarzających siłę ciągu. Silnik rakietowy służy do przyspieszenia obiektu do prędkości okołodźwiekowej. Dla zakresu prędkości 1-2 Ma napęd przechodzi w tryb rakietowo-strumieniowy. Następnie układ napędowy przechodzi stopniowo na napęd strumieniowy. Silnik wyposażono w pierścieniową komorę spalania wykorzystującą efekt wirującej detonacji. Silnik taki ma prostą i zwartą konstrukcję dzięki wyeliminowaniu ciężkiego i skomplikowanego zespołu silnika turbinowego.
The article presents a unique concept for the construction of integrated rocket-ramjet engine. The proposed power system combines following operation modes of engine: rocket, rocket-ramjet and ramjet. The appropriate mode of operation is activated depending on flight conditions and undertaken mission in order to optimal utilization of advantages of particular thrust generating systems. Rocket engine is used to accelerate an object to the circum-sound speed. For object speed in range of 1 to 2 Ma the drive changes mode of operation to rocket-ramjet one. Then the driving system gradually undergoes to ramjet mode. Engine is equipped with toroidal combustion chamber which uses effect of rotating detonation. Thanks to elimination of heavy and complex turbine engine assembly the presented engine is distinguished by simple and compact structure.
In Institute of Aviation from 2010 is realized a project POIG 2007-2014 “Turbine engine with detonation chamber.” The main target is to develop a turbine engine using a rotating detonation effect in the process of combustion the fuel. This article presents the most important stages leading to achieve the goals. As a facility test, we have chosen a turbo shaft engine GTD-350 characterized by the location of combustion chamber, which is outside the engine. This feature has helped in modernization the combustion chamber to adjust it to the detonation combustion. Works over the project has been started from the attempts to obtain a rotating detonation in the combustion chamber with a diameter of 500 mm powered by hydrogen. These researches have allowed the team to master the method of detonation initiation and methods for identifying the process of spinning detonation. In the same time works over the kerosene injection on the visualization bench has been begun. On this bench, we have mainly evaluated the extent and location of the fuel stream and the quality of the spray. Simultaneously the program to simulate the injection and the process of spinning detonation in actual geometries of different combustion chambers has been created. The process of initiation the detonation is discussed in the article on the example of detonator using ammo tutorial. Researches about combustion detonation with simultaneously reinforcement the combustion chamber with hydrogen and liquid fuel JET-A1 has also been discussed in this article. Presented research results includes pressure fuel waveforms in supply manifold along with the measurements of combustion pressure correlated with Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio – lambda. Currently we are working over the integration of the combustion chamber of the engine GTD-350.
The paper summarizes research that was conducted last year as part of the project of “Turbine engine with detonation combustion chamber”. In this project, throughout 2012 and early 2013, tests were carried out on a test stand connected to the compressed air system. Research, of the rotating detonation phenomena, was carried out for a number of detonation chambers with different interior channel geometry. In addition, for each geometry configuration, tests were carried out for different levels of choking of the chamber outlet and hence for different pressures conditions inside the detonation chamber. This article presents the results of tests carried out for gaseous (hydrogen), hybrid (hydrogen + kerosene) and liquid (Jet-A) fuels, using different types of fuel injectors and for different fuel injection configuration settings (inside the chamber, or in front of the chamber). During these tests, parameters such as pressure behind the detonation wave (using piezoelectric sensors), the static pressure in front of and inside the detonation chamber and temperature: before, inside and at the outlet of the chamber, were measured. Research was performed for the various mass flow rates of air and fuel injected into the chamber that means for the different air-fuel equivalence ratios (Lambda). The main achievement of this study was to obtain a stable and reproducible rotating detonation of air and heated kerosene (Jet-A) mixture, thus the results presented in this paper presents mainly these tests as the most interesting to the reader
The paper presents results of some research work done in the project, which aims to apply of an innovative combustion chamber to the turbine engine. Expected benefits of using of a new chamber in which classical deflagration type combustion process would be replaced with a detonation combustion type, arise from greater efficiency of FickettJacobs cycle, which corresponds to rotating detonation combustion, in comparison to "classical" Brayton cycle, characteristic of deflagration combustion. The presented task concerned fundamental research carried out on test bench designed and built at the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw. To initiate the detonation combustion in the fuel-air mixtures the ignition device of appropriately high energy is necessary. The released energy should be directed to the area where the mixture has proper constitution - preferably close to stoichiometric one. Four different ignition manners were examined in the course of research: electrical ignition system adapted from turbine engine (semiconductor spark plug), powder charge ignition (handgun cartridges), detonation primer ignition using pentryt, and high voltage discharge (plasma jet). The appearance of detonation type combustion was identified on the basis of combustion gas pressure run, measured using piezoelectric sensors at a frequency of 1 MHz.
Institute of Aviation in Warsaw realizes the project concerning the application of the phenomenon of combustion with rotating detonation to the combustion chamber designed and destined for turbine engines. The test chamber is adapted for supplying both with liquid (aviation kerosene) and gaseous fuels in the form of mixture with compressed air. It is equipped with a probe for pressure and temperature measurements inside the flame tube as well as at its inlet and outlet sections. The measuring system allows measurement of physical phenomenon at low (1 kHz) and high (1 MHz) frequencies. Electric signals representing temperature and pressure sensor's measuring quantities, fuel and compressed air supply systems parameters and ignition-triggering values are collected using data acquisition system controlled by a computer. The prototype of the combustion chamber was examined at the especially designed test facility to determine at quasi-static operating conditions its following characteristics: speed of inside shock wave, exhaust gas thermodynamic parameters and ignition and going-out limits of gaseous fuel. In this article construction of test bench, schematic diagrams of measurement and power supply systems as well as the research process, the way of measurement data analysis recorded during the carried-out experiments and data validation manner are detailed described. The method of measurement data processing, the resulting graphs, and the conclusions of the study are presented as well.
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