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Content available The usage of Poka-Yoka in industry 4.0 conditions
Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to present the usage of Poka-Yoka approach in Industry 4.0 conditions. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The integration of Poka-Yoke with Industry 4.0 signifies a transformative leap in error prevention methodologies, aligning seamlessly with the objectives of advanced manufacturing. By merging the principles of Poka-Yoke with smart technologies like sensors, IoT devices, and real-time data analytics, a dynamic and sophisticated approach to error prevention emerges in the era of Industry 4.0. With applications ranging from simple visual cues to complex technological solutions, Poka-Yoke finds resonance across various industries, particularly in the automotive sector, where sensors and devices on assembly lines swiftly detect and rectify deviations, elevating both product quality and operational efficiency. The incorporation of artificial intelligence and machine learning in Industry 4.0 augments Poka-Yoke, enabling systems not only to identify errors but also to learn from them, fostering continuous improvement and adaptability in response to evolving production scenarios. Emphasizing proactive error prevention at the source, continuous improvement, and a commitment to training and education, the key principles outlined in Table 1 contribute to creating resilient, reliable processes delivering consistently high-quality outputs. Table 2 demonstrates the seamless integration of Poka-Yoke with Industry 4.0, showcasing technological advancements that collectively form an adaptive approach to error prevention and quality management. Additionally, Table 3 highlights the advantages of this integration, emphasizing improved quality control, operational efficiency, and adaptability in modern manufacturing environments. However, challenges outlined in Table 4, including complex implementation, data security concerns, high initial costs, interoperability issues, and skill gaps, necessitate strategic planning and investment in overcoming obstacles. In conclusion, the integration of Poka-Yoke with Industry 4.0 signifies a strategic evolution, where technology-driven error prevention, continuous improvement, and a commitment to quality converge to create resilient, adaptive, and highly efficient manufacturing systems, positioning this integration as a cornerstone for excellence in the evolving landscape of industrial production. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the usage of Poka-Yoka in Industry 4.0 conditions.
Purpose: The idea of the study is to understand fluctuation in quality management depending on organizational context. The primary purpose of this article is to analyze changes in quality management in four countries grouped in V4 (The Visegrad Group) in the prism of macroeconomic crises, over the last five years. The following research question was formulated: What influences market saturation with a formal approach to quality management (ISO 9001 certificates), and when? Design/methodology/approach: The considerations are based on a systematic literature review (SLR) and an analysis of the long-term data of ISO survey – certifications. The data was compared among V4 countries and an attempt was made to relate the results to economy-wide indicators, especially in turbulent environments. Findings: The results show no clear and unidirectional relationships between the number of ISO 9001 certifications and macroeconomic data. This was identified for the V4 group as a whole and for individual countries, as well. Implementation of the QMS is an individual decision of each organization, depending on closely related microeconomic factors. Research limitations/implications: Research findings always represent a slice of a larger reality. In that research paper limitations concern: the period of analysis, literature review in English and supplemented locally in the native languages, focusing on the V4 area. Findings implicate quality management’s perceptions need to adjust the lens to understand macro numbers of certificates by the circumstances and adjust micro decisions in organizations in the QM area depending on the crisis phase on the market.Originality/value: The article analyses certification data in previously unpresented form. Results were compared between V4 countries in the prism of times of crisis with an indication of certificate saturation rates and an attempt to explain macroeconomic fluctuations. The research results are helpful for researchers exploring quality management issues, and all organizations that can relativize the importance of quality management.
The modern management the maintenance the state of fitness and the explorational service of machines this about many more than the traditional making the repairs and the preservation of equipment. The ability of survival of whole organization depends from effective strategies the maintenance of fitness often and the technical service of machines the financial shape of enterprise from which depends often. Method TPM becomes with modern tool of maintenance in many enterprises the fitness of machines.
Purpose: The main purpose of the study was to develop and demonstrate a concept enabling application of popular and commonly available online forms combined with a spreadsheet to support data collection and processing under the ABCD (Suzuki) method. Design/methodology/approach: The factors which determine the various ways in which the method in question is applied were first identified, and then it was established which of them affected the manner in which the form to be filled by experts is designed. Different variants of the method were identified on such a basis. For individual variants, the possibility of using different types of questions was discussed by considering the features available in the most popular and free-of-charge solutions enabling online forms to be developed. Diverse data layouts were also identified to establish the frameworks in which data are represented in spreadsheet files. Solutions which make it possible to automatically produce the consolidated reports required for purposes of the ABCD method were identified for each of the data layouts originally defined. Findings: When combined with a spreadsheet, popular online forms enable highly efficient data collection and processing with the ABCD method in use. Where the said method is applied according to the variant in which every cause is rated, an adequate data collection form can be created using both the online form solutions subject to analysis. If the method is applied according to the variant in which every rating must be used precisely once, developing a useful tool becomes significantly more complicated. Where this is the case, one can create a suitable form to validate the input data only by using the solution delivered by Google. Additionally, the layout of such a form must be reversed compared to the traditional form functioning under the ABCD method. Considering the diverse variants of the ABCD method linked with various kinds of questions used to build the form, 3 different layouts of the data collected by means of a spreadsheet were identified. With respect to each of them, one can devise a solution to ensure automated generation of the consolidated reports typical of the method in question. Practical implications: The solution proposed in the paper can be applied in practice while using the ABCD (Suzuki) method. Originality/value: The concept described in the paper is the author’s signature solution.
Purpose: The main purpose of the paper is to provide an introduction to the issues of the coordinated medicine model and the management of the medical facility. Due to the comprehensiveness of the topic, the paper is only a theoretical introduction to a further, more detailed publication series encompassing research assumptions. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on a theoretical analysis and literature review. Findings: The paper describes the theoretical assumptions of the model setting the directions for further research. Research limitations/implications: The content presented is an outline of the further research area. Practical implications: The considerations presented and references to international experience provide a basis for further research to identify possible impacts on improving the availability and quality of health service provision in Poland. Social implications: Undertaking research based on the theoretical assumptions of the model described should improve the health of the population and make more rational use of resources to improve access to services. Originality/value: The paper is primarily addressed to health care managers, as well as economists and government employees dealing with management issues in health care and public health.
A turbulent manufacturing market, especially in the metal industry, determines the quality of products and the level of production efficiency, which contributes to a company's market position and competitiveness. The aim of the study was to develop a model to define a manufacturing company’s current market position using KPIs in relation to a key product - gearbox casting. The company's position was defined in terms of the relationship occurring between technological capabilities and market position. An additional aim of the study was to identify critical determinants and, ultimately, to identify conditions for strengthening market position. As a test of the proposed model, the position of the analysed company (in terms of technological capabilities and market position) was defined as “Search for occasions”- box 9 within the 3x3 matrix. Technological determinants that weaken the company’s position (low level of maintenance capacity and long production cycle time) and determinants with a strong negative impact on market position (low level of human resource development) were identified. An element of novelty is the use of KPIs as variables determining the position of the company within the3x3 matrix, which is indicative of a specific technological position in the market. Further lines of research will concern the determination of appropriate KPIs in relation to the identified critical areas of the company. Subsequent steps will concern the implications of the model in relation to the company’s other key aluminium alloy castings.
The Covid-19 pandemic has acknowledged the importance of educational management information systems (EMIS) for quality management (QM) in higher education and set new directions for post-pandemic studies. Successful implementation of QM, however, processes depends mainly on lecturers' perceptions about quality and educational technology. However, higher education lecturers’ profiles regarding these quality perceptions and their commitment to technology acceptance must be investigated more. The aim of research is to analyse the relationship between Education Management Information System (EMIS) and Quality Management (QMAS) to lecturers' Continuance Commitment (CC). In response to this research gap, the researchers identified such profiles using a quantitative survey of 534 lecturers from Indonesian higher education institutions. A seven-point Likert scale was used to measure the respondents' expectations or expression of their perceived experience on all indicators used in the study. The data analyses were descriptive analysis and factor analysis. Based on the seminal work of Roger's diffusion of innovations, technology enthusiasts, visionaries, pragmatists, conservatives and sceptics remain valid in the organisation, and the uptake of educational management information systems is still in the hands of technology enthusiasts and visionaries. Quality management and EMIS acceptance are critical factors that make lecturers willing to continue using the system to support accreditation. These profiles will enable customised training in the recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic.
Pandemia Covid-19 potwierdziła znaczenie systemów informacyjnych zarządzania edukacją (Education Management Information Systems - EMIS) dla zarządzania jakością (Quality Management - QM) w szkolnictwie wyższym i wyznaczyła nowe kierunki badań post-pandemicznych. Pomyślne wdrożenie zarządzania jakością zależy głównie od postrzegania jakości i technologii edukacyjnych przez wykładowców. Należy także dokładniej zbadać profile wykładowców szkolnictwa wyższego w zakresie postrzegania jakości i ich zaangażowania w akceptację technologii. Celem badania jest analiza związku między Systemem Informacji o Zarządzaniu Edukacją (EMIS) a Zarządzaniem Jakością (QMAS) w odniesieniu do ciągłego zaangażowania wykładowców (Continuance Commitment - CC). W odpowiedzi na tę lukę badawczą naukowcy zidentyfikowali takie profile za pomocą ankiety ilościowej przeprowadzonej wśród 534 wykładowców z indonezyjskich instytucji szkolnictwa wyższego. Siedmiostopniowa skala Likerta została wykorzystana do pomiaru oczekiwań respondentów lub wyrażenia ich postrzeganego doświadczenia we wszystkich wskaźnikach wykorzystanych w badaniu. Analizy danych obejmowały analizę opisową i analizę czynnikową. W oparciu o przełomową pracę Rogera na temat dyfuzji innowacji, entuzjaści technologii, wizjonerzy, pragmatycy, konserwatyści i sceptycy pozostają ważni w organizacji, a absorpcja systemów informatycznych zarządzania edukacją jest nadal w rękach entuzjastów technologii i wizjonerów. Zarządzanie jakością i akceptacja EMIS są krytycznymi czynnikami, które sprawiają, że wykładowcy chcą nadal korzystać z systemu w celu wspierania akredytacji. Profile te umożliwią zindywidualizowane szkolenia w zakresie odbudowy po pandemii Covid-19.
W artykule omówiono zasadność wprowadzenia wymogu posiadania przez podmioty wykonujące inspekcje obiektów mostowych akredytowanego systemu zarządzania jakością zgodnego z normą PN-EN ISO/IEC 17020. W efekcie działania te mogłyby się przyczynić do poprawy jakości przeglądów i ocen stanu technicznego obiektów.
The article discusses the legitimacy of introducing the requirement for entities performing bridge inspections to have an accredited quality management system compliant with the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard. As a result, these activities could contribute to the improvement of the quality of inspections and assessments of the technical condition of structures.
This work concerns automation of the training process, using modern information technologies, including virtual reality (VR). The starting point is an observation that automotive and aerospace industries require effective methods of preparation of engineering personnel. In this context, the technological process of preparing operations of a CNC numerical machine has been extracted. On this basis, a dedicated virtual reality environment, simulating manufacturing of a selected aircraft landing gear component, was created. For a comprehensive analysis of the pros and cons of the proposed approach, four forms of training, involving a physical CNC machine, a physical simulator, a software simulator, and the developed VR environment were instantiated. The features of each training form were analysed in terms of their potential for industrial applications. A survey, using the Net Promoter Score method, was also conducted among a target group of engineers, regarding the potential of use of each training form. As a result, the advantages and disadvantages of all four training forms were captured. They can be used as criteria for selecting the most effective training form.
Map portals can facilitate the work of public administration units and improve access to information, although they have to present high material and technical quality. Not without significance are also measures supporting these websites. This paper aims to assess the quality of selected geoinformation websites. The study was carried out in the form of a quality audit with the use of selected web applications provided in a freeware, thin-client model. A comparative analysis was performed on three versions of the geoservice functioning for the Tomice municipality (accessed on 5th July 2023): 1) eMPZP website (https://www.tomice.pl/mpzp/), 2) municipal geoportal (http://www.mpzp.tomice.pl), and 3) municipal map portal (https://sip.gison. pl/tomice). The measurements were taken only once and in an ad hoc manner. The tests were performed in selected quality dimensions: responsiveness, performance, content and hyperlink quality, accessibility for people with disabilities, syntactic code correctness, search engine optimisation (SEO), and usage indicators, with special emphasis on overall quality. The conclusion was that each of the geoportals evaluated presents good quality. However, it would be wrong to compare them in absolute terms, as the quality of these services should be assessed through the lens of the different times in which they operate.
Podmioty, które dostrzegają potencjał analityki internetowej coraz częściej monitorują witryny i aplikacje internetowe, odnotowując wzorce zachowań użytkowników, analizując jakość serwisów oraz poszukując obszarów wymagających optymalizacji. Dojrzała kultura analityczna pozwala skutecznie wykorzystywać dane w procesie decyzyjnym [Röglinger i in. 2012]. Sektor prywatny korzysta z analityki internetowej znacznie częściej i w stopniu bardziej zaawansowanym, w porównaniu do jednostek administracji publicznej, w tym samorządów terytorialnych. Ponadto znacznie częściej wykonuje audyty, których celem jest poprawa jakości posiadanych serwisów internetowych [Alghenaim i in. 2023]. Portal mapowy może wpłynąć na usprawnienie pracy jednostek administracji publicznej oraz zwiększenie dostępu do informacji, jednak musi być on wysokiej jakości merytorycznej i technicznej. Nie bez znaczenia są też działania podejmowane w otoczeniu portalu. Celem pracy jest ocena jakości wybranych serwisów geoinformacyjnych. Badania wykonano w formie audytu jakości, z zastosowaniem wybranych aplikacji internetowych udostępnianych w modelu freeware, thin-client. Analizie porównawczej poddano trzy wersje geoserwisu gminy Tomice (dostęp z dnia 05.07.2023): 1) serwis eMPZP (https://www.tomice.pl/mpzp/), 2) geoportal gminy (http://www.mpzp.tomice.pl) oraz 3) gminny portal mapowy (https://sip.gison.pl/tomice). Pomiary miały charakter jednostkowy typu ad-hoc. Testy wykonano w wybranych płaszczyznach jakości: responsywności, wydajności, jakości treści i hiperłączy, dostępności dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami, poprawności składniowej kodu, stopnia optymalizacji dla wyszukiwarek (SEO) oraz wskaźników użytkowania, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jakości globalnej. W konkluzji zwrócono uwagę, że każdy z ocenianych geoserwisów jest dobrej jakości. Błędem jest porównywanie ich w sposób bezwzględny, ponieważ jakość tych serwisów powinna być oceniana przez pryzmat ery w jakiej funkcjonowały.
This study aims to practice the implementation of the Fishbone Diagram for Cause & Effect Analysis and prove the validity of the technique’s usability in any construction project to increase productivity for both construction managers and engineers. In every sub-branch of the given Fishbone Diagram, possible failures might be expected to occur unless necessary precautions are taken. The failures, emerge as significant problems and range from possible delays to product quality deficiencies which would affect the acceptance of the project from customers. During the creation of the Fishbone Diagram, the obtained results show us that possible delays are co-existing among each of the 5 M's. Fishbone Diagram in the study also points out there are common issues and similarities between Men and Machine since both 2 M’s lead to progress in a construction project and are interdependent. As a result of this study, usage of Fishbone Diagram Technique demonstrated the possible connections between M’s and determination of the Cause & Effect relations in a construction project. Findings of this study proved that usage of Cause & Effect Analysis in construction projects is also practical to determine the key points of a construction and interdependent factors.
The research presented in detail in this scientific paper refers to the modelling of process parameters for natural gas transmission in a centralized system. The method of the factorial experiment was used to model some parameters considered to be vital, namely the gas temperature, the air temperature as well as a certain correction factor on the flow delivered to the population. The study was conducted by accessing information provided by a regulation-measurement station that delivers gas to an important locality in a locality in central Romania. Experimental data collected over 24 hours on a summer day but also on a winter day were used. After a previous study with classical experimental research methods, the factorial experiment was used, which allows the delivery of much more detailed information and the graphical representations are much more precise and detailed, in other words, relevant and useful conclusions can be obtained on objective studied in the research approached.
The dynamically developing production market, and in particular the metallurgic industry, enforces constant improvement of the level of production efficiency and product quality, which influences company position on the market and the level of its competitiveness. Therefore, the aim of the study was to determine the current position of the foundry enterprise, taking into account the aluminium gearbox casting, in the context of technological capabilities and market position, as well as to identify critical factors and, finally, to indicate the conditions for its strengthening. The study used a 3x3 matrix. The company under study, in the context of manufacturing the analysed product, is classified in the area of "marketing improvement". This area demonstrates the need to take measures to establish a marketing and development department and the need to make better use of the company's identified technological potential. The method presented in the study can be useful for analysing the position of manufacturing and service companies in various industries, in order to select an appropriate development strategy.
Dynamicznie rozwijający się rynek produkcyjny, a w szczególności przemysłu metalurgicznego, wymusza stałe doskonalenie poziomu efektywności produkcji, jakości wyrobów, co wpływa na pozycję przedsiębiorstwa na rynku oraz na poziom jego konkurencyjności. Z tego względu celem opracowania było określenie aktualnej pozycji przedsiębiorstwa odlewniczego biorąc pod uwagę aluminiowy odlew skrzyni biegów, w kontekście możliwości technologicznych i pozycji na rynku, a także identyfikacja newralgicznych czynników i finalnie wskazanie warunków jej umocnienia. W badaniu wykorzystano macierz 3x3. Badane przedsiębiorstwo w kontekście wytwarzania analizowanego wyrobu zlokalizowane jest w obszarze „poprawa marketingu”. Lokalizacja ta świadczy o konieczności podjęcia działań związanych z utworzeniem działu marketingu i rozwoju oraz konieczności lepszego wykorzystania zidentyfikowanego potencjału technologicznego przedsiębiorstwa. Przedstawiona w opracowaniu metoda może być przydatna do analizy pozycji przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych oraz usługowych z różnych branż, celem obrania adekwatnej strategii rozwojowej.
Conducting research on the quality of service and customer satisfaction is currently necessary for the proper and effective functioning of any organization. One of the organizations that have changed in recent years is petrol stations. In this paper, the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is used to measure the quality of services and customer satisfaction. This research was carried out with the use of a proprietary questionnaire in which the respondents assessed the level of service at petrol stations. The obtained results allowed identifying the most important areas for the customers of petrol stations. In addition, the developed quality map indicated areas that should be given special attention, improved and those that are least important to customers. The conducted analyzes indicate that the CSI method used in this study is a tool that enables the assessment of customer satisfaction in a complex organization such as a petrol station.
Content available Project management standards
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze the main project management standards and topics connected with quality management in projects. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The considerations presented in the publication made it possible to analyses the most important aspects of project management in the context of quality management. The publication concentrate on problems connected with various aspects of project management. The paper says about ISO and non ISO related projects trying to characterize and compare various types of standards and approaches. There is a spatial attention towards analysis of quality management in projects. Especially problems connected with risk in process which are important part of quality management and also play important role in ISO 9001 quality management standards. Paper also contains some analysis connected with the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the project management and try to conclude main methods how to manage teams in project management in virtual environment. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with project management in the conext of standards and quality management.
Purpose: The main purpose of the research is to devise and present a concept for a solution enabling integration of popular off-the-shelf online forms with a tool aligned with the MiRel concept used for quality measurement by application of the SERQUAL method. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis performed by the author comprised various possibilities of using standard features of popular online forms to store data for purposes of the SERVQUAL method. This involved identification of several potential layouts of the master table where the answers previously received are kept. The analysis concerned the data structure applied in the tool designed, as proposed in the literature, in accordance with the MiRel concept, to support the method in question. The elements identified in this structure were the attributes whose values should be entered directly and manually in tables as well as those whose values should be added automatically on the basis of the answers previously received. Solutions were developed to enable automatic data migration from the master table to the tool’s respective tables. Findings: The data required for purposes of the SERVQUAL analysis, supported by a tool created in a spreadsheet according to the MiRel concept, can be successfully stored by means of commonly available online forms. What proves to be problematic is the impossibility of verifying the correctness of the answers in terms of the relevance of individual dimensions, yet in this respect both the verification and potential adjustment of the answers received can be inherent in the mechanism responsible for data migration from the master table to the tool’s tables. A fully functional solution enabling data to be retrieved from the master table and moved to the tool’s tables can be developed using built-in spreadsheet features only, without the need for any code created in any programming language. Practical implications The solution proposed in the paper can be used in practice when measuring quality using the SERVQUAL method. Originality/value: The concept described in the paper is the author’s original solution.
Purpose: The main goal of the research was to determine the spectrum of instruments supporting management processes that are used to improve the quality of products in terms of sustainable development. We analyzed the degree of their use in the practical functioning of the surveyed enterprises. In addition, the aim of the research was to determine the scope of application of the indicated instruments or the possibility of their use in the decision-making process relating to the improvement of the broadly understood quality of products. Design/methodology/approach: The research method applied are: 1) standardized survey research making based on a survey conducted in contact and remote way conducted in 78 enterprises in south-eastern Poland; 2) analysis of the source documentation and in-depth interviews. It is a component of broader research. Findings: The following methods were used in decision-making processes with varying frequency: the Delphi method by 58% of respondents, Tree of Failure Analysis (by 52%), Event Tree Analysis (by 44%), and the QFD method (by 41% respondents). The surveyed companies that have implemented a vapour management system based on ISO standards tend to use 5 methods out of 25 cited in this study (these are a survey, brainstorming, 5Why and/or 5W2H, benchmarking, and the Delphi method). As a result of using mainly the above mentioned methods in decision-making processes, 74% (out of all) of the respondents indicated an increase in the quality level of products, and 39% of respondents indicated the enhancement of the pro-ecological impact of products on the natural environment. Research limitations/implications: Most of the analysed enterprises from SMEs are tried integrating qualitative-environmental actions as part of improving the quality of products. This approach is crucial when improving the quality of products in SMEs. Practical implications: It is necessary to develop a multidimensional modl enabling the optimization of decision-making processes with the possibility of making full use of the available instruments for improving the quality of the product in such a way as to meet the rapidly changing requirements of stakeholders. Originality/value: The article has cognitive value for development of knowledge, science, quality, and environmental in the area of management of products.
Purpose: The main aim of the article is to present the results of research of entrepreneurs who maintain a certified quality management system in terms of leading factors supporting decisions of a preventive approach to management. Design/methodology/approach: Interview method conducted in manufacturing companies with an implemented and certified quality management system using CATI technique Findings: Research has shown that in large industrial enterprises the key stimulants of preventive actions are, above all, efficient information flow, technical and organizational order, as well as consistent pursuit of the goal. Smaller enterprises put the main emphasis on maintaining good relations with the environment, safety and ergonomics of work, as well as skillful selection of suppliers. Research limitations/implications: The authors of the paper see the need to continue research in the field of in-depth analysis of selected factors in relation to the effectiveness of the actions taken and the possibility of supporting information. Practical implications: Entrepreneurs with knowledge of key stimulants will make decisions more consciously and focused on a targeted analysis of data in order to search for relevant premises to prevent non-compliance. Originality/value: This paper concerns key factors influencing a preventive approach that can support decision-making. For the purposes of multicriteria decision-making processes, it is valuable to know the key stimuli characteristic of effective preventive actions. An additional value of the article is the showing of the factors with a differentiation by company size. This enables a more relevant focus of the research results.
Purpose: The basic purpose of research was to determine the causes of making the decision that manufacturers on their way to improve the quality of their products. Design/methodology/approach: The research method applied in article is mainly standardized survey research making based on survey conducted in contact and remote way conducted in 78 enterprises in south-eastern Poland. The research process also accompanied analysis of thesource documentation. Findings: It was concluded that decision during improving quality of the product were making mainly in simultaneously with considering customers' requirements of the customers about the quality of the products and the impact of products on the natural environment. Research limitations/implications: Most of the verified enterprises from SMEs are tried integrating qualitative-environmental actions as part of improving the quality of products. This is a favorable condition for further research, so that it is possible to adjust the quality and environmental approach when improving the quality of products in SMEs. Practical implications: Discussion of the results of research have a series of practical implications mainly for product management staff. Especially in organizations that designed new products or also in significant modification of these products. Social implications: Building awareness improves not only quality of products, but also simultaneously in line with sustainable development, including in improving environmental aspects. Originality/value: The article has cognitive value for development of knowledge, science, quality, and environmental in the area of management of products.
The article presents the results of the analysis of cardboard packaging complaints based on selected quality tools and statistical tools for the purpose of a rough assessment of the effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions taken by the surveyed company and for predictive purposes. The analysis was performed in terms of two research periods - 1 year and quarters, and from the point of view of total complaints and external - customer complaints. Data on the number of products complained of as well as financial losses incurred by the company on this account were analysed. The article presents the potential of both classic quality tools and statistical tools for the purposes of in-depth analysis of complaints data and for predictive purposes and subsequent risk analysis. The critical complaint was indicated - complaint code 403 - overprint. The number of complained products to be expected in the next quarter of the new year was determined. The article shows that the corrective and preventive actions taken by the company have not yet brought the expected result in the form of reducing the number of products complained by customers during the quarters surveyed.
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