Purpose: The main objective of the study is to indicate the determinants of taking up and running business by young people. Since the spatial scope of the research covers three countries, the authors aim to answer the question about similarities and differences between these states. In addition, the survey was conducted after the COVID-19 pandemic, hence part of the analysis includes issues related to the assessment of the crisis in terms of the economic activity of the surveyed individuals. Design/methodology/approach: the problem concerns the determinants of young people's entrepreneurial activity. The subject includes also entrepreneurial attitudes of actors under study and their approach to business. The empirical analysis involved students from selected universities in 3 countries: Poland, Romania and North Macedonia. The analysis was conducted using online survey questionnaire. The survey covered a total of 161 respondents. Findings: The students emphasised the role of competition as an element shaping the business environment. This factor influenced the relatively high proportion of those seeing difficulties in opening a new business. They realised that knowledge and education were helpful in achieving success in the market, although financial resources and luck were also important. In the consensus view of respondents, the pandemic increased the risk of operating for entrepreneurs. Research limitations/implications: firstly, the research sample is relatively small (especially for Macedonia) and purposively selected (students), thus the results cannot be representative of the entire population of young people in the selected countries. Secondly, the survey is static and does not indicate trends in the perception of the problem at hand. In the future, it is planned to repeat the analysis on a larger group of respondents in order to eliminate the weaknesses indicated. Originality/value: The article brings elements of originality in the layer concerning the attitudes of young people (students) towards entrepreneurship in a post-pandemic environment. The added value is the comparative analysis of the three countries included in the study.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to collect information on students' perception of their life quality during a pandemic. It aimed at gaining information on how quality of life changed before and during the pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: The research method used was a questionnaire survey. For this purpose, Google Form was used. The survey contained 22 multiple choice questions. Findings: The pandemic had a negative impact on the perception of life quality. Using a categorization into 8 areas in the hierarchy of values in the students' lives, the most important were found to be family, mental and physical health and friends. Research limitations/implications The major limitation was the number of votes collected in the survey. The next research should be extended to include the issue of hierarchy of values in relation to the perception of life quality and a larger research group, for example, students from different universities in different provinces. Social implications: This study will provide insight into the issues and changes in the perception of life quality that affect students during a global pandemic. The article presented here is a voice in the discussion of students' perception of life quality during a pandemic. Originality/value: The research presents changes in the perception of life quality by students of the Silesian University of Technology during a global pandemic.
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W artykule zwrócono uwagę na dwa zwyczaje agrarne: zwyczaje żniwne i związane z uprawą lnu. Postawiono tezę, że znajomość tradycji wsi, zwyczajów i obrzędów agrarnych ma wpływ na wielofunkcyjny i zrównoważony rozwój obszarów wiejskich. W badaniach ankietowych wykazano małe zainteresowanie respondentów zagadnieniami społeczno- kulturowymi i etnograficznymi na wsi polskiej.
The paper aims to demonstrate the importance of two agricultural practices: harvesting and flax growing. The knowledge of village traditions, customs and agricultural rituals has been discussed as it has an impact on the multifunctional and sustainable development of rural areas. The research shows that socio-cultural and ethnographic issues in the Polish countryside have little interest among the respondents.
The aim of the study was to define and assign to an appropriate group the attributes that the client is looking for and requires when deciding to buy a summer house. This aim was achieved through the use of the KANO model, which helps to define and divide the attributes of a given product into four groups: must-have attributes, one-dimensional attributes, delighters and mistakes. The KANO model was used in a construction company in the process of designing a modern summer house. A questionnaire was carried out, the aim of which was to select a representative group and to investigate what attributes customers who decide to build a summer house are looking for. The result of the survey was the identification of 4 groups of attributes and obtaining information that could support the design of a modern summer house. The results showed that customers are looking for a summer house project, which has, among others attributes, solutions that can enable the house to be used as a year-round house.
Przeniesienie zajęć do trybu zdalnego stało się wyzwaniem w procesie dydaktycznym. Nauczyciele akademiccy poszukiwali najlepszych metod i form realizacji materiału. Pod koniec roku akademickiego 2020/2021 przeprowadzono wśród studentów pierwszego roku Politechniki Opolskiej z różnych kierunków i form studiów ankietę dotyczącą nauczania przedmiotów matematycznych, aby zobaczyć jaka forma pracy najbardziej pomagała studentom w zdobyciu wiedzy i umiejętności oraz co sprawiało im największą trudność. Celem artykułu jest analiza metod prowadzenia wykładów i ćwiczeń preferowanych przez studentów oraz ich stosunku do włączonej podczas zajęć kamery. Pokazano, że najwięcej studentów preferuje, gdy prowadzący przedstawia materiał w postaci prezentacji, którą uzupełnia na bieżąco. Blisko połowa studentów nie chce, by prowadzący miał włączoną kamerę.
Shifting classes into distance learning mode has become a challenge in the teaching process for the entire academic community in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only academics but also students had to adapt to the new form of education. At the turn of May and June 2021, the authors conducted a survey on teaching of mathematics subjects among first-year students of the Opole University of Technology who attended math courses in the summer semester 2020/2021. This article focuses on analysis of survey results for questions related to conducting lectures and exercises in the remote form. The students were asked about the method of remote lecture which they used the most and they could pick up to two methods out of the five indicated ways of lecturing. As many as 81.1% of surveyed students chose a lecture with a presentation as one of the lecture forms they prefer. Similar analyses were carried out in the context of conducting the exercises. This time the students had a choice of six options related to the forms of conducting exercises. As many as 84.3% of students marked one answer: the teacher solves and discusses exercises on the on-line board as the one they prefer. It was also examined what is the attitude of students towards using video camera during classes by the teacher and/or by the student. Without a surprise it turned out to be negative when it comes to students showing their video feed. The unexpected part is that students view negatively the setup where teacher is using a video camera during classes.
Designation of places for public transport stops is a key component of research on their accessibility. However, further research is needed to solve the problem with organization of public transport stops. This paper provides the results of an priori ranking analysis aimed at defining the most significant factors affecting the accessibility of stops and their scope. The proposed mathematical model, which uses dimensional theory, consists of two stages: pedestrians’ movement to a stop and passengers’ trip to a transit stop. It is a theoretical premise that allows to determination of placement of public transport stops considering the main indicators, which are the distance covered by pedestrians and the speed of public transport.
Today’s navigation systems risk information overload and display clutter due to the multitude of available functionalities and information. Different navigational situations present differing challenges to the navigator, because of varying traffic or maneuvering conditions. This suggests that the need for information and functionalities on ECDIS and radar systems depends on the navigational situation, which was investigated by means of an online questionnaire. A sea voyage was divided into three situations, ranging from narrow maneuvering in port areas, to confined navigable waters, and open sea. N = 80 navigators completed the questionnaire. A compound priority measure was calculated to express the need for each functionality. Approximately half of the functionalities were prioritized in a situation dependent manner and substantially more functionalities were prioritized higher on ECDIS than on radar systems. The results have strong implications for aligning navigation systems more with user needs in the sense of a human-centered design approach.
The aim of the article is to present how urban planners use the potential of a questionnaire. The intention of the designers is to incorporate this study into two different phases of urban design. The first will be a questionnaire relating to the diagnosis of the condition. The second test will be performed at a later stage of works, during the assessment of spatial solutions. This questionnaire will be an assessment of spatial solutions. In the article, the author in this work, will try to explain the important this research technique is in the decision-making process of urban design. For this purpose, he will use the example of developing a local revitalization plan for the so-called "Old Town" of the city of Wołomin.
Artykuł ma na celu zaprezentowanie w jaki sposób urbaniści wykorzystują potencjał badania ankietowego. W zamierzeniu projektantów jest włączenie tego badania do dwóch różnych faz projektowania urbanistycznego. Pierwszą z nich będzie ankieta odnosząca się do diagnozy stanu. Drugie badanie wykonywane będzie na późniejszym etapie prac, podczas oceny rozwiązań przestrzennych. Autor w niniejszej pracy będzie się starał wyjaśnić jak jest ważna ta technika badawcza w procesie decyzyjnym projektowania urbanistycznego. Posłuży mu do tego celu przykład opracowania miejscowego planu rewitalizacji dla tzw. „Starówki” Miasta Wołomin.
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Gospodarka odpadami jest ważną częścią organizacji życia i zrównoważonego rozwoju. Wykonano analizę danych odnoszących się do stanu gospodarki odpadami w Gminie Kańczuga w latach 2013-2019. Dokonano diagnozy systemu gospodarki odpadami na terenie tej gminy wykorzystując elementy metody SWOT. Przeprowadzono także ankietę która pozwoliła na ocenę wybranych zachowań mieszkańców gminy i zbadanie problemu czy gospodarka odpadami w gminie Kańczuga jest zgodna z założeniami ochrony środowiska w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Podjęcie tego tematu umożliwiło wyciągnięcie wniosków odnośnie realnych potrzeb Gminy i działań naprawczych w zakresie organizacji gospodarki odpadami.
Waste management is an important part of the organization of life and sustainable development. In 2013-2019, an analysis of data related to the state of waste management in the municipality of Kańczuga was carried out. Using elements of the SWOT method, a diagnosis was made of the waste management system in this municipality. A questionnaire was also administered that assessed the selected behavior of the inhabitants of the municipality and examined whether waste management in the municipality of Kańczuga is in line with the environmental objectives of sustainable development. The adoption of this topic has made it possible to draw conclusions about the real needs of the municipality and corrective measures in the field of waste management organization.
The aim of the article is to identify problems and public expectations regarding parking and the application of different parking solutions. Based on the results of a CAWI questionnaire survey, an evaluation of selected parking solutions is presented. Among others, vertical parking has been taken into account, the use of which is associated with a reduction in the area required for parking and an improvement in environmental performance characteristics at the use stage. This study is part of the search for sustainable solutions in city logistics. The results of the study serve as an initial insight into the opinions of one group of users in the life cycle of a car park. They can be used as an introduction to the eco-design of parking solutions and to compare different parking systems. The study was carried out as part of a project entitled: “Analysis of the environmental impact of a vertical parking solution using life cycle assessment at the design stage” carried out at the Silesian University of Technology.
Many traffic accidents are caused by unforeseen and unexpected events in a site that was hidden from the driver's eyes. Road design parameters determining required visibility are based on relationships formulated decades ago. It is worth reviewing them from time to time in the light of technological developments. In this paper, sight distances for stopping and crossing situations are studied in relation to the assumed visual abilities of autonomous vehicles. Current sight distance requirements at unsignalized intersections are based among others on speeds on the major road and on accepted gaps by human drivers entering or crossing from the minor road. Since these requirements vary from country to country, regulations and sight terms of a few selected countries are compared in this study. From the comparison it is remarkable that although the two concepts, i.e. gap acceptance on the minor road and stopping on the major road have different back-grounds, but their outcome in terms of required sight distances are similar. Both distances are depending on speed on the major road: gap sight distances show a linear, while stopping sight distances a parabolic function. In general, European SSD values are quite similar to each other. However, the US and Australian guidelines based on gap acceptance criteria recommend higher sight distances. Human capabilities and limitations are considered in sight field requirements. Autonomous vehicles survey their environment with sensors which are different from the human vision in terms of identifying objects, estimating distances or speeds of other vehicles. This paper compares current sight field requirements based on conventional vehicles and those required for autonomous vehicles. Visibility requirements were defined by three vision indicators: distance, angle of view and resolution abilities of autonomous cars and human drivers. These indicators were calculated separately for autonomous vehicles and human drivers for various speeds on the main road and for intersections with 90° and 60° angles. It was shown that the required sight distances are 10 to 40 meters shorter for autonomous vehicles than for conventional ones.
Bullying and harassment in higher education sector impacts negatively on wellbeing of those who participating in these episodes and also gives wide-ranging negative consequences for every institution and for whole sector. It is necessary to develop an instrument that can reliably identify incidents of bullying and harassment and would contribute to setting targets for intervention and provide a basis for effective management of this phenomenon. The purpose of this research was to verify the dimensions and the methodological characteristics of the new tool. The survey employed a specially constructed questionnaire, which covers the following dimensions: communication, personal reputation, student’s reputation, experienced harm, intervention measures at higher education institution. Psychometric properties of the questionnaire were assessed in a sample of 623 studets. Verification of the methodological and psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire Bullying and Single Cases of Harassment in Higher Education Institutions (B-SCH-St) confirmed its validity and reliability. Also study revealed that in Lithuanian higher education institutions effective bullying and harassment management activities are not carried out.
Zastraszanie i nękanie w sektorze szkolnictwa wyższego negatywnie wpływa na samopoczucie osób uczestniczących w tych odcinkach, a także ma daleko idące negatywne konsekwencje dla każdej instytucji i dla całego sektora. Konieczne jest opracowanie instrumentu, który będzie w stanie wiarygodnie identyfikować przypadki prześladowania i nękania oraz przyczyniłby się do ustalenia celów interwencji i stanowiłby podstawę skutecznego zarządzania tym zjawiskiem. Celem tych badań była weryfikacja wymiarów i cech metodologicznych nowego narzędzia. W ankiecie wykorzystano specjalnie skonstruowany kwestionariusz, który obejmuje następujące wymiary: komunikacja, reputacja osobista, reputacja studenta, doznana krzywda, działania interwencyjne w szkole wyższej. Właściwości psychometryczne kwestionariusza oceniono na próbie 623 studentów. Weryfikacja metodologicznych i psychometrycznych cech kwestionariusza Zastraszanie i pojedyncze przypadki nękania w szkołach wyższych (B-SCH-St) potwierdziła jego ważność i wiarygodność. Badanie wykazało również, że w litewskich szkołach wyższych nie prowadzi się skutecznych działań związanych z nękaniem i prześladowaniem.
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Do wysokiego średniorocznego wskaźnika kosztów gospodarowania odpadami o przeznaczeniu leczniczym, przyczynia się obecnie wiele czynników. Rosną także koszty środowiskowe ich obecności w ekosystemach. Konsumenci jako integralni uczestnicy rynku, wpisują się poprzez swoje postawy w proces szeroko rozumianej gospodarki odpadami o przeznaczeniu leczniczym. W opracowaniu przedstawiono istotę oraz najważniejsze determinanty związane z domowymi odpadami tej grupy. Wykorzystano metodę desk research oraz przeprowadzono badania ankietowe w zakresie postaw konsumentów wobec domowych odpadów o przeznaczeniu leczniczym.
Many factors currently contribute to the high average annual cost of managing hazardous waste from the pharmaceutical group. The environmental costs of their presence in ecosystems are also rising. Consumers as integral market participants, through their attitudes, fit into the process of widely understood waste management for medicinal purposes. Description presents the essence and the most important determinants related to domestic waste of this group. The desk research method was used and a questionnaire survey was carried out on consumer attitudes towards domestic waste for medicinal purposes.
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Odpady komunalne to jeden z istotnych elementów w gospodarce odpadami. Powstają w każdym gospodarstwie domowym, dlatego wszyscy mieszkańcy Polski mają z nimi styczność. Za odbiór i prawidłowe gospodarowanie nimi odpowiedzialna jest gmina. Ze względu na rosnące objętości powstających odpadów zmuszona jest do stałego monitorowania sytuacji a także do poznawania zdania mieszkańców na temat funkcjonowania systemu GO. Dlatego warto przeprowadzać badania opinii. Z odpowiedzi udzielonych przez młodych respondentów przeprowadzonej ankiety wynika, że system zbiórki odpadów w ich otoczeniu oceniają jako prawidłowy i segregują odpady.
Municipal waste is an important feature in a waste management strategy. It is generated in each household, therefore all residents have contact with them. By sharing good practice in the proper waste management system municipalities are responsible for the domestic waste management. The situation is being constantly monitored due to the growing volumes of generated waste. The polling can be highly informative - the answers provided by young responders show, that the waste collection system in their community is correct.
Marketing concentrates mainly on customer acquisition by means of advertisements broadcast in mass media and on billboards. The change to be made in traditional marketing is the shift of interests from satisfying needs to meeting expectations. @Marketing may serve as a tool for that. The aim of this paper is to present a new concept for @marketing, based on innovative forms of product presentation. The paper focuses on the marketing content, without consideration of technical aspects. Research has been carried out in the field of customers’ expectations towards online presentations. In the new conditions, a product presentation should be expanded by innovative forms such as narration, photography and computer graphics. Therefore, there is a need to develop comprehensive projects for planning online presentations as soon as possible. It should be preceded by detailed analyses carried out by IT specialists and marketing experts.
W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano wyniki prac poświęconych skróconej wersji kwestionariusza do pomiaru klimatu bezpieczeństwa. Klimat bezpieczeństwa rozumiany jest jako suma moralnych spostrzeżeń pracowników na temat ich środowiska pracy, stanowi odzwierciedlenie pracowniczej percepcji organizacyjnego systemu zarządzania, z uwzględnieniem polityki, stosowanych praktyk i procedur. Skrócona wersja Kwestionariusza Klimatu Bezpieczeństwa zawiera 50 twierdzeń, które tworzą 10 wymiarów: partycypacja pracowników w sprawy bezpieczeństwa, zachowania bezpieczne, zaangażowanie kierownictwa, modelowanie i wzmacnianie bezpiecznych zachowań w organizacji, zarządzanie ryzykiem w sytuacji wypadku, zaplecze techniczne i ergonomia, tempo pracy i poziom zmęczenia, proces szkolenia w zakresie bhp, atmosfera w miejscu pracy, polityka organizacji w zakresie zarządzania bhp. Badania przeprowadzono w grupie 813 osób. Wstępne analizy wskazują na satysfakcjonujące własności psychometryczne, a co za tym idzie – KKB-50 można uznać za trafne i rzetelne narzędzie do pomiaru klimatu bezpieczeństwa w organizacji. Wartość współczynnika alfa Cronbacha dla globalnego wymiaru klimatu bezpieczeństwa wyniosła 0,930, zaś dla jego poszczególnych skal wahała się w przedziale 0,67- 0,83. Trafność kwestionariusza szacowana przy użyciu współczynników korelacji liniowej r-Pearsona jest na dobrym poziomie (r = 0,84, p < 0,01). Analiza czynnikowa potwierdza jednorodność skal.
This article presents the results of works on a shortened version of Questionnaire of the Safety Climate. Safety climate is treated as the sum of the employees’ moral perceptions of their work environment. It reflects employees’ perceptions of organizational management system including policies, practices and procedures. The shortened version of Questionnaire of the Safety Climate contains 50 statements that create 10 dimensions: employees’ participation in safety matters, safe behaviours, management commitment, modeling and strengthening of safe behaviours in the organization, risk management in case of an accidents, technical facilities and ergonomics, work pace and the level of fatigue , the process of health and safety trainings, workplace atmosphere, organization policy in the field of occupational health and safety management. The research was conducted in a group of 813 people. Preliminary analyzes indicate satisfying psychometric properties, and thus – KKB-50 can be considered as a valid and reliable tool for measuring the safety climate in an organization. The value of Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the global dimension of the safety climate was 0.930, while for its individual scales it fluctuated within 0.67-0.83. The accuracy of the questionnaire estimated using the linear correlation coefficients r-Pearson is on a good level (r = 0.84, p < 0.01). Factor analysis confirms the homogeneity of scales.
Artykuł prezentuje konstrukcję i badanie wartości psychometrycznej Kwestionariusza Postaw wobec Bezpieczeństwa. Metoda służy do pomiaru postaw wobec bezpieczeństwa, traktowanych jako ogół względnie trwałych dyspozycji do postrzegania i oceniania zasad bezpieczeństwa, emocjonalnego reagowania na nie oraz do zachowywania się w sposób bezpieczny. Zawiera w sobie trzy komponenty: poznawczy (kognitywny), emocjonalnooceniający (afektywny) i behawioralny. Kwestionariusz konstruowano metodą teoretyczną i czynnikową. Z wyjściowej puli 54 twierdzeń, do badań pilotażowych, na podstawie analizy treści i ocen sędziów kompetentnych, zakwalifikowano 18. Analiza właściwości psychometrycznych dokonana została w oparciu o wyniki uzyskane w próbie 1300 osób. Na podstawie uzyskanych danych wyodrębniono trzy czynniki, określono rzetelność i trafność teoretyczną stosując analizę aspektu zbieżnego (zastosowano Kwestionariusz Klimatu Bezpieczeństwa, Kwestionariusz Klimatu Organizacyjnego, Kwestionariusz spostrzegania i podejmowania ryzyka, Skalę Człowiek w Pracy. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że metoda ta charakteryzuje się zadowalającymi, choć zróżnicowanymi parametrami.
The article presents the construction and study of the psychometric validation of the Questionnaire of Attitude towards Safety. The method is used to measure attitudes towards safety, which are treated as relatively permanent dispositions to perceive and assess safety rules, respond to them emotionally and behave safely. It contains three components: cognitive, emotional-assessing (affective) and behavioral. The questionnaire was constructed using the theoretical and factor method. Based on the analysis of the content and assesments of competent judges 18 theorems from initial 54 were qualified for pilot studies. Psychometric analysis is based on the results obtained in a sample of 1,300 people. As a results, three factors were identified. Moreover, reliability and theoretical validity were determined using the analysis of the convergent aspect (Safety Climate Questionnaire, Organizational Climate Questionnaire, Questionnaire of Perception and Risk Taking, Scale of Man at Work). The conducted analysis showed that this method is characterized by satisfactory, though differentiated parameters.
Used engine oils are considered hazardous waste. They contain many potentially harmful substances. The amount of engine oil in passenger cars is not big however, due to the number of cars in use, the overall amount used in the EU amounts to several million tons. Despite the fact that engine oil change interval is generally set by the car manufacturer, usually it is rather determined by the knowledge and attitude of drivers. Timely oil change, apart from having an obvious influence on the engine wear process, also has a big impact on the environment. Therefore, studying the motives and factors which govern the oil change is crucial for optimizing the period of engine oil exploitation. The paper presents the results of a questionnaire on the frequency of oil change, the factors influencing the oil change time, the place of oil change and oil top ups. Moreover, thorough research has been conducted to connect the frequency of oil change with additional factors influencing the level of degradation of the engine oil. More than 1400 drivers participated in the study. The results were analysed with the use of correspondence analysis. The results presented in the paper show various correlations between the frequency of oil change and particular variables thus allowing for an assessment of drivers’ behaviour with regard to oil change. A need has been identified to implement a bigger education campaign concerning the oil change time and conduct research in order to establish guidelines for optimal oil change intervals.
Oleje silnikowe zalicza się do odpadów niebezpiecznych. Zawierają wiele substancji niebezpiecznych (np. wielopierścieniowe związki oraz węglowodory aromatyczne). W samochodach osobowych ilość oleju silnikowego nie jest duża, niemniej jednak liczba poruszających się pojazdów powoduje, że ilość oleju w obiegu ogólnym w EU jest rzędu kilku milionów ton. Mimo że termin wymiany oleju jest zazwyczaj określany przez producenta pojazdu to w rzeczywistości jest on pochodną wiedzy i zachowania kierowców. Terminowa wymiana oleju silnikowego w pojazdach oprócz oczywistego wpływu na zużycie silnika ma również duży wpływ na środowisko. Zbyt wczesna wymiana zwiększa ilość olejów odpadowych i powoduje większe zużycie zasobów naturalnych, natomiast zbyt późna wymiana oleju powoduje nadmierną akumulację szkodliwych związków w oleju. Stąd poznanie motywów i czynników, jakimi kierują się kierowcy przy wymianie oleju stanowi istotny element w optymalizacji długości eksploatacji oleju silnikowego. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych w zakresie częstotliwości wymiany oleju, czynników wpływających na termin wymiany, miejsce wymiany oleju oraz stosowania dolewek oleju. Ponadto podjęto próbę powiązania częstotliwości wymiany oleju z dodatkowymi czynnikami (m.in. przebieg samochodu, eksploatacja miasto-trasa, pojemność silnika) wpływającymi na stopień degradacji oleju. Zebrano opinie ponad 1,400 użytkowników pojazdów. Do analizy wyników zastosowano opisową i eksploracyjną technikę analizy danych, jaką jest analiza korespondencji. Przedstawione w pracy wyniki pozwoliły wykazać istnienie wielu zależności pomiędzy częstotliwością wymiany oleju silnikowego a poszczególnymi zmiennymi, które pozwoliły ocenić zachowania użytkowników samochodów w zakresie wymiany olejów. Zdiagnozowano również konieczność przeprowadzenia szerokiej kampanii edukacyjnej w zakresie terminów wymiany olejów oraz badań naukowych, mających na celu opracowanie wytycznych związanych z optymalnym czasem eksploatacji oleju silnikowego.
Rapid deployment of IT brings about new issues with software usability measurement. Usability is based on users’ experience and is strongly subjective, having a qualitative character. The users’ comfort is usually collected by surveys in their daily work. The present article stems from an experimental study related to the evaluation of the usability of tools by a rule-based system. The work suggests a robust computational model that will be able to avoid the main problems arising from the experimental study (a large and less-legible rule base) and to deal with the vagueness of IT user experience, different levels of skills and various numbers of filled questionnaires in different departments. The computational model is based on three hierarchical levels of aggregation supported by fuzzy logic. Choices for the most suitable aggregation functions in each level are advocated and illustrated with examples. The number of questions and granularity of answers in this approach can be adjusted to each user group, which could reduce the response burden and errors. Finally, the paper briefly describes further possibilities of the suggested approach.
This work is focused on monitoring the perception of indoor environment quality in the classroom. The research was carried out within the framework of the authors’ internship at the Lviv Polytechnic in Ukraine in March 2019. The experimental measurements were carried out in the selected teaching class. In this article, there are presented the results of measurements, that were carried over three teaching hours with varying numbers of students. The measurements recorded by the means of measurement devices were: the air temperature, the relative humidity and the concentration of carbon dioxide in the interior of the classroom. At the same time as the objective measurements, a subjective evaluation was conducted. At the beginning and at the end of the lesson, the students and teacher completed the questionnaires about their perception of the internal environment. The results of the subjective assessment were compared with the measured values of the objective evaluation. Completion of the research is oriented on the perception of temperature and smell in the classroom, as well as overall satisfaction with the internal environment of the selected room.
Praca dotyczy monitorowania postrzegania jakości środowiska wewnętrznego w sali dydaktycznej. Badania przeprowadzono w ramach stażu na Politechnice Lwowskiej na Ukrainie w marcu 2019 r. Pomiary eksperymentalne przeprowadzono w wybranej sali dydaktycznej Politechniki Lwowskiej. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów, które zostały przeprowadzone w ciągu trzech godzin dydaktycznych z różną liczbą studentów. Rejestrowane za pomocą urządzeń parametry to: temperatura powietrza, wilgotność względna i stężenie dwutlenku węgla we wnętrzu sali. Równolegle z pomiarami przeprowadzono subiektywną ocenę środowiska. Na początku i na końcu zajęć studenci i nauczyciele wypełnili kwestionariusze dotyczące postrzegania otaczającego środowiska. Wyniki subiektywnej oceny środowiska dokonanej przez studentów porównano ze zmierzonymi wartościami parametrów. Wnioski dotyczą odczuwania temperatury i zapachu w klasie, a także ogólnej satysfakcji z wewnętrznego środowiska wybranego pomieszczenia.
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