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The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly limited user mobility, not least among students. Remote learning had a particular impact on resource allocation in relation to using terrestrial cellular networks, especially 4G systems in urban agglomerations. This paper presents the results of a quality evaluation of an outdoor environment, carried out between 2019 and 2021 on the campus of a technical university. Annual studies are conducted using our own custom-built mobile application, installed on 50 mobile devices (i.e., smartphones) running Android OS. This study aims to determine the impact of reduced user mobility on access parameters in mobile networks, that is, both download and upload throughput as well as delay (ping), with a particular focus on serving base transceiver stations (BTSs). This research scenario involves long-term evolution (LTE) compatible user equipment (UE) that operates under four Polish mobile network operators (MNO), which includes roaming connections and the newly launched 5G standard.
Codonopsis Radix (CR) is recorded as the roots of Codonopsis pilosula, C. pilosula var. modesta and Codonopsis tangshen. It is difficult to evaluate the quality of CR because of the existence of many original plants. In this paper, a strategy integrating chromatographic analysis and chemometrics for the quality control of CR is proposed. Systematic analysis of the chemical composition of CR was achieved through high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fingerprinting. Based on the HPLC fingerprinting data, chemometrics, including unsupervised principal component analysis (PCA) and supervised orthogonal partial least squares-discrimination analysis (OPLS-DA), were applied to classify all CR samples. Components with variable importance in projection values higher than 1 in the OPLS-DA model were selected as potential chemical markers for distinguishing the origins of CR. Finally, an HPLC method was validated for determining the five characteristic ingredients in the CR samples. HPLC characteristic fingerprints showed 17 common peaks for C. pilosula, 13 for C. pilosula var. modesta, and 9 for C. tangshen, and all of them showed good similarity (>0.9). Additionally, there were 9 common peaks for all CR samples with relatively poor similarity, ranging from 0.607 to 0.970. PCA could differentiate CR from the three origins, except for a partial overlap between C. pilosula and C. pilosula var. Modesta, and the OPLS-DA model achieved excellent classification results. Eight components (peaks 12, 8, lobetyolin, 10, codonopsin І, syringin, 3, and 11) were selected as potential chemical markers. There was a large discrepancy in the contents of the five characteristic ingredients in all samples, with the relative standard deviation ranging from 36.0% (lobetyolin) to 85.9% (atractylenolide Ⅲ). The average contents of the five characteristic ingredients were similar between C. pilosula and C. pilosula var. modesta samples and notably higher than those of C. tangshen samples. Consequently, a rapid, precise, and feasible strategy was established for the discrimination and quality control of CR with different origins.
Thanks to the availability of mobile devices and the spread of broadband access around the world, the number of network users continues to grow. This has raised user awareness when it comes to the quality of content they consume. Many service providers and operators focus on monitoring QoN (Quality of Network) and QoS (Quality of Service) parameters, particularly those influenced by bandwidth and latency. However, for most end-users, quality is understood as the subjective QoE (Quality of Experience), a mixture of several individual factors. This paper presents a QoN evaluation, carried out under real-time operating conditions at a university campus, considering the overall performance of the cellular network. The study involved 50 mobile devices, i.e., smartphones, used by students during their typical activity throughout a week. The results were gathered on the eve of 5G, using a custom-built Android application. This application enabled the acquisition of valuable data about the wireless link, including download and upload speed, latency (pink), the ID of the serving base station, and type of cellular connection. This approach can be used to detect the strengths and weaknesses of back-end networks.
Obecnie słuchacze mają dostęp do swoich ulubionych programów i audycji radiowych za pośrednictwem naziemnego standardu analogowego FM (Frequency Modulation) oraz cyfrowego DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus). Należy podkreślić, że ten sam materiał nadawany jest jednocześnie w kilku technikach (tzw. simulcast), a znaczna większość rozgłośni udostępnia swoje programy także online. Niniejsza praca przedstawia wyniki badań dotyczących jakości transmisji programów radiowych strumieniowanych w sieci. Kampanię pomiarową przeprowadzono metodą tzw. crowdsourcingu przy udziale 45 słuchaczy.
Currently, listeners have access to their favorite radio programs and broadcasts via terrestrial analog FM (Frequency Modulation) and digital DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus) radio. It should be emphasized that the same content is emitted simultaneously in various techniques (so-called simulcast), whereas most broadcasters offer their stations also in the web. This paper presents results of a quality evaluation of radio programs streamed online. The measurement campaign was carried out using crowdsourcing, and involved 45 listeners.
Pandemia COVID-19 znacząco ograniczyła mobilność użytkowników, a w szczególności studentów. Nauka zdalna miała szczególny wpływ na sposób przydziału zasobów w sieciach komórkowych. Niniejsza praca przedstawia wyniki badań dotyczących jakości transmisji w środowisku zewnątrzbudynkowym. Kampanię pomiarową w latach 2019-2021 przeprowadzono na terenie kampusu uczelni technicznej. Każdego roku badania wykonano przy użyciu własnej autorskiej aplikacji mobilnej, zainstalowanej na 50 smartfonach działających pod kontrolą systemu Android.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly limited user mobility, mainly students. Remote learning had a particular impact on resource allocation in case of cellular networks. This paper presents results of a quality evaluation in an outdoor environment. The measurement campaign between 2019-2021 was carried out at the campus of a technical university. Each year studies were performed using our own custom-build mobile application, installed on 50 smartphones running Android OS.
Wdrożenie niezawodnego systemu komunikacji audio-wideo przynosi wiele korzyści. Z uwagi na fakt, że ilość dostępnego pasma stale się kurczy, badacze koncentrują się na nowatorskich metodach transmisji. Obecnie technika OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) jest szeroko stosowana zarówno w mediach przewodowych, jak i bezprzewodowych. W pracy przedstawiono badania jakości QoS (Quality of Service) symulowanego łącza transmisji danych, przy zmiennych poziomach SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) oraz BER (Bit Error Rate).
Application of a reliable audio-video communication system brings many advantages. As the amount of available bandwidth continues to shrink, researchers focus on novel types of transmission. Nowadays, OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is widely utilized both in wired and wireless media. In this paper we investigate the QoS (Quality of Service) parameters of a simulated data transmission system, including SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) and BER (Bit Error Rate).
Bao-Yuan Decoction (BYD), a widely used traditional Chinese medicine formula, is worth developing into modern dosage forms. To assess the quality of traditional decoction, the commonly used ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array and evaporative light scattering detection (UPLC-DAD/ELSD) method was initially applied to develop the analytical methods for the qualitative fingerprints and simultaneous quantitation of multiple marker compounds in BYD. Based on 16 batches of BYD prepared from multiple batches of qualified crude herbs combined randomly, the characteristic fingerprints were generated, with 41 and 19 common peaks detected by DAD and ELSD, respectively. Furthermore, ginsenosides Re, Rg1 and Rb1, calycosin-7-glucoside, calycosin, liquiritin, isoliquiritin apioside, isoliquiritin, glycyrrhizic acid and cinnamic acid were qualified as marker compounds to represent the herbs composing the formula. The characteristic fingerprints and the content ranges of multiple batches of the decoction were obtained, thus providing guidance for the quality control of modern dosage forms. The combination of these qualitative and quantitative methods will be an effective operational measure by which to evaluate and control the quality of BYD from traditional decoction to modern dosage forms.
Standard DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus) jest wiodącym systemem naziemnej radiofonii cyfrowej. W porównaniu do analogowej radiofonii FM wszystkie usługi, obejmujące tradycyjne programy radiowe oraz usługi transmisji danych, grupowane są w zbiór (ensemble). Praca ta przedstawia proces rekonfiguracji polskiego multipleksu na przykładzie lokalnej radiofonii DAB+ w Gdańsku i Wrocławiu. Opisuje wyniki badań subiektywnych dotyczących jakości programów radiowych nadawanych jednocześnie w technice cyfrowej i analogowej.
The DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus) system is one of the leading standards of terrestrial digital broadcasting. Compared with analog FM radio, all services, including traditional audio programs as well as additional data services, are grouped in an ensemble. This paper describes the process of reconfiguring the Polish multiplex on the example of local DAB+ radio in Gdansk and Wroclaw. It presents results of a subjective quality study, concerning broadcasting in both digital and analog techniques.
Paper presents the results of quality assessment of speech and music signals transmitted via DAB+ system with the use of Single Frequency Network (SFN). The musical signals were evaluated in overall quality domain. The subjective research was provided with the use of Absolute Category Rating procedure according to the ITU recommendation and the results have been presented as the MOS values for various bit rates. The speech signals were additionally examined with PESQ method. The results have shown that the assumed quality of 4 MOS, for this kind of broadcasting could be achieved at 48 kb/s for speech and 64 kb/s for music. This fact was confirmed by both: subjective and objective research. The comparison between the results obtained for SFN broadcasting with three emitters with single-emitter broadcast was presented.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań subiektywnych ogólnej oceny jakości sygnałów mowy i muzyki emitowanych w systemie DAB+. Do badań wykorzystano fragmenty audycji emitowanych przez 7 rozgłośni na terenie Wrocławia w trzech punktach miasta. W wyniku przeprowadzonych testów okazało się, że wystarczającą jakość dźwięku muzyki zapewnia szybkość bitowa 64 kbit/s, natomiast mowy – 48 kb/s.
Paper presents the results of quality assessment of speech and musical signals transmitted via DAB+ system. As a sound material, the parts of various programs broadcasted by 7 radio stations in Wrocław have been used. The programs were recorded in three different places in order to check the differences in qualities in dependence of receiving point. It turned out that the acceptable quality can be achieved at the bitrate of 64 kbps, or higher.
Quality evaluation is very important for haptic rendering. In this paper, an objective evaluation method for a haptic rendering system based on haptic perception features is proposed. In the method, the haptic rendering process is compared to the real world perception process in a simple standardized procedure based on feature extraction and data analysis. A complete evaluation process for a simple haptic rendering task of pressing a virtual spring is presented as an example to explain the method in detail. Compared with the traditional objective method based on error statistics, the method is more concerned about the consistency of human subjective feelings rather than physical parameters, which makes the evaluation process more consistent with the haptic perception mechanism. The results of comparative analysis show that the method presented in this paper is simple, gives reliable results reflecting the consistency with subjective feeling and has a better discrimination ability for different kinds of devices and algorithms compared with the traditional evaluation methods.
Systemy monitoringu wideo od szeregu lat wykorzystywane są w celu zwiększenia poziomu bezpieczeństwa obywateli i ochranianych obiektów [1]. Bezzałogowe statki powietrzne (BSP) są obecnie coraz częściej elementami systemu monitoringu IP wykorzystywanymi w działaniach rozpoznawczych, prewencyjnych czy ratowniczych. Zapewnienie realizacji usługi monitoringu wideo z przewidywalnym poziomem jakości jest ważnym wyzwaniem warunkującym zastosowanie BSP w praktycznych implementacjach. W artykule przedstawiono problemy implementacji BSP w systemie monitoringu oraz ocenę jakości realizacji usługi monitoringu wideo w rzeczywistym środowisku eksploatacji. Zaproponowana implementacja BSP stanowi część systemu monitoringu i akwizycji danych zrealizowanego w projekcie INSIGMA*.
Process of ensuring the security of citizens requires access to the information from sensors located in different points of monitoring and data acquisition systems [1]. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly becoming an element of the IP surveillance system used in reconnaissance, preventive or rescue operations. Providing video surveillance services with a predictable level of quality is an important challenge for BSP implementation in practical operations. The article presents the problems of BSP implementation in the monitoring system and the evaluation of the quality of the video surveillance service in the real operating environment. The proposed BSP implementation is part of the monitoring and data acquisition system of the INSIGMA project*.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania mikroskopii akustycznej do oceny jakości złączy spajanych. Scharakteryzowano ideę działania mikroskopii akustycznej i wskazano jej zalety w porównaniu z innymi nieniszczącymi technikami badawczymi. Opisano funkcjonalność stosowanego do badań mikroskopu OKOS i przedstawiono możliwości badawcze w zakresie kontroli jakości połączeń spajanych. Z jego wykorzystaniem analizowano złącza klejowe, lutowane, zgrzewane rezystancyjnie punktowo, spawane metodą MAG, spawane wiązką lasera, złącza doczołowe rurowe zgrzewane łukiem wirującym oraz powłoki natryskiwane metodą Cold Spray. Przedstawiono wyniki badań ultradźwiękowych połączeń za pomocą różnych sposobów zobrazowania (B-skan, C-skan), szczególnie w aspekcie badań połączeń cienkościennych.
The article presents the possibilities of using scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) for quality evaluation of joints made by selected welding methods. The concept of acoustic microscopy has been characterized and its advantages compared to other non-destructive testing techniques have been described. The functionality of the OKOS microscope and its potential for quality evaluation of welded joints has been presented. Adhesive, soldered, spot welded, MAG welded, laser welded joints, pipe butt MIAB welded and Cold Sprayed layers have been tested and analyzed by SAM. The results of ultrasonic examination of the selected joints have been presented in different ways of ultrasonic visualization (B-scan, C-scan), especially in the aspect of thin-wall tests.
Content available remote Quality evaluation of take home vanilla ice cream
Ice cream is a very popular dessert and is consumed usually during summer. Popularity of eating this cold, frozen sweet is slightly rising in Poland. Although impulse ice creams are consumed mostly in summer, family (take home) ice creams are popular and consumed during other seasons as well. One of the most popular tastes of this kind of ice cream is vanilla. Vanilla is a natural and expensive aroma and is often replaced by artificial vanillin. Therefore it causes different price of products including this flavouring, ice cream as well. What is important, the price of ice cream should stand for high quality of any product. That is why the aim of this study was to investigate this dependency and quality evaluation of selected vanilla ice cream. The study showed, that there was not ice cream which could fulfil the highest requirements and that high price does not always stand for high quality.
Content available remote Koncepcja procesu oceny jakości danych lotniczych
Artykuł stanowi kontynuację prac autorów nad zagadnieniem zapewnienia jakości danych i informacji lotniczych. W jego treści zawarto krótki przegląd specyfikacji, rozporządzeń i norm z przedmiotowej dziedziny, zwracając uwagę na brak opisanych metod zapewnienia jakości, a następnie skoncentrowano się na zagadnieniu ocenyjakości danych i informacji lotniczych. Bazując na normie ISO19157, Informacja Geograficzna - Jakość danych, omówiono klasyfikację metod ewaluacji oraz schematycznie przedstawiono proces oceny jakości. W celu jednoznacznego stwierdzenia czy badane dane należy odrzucić czy uznać za spełniające wymagania jakościowe, zaproponowano rozszerzenie procesu oceny jakości, przedstawionego w normie. Ponadto poddano analizie zagadnienie zapewnienia jakości danych lotniczych, w aspekcie pewnych komponentów systemu zarządzania, adekwatnie do (zmieniających się) wymagań normy ISO 9001.
The article is a continuation of the authors’ study on the ways to ensure the quality and safety of aeronautical data and information. Its contents includes a brief overview of the specifications, regulations and standards concerning examined issue and paying attention to the absence of described quality assurance methods, afterwards focusing on aeronautical data and information quality evaluation problem. Based on ISO19157 standard, Geographic Information - Data Quality, classification of data quality evaluation methods was presented and then quality evaluation process in a sequence of steps was shown. In order to clearly determine whether the audited data should be rejected or considered as meeting the quality requirements an extension to the quality evaluation process, featured in the standard, was presented. In addition, issues of aeronautical data quality assurance, in terms of certain management system’s components, adequately to the (changing) requirements of ISO 9001 standard, were analysed.
Zaproponowano zastosować temperaturę, mierzoną metodą termowizyjną, do indywidualnej oceny jakości warystorów. Badania przeprowadzono dla 20 warystorów niskonapięciowych. Wykonano pomiary parametrów elektrycznych i temperatury warystorów przed testami narażeniowymi i po 2 kolejnych cyklach narażeń. Testy narażeniowe zastosowano w celu pogorszenia jakości warystorów. Zaproponowano zasady klasyfikacji badanych warystorów do grup o wysokiej i niskiej jakości na podstawie pomiarów parametrów elektrycznych przed testami. Na podstawie porównania wyników pomiarów parametrów elektrycznych i temperatury wykonanych, przed i po testach narażeniowych, wytypowano temperaturę T warystora, mierzoną po 5 minutach samo-podgrzania, jako wartość umożliwiającą klasyfikację badanego warystora do grup jakościowych. Wartość temperatury T większa niż 40 0C wskazuje, że badany warystor jest niskiej jakości.
The use of thermography displacement (NDT - non-destructive tests) is proposed to assess the quality of individual varistor. Twenty low-voltage varistors were studied where electrical and thermal performance measurements were taken before the stress-tests (part I) and after two subsequent cycles of two-tier stress tests (part III and V, respectively). Stress-tests were used to obtain degradation of the tested varistors (part II and IV, respectively). The following electrical parameters were measured: electric resistance Rp , quality Q, dissipation factor D and leakage current Iupł. The scope of the thermographic study included measurements of the varistors’ temperature within 5 minutes after turning on the power (self-heating) and 5 minutes after turning off the power (cooling). A comparison study was conducted of the classification rules, where varistors were assigned to groups depending on their quality based on either the electrical parameters measured before the stress tests, or their temperature measurements. Varistor’s temperature T, measured after self-heating it up for 5 minutes, was selected as the borderline value on basis of which the selection to the different quality groups was conducted. The temperature T higher than 40 0C indicates that the test specimen is of average or poor quality and should not be used.
Content available remote Ocena porównawcza jakości pieczywa chrupkiego wybranych producentów
Celem przeprowadzonych badań była ocena porównawcza jakości pieczywa chrupkiego wybranych producentów dostępnych w sprzedaży detalicznej. Materiał do badań stanowiły dwa rodzaje pieczywa chrupkiego: żytnie i graham dwóch czołowych producentów oraz jedna marka własna. Zakres badań obejmował ocenę organoleptyczną pieczywa chrupkiego przez wybrany zespół oceniających, a także przeprowadzenie wybranych analiz fizykochemicznych: oznaczenia zawartości wody, włókna surowego oraz soli. Ocena organoleptyczna została wyrażona w formie opisowej zgodnie z polską normą. Przeprowadzone badania organoleptyczne wykazały, że niezależnie od producenta w każdym pieczywie chrupkim występowała cecha, której były przyporządkowywane przez oceniających niższe noty punktowe. Stwierdzono, że wyższą jakością charakteryzowało się pieczywo chrupkie marki własnej C niż pieczywa znanych marek A i B.
The objective of the research was the comparative quality assessment of crispbread of selected producers available in retail sale. The research material consisted of two types of crispbread: rye and Graham bread of two leading producers and one private label. The scope of the research included the organoleptic assessment of crispbread by the selected assessment team and carrying out some physiochemical analyses: determination of water, crude fibre and salt content. The organoleptic assessment was presented in a descriptive form in accordance with the Polish standard. The conducted organoleptic research showed that each type of crispbread, irrespective of the producer, had a feature to which lower points were assigned by the evaluators. It was concluded that the crispbread of private label C was higher quality than bread of known brands A i B.
Content available remote Ocena jakości i odporności erozyjnej powłok natryskiwanych łukowo
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań odporności erozyjnej powłok natryskiwanych łukowo wybranymi stopami typu Fe-Cr-Ti-Si-Mn, Fe-Cr-B-Si-Mn, Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe-Nb, Ni-WC-Cr-B-C oraz nano stopem na osnowie żelaza wzmacnianym wydzieleniowo węglikiem boru Fe-Si-Mn-Cr-Mo-Nb-W-B, na płyty ze stali niestopowej ASTM A516, Grade 55 przeznaczonej do pracy w podwyższonej temperaturze. Do natryskiwania łukowego zastosowano najnowszej generacji urządzenie spawalnicze Eutronic Arc Spray 4 zapewniające wysoką stabilność przebiegu procesu oraz użyto druty proszkowe metaliczne EuTronic Arc 502, EuTronic Arc 547, EuTronic Arc 595, EuTronic Arc 599 i EnDOtec DO*390N o średnicy 1,6 mm. Natryskiwano łukowo powłoki o grubości około 0,8 mm, odznaczające się zróżnicowaną twardością oraz odpornością na zużycie erozyjne.
The article presents the results of the study on erosion resistance of arc sprayed coatings made of selected alloys such as Fe-Cr-Ti-Si-Mn, Fe-Cr-B-Si-Mn, Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe-Nb, Ni-WC-Cr-B-C, and also nano alloy based on the iron matrix, strengthened by precipitations of boron carbide Fe-Si-Mn-Cr-Mo-Nb-W-B, on plates made of unalloyed steel ASTM A516, Grade 55 designed for for operation at elevated temperature. The latest generation of welding device Eutronic Arc Spray 4 for arc spraying was applied in the investigations, which ensure high stability of the process. Cored metallic wires such as EuTronic Arc 502, EuTronic Arc 547, EuTronic Arc 595, EuTronic Arc 599 i EnDOtec DO*390N with the diameter of 1,6 mm were used as the additional material. The coating produced by arc spraying were approx. 0,8 mm thick and had different hardness as well as different erosion wear resistance.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących oceny jakości kruszywa łamanego produkowanego przez kopalnię odkrywkową wapienia z wykorzystaniem wskaźników płaskości i kształtu. Badanie wykonano na próbce o frakcji 8/12. Badanie dotyczące oznaczenia wskaźnika płaskości zostało przeprowadzone w oparciu o normę PN-EN 933-3:1999: „Badania geometrycznych właściwości kruszyw. Oznaczenie kształtu ziarn za pomocą wskaźnika płaskości”. Badanie, którego celem było oznaczenie wskaźnika kształtu przeprowadzono na podstawie normy PN-EN 933-4:1999 „Badania geometrycznych właściwości kruszyw. Oznaczenie kształtu ziarn – Wskaźnik kształtu”.
This paper presents the results of research concerning the evaluation of the quality of the aggregate surface produced by opencast mine of rock materials by the use of shape index and the test of percentage of non-cubical particles in each size fraction. The research was done on a sample of 8/12 fraction. The research, concerning the determination of percentage of non-cubical particles in each size fraction, was based on the PN-EN 933-3:1999: “Test for geometrical properties of aggregates. Determination of particle shape – Flakiness index”. The research concerning the determination of shape index was based on Test number PN-EN 933-4:1999 “Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates. Determination of particle shape – Shape index”.
Content available Evaluation of paving stone production quality
The results of tests carried out for the company involved in the production of paving stones. The study used the Pareto-Lorenz diagram. After analyzing the production process 10 discrepancies were identified. The Pareto-Lorenz diagram shows that the highest value is cumulative deficiency "uneven concrete mix to fill the form on the structural layer and a top." The results indicate that another cause of incompatibilities in terms of the cumulative value is the "poorly chosen concrete mix".
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