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w słowach kluczowych:  pandemic COVID-19
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Purpose: Leadership talent management (LTM) is one of the crucial aspects of HRM nowadays, which can decide of an organization success. This effect is considered in four types of contexts, i.e. in the headquarters (HQs) of multinational companies (MNCs) in the pre-pandemic and pandemic period of COVID-19, and in the foreign subsidiaries of these MNCs also in the pre-pandemic and pandemic period of COVID-19. The main goal of the article, identified with the main research problem, is to determine the mediating role of HRM outcomes in the relationships between LTM and company performance results and to establish whether there are any identifiable regularities in this scope in the pre-pandemic and pandemic period of COVID-19 in the HQs and foreign subsidiaries of MNCs. Design/methodology/approach: The research sample covered 200 nonfinancial business entities headquartered in a Central European country with their subsidiaries located around the World. The research was conducted using Computer Aided Telephone Interview method. The Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to verify the research hypotheses and assess the mediating effects. Findings: What was found in the course of the work? This will refer to analysis, discussion, or results. The mediating role of HRM outcomes in the relationships between LTM and the company performance results has been determined and some regularities in this scope in the pre-pandemic and pandemic period of COVID-19 in the HQs and foreign subsidiaries of MNCs have been identified. The mediating role of HRM outcomes is important in each of analyzed contexts, but during a pandemic, the company's performance results in HRM mediate the relationships between LTM and the company's performance results stronger than in the pre-pandemic time. Practical implications: The research outcomes lead to the conclusion that in difficult conditions the specific focus on HRM can be an important factor improving the company’s performance results. Originality/value: What is new in the paper? State the value of the paper and to whom it is addressed. The research is of an innovative character, identifies some general scientific laws and describes the aspects that haven’t been studied yet. The originality of own research focused on LTM, mediating role of HRM outcomes in HQs and foreign entities of MNCs are difficult to compare with similar studies. In addition, the article presents an innovative approach to taking into account employee KPIs as an indicator of performance.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to analyze and evaluate public transportation before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: The research problem is to what extent the operations of a public transportation company changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Main hypothesis: actions taken by the urban transportation company caused positive changes in transportation operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used in the article is a case study, analysis of internal company data and method of a document examination. Findings: At Miejski Zaklad Transportu Sp. z o.o. (MZK) Koszalin (MTC) during the COVID-19 pandemic, current liabilities increased to 9,392.51 thousand PLN in 2019 and decreased by 26.49 percent in 2020 during the pandemic, and operating expenses decreased by 4.91 percent, including material and energy consumption by 18.49 percent. The level of inventories remained constant. Due to increased losses of 67.97 percent Research limitations/implications: Difficult access to data/extension of the research period. Practical implications: The company took measures for passenger’s safety like purchasing ticket machines. It is necessary to continuously modify existing lines and launch four new lines to three neighboring municipalities. Social implications: Increasing safety and accessibility for passengers, improving the quality of life of residents. Originality/value: The article shows the phenomenon and scale of public transport in the era of a pandemic. Similar situations may occur with other social, economic or geopolitical threats (crises).
W artykule podjęto próbę oceny krajowego sektora mięsa czerwonego i drobiowego w latach 2019-2022. W.tym okresie miały miejsce dwa niezależne od siebie wydarzenia, które odcisnęły swoje piętno na funkcjonowaniu gospodarki światowej. Rok 2020, a częściowo także 2021, upłynęły pod znakiem pandemii COVID-19, a rok 2022 zdeterminowany był inwazją Rosji na Ukrainę. Producenci oraz przetwórcy mięsa w okresie pandemii musieli sprostać wielu utrudnieniom, takim jak: lockdown, zerwane łańcuchy dostaw, zamknięcie sektora HoReCa. Konsekwencją tych zdarzeń był też szybki wzrost inflacji. Wybuch wojny w Ukrainie przyniosł gwałtowny wzrost kosztów produkcji zarówno w sektorze produkcji żywca rzeźnego, jak i przetwórstwa mięsa. Ponadto rynek mięsa drobiowego zmagał się z grypą ptaków (HPAI ), a rynek mięsa wieprzowego z afrykańskim pomorem świń (ASF). Mimo niekorzystnych uwarunkowań zewnętrznych nie nastąpiło załamanie rynku mięsnego w Polsce.
The article attempts to assess the domestic red meat and poultry sector in 2019-2022. During this period, two independent events took place that left their mark on the functioning of the global economy. The year 2020 and also partly 2021 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, and 2022 was determined by Russians invasion of Ukraine. During the pandemic, meat producers and processors had to face many difficulties, such as: lockdown, broken supply chains, closure of the HoReCa sector. The consequence of these events was also a rapid increase in inflation. The outbreak of war in Ukraine brought a sharp increase in production costs both in the slaughter livestock production and meat processing sectors. In addition, the poultry meat market was struggling with avian influenza (HPAI ) and the pig meat market with African swine fever (ASF). Despite unfavorable external conditions, there was no collapse of the meat market in Poland.
The popularity of online marketing has increased mainly due to several restrictions that affected businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The increase in popularity is also associated with the possibility of addressing multiple target groups of consumers, a key source of income for businesses during the pandemic, thanks to which they survived. Despite the increased popularity and use of online marketing, it can still offer new and innovative solutions, so its potential is far from exhausted. The main aim of the paper is to determine the perception of online marketing in restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic by Slovak consumers. The secondary data sources were scientific research, annual reports of companies, statistical databases and professional publications. A questionnaire survey was conducted to find out the perception of online marketing during the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of Slovak consumers. General scientific methods were used for data processing, and mathematical and statistical methods in evaluating data from the survey. To achieve the paper's main goal, research hypotheses were formulated and subsequently verified based on the theoretical background and survey results. Based on the findings of the research, it is obvious that most Slovak consumers perceived the increased use of online marketing communication in restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic positively, and they increased the intensity of online shopping in restaurants. Finally, managerial implications of online marketing are indicated based on the analysis and questionnaire survey results.
Popularność marketingu internetowego wzrosła głównie z powodu kilku ograniczeń, które dotknęły przedsiębiorstwa podczas pandemii COVID-19. Wzrost popularności wiąże się również z możliwością dotarcia do wielu grup docelowych konsumentów, co było kluczowym źródłem dochodu dla firm podczas pandemii, dzięki czemu przetrwały. Pomimo wzrostu popularności i wykorzystania marketingu internetowego, wciąż może on oferować nowe i innowacyjne rozwiązania, więc jego potencjał jest daleki od wyczerpania. Głównym celem artykułu jest określenie postrzegania marketingu internetowego w restauracjach podczas pandemii COVID-19 przez słowackich konsumentów. Źródłami danych wtórnych były badania naukowe, raporty roczne firm, bazy danych statystycznych i publikacje branżowe. Przeprowadzono badanie ankietowe w celu poznania postrzegania marketingu internetowego podczas pandemii COVID-19 z perspektywy słowackich konsumentów. Do przetwarzania danych wykorzystano ogólne metody naukowe, a do oceny danych z badania - metody matematyczne i statystyczne. Aby osiągnąć główny cel artykułu, sformułowano hipotezy badawcze, a następnie zweryfikowano je w oparciu o podstawy teoretyczne i wyniki ankiety. Na podstawie wyników badań można stwierdzić, że większość słowackich konsumentów pozytywnie postrzega zwiększone wykorzystanie komunikacji marketingowej online w restauracjach podczas pandemii COVID-19 i zwiększyła intensywność zakupów online w restauracjach. Wreszcie, na podstawie analizy i wyników ankiety określono implikacje menedżerskie marketingu online.
Purpose: The aim of the article is a comparative analysis of selected cryptocurrencies and gold in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: The study covered the stock exchange of Gold and the four largest cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, and Cardano. The data for the analysis for the period 2020-2021 was taken from the internet platform, where all cryptocurrencies are published in daily intervals, and from the Investing website for Gold. The analysis of data in the form of time series was carried out, based on the assumption that successive values in the data set represent successive measurements made at equal time intervals. Findings: Our findings prove that the studied cryptocurrencies proved to be resistant to economic fluctuations related to the pandemic crisis. Originality/value: We present original scientific research that provides useful information in a practical dimension for investors interested in the cryptocurrency market and safe assets, and anyone interested in the specificity of the problem at hand.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of human life. Its negative effects have also hit the transport industry, largely as a result of staff contracting the virus and the restrictions imposed on human mobility. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to establish how the situation of rail freight transport in select EU countries has evolved in the post-pandemic era. The trend of rail freight transport is presented for the years 2015–2021, and forecasts are made for the years 2020–2021 using the method of seasonality indices. The study results show that most of the investigated countries show adverse differences in the actual and forecast quantity of freight handled, an effect clearly attributable to the pandemic.
Content available Innowacje społeczne - przykład praktyczny
Celem pracy jest przedstawienie przykładu praktycznego z zakresu innowacji społecznej. Innowacja społeczna może przybrać formę wdrożenia znanego już rozwiązania na rynku, ale w nowym kontekście społecznym, jako bardziej skuteczna metoda i narzędzie rozwiązywania problemów dla konkretnej grupy społecznej np. na rzecz osób starszych. Badaniem objęto stowarzyszenie. Organizacja przyjmuje cele o charakterze społecznym a jednocześnie funkcjonuje zgodnie z regułami typowymi dla przedsiębiorstw. Korzysta z wielu źródeł przychodu. Prowadzi nieodpłatną i odpłatną działalność pożytku publicznego oraz działalność gospodarczą Prezentowany przykład praktyczny z zakresu innowacji społecznych obrazuje przykład szybkiego dostosowania się organizacji do nowej sytuacji społeczno- gospodarczej oraz przede wszystkim do gwałtownej zmiany potrzeb odbiorców. Badania przeprowadzono metodą desk research oraz telefonicznych wywiadów nieustrukturalizowanych.
The aim of the study is to present a practical example in the field of social innovation. Social innovation can take the form of the implementation of an already known solution on the market, but in a new social context, as a more effective method and tool for solving problems for a specific social group, e.g. for the elderly. The study covered the association. The organization adopts social goals and at the same time operates in accordance with the rules typical of enterprises. It uses many sources of income. It conducts unpaid and paid public benefit activities and business activity. The presented practical example in the field of social innovation illustrates the example of rapid adaptation of the organization to the new socio-economic situation and, above all, to the rapid change in the needs. The research was carried out using the desk research method and telephone interviews.
The article is devoted to the substantiation of theoretical and methodological approaches to the evolution of the concept of marketing from the beginning to the emergence of the concept of relationship marketing. A scientific analysis of approaches to the interpretation of relationship marketing in the context of the modern paradigm of marketing theory. The author’s interpretation of the concept of relationship marketing is proposed and the determinants of its implementation in the activities of enterprises are determined. The principles of using the concept of relationship marketing in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are substantiated. In order to assess the implementation of the concept of marketing relations to industrial enterprises and determine the level of satisfaction and customer loyalty in the B2B market, a study was conducted on the example of the metallurgical industry PJSC “Metinvest Holding”. The study was allowed to determine the relationship between customer satisfaction and consumer loyalty to sheet metal, which is produced by PJSC “Metinvest Holding”. According to the results of the study, the Consumer Satisfaction Index with the products of PJSC “Metinvest Holding” was calculated, which demonstrates the relationship between consumer satisfaction and their loyalty to the company. A loyalty matrix has been developed, which includes four main categories of consumer requirements: basic needs, satisfaction engines, insignificant, hidden opportunities. It was proposed to use the research methodology Customer Satisfaction Measuremen, which is one of the key elements in assessing consumer loyalty in the cycle “measurement - feedback - transformation”.
Artykuł poświęcony jest uzasadnieniu teoretycznych i metodologicznych podejść do ewolucji pojęcia marketingu, od początku do powstania pojęcia marketingu relacji. Naukowa analiza podejść do interpretacji marketingu relacji, w kontekście współczesnego paradygmatu teorii marketingu. Zaproponowano autorską interpretację pojęcia „marketingu relacji” oraz określono uwarunkowania jego realizacji w działalności przedsiębiorstw. Uzasadnione są zasady stosowania koncepcji marketingu relacji, w kontekście pandemii COVID-19. W celu oceny realizacji koncepcji relacji marketingowych do przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych oraz określenia poziomu satysfakcji i lojalności klientów, na rynku B2B przeprowadzono badanie, na przykładzie branży metalurgicznej PSA „Metinvest Holding”. Badanie pozwoliło na określenie relacji pomiędzy zadowoleniem klientów, a lojalnością konsumentów do producenta PJSC „Metinvest Holding” blachy. Zgodnie z wynikami badania obliczono Wskaźnik Satysfakcji Konsumentów z produktów PJSC „Metinvest Holding”, który pokazuje związek między satysfakcją konsumentów, a ich lojalnością wobec firmy. Opracowano macierz lojalności, która obejmuje cztery główne kategorie wymagań konsumentów: podstawowe potrzeby, silniki satysfakcji, nieistotne, ukryte możliwości. Zaproponowano zastosowanie metodologii badawczej Customer Satisfaction Measuremen, która jest jednym z kluczowych elementów w ocenie lojalności konsumentów, w cyklu „pomiar – informacja zwrotna – transformacja”.
The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has resulted in significant changes in employers' attitudes to employee health safety, as a new rapidly spreading threat has emerged. A characteristic feature of this threat is very little knowledge about it and the lack of effective treatments and prevention procedures. The short time since the outbreak of the pandemic also means that there is very little knowledge about how employers try to protect employees from infection with this virus, as well as how effective these actions are and how employees evaluate them. Therefore, among couriers of UPS companies in Poland and Germany a survey of the satisfaction was undertaken regarding the solutions adopted and implemented by managers in the field of shaping the health safety of employees. The survey uses the modified Customer Satisfaction Index - CSI method, for which employees were treated as internal customers. As a result of the research, it was possible to compare employee satisfaction with the solutions used by managers to protect their health in Poland and Germany, and shape conclusions resulting from this study.
Rok 2020 został globalnie zdominowany przez pandemię zakaźnej choroby COVID-19, wywołanej przez koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2. Świat w okresie powojennym przeżył swój największy kryzys, który jeszcze nie został przezwyciężony w roku 2021. Pandemia opóźniła także zmiany strukturalne, istotne dla przyszłościowych wyzwań dla przemysłu odlewniczego. W artykule przedstawiono zmiany i tendencje w globalnej produkcji odlewów (zwłaszcza z metali nieżelaznych), w zestawieniu z danymi statystycznymi zmian istotnych wskaźników gospodarczych, takich jak PKB, PIM, poziom inflacji, a także sytuację na rynku pracy zarówno w Europie, jak i w USA.
2020 has been dominated globally by the COVID-19 infectious disease pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The post-war world experienced its greatest crisis, which has yet to be overcome in 2021. The pandemic also delayed structural changes, essential for the future challenges for the foundry industry. The article presents changes and trends in the global production of castings (especially from non-ferrous metals) in combination with statistical data on changes in important economic indicators such as GDP, PIM, inflation level and the situation on the labor market, both in Europe and in the USA.
W czasie pandemii COVID-19 większość obiektów użyteczności publicznej została zamknięta. Sieć wodociągowa tych budynków nagle przestała być regularnie użytkowana. Sytuacja zrozumiała ze względów epidemiologicznych, stała się groźna ze względu na wzrost ryzyka bakteriologicznego podczas wychodzenia z fazy „lock down” do normalnego funkcjonowania i użytkowania. Artykuł stanowi przegląd wiedzy dotyczącej występowania pałeczek z rodzaju Legionella w systemach wody ciepłej oraz wskazuje na istotne problemy wzrostu niebezpieczeństwa spowodowanego rozwojem tych chorobotwórczych bakterii w przypadku zastoin w sieci wodociągowej.
Most public utilities were closed during the pandemic COVID-19. The water supply network of these buildings, used regularly, suddenly stopped functioning. This situation, understandable for epidemiological reasons, became dangerous due to the increased bacteriological risk during opening from the „lock down” phase to normal functioning. The article is a review of the knowledge on the occurrence of Legionella rods in hot water systems and indicates the significant problems of increasing the risk caused by the multiplication of these pathogenic bacteria during water stagnation in supply networks.
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